View Full Version : The Road To Freedom. (closed)

Jack Frost
08-19-10, 10:00 PM
The following thread takes place after A Taste of Freedom (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21354) and is closed to me Aušra Žiburis and Leski Hanako I may also decide to use a few alternate characters if needed.

Exactly one week and two days ago Jack's life took a turn for the better. What started off as a normal day of shirking chores at the elvish settlement out side of Underwood turned into a chance encounter with a young woman named Leski Hanako. After showing her that he could fly, using a strange umbrella he had received from an even strange penguin, she had asked him to whisk her away far from Underwood. So he did. He found himself landing in Radasanth in the middle of the night, when another stroke of luck crossed his path. Another young woman named Aušra Žiburis had seen them land, and offered them to stay with her.

That night Jack fought off his supposedly evil alter ego in his sleep, and woke up to a great day. He quickly began to work for the young woman at her perfume shop, which reeked of a sickly floral aroma, much to his dismay. After a strange first customer Jack found himself locking lips with his employer. Suddenly his whole world was ripped out from under his feet as it turned out his penguin compadre had betrayed him, and his alter ego, Father Winter, had been the good guy.

Father Winter had been enraged at Jack's foolishness, and sacrificed most of his powers to take a new form. He informed Jack of his mistake, and told him what the cost would be, an eternal winter. Jack vowed to stop Jolly, and so did his two new friends, and his past life. They gave themselves a week to prepare, which Jack used to take Aušra on a date. Now their week is up. It's now time to leave on the road to freedom, not for just them. For all for Althanas....

Jack found himself waking in the early hours of the morning. He turned to his left, where Father Winter, his past life, was asleep in one of the few chairs in Aušra's living room. Jack had taken the floor. He looked to his right, where his gear had been stowed away. He had bought packs for all four travelers. Each had been packed with a sleeping mat, a few blankets, several changes of clothing, a bag full of tinder, and flint.

By his pack lied his jacket and umbrella. The young man stood up and crossed the room, grabbing his jacket and umbrella. He then quickly found the bathroom in the living area of the shop. He closed the door behind him and lit a candle. Mounted on one of the walls was a mirror hung over a wash basin. He quickly looked himself over. his silver hair still stood in perfect spikes, even though he had never once styled them that way. His teal eyes were slightly red from the lack of sleep, but that was due to pre-journey jitters. His pale skin contrasted sharply with his black attire. He shrugged his jacket on and zipped it up. He was ready for anything.