View Full Version : Major NPC - Terramat the Deceitful Assassin

08-19-10, 01:44 PM
Name: Terramat

Alias: The Deceitful Assassin

Age: Unknown

Race: Undying Dark Elf

Gender: Male

Height: 6’1’’

Weight: 185 lbs.

Allegiance: N’Jalian Dark Dragon Corps.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Rank Within Corps: S-Class Close Quarters Combat, Espionage, and Magic Instructor

Appearance: A tall, slender, and imposing dark elf with stark blue eyes, Terramat is both a beautiful and terrible sight to behold. His clothing choices include various colors that evoke a sense of mystery around him. He usually wears subdued blacks, whites, silvers, and ice blue clothing. He only wears up to three of those colors at any one time. Due to his appearance, it is obvious he loves being the center of attention, though he can be very discreet when he wishes to be.

Personality: Terramat’s an extremely prideful individual. However, unlike most people, his pride is well earned. He has been alive longer than most nations’ recorded histories. The countless ages he has lives are evidenced by his colossal intellect and sarcastic demeanor. He often dedicates himself to playing the part of Wiseman or counselor to those he trusts. He is a born and natural liar, earning him the alias “Deceitful Assassin.” While he may seem like a royal ass, he is extremely loyal to the rare few who manage to earn his trust and respect.


Speed: 15x that of a normal person

Intellect: Genius Level

Reaction time: 10x that of a normal human

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it: Terramat has lived long enough to know that history always repeats itself. He can see patterns and compare them to those of the past to predict with a decent amount of certainty what’s going to happen next.

Swordsmanship: Terramat has faced countless foes using his swords and has long since acquired Legendary Mastery of his weapon of choice.

Dual-Wielding: Terramat is a Master of dual-wielding swords, specifically short swords of Akashiman make (katanas or their shorter counterparts, wakizashis)

Chaos Magic: Though Terramat often uses his skills in close combat to dispatch his enemies quickly, he has learned that a large show of force is sometimes necessary to drive a point home. Terramat can use the power of Chaos, the combination of both Light and Dark magic, to alter the fabric of reality and cause all sorts of highly destructive phenomena. Among these include earthquakes, tornadoes of light and dark energy, small-scale novas, and other assorted powers.

Black Lightning: Terramat has the ability to summon and control the supernatural force known as Black Lightning. He can call it forth and direct it on a whim. He can even absorb it from the sky and shoot it from the palms of his hands.

Legacy of Tiamat: Terramat is the son of an ancient Dark Elf Swordsmistress named Tiamat. When she died, she passed the powers gifted to her by N’Jal down to him. When he dies, he will have to pass his powers down to a successor of his own.

The Legacy of Tiamat includes the following skills:

Moonlight Flare: This attack spell absorbs the light of the moon, leaving the night as dark as the night of a new moon. The light is then compressed into a single, microscopic point, which is then released in a blast of blue-white light.

Starlight Abyss: This ability opens a portal into the depths of space, absorbing any projectile spell cast at Terramat, trapping the spell in the limitless vacuum of space.

Eternal Cross: Terramat’s swords glow with a mystic energy, extending their range far beyond their regular limits. While still the same swords in the center, energy blades extend from them 30 feet following their blades. Terramat then swings the swords, making a attacking his opponent and leaving two large gashes in the ground, one crossed through another.

Infinity Phantasm: Terramat disappears, leaving his swords floating in the air where he was holding them. The blades are very real. While the opponent tries to figure out why the blades have been left floating in front of them, twenty phantom swords appear out of thin air and each stab through the opponent, causing the pain of twenty swords having been run through them. This is merely an illusion. When the blades have disappeared and the pain has faded, Terramat’s true swords will fly in the direction of the enemy and attempt to stab them.

Millennia Desolation: This is the most powerful of all of the Legacy of Tiamat skills. This single skill is so powerful that even Terramat fears using it. When this skill is used, Terramat rises two hundred feet into the air as the sky begins to darken. Then, black lightning begins striking within a 200 foot radius of Terramat’s body. Any of the black lightning that strikes within 50 feet of him is immediately absorbed into his body. When he has absorbed enough lightning, he will release it in a giant shockwave of energy that causes extremely heavy damage to everything within a 100 foot radius of Terramat’s body.


Clothing: Terramat has a large collection of clothing, and it is never predictable what he’s going to wear next.

Swords: Terramat owns two Wakizashi weapons (a shorter version of the katana) and uses them as his primary weapons. They are of masterwork mythril quality.

Armor: Terramat wears mythril mesh armor with adamantine plated claws on his fingers. While he rarely uses the claws, he thinks they’re “adorable.”

Night’s Embrace Amulet: This amulet gives Terramat the ability to traverse multiple planes of reality, including the planes of Castus Malum and another, separate realms known as the All-Thayne’s Hall.

