View Full Version : [NPC]Like father like son

Wolfman 20
08-20-10, 04:20 AM
Name: Slick aka R. Bane

Age: Actual: 260/Appears 47

Race: human/werewolf

Hair Color:human:light gray with hints of white| wolf: light gray all over with a white spot on chest

Eye Color: bright yellow
Height: human: 7'0| wolf: 7'5
Weight: human: 300| 350
Occupation: rabid wolf

*Personality: Slick is the kind of man you don't want to be on the bad side of. He may look like a nice man, but as they say, NEVER judge a book by it's covers. Slick will attack anyone who gets in his way, no matter who it is. Friend or for. His temper is one to get on the bad side really easy. Your best bet is just to ignore the man. Don't even look at him wrong or even whisper about him. His heightened hearing will pick it up and he will either beat you to a pulp or kill you.

Human (http://cdn.buzznet.com/media/jj1//2008/10/jackman-sixpack/hugh-jackman-six-pack-stomach-07.jpg): His gray hair a sure fire sign of old age is no reason to count him out. Just cause he has gray hair don't mean anything. Under his bangs that cover his face, you'll see terror in his yellow eyes. His skin a pale color almost as if he was drained of all color. His body toned in all the right spots. Working out everyday, his body is a sight to see, if you're lucky to see him in his human form.Besides, how often do you see a man who's appears in his late forty's that stands at least seven foot even. His shirt is just a battered and torn sleeveless shirt, almost too tight for his body. Around his waist lays a leather belt to hold his pants up. As for the pants themselves, he had them made to be three sizes larger so he don't have to buy new pair every month.
Wolf (http://www.kykicks.com/etownsoccer/user30363_pic1038_1224787700.jpg): Once the leader of a strong wolf pack, he was banished for turning his own kin. Now as the years take toll on him, his fur has gone from a black color in his youth to a light gray with a touch of white on his chest. Watching his body size grow as The Change takes him, his legs grow taller, and stronger. His arms grow longer as well as the claws on his hands. Claws as dark as the night, he just does the best he can to make his life his own. Once he's changed, he stands at seven foot five and over three-hundred pounds of pure wolf muscle and hide. Scars all over his body depict that he has been in many fights in his life, many that could have stolen his life.

History: Honestly, what to you think when you hear werewolf? A savage beast right? Well you might say that Slick could be defined as one, but only during the full moon.
He was a young business man, had his own store and girlfriend. They were engaged at the young age of twenty-one. Living at home with his deathly sick mother and super strict father could be defined as hell for him. One day, as he is walking home, his home, where his mother was on bed rest was burning to the ground. Fighting the crowd to get through, his eyes locked on the figure who was at the center.

His own father had started the fire. Looking at his son, he smiles. [b]Now you got nothing holding you back boy says his father as he walks to Slick. Patting his son on the shoulder, he just smiled and walked away. Later that night as he sleeps along side his fiancee, he hears a howl. Crawling out of the bed without waking his girlfriend, he sneaks downstairs. Luckily, her father was a hunter and had a rifle to spare. Taking that and the night clothes on his body now, he set out to find that creature.

For he knew the sounds of animals from around the area, but none that sounded like that. Walking from the main street into the woods, he could smell a rotting animal. Plugging his nose to keep the smell out, he looks around for the body to see if it had any markings of any kind. As he approached the carcass, he saw it was a buck. A large one at that. Looking at it, it had to be maybe at least a couple hundred pounds if it was still alive. But this, claw marks all over the body and the throat ripped out just made him queasy.

Hearing a rustle in the bushes behind him, he turned around and just points his rifle towards it. Walking to that bush was the worst mistake he could have made. Taking a step closer, a large wolf creature pounced on him. Snarling, the wolf just bared his teeth. Drool falling down from it's snout, Slick just yelled and tried to push the wold off. Nowhere near as strong, he just gave up. As the wolf looks down at him, he saw the wolf licking his chops as he leans down to Slick and bites into his shoulder, hard to scar him but not enough so it don't break the arm. Howling again, the wolf just stood up, admiring the work he did on the wolf and just looked to Slick and just took off, leaving Slick to fend for himself from now on.

Laying there, he just got up, weakly and headed back to his girlfriend in bed. She was awake and worried about him. Seeing the mark on his arm, she just wrapped it up as tight as she could. Nothing was gonna tear them apart.

~*~ One year later they were happily married and thrived off his business ~*~

*~* Three years later they have a wonderful son, named Luscious *~*

Skills: Able to control his wolf side on any night except that of the full moon. During that night, his strength and speed increase from 1.0 to 1.5 till the moon goes down or he finds a way to get out of the moons light.
During the full moon, he goes into a frenzy and unable to control himself in his wolf state.

Equipment: One map of Althanas

08-22-10, 11:12 AM
Looks good. Just keep in mind that, as this is an NPC, you can only use him in quests. For any kind of participation in battles, you need to clear it up with your opponent.

Your NPC is approved.