View Full Version : The gruesome twosome

The Thirtenth Sons.
08-18-10, 08:50 PM
(note that both are pc's and will level at the same time, but will not be able to fight alongside each other in battles of any sort unless they are quest related I.E fighting for the Ixian knights should they choose to. Or if the other person had given permission.)
Name: Vladamir Ghast / Stefan Grimm. (Both going by their fathers last name)
Age: 18 (for both)
Race: Half Human Half Vampire/ Half Giant Half Human
Hair Color: Silver / Brown
Eye Color: Crimson / Sapphire
Height: 6 Foot / 8 foot 10
Weight: 100 pounds / 250 pounds
Occupation: Aristocrat / bodyguard

Personality: Vladimir is a strong minded young man who enjoys the finer things in life. Stefan is a headstrong fighter. Together the two make quite the team. Vladimir focuses on manipulating the minds of others, Stefan manipulates the body. Vladimir hates the wilderness, Stefan hates civilization. Both have a strong sense of duty to those they call "friends" and will fight for them if wronged. Vladimir is rather sophisticated and behaves in odd patterns. Stefan is predictable. He will always eat first, the ask questions. He loves to have fun and have adventures. these adventures give Vladimir a headache.

Appearance: If one were to look upon this duo they would not recognize them as brothers. Far from it. Vladimir is deathly pale, with light red lips. His eyes are a fiery crimson, and his hair a silky silver that hangs at eye level, parted out of his face. His face is smooth of any blemishes or facial hairs. He lacks both muscle and truly noticeable facial feature, besides his eyes. The one thing that stands out beyond anything else is his wrists. Melted onto his skin are to silver bands with slight nobs on them. If twisted to the left they will let blood seep out of his veins. If twisted to the right they will gather blood from the surrounding area to replenish his own. He wears tight black pants and a sleeveless leather top.

Stefan is the polar opposite. Standing close to nine feet tall he will dwarf most people or creatures. His face is sharp and well sculpted. His sapphire eyes hide behind a mane of shaggy brown hair that hangs to his shoulders.. His skin is tan, and stretched over his bulging muscles. He wears no shirt, instead choosing to show off his bulk (and no matter where they go nothing seems to fit him. Odd) and tattered shorts. Standing next to his half brother Vlad he seems like a monster. Of course, he is.

History: Their story starts about 50 years ago. During this time Gortag the conquer ruled the wilderness outside most of civilization with an iron fist. Advising him was a master blood magician and Vampire named Nocturnus. Both men were great friends and ruled for a long time. Then one day they both fell in love with a human woman who had been exiled for witchcraft. They both knowingly courted her. Like they had all of the women they had both fallen in love with. She bore them each a child and left. But with them she left a prophecy. Each had just received their thirteenth child, and they would one day defeat their fathers. Gortag was enraged and wanted to kill the babies. But Nocturnus had a plan. He had a servant drop them off in the middle of what they thought was nowhere. Instead the two young boys found themselves on the outskirts of a town, where a young noble woman took them in. Time flew by and both grew up. Then one day their "mother" told them the truth about where she found them. Both decided that they would travel the world and search for answers.

Vladimir: Stefan
Blood magic: Vladimir is a natural at manipulating the blood of himself and others. The pumps on his wrist can be used to power spells that require blood. Some he can use to heal cuts and bruises, his only offensive attack is turning a stream of blood into a blade whip that is about the strength of steel.

Gargantuan: Due to both Stefan's size and his race Stefan is incredibly strong. He is about as strong as your average weightlifter. Bench pressing 250 pounds.

Vladimir: two silver wrist "Pumps"
Stefan: One Steel war hammer he keeps strapped to his back.

08-19-10, 12:13 PM
Alright, this looks OK. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.