View Full Version : ~The Isle of Neverfound~ (Closed)

08-16-10, 02:12 AM
(I am using my level 10 profile for this thread unless otherwise specified)

Walking about in the daytime was a major sacrifice. Firstly, his power was cut down significantly by about fifty percent. Secondly, Lorenor was allergic to the ultra-violet light present within solar energy. Thirdly, if not for the special uniform that Lorenor wore beneath his normal outfit, the large disc in the sky would cause the mutant to flare up into dust. Nothing more than a memory of what he once was. However, he did wear the uniform underneath his clothing so he was capable of walking out in the daylight hour so long as the special uniform was not ripped in anyway. The daywalker felt tremendous pain in his body and an extreme case of fatigue. Concentration was exceedingly difficult. Lorenor walked through the streets of Gisela, Corone, with his hood up. It covered his face completely by casting a welcome shadow upon his head.

Lorenor wore the traditional robes of a Spider Magi, which drew many unwelcome stares from the guards and general populace. However, Lorenor's general activity was largely ignored as there was a larger criminal element active within Gisela. Namely, Gisela was Syndicate territory. Thus, Lorenor was allowed to operate almost unhindered by the guards. When the mutant did surface, he could kill with the kindness of manipulation. Using his Unholy Command, the word of N'Jal flowed from his lips to the ears of willing servants. Gender did not disturb the mutant. A rampant pan-sexual, the mutant worked to convert men and women of all the sentient races of Althanas into his fold. As a High Priest of N'Jal, Lorenor wielded considerable influence and power within her fold. Many viewed the mutant as a King, or even an Emperor! For Lorenor's word was N'Jal's word. And within certain circles, N'Jal's word was law.

The streets of Gisela were made of stone blocks that were carefully laid into the ground. Currently, the mutant traveled across a busy bridge that connected one portion of Gisela to the harbor district. The ocean always fascinated the mutant as well as terrified him. Lorenor did not like the prospects of drowning out at sea, falling to the depths of the ocean. The mutant headed to the harbor district of Gisela on a whim. An impulse, a pull, the guiding word of N'Jal. Today, N'Jal commanded that the mutant make his way to another land, the land of Kebiras. He'd been there briefly once before during The Tournament of Champions. All though events unforseen by the mutant had prevented him from grasping the glory he was due at the special event. Lorenor thought briefly to the events of the tournament and how he had received word that his partner, MetalDrago Scorpio, had represented N'Jal well...

A smile tugged at the mutant's face. Corone was a land of many races working together. He even saw a few odd mutant-kind passing opening through the streets of Gisela to give the mutant a quick wink of recognition for his servitude to N'Jal. Never questioning, always loyal, the fanatic had become a High Priest in Forsaken society. Lorenor's robes rippled around his body as he continued to walk towards the harbor district. He needed a ship, a vessel, a trip to the land of Kebiras. Feeling a weight on his shoulders as he walked, the mutant made his way to one of the many docked cruise ships that were getting ready to head to various areas of Althanas. Sea-faring vessels was the way to travel as Airships were still a relatively new invention out of Alerar. Lorenor knew this because N'Jal knew this. As he walked, his eyes remained narrowed for he was attempting to ward off the terrible rays of the sun by placing the large hood completely around his head. Not a single ray of light could pierce that intense dark that covered his face.

Lorenor wrapped his thick Salvarn cloak tighter around his person. The ocean breeze carried the scent of salt and seafood across his sensory grid. Gisela was filled with noise at this time of day. It was roughly the sixth hour of the day, with thirty minutes to spare. The day of the week was Thursday, and the month was April. The year was no longer relevant to the immortal. He clenched his fists in his gloves as he made his way to the vessel in question. Called The Long Horn, the vessel made constant trips to and from Gisela. There were several such ships in the shipyards, but The Long Horn had the greatest reputation. Lorenor looked up at the large vessel and felt dwarfed by the size and magnitude of the cruise ship. The front of the ship had a spear-like object that pointed forward from the bow of the ship. The mutant studied the white-painted vessel for a moment and quickly noticed that it had many decks or floors. It was a huge ship.

