View Full Version : Stealing an idea.

Wolfman 20
08-25-10, 01:31 PM
Okay, I'm gonna take Max Dirks idea and put up a 'Rate my story' thread. As all you know, my werewolf story caused a lot of unwanted drama.

So I am gonna put like a poll up kinda.

Please rate the story from what you read or think of it.


Just follow the obvious signs you see (http://myrpingstats.webs.com/)

EDIT: Tell me why you hate it or not like it with sufficient reasoning. Also if you do like it, then thank god. Someone who can stomach that story.

I respect those who can stomach that.

Oh and if gory werewolf rape bestiality ain't your thing, I have another story, one not so bad here on this site. There ya go. Not as bad as the werewolf one. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21546)

Oh and if you're gonna be negative about this, please refrain from posting int in here and send it to me in a message. That kind of stuff I'd rather take personally.

08-26-10, 02:05 AM
Okay, I'm gonna take Max Dirks idea and put up a 'Rate my story' thread. As all you know, my werewolf story caused a lot of unwanted drama.

So I am gonna put like a poll up kinda.

Please rate the story from what you read or think of it.

1 - I've got better things to do

2 - It was okay, just not my cup of tea

3 - I liked it but won't read it again

4 - I might read it again if I have the time

5 - It was good, and I'll read it again.

Just follow the obvious signs you see (http://myrpingstats.webs.com/)

That is the worst rating idea possible, I realize you're trying to protect something, but the ratings don't describe the reaction. Most of the answers to come won't be answers at all as far as these numbers and their descriptions. They'll be semi-funny insults...


08-26-10, 01:36 PM
I like how the middle option isn't a neutral one, shouldn't choice three be if you thought it was halfway decent?!

With that out of the way I rate it a 1.

Also, after reading it I have decided to never knowingly read anything you write again. That story was... repulsive, to say the least. I wish there was a way to retrieve that portion of my life back, or press charges on you for robbing me of it, but there isn't.

That's my two cents.

08-26-10, 03:38 PM
A reason? Well, the vast majority of your details are on the less savory and more repugnant aspects of the story, which magnifies them. Anything in greater detail than the norm will. Plenty of stories get by with graphic rape, thing is, those stories don't emphasize graphic rape.

I went back and control + effed that page for a few choice words. I've got a stomach lined with steel, and while I can't say I was particulalrly disgusted, it simply didn't have much appeal beyond violence, murder, and sex. All of which were done poorly...I've never seen that before...most of the time people stop, sensing their impending fail. That is not the case here.

You seem to want people to like your story, but the thing you have to understand is that you have to cater to the majority or find where the minority congregates. I'm fairly certain being reminded every other chapter about stiffening wolf penis, and suddenly vivid suprise murder sex with anal murder rape does not go well with most people here. I would instead suggest a furry site, one of the more graphic ones of course, as I doubt a lot of them would enjoy this either.

I won't partake of the vampire story... more because I simply hate vampires. ALL OF THEM.

Lady Scarlet
08-26-10, 03:39 PM
Honestly, I have to agree with the above statements, your descriptions for what each number stands for is not adequate. Not that it matters much for the score I"m giving it.

I give it a 0.

It was so repulsive, obscene and flat out disgusting that I couldn't finish it. I only got through a little over a post and half before I decided that it would be a waste of my time. What really struck me that made it so bad to me, was that the consensual sex scene was more or less glossed over when you compare the amount of details there to the amount of details in the rape/murder scene. I find that to be more disturbing than I could possibly adequately describe.

Rayse Valentino
08-26-10, 08:29 PM

It's a werewolf fetish fanfic and nothing more. I don't even care about the content, the quality is something that would barely score a 10 on this site. It doesn't seem like you even give a shit about integrity so why bother asking for feedback? I could find better stories back when geocities was around. My suggestion would be to forget you ever did this and move on.