Cloak of Eternal Shadows: This cloak, when worn, grants Terramat full immunity to all extrasensory powers, including, but not limited to, telepathy.


Terramat’s life began as one of the earliest followers of N’Jal, under his mother, Tiamat’s command. He was raised in the ways of assassination, guile, and loyalty to the “Cause.” The Cause was simply to spread the influence of both Tiamat and N’Jal to the four corners of the world. However, Tiamat, despite her considerable power, lost her life to a Paladin of Draconus. With Tiamat so close to being killed, N’Jal asked her who she would most favor as her successor. She chose her son, Terramat.

When Tiamat finally issued her last breath, Terramat felt a surge of power flowing within his veins. His eyes bulged and he bent over, trying his best not to scream. He was on an assassination mission for the Order of N’Jal, as it was called at the time. His first major change was his reaction time. He saw a fly in the air and it looked as though it was moving in slow motion. He caught it out of the air with ease. He could only wonder what was going on when he heard N’Jal speak. She told him that his mother had died and had chosen him to carry her powers as both head of the Order and as the bearer of the Gifts of N’Jal.

After the mission was over, he returned to his mother’s base of operations. When he came up to the building itself, he wasn’t very much surprised to find the building burning to the ground. His men were tied up and gagged, forced to kneel and watch their temple burn to the ground.

Terramat immediately unbound his men and sent them away while he took care of things. He called his Chaos Magic, marveling at the sheer increase of power that he had gained in such a short time. He called forth a tornado of light and dark power, smothering the flames within it. With the flames extinguished, Terramat went about the business of retrieving his mother’s Dark Artifacts: the Night’s Embrace Amulet and the Cloak of Eternal Shadows. Though his mother had more artifacts that she kept on her person, Terramat was sure they were long lost, either destroyed by that overzealous Paladin, or sealed away by N’Jal to be used by someone else at a later time.

He brought the Order back together and renamed the group as the Descendents of Tiamat. While their mission remained wholly the same, some people did not agree with Terramat being made the leader. Over time, the group just began to drift apart, until Terramat was left all alone with his mother’s powers, and nothing to do. After the Order completely disbanded, Terramat disappeared from the public eye. Later in his life, during the War of the Tap, Terramat resurfaced temporarily. He massacred many people during that time, working as a mercenary for whichever side offered to pay him the most. He didn’t care who won. He wanted the gold and the enjoyment of massacring an entire battalion of troops with no effort. To him, that was fun. As the War came to an end, Terramat took his money and disappeared from the world stage once again.

He studied in secret for many years, refining his techniques and collecting data from all over the world. His collection of magical and historical tomes became so immense that he ran out of space to keep them all. Soon, he would need a castle’s library to house all of this knowledge. That’s when N’Jal spoke to him once again. She commanded him to team up with two people he’d never even met before. These people were Reiana and Seraius. Reiana was called the Black Crystal Sorceress, and Seraius was called the Diamondbreaker. Working together, the three of them formed a Triumvirate and succeeded in taking over an island nation hidden somewhere on the ocean. They constructed the Black Crystal Palace, wherein Terramat’s books are now kept.

Shortly after their victory, they were transported to the All-Thayne’s Hall, a world in and of itself. There they were told they would have to train until N’Jal released them from that Purgatory. While only ten years passed on Althanas, in that realm it was closer to ten thousand. The three of them learned each other’s powers and secrets intimately over this time, and once finally released, were ecstatic. Except, once they were released, they chanced across MetalDrago and his student. Terramat, under Seraius’s temporary mind control, attacked Drago’s student and killed him almost instantly.

They left that day, and Terramat was furious with his partner, Seraius. He had been ordered by N’Jal, as they all had, not to harm Seraius’s younger brother or anyone travelling with him. Seraius had blatantly ignored that order, and would soon pay.

As time passed, Terramat and MetalDrago became bitter enemies. However, that didn't last very long. Eventually, MetalDrago met up with the man known as Lorenor and became a Paladin of N'Jal. Despite the fact that they had been enemies, Terramat would not be able to bring himself to harm one of the Dark Lady's Paladins, no matter what the cost to himself.

When MetalDrago turned into a Paladin for N’Jal, he showed up at the Black Crystal Palace. Terramat expected to be killed, but was instead spared, on the terms that he serve Drago as counsel and trainer. He accepted, and had a newfound respect for the former hero. How the future will change from here is anyone’s guess.

(This character is for training purposes of the soon to come PG, and will only fight PCs as part of a training regimine and never to kill them. He will also appear in future threads as a counselor, and sometimes as a participant. He cannot be used against other PCs for attack purposes, as with his power level, it would be an immensely unfair advantage.)

08-19-10, 02:44 PM
Your NPC (which apparently has half the speed of sound) is approved. :P