View Full Version : The Guile Orphans

The Guile Family
08-22-10, 04:46 PM
Lucien and Lucia are the only two who can enter battles at the citadel, but not at the same time without the opponents permission.
Name: Lucien/Lucia/Drana/Venn Guile
Age: 19/19/16/13
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver/Silver/Black/Brown
Eye Color: Blue all around
Height: 6 ft/6 ft/ 5' 10"/ 5' 5"
Weight: Average
Occupation: Legal guardians (Lucien/Lucia)/ younger siblings (Drana/Venn)

Lucien: When their parents disappeared Lucien took charge of the family. He has two sides, one none of his siblings are aware of. His normal side is a socially acceptable young man who is charming and fun loving. This side will stop at nothing to make others smile. Unfortunately he has a darker side, a lust to kill, probably inherited from his assassin father and his redeemed serial killer mom. A secret he and Lucia keep from the others. He Idolizes his father, a great assassin.

Lucia: Lucia is a lot like her older brother, due to the fact that they are paternal twins. She is outgoing and full of infectious energy. She two harbors a lust to kill, she idolizes the great Cassandra Remi, and dreams of meeting her one day.

Drana: Drana is a shy introvert who spends a lot of time in the library located in their manor. She is a young woman of few words, and rarely speaks to anyone outside her family, making it hard for anyone to know what she thinks of feels about anything. Drana has no idols.

Venn: Venn is the youngest and was affected most by the loss of their parents. He completely withdrew, and hasn't spoken a word in three years. He only seems to react to anything when Lucien comes home from his outings and reads to him. Venn idolizes his older brother.


Lucien/Lucia: These two paternal twins are distinguishable in even the most bizarre of crowds. They Both have Silver hair, Lucien's hangs at eye level while Lucia's hangs shoulder length. Both have dazzling blue eyes and pale skin. Both are slender, Lucien is more muscular than Lucia, but Lucia is more flexible. Both are extravagantly attractive, like a bright blue flower that is lethal. In fact one could say Lucia was similar to Cassandra Remi when it comes to her curves.

Drana: Drana is similar to her siblings, slender with pale skin, blue eyes. Then the similarities stop. Drana is flat like a runway and has dark black hair. She is plain as can be.

Venn: Venn has pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair that hangs at eye level. He tends to dress similarly to his older brother, and tries to emulate his stride. While some people find it cute that he adores his older brother, Lucien tries to get him to develop his own style.

History: The Guiles were a strange family before the kids were orphaned. Their father was an ex assassin ho fell in love with his mark, a serial killer. Both fell in love instantly and had four kids. Lucien and Lucia found out about what their parents did when one day Lucien had sneaked out and witnessed his mother murdering a nobleman. Both parents decided to stop their professions and be more family focused. Then they both disappeared. Leaving Lucien and Lucia in charge.

Dagger working: when his father disappeared none of his tools of his trade were went with him, so both older siblings learned to use them and became slightly above average.

Silver tongued: Both are incredibly well educated and can easily make people believe lies and buy into scams. (Incredibly perceptive PCs immune)

Good looks: Lucien and Lucia are incredibly attractive, allowing them to manipulate the opposite sex with ease. I.E Lucien could use his looks to distract a female guard while his sister dug a dagger into her back. (This will not work on people like Cassandra who cannot be charmed, nor will it work on those who already have lovers)

Neither Drana or Venn have any skills to speak of currently.

Both Lucien and Lucia have a steel dagger, Lucia also carries a set of kitchen knives made of a low grade iron, used for cooking....yeah cooking.

Guile manor, a large mansion just outside Radasanth, in the will Sir Guile stated that the house not be sold. Inside is a large selection of clothes for all of the children. The coffers were emptied to create a fund which none of the kids could touch for frivolous things, instead it is used to buy food and clothes when needed.

Familiars: Several stray cats that wander the halls of Guile manor.

08-24-10, 05:25 PM
If you use Silver Tongued or Good Looks on a PC, keep in mind that they can decide how it will affect them. Also, don't overdo their effect on NPCs. You shouldn't be able woo everybody who doesn't have a lover or scam everybody who doesn't have exceptional perception. Just keep it realistic is all I'm saying.

You have nothing listed under equipment. Is this intentional, or did you miss a category when you made the profile?

The Guile Family
08-24-10, 06:09 PM
Ooops I did miss that, sorry. I'll make sure to water down the effects of the silver tongued.

08-26-10, 01:33 AM
Looks good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.