View Full Version : Revenge of the brother... [Reincarnation]

Return of the Dead
08-24-10, 03:16 PM
I'd like to reincarnate this account here. Here you go. For your viewing. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=17004&highlight=Zaith+Tenimi)

Name: Zaith Tenimi

Age: 221

Race: Wraith

Hair Color: Black with red streaks through it

Eye Color: Crimson red

Height: Varies

Weight: Varies


Personality: Zaith was ONCE a happy go giddy type of person. That was before he was killed by his brother. Now all that courses through his mind is revenge on his family, his brother the most. He will do what he has to do to get to his brother, kill anyone.
Appearance: To those who can see the dead in anyway would see him as knight with onyx black armor. A small light breast plate on his chest that is battle scared and marked to hell and back with dings and dents. His wrists have small guards on them that cover from his wrist to his elbow. His legs are covered with a pair of tight cotton pants to his knees. Then from his knee to his ankle is a pair of ankle guards. On his feet, is nothing since he is bare foot.

History: Zaith was once a mortal man like most of the people on this planet. That was till the day his elder brother killed him in plain sight in front of the whole family. As his life faded, he felt himself being pulled out of his body.

Suddenly everything around him was black as he just floated there. Looking around, he saw a giant gate in front of him. The gates opened and a bright light shun through. Zaith just stood there as he felt himself being drawn towards the gate. Standing his ground, he fought the urge to enter the gate.

Then a flash of light came from the doors as they slammed shut in front of him. He looked around and saw other people around him. He knew he was dead, but where was he? He knew nothing of this place as he just floated around this place.

As he floated around this void place, his anger for his brother and the will to avenge his own death only grew ten-fold. Then one day, he suddenly felt strange inside. It was the same way he felt when he was ripped from his body the day he died. It felt like he was being ripped from that place and thrown into another realm. Closing his eyes, he could only imagine where he was gonna end up ....

Suddenly the pain stopped as fast as it started. Looking around, he just saw he was back in the real world, but where he was could be a problem. As he looked around, he saw a mirror. Walking to it, he just admires the body he was given. A fairly toned body with muscles, but not too much. Black hair was a plus and being tall was a plus. But reaching into the persons mind, he saw that the person was losing the will to live. He had just lost his family to a raid and now, his heart broken was causing him to die. Zaith looked down on this and just forced the man away from the mirror and out of the house to start his journey to kill his brother.

Overshadow: During the night, he has the power to overshadow one person. He takes over their body and their mind, if they are weak enough. Those with strong enough willpower fight him off. He has the power to do this for up to 20 seconds in a battle (with opponent's permission) and five minutes in a quest.

Phasing: Being a Wraith has it's advantages. He has the power to walk through walls and anything from the Firmament. Only usable without a host body

Download: Must have control of possessed person for up to one full hour before he has total control and the person who used to be disappears forever into the void of nothingness. Only usable on NPC's

Equipment: Varies
Normally carries a sword, a shield and a sword sharpening tool.

08-24-10, 05:32 PM
Reincarnation is usually used on a character you want to retire, so you can get half of that EXP to start off the new character. As it stands now, this is a completely different character on a different account, sharing only the name. It's not a problem or anything, just figured I should let you know.

The profile looks good. You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas.