View Full Version : Everything That We Fear (Closed)

08-22-10, 04:43 PM
Forces of wind roared as they lashed the snow-capped peaks from the mountaintops. Floodwaters accumulating high up on the mountain broke free of their basins, and mixed with the last avalanches of snow to sweep down on Radasanth. The capital city vanished into the glacial drift. Those with their windows unboarded, would find the water invading their homes, and drowning them where they lived, slept, loved, begged, and died. Those buildings that proved tighter were immediately sunken, and in places frozen over.

Icy missiles and liquid hail pelted everything under an oppressive sheet of rain. Single droplets falling from the heavens hit with such speed as to cause back to shatter beneath them. By the billions, they pounded, and the forest of Concordia began to fall. The weather like an axe felled the trees, and drowned out their cracking howls with it own. Within the hour, every tree that had not fallen fell into a crooked and uniform slant. Underwood’s blackened remains flew into the air, carriages and coffins hurled for miles into every direction.

The only thing unchanging was the dark sky as it pummeled Corone with all its power. It filled the Rivers Firewinner and Bradbury, and turning those small ravines into paths, it surged from north to south bursting damns, and swallowing up fishing vessels where they moored. The vast majority of Corone itself, being a basin, had no relief or release by which the water might flow.

Relentless, and unending, it poured on the punishment of the Thayne’s for the sins of humankind. Sorcerers who had sensed the news walled themselves away in the Citadel and the remains of Dansdel. Those who lacked the connection with the world at large were by luck spared. The devout prayed as the waters raised in their homes, thinking of why this was happening, and thinking that they had done something to deserve this. Those gods who were listening certainly the Coronian’s in their plight.

The waves emboldened, smashed against the shore, swallowing sand and housing as they dragged the land underwater. The walls of Serenti and Jadet, which sat closest to the beach, fell once undermined in the most literal way by nature’s elements. Those cities walls were soon crumbling, and great blocks of stone falling both in and out with audible booms signaled their destruction, soon placing Serenti and Jadet completely underwater.

‘Can’t breath.’ ‘Just close your eyes.’ ‘Wallace is still out there!’ ‘I don’t have enough food to feed you… you owe me! Leave!’ ‘Papa loves you.’ ‘I’ll die as I lived, right.’ ‘I’m not leaving, and you can—’ A frightening deluge of fear.

Character is what you are when no one can realize what you are… in the days to come, a great deal would be revealed.


“Let’s keep smiling… let’s keep laughing.”

Ace sat huddled in a stranger’s arms, two other children held protectively in those warm arms. There had no been much time to change, or to properly clothe himself, but Lawrence had done the best he could to build ties. He had reduced himself to nearly four feet in height, made himself a child to the naked eye, and with tears in his eyes worked his way into a safer house than his own when the water had begun to rise. He was still soaked after hours of waiting. The mother of two comforted a third… he was not comfortable. The disaster had terrified him more than he would ever know… those had been real tears, and he still taste them on his cheeks. How long has it been since I last creid? He couldn’t remember, and poked at the memory with an detachment. He was always somewhat afraid… but never like that.

“Let’s be happy…”

Shrugging off the hand that had clutched him for dear life, Ace got off the bed, chest bare, his pants synched up by a belt. The woman who had been so kind to him kept singing in her semi-awake daze. A smile on his face in case she opened her eyes, but she never did. He made his way into the hall, not bothering to shut the door on the bedroom. The halls were dark, and toys floated lifelessly in still waters. Tiny footsteps splashed in ankle high depths. The water stirred oddly, forced away under the weight of his body, but quickly chilling his skin as it returned.

Finding no one else in the apartment, Ace made his way into the kitchen, his head put forward, and his nostrils flaring as he breathed in the scents of food. He could smell potatoes, vegetables, and salted meats in the pantry, but when he opened it, he was gravely disappointed. There was hardly enough food for two people, and certainly not enough for four. ‘Not enough for me.’ He thought, sifting through the small collection of foods. The sounds of clinking jars, and opened ran past him as he crept farther inside, before pulling himself back to rest on his knees. In one hand, he held a paper wrapped package containing single sausage, the size of it alone making it a small meal.

Unrepentant, he stripped the meat of covering and began eating as he sloshed back through the hall, and then out onto the second color balcony. Forcing the door open, he took in the tiny town of Svalta in all its distress. The city was more than ten feet deep in the hurricane waters, and the peaks of small buildings were the new homes of the people that perched there. The red headed child looked across this watery vista, and finding no one interested in his plight more than their own, decided to leave. It smelled like foul water… and obviously enough, rain. He leaned against the rails, kicking at the water through the bars, experimenting with childish fidgeting before he left.

