View Full Version : Roll in the Hay

Lavinian Ambition
08-18-10, 11:51 PM
(Closed to Lady's touch)

"If it wasn't for that horse, I wouldn't have spent that month in Eluriand," Jared finished the story before a roar of laughter ripped through the room. Some men slapped him on the back, others were too busy downing more drink or laughing to do much of anything. The bar was alive with activity as the Lavinian Firebrand went about his normal playing. He winked to a waitress who blushed before he laughed softly and shook his head.

He didn't know what it was, but he loved Radasanth. The sheer amount of temptation and vice he was allowed to partake of was beyond his normal ken. While a thief who knew a thing or two about fighting, he certainly was no slouch in the bedroom either. In an effort to shrug off the disappearance of his last girlfriend, he had taken to wooing any girl who he thought would be a decent lay. He of course made sure that he didn't get any virgins, or girls who were interested in more than casual sex. It wasn't that he was afraid of commitment, it was just, the guy had a heart. He wasn't interested in breaking a girl's heart, he was only interested in a quick roll in the hay, some rough and tumble, sex. He didn't want the girl to regret her first being some red head lavinian who ran out the next morning while she was dealing wiht the emotional euphoria that came with the first time having sex;

...nor did he want to settle down yet.

He had done the whole deep relationship twice. The first had been to Kid, Sarah Dahlios' surrogate child. The result of that relationship was the realization she was controlling him through sex and she was using him to get through the thief guild's training. Not that he minded, he just was upset that she was making him think she cared, when in reality, much like her mother, she was using the sex as a weapon to get what she wanted.

The second had been Kyosku Tetsoma, a ninja of Akashima who had taught him how to properly please a girl. While Kid had been only interested in his pleasure to get it over with, Kyo had been rather irate at how bad he was at it...

...so she trained him up. Then disappeared from his life when he was still trying to figure out just hwere they stood with each other. The damn girl had strung him along so much that he still was recovering from the yanking that had thrown his proverbial legs out from under him. Now he was just looking for a good time while completing the missions he was given in Radasanth. If a purse or two happened to go missing into his satchel, so much the better. He had no reason to bother with much else.

So, he had gotten to know the barflies of the local Lavinya friendly bar, and had proceeded to swap stories. While younger than most of the men there, he still had a good few stories to tell. This particular one was how he had gotten out of Raiarae with his dignity, after a botched run to try and salvage the ruined capital of elf land light. He winked at one of the wenches, a particular favorite of his who understood that nothing too deep would happen between them. They had opened up a relationship more of a friendship than love. She shook her head softly before she set another beer infront of him and said firmly, "Nothing for you tonight, I got plans..."

Jared shook his head and laughed softly before he said firmly, "Fair enough, makes up for all the times I had to bail on you..."

Lady's Touch
08-21-10, 04:52 PM
As the wind blew Mary's hair around, her voids locked onto a tavern. She had been walking through the woods for the past couple days and she wanted a drink and who knows what else. Putting a string from her pouch in her hand, he just took it around her black and blond hair and tied it into a ponytail. Her shirt rustling in the wind as she walks up to the doors to the tavern and pushes the oak door open. Her eyes widened as she saw the place was full of life, and drunkards. Shaking her head in disgust, she looked around the bar for an empty table.

Her green eyes land on a corner seat. A nice leather cushion on the seat as it just sits there, one that would make her stay here better then anything thus far. Walking over to the seat, she brushed off the crumbs and dirt from the last person and sat down. Feeling good to sit down, she just closed her green optics. Letting out a heavy sigh, she opened her eyes and looked around the bar, seeing if anyone here looks up to the task of pleasing her. One man in particular,a red headed male who looked to be in around the same age, give or take a couple years. As she sits there, she just smiles. Damn it feels good to sit down, now what to drink, that is the question for the night says the young woman as she just looks to a wench. The wench was cute. Her long blond hair curling down her back with her hourglass figure. Her chest was just right. Not too big yet not too small. Just the way she liked her women. Shaking her head, she cast out the thought of bedding a woman tonight; Mary needed a man, a real man who could handle her.

Stretching her arms, she just got up and walked to the barkeep with a smile on her face.

Hey barkeep, what's your strongest drink? she says as she puts a few coins on the bar. The man turned to her and smiled. He looked about his forty's and looked good. A full head of black hair and bright green eyes. A toned body under his white shirt and a smile upon his face. Well we got lots of things mam, take your choice of poison of choice. says the older gentleman as he steps aside and lets her see the whole collection.

A smile came to her face as she saw her drink. Hit me with a Blood Mary she says as she looks around the bar. She was being eyed like no tomorrow. A shiver down her spine as she just sticks her ass out, baiting some guys to come over. It worked alright. Not even five minutes pass and some old geezer comes walking over. Sorry mam, I'm gonna have to charge you for teasing and taunting all us older men. If you'd be so kind as to follow me comes from the old mans mouth as he gestures towards the door.

Mary closed her eyes and grabbed the man by the collar of his flannel shirt. Listen Bub, I don't go anywhere with old guys. Not my style. is all she says as she pushes him away. A smirk on her face as she turns to the men sitting down. If any of you think you can handle me, come on, I'd love to see you all try and fail. How bout this, It's gonna cost each of you fifty coins for me. If I can find a man who satisfies me, he gets the pot. If no one can, I get to keep it all. she says to the crowd, calling any and all men out. Let's see if the redhead takes the bait she says to herself as she turns to the bartender just as he hands her the bloody Mary.

Lavinian Ambition
09-03-10, 09:13 PM
A riot of laughter broke out of the tavern as Jared heard the lady speak out, daring anyone to come pay for her. He shook his head as he got up casually grabbing a small pouch of gold, probably one of the other barflies, but just what he needed to get the point across. As he moved across the floor he felt the laughter die on his lips as everyone looked to him. Brining his hand up in a practiced maneuver he aimed the small sack of gold right on the girl’s lap before he said firmly, “I’m not interested in a quick wife, and I’m no fancy lad myself. If you’re interested in whoring yourself out, red light districts a few yards closer to shore…”

His thumb jerked towards the door as a few of the men let out a chuckle. He casually spun a chair before he kicked his feet up on the table. One of the men moved his mug to the table as he gave it a sip and nodded relishing the bitter taste, “Girl like you supposed to scare us guys, coming in here and talking about satisfaction like you got the magic technique that’ll have us all gushing all over you?”

More chuckles and even a pat on the back this time as he spread his arms wide, “I’ll tell you what lady, how about you start over, give us at least a name, so I can figure out why the hell you’re starting trouble in this place. I mean, you’re sticking out like a sore thumb right now, and I can’t help but worry that you’re gonna get hammered down the hardest like the nail that sticks up the most…”

His words took on a more caring tone at that point, even as he drank in the details. A bit plainer than the exotics he was used to, but nothing to sneeze at either. Poured into those shorts, and with a top designed to get a few looks she was an odd one. He wasn’t sure just what she was thinking dressing like that, but the gloves told him she did something a little more dangerous than your average peasant work. She was probably an adventurer of some kind, which told him she could probably get the gist of what one night stand really meant…

Course, he’d have to see how his word play did, and go from there.