View Full Version : The people shall come to love him

Hero of the people
08-27-10, 01:43 PM

Name: Desmond

Age: Twenty-five

Race: human

Hair Color: blond

Eye Color: green

Height: Six foot five

Weight: One-seventy-five

Occupation: Knight of the Greater Thayne

Personality: A person who is loved by all and respected by many, Desmond is for the people. He is no mercenary, he is a knight of the Thayne. He stands under no one God. He has sworn himself to all the Greater Thayne to help and protect the people of Althanas. He is the most charming man he can be. He is respectful yet serious. He knows when to shut up and knows when to throw punches.

Appearance: With his blond hair and green eyes, Marius is a charmer just by looks alone. Standing at roughly six and a half feet tall, he is taller then your average man. Around his neck lays an iron neck brace that covers from his nose down to his shoulders. On his torso is a breast plate that has his family insignia on it. Up close, it looks like a dragons face imprinted onto it with claw marks on the sides of the imprint as if the dragon was trying to escape. Around his waist is a metal belt to help support his upper body armor with his leg armor.

Down his legs are iron armor leggings. Complex in design, but easy to wear. They come down his legs to his feet then they turn into a pair pointed metal shoes. At the hilt of his feet are spinners. Like you'd see on cowboy boots.

On his left arm would lay his shield. No larger then an ordinary basketball in shape altogether.

On his right arm is a small cloak that has the same insignia as his chest armor.

Along his his belt lays his long sword. With the blade made of steel and leather wrapped around the hilt, it was an easy sword to use.

History: No matter where you look in history, there is always at least one knight who is there for the people. Well this is the story of that one knight.

Many years ago, a wealthy man had wooed a young damsel. Over time, their relationship became one of a fairy-tale. Always happy and nothing could go wrong. Prosperous and happy, the couple felt nothing could go wrong.

Well that lasted about a good ten years when the damsel became fertile and had become pregnant with the lords seed. During the time of her labor, the lord was summoned away by the king to help fight in a war against a rebellion.

While the husband was out in said war, the miss gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

~* Twenty years later *~

As time had gone by for the man, he was smarter then most kids his age. He could react to things faster then those same kids. Well one day he was out and out, he heard someone calling for help. He rushed to the person and found that a young girl had fallen down a well in search of her pet. The young lord had looked around and saw people just walking by even though they could hear the girl.

Looking around, he just closed his eyes and grabbed a nearby rope from a stable nearby. Making a knot in the rope, he tied it around a tree and throws the free end down to the girl. Gripping the rope and climbing down to the girl, he just grabs her and wraps his arm around her waist and just carefully carries her up.

The adrenaline rush he got from saving that girl was the key to motivate him to become a knight of the people.

Weapon skills:
Pole