Sucking at the last of the sausage held between his teeth, he flexed his hands… watching the kin fuse together. It tingled, and pinched… and hurt[/] as he stretched the kin, using this act to take his attention away from the slits that carved themselves into his neck. Blood ran down his shoulders, arms, and back, He chewed with slightly larger teeth than he had, the shock of it all taking away the attention to detail that had allowed him to survive this long. Caught up in the destruction, he was no longer aware of the dim traces of bovine sausage on his tongue.

Finally satisfied, he threw himself over the iron bars, and dived.

[I]In times of crises there are always good people, I need better ones than this.

Silence Sei
08-29-10, 06:36 AM
This was absolutely horrible.

Sei Orlouge had seen his share of tragedy, but this was something else entirely. This was something his weather forecasters had not predicted when they told him a horrible flood was coming. This was something that caused the whole town of Svalta to reek of corpses and stale water. This was an absolute disaster of epic magnitude. As he stood in the drink, the liquid rushing over his shins in an attempt to work down stream, he looked back towards his men.

He had brought with him a small band of men. There mission was simple; find any survivors and offer them refuge in Ixian Castle. Upon being here first hand, however, the Mystic quickly realized that this was not the fiasco Sei had prepared for. As if reading his mind, one of the soldiers retreated back into the forest, running to go get reinforcements. Anita stood by her father's side, her hands trembling at the sight of human and animal bodies’ alike face down in the water.

"Papa, this---” Sei brought a hand up to stop his daughter from continuing. He didn't need to be reminded of how bad things were here. Sei eased down to his knees and clasped his hands together, speaking a silent prayer for the souls taken by the Thayne this day. When he finished, he stood up and began to walk, the water swishing around him gently. Behind him, he heard the rough splashing of his men as they hurried to follow their leader.

In the front, the telepath could hear screams, fires, all sorts of chaos. It was odd, considering the area they were in looked relatively unscathed (save for the knee high water). Regardless, Sei came here to do what he did best; save people. If he had to fight a few rioters here and there in order to save a family from starvation or tainted water, he would cross that bridge when he got there.

For now, it was time to prove why Sei Orlouge was the Hero of Radasanth.

09-08-10, 02:54 AM
The paddles hit the water, driving the reed boat further through the water. Dorian stopped to wipe the sweat from his bro with a rag. The boat drifted forward softly. The long strands of straw were wrapped tightly together, but the ropes were showing signs of loosening. Fallow stood on the end of it behind Dorian, looking at all of the devastation behind them. Entire trees were floating in the dirty water. They never imagined that it would be this bad.

"Dorian..." Fallow whispered into his mind. "Why did we come here? What could we possibly do? The last people we tried to help attacked us."

Dorian sat in the watercraft with just his pants, his wet clothes and equipment stacked behind him. He also had a decent number of supplies that he could give out to people. The last few survivors to whom he distributed goods tried to take the rest, which Dorian prevented with force.

He replied, "Reasonable people in unreasonable times, little buddy. Their actions are a result of their circumstances."

"Still! How do people who have gone to such savage lengths deserve our help?"

"Who are we to judge? How do we decide between the worthy and unworthy? Everyone deserves our help, any that we can give."

"You can't save everyone..."

"Then I'll find a way to! Fallow, cheer up little guy! You said you wanted to grow up to be big, strong, and kind, right? All of that starts now. Let's do our best!"

"Well... all right!"

Fallow was bothered by the stench of death, but he endured it. He couldn't turn out to be a strong warrior of his brood if stuff like that bothered him. Dorian wasn't a big fan of pushing the dragonling to do anything he didn't want to do, but Fallow had asked him compassionately to do so. He picked up the paddles again and made his way toward the town. Svalta looked like it was built at the base of a small hill, so many of the townsfolk sought refuge atop the hill if there weren't on the roof of any intact house. The paddles hit the muddy water, sending the reed boat into the town's vicinity. Dorian decided to play it safe this time.

"Can you do me a favor and scout this place out? I'd be swimming blind here with all this debris."

Fallow nodded and took off, looking around for anyone that needed help.

09-11-10, 12:52 AM
The younger, much younger… perfectly child like Ace floated near the bottom of the road, lightly kicking his webbed toes every few minutes to give speed to his aimless swimming. The dirt that had settled stirred beneath him as he passed. There was light shining down in rays, enough to illuminate the devastation of submerged homes, and abandoned streets. Broken windows and fish swimming in and out buildings. So what if people saw him? They would just think he was a corpse; there were quite a few when one paid attention. They were everywhere.

No kind mercy for the living...

The ocean chilled his bones; the sounds were distorted thuds and splashes. Rummaging for answers in the chaos of a drowning world, Ace to his shadow. The girl could not have been older than he looked no more than twelve. She was lifeless, and only now beginning to swell with the ocean’s decay, her cheeks puffing. Tiny finger turned her head as Ace examined her…

He kicked, and left the body to the current. Flitting like a lost fish, he entered a home through its broken windows… and found a living room in disarray, the evidence of life strewn about the room to make all things important and worthy no different from trash. He could find no people, but the cats sat huddled in on top of the bookcase, and watched the dog’s body float. They watched Ace as he swam past, and watched him raid their master’s pantry.