Feeling the weight of the ship, the mutant walked towards a crowd of people that had gathered in front of the ship. Tourists, sea-goers, thrill-seekers. There was all manner of individuals in the crowd. Lorenor spotted one of the crewmen and walked over to the fellow. The man was a salty lad with a square jaw and boxy build. Lorenor studied the man carefully as he turned his attention to the mutant. Digging in his pockets, Lorenor removed the single ticket that he had purchased for the voyage ahead. The crewman nodded and pointed towards the crowd.

"Line." The fellow said carefully. "You have to wait like everybody else to get aboard. There's plenty of room. I even noticed you purchased a First-Class ticket. You must have some kind of Gold Piece to travel to Kebiras like that." The man grinned. "Welcome to The Long Horn."


Aboard the vessel now, there was a quick ceremony for luck that signaled it was time for the ship to depart. With the anchors pulled up from beneath the waves, the ship had set sail from the port of Gisela. Lorenor was glad to leave the busy city behind. Standing by the rail of the ship, Loernor noticed what type of clients were on the ship. It was a posh vessel after all, with an upper-class clientele. Lorenor looked at the waters as the ship moved at a steady knots-per-hour. The vessel was powered by something called steam technology. With his arms on the rail, Lorenor held a drink in his hand that was some sort of vintage Dwarven beer. The stock of the vessel was well maintained. Lorenor immediately admired the service of the vessel and decided that keeping a low profile was best. He'd gathered up all his equipment with himself. As he stood there and drank from the goblet, someone walked up to the mutant. One of the guests of the vessel. Judging by the scent in between the legs of the stranger, the mutant knew that the passenger was a woman. This made the mutant grin.

Smelling perfume as the woman came closer, the mutant shifted his body weight to give her room to stand next to him.

"Pleasant trip so far isn't it?"

Lorenor immediately noticed a thick Jadet accent. She was a long way from home. The mutant took a sip from his drink and turned his attention to the woman. She was a brunette, with blue eyes and a fair build. Very curvaceous and wearing a provocative, inviting outfit. Lorenor removed the hood from his head, she paused for a moment. The mutant grinned at that reaction, but despite that, she held her place firm. Lorenor placed a hand upon her shoulder. She shivered, Lorenor could feel the electricity radiating from her skin.

"It is so far. I expect we should arrive in a few weeks or so." Lorenor said. "Have you ever been to Kebiras?"

"Never." Lorenor heard her say and nodding in the negative. "This is my first time outside of Corone."

"It's different there. Lot's to see and do." Lorenor said. "I was in a tournament not too long ago."

"The Tournament of Champions?" She asked, curious.

"Yes. I was in a team known as The Paladins of N'Jal." Lorenor grinned widely.

"You were MetalDrago Scorpio's partner weren't you?" She asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately, I was unable to assist my partner due to events outside of my control." Lorenor took another sip of his drink, it was very good and warm. Intoxicating. How about I take you back to my room so we can have some fun... Lorenor thought to himself slyly. He could see the eagerness and desire in her eyes. "So what brings you to Kebiras? Perhaps The Garden of Secrets?" Lorenor asked.

"No. I'm trying to find something out there. Perhaps I have found it already, which might have saved me a trip out there." She smiled. Lorenor nodded in understanding. "Perhaps you would like to come back to my room so we can talk there?"

"Are you alone?" Lorenor suddenly asked.

"No I am not. I am here with a friend, she is my partner. But we have the same tastes in men. We both crave power." She said with a sudden lick of her lips. She walked close to the mutant, unafraid. "So what do you say we get to know each other a little better?" The girl asked.

Lorenor shrugged and downed his drink.

"After you mi'lady."

And she guided him back to her room with a switch in her hips swaying seductively with the promises of heat in the night.