’...no good reason for so many dead...’

The shape-shifter ate mechanically, chewing and swallowing to fill himself with that which would sustain him through this nightmare, the people would not be coming back, ’And even if they did, I need this more.’ He thought, the injustice of the world compelling him to more. So what if he could swim beneath the wave? What solace did that serve when the world could easily end? Form followed function, and weeping in a sea of tears, Ace could only resist being the child he was.

“Pull it together,” He said, his lungs issuing water like air as he floated toward the window he had come through, “I’ve done worse… I’ll do worse.” There was no question of that, but the idea and the act were different… he could face the idea.

...no wealth of fresh graves plowed...

The shadow ran through the street beyond the waving flowers of the drowning garden, and looking up, a ship sailed the surface of water. Swimming up, kicking his legs hard to catch the stern of the hull. The pressure of the parted sea pushed against Ace, trying to throw him back, but clutching for life, and desperately alone, Ace began to climb, his little finger digging into the wood. Gills sealing, webs receding.

A hand reached up over the side of the boat even as water came splashing out of Ace’s mouth and nose. With complete control, the boy fell and flopped to the floor of the ship. Bare chest gasping, Ace rolled his eyes, and gasped in the direction of the lone form he saw nearby… and promptly began to choke in actuality. There was Sei Orlouge.

...no end for weary in a rain soaked world.

Silence Sei
09-30-10, 10:05 PM
It did not take long for tents to be set up, and beds to be brought in. Sei Orlouge had managed to amass a standing army in just three weeks times. Getting supplies readily available for disasters was nothing for him. The Mystic traveled down the streams that were now forming throughout the town, though he had preferred to stay dry. Trickles of rain water still brushed his cheeks, finding them dropping through the air to reunite with their mother.

His reflection shimmering off of the murky water was like that of an angel coming to rescue the worthy. Two large butterfly wings carried him back and forth across the town, recovering bodies and rescuing survivors. Some had been smart enough to climb on their roofs, some had been lucky enough to keep their heads above the water. Yet, for all the fortunate and alive, there were three dead and dying to take their place.

The beds were soon filled with corpses, the rations soon disappearing from the tents. Sei had made his way back to his own makeshift quarters, a large orange tent with a blue flag whipping around in the still strong winds. He stood outside of the tent for a long while, thinking to himself. He closed his eyes when he heard his daughter come out from the chambers and place a delicate had on his back. The warm touch of Anita caused Sei's cold body to shiver a bit.

He opened his eyes as he sent a message to his daughter. "The beds are needed for those that are still alive. Make sure that the dead are removed from the beds, regardless of how soon they pass. If it looks like someone is not going to make it, do not give them food, but try to make their deaths more comfortable. If we have to leave due to no more provisions, then so be it."

"You're just giving up?! Just like that! You spent so much time rescuing the living, making sure they knew whether their loved ones were dead or alive, and now you're giving up?! You can't do this to them Papa, and I refuse to give the order to let dying men die without doing all we can, even if it means giving them a hot meal before they die!"

Sei heard Anita's blue combat boots splashing into the mud. He had given up hope on himself. The Hero of Radasanth, humbled by Mother Nature.

Then, a voice came calling out. "Sir, we got another one here! It's a child!" Sei looked up as he heard the voice shouting. One of his lesser foot soldiers had been bringing a boat around town for stragglers. Though the Mystic had never expected him to find anything more than death, he was surprised to hear the child coughing. Two massive orange and blue butterfly wings sprouted from his back once more, and within seconds, Sei was landing softly in the boat.

He looked to the child, leaning down at his form. He seemed okay, but one question plagued the telepath's mind.

"How did you survive, son?"

10-08-10, 04:25 PM
Dorian soon found himself beached, his boat stopping in the muddy water at the start of the large hill people sought refuge on. Unlike some of the other places, there were a lot more people here. Pulling the boat ashore, he climbed the hill and soon saw everything.

'A full-fledged rescue operation!'

He could see beds, provisions, wounded and sick being tended to, and... a flying man? He had to do a double take to make sure he saw that correctly. With large butterfly wings, the man swooped down and recovered someone in need.

A voice boomed into his head, "Dorian! It looks like we can help!"

"Good job little buddy," he replied into the air. "You can keep exploring if you want to while I go meet them."

Looking behind him, Dorian wondered if he ever saw anything like this in Salvar. Maybe some of the farmlands in the southern portions experienced flooding, but never anything like this. Taking a deep breath, he started walking towards the camp but was stopped by two lightly-equipped men. They asked what his purpose was, and he explained his desire to assist. He added that he had some provisions he was willing to share. The two men looked at each other, then one of them ran back to the fairy winged man.

"New report, sir! A strange man has just docked at the other end of the hill with some vague desire to help! He says he had some supplies, but we are suspicious. What shall be done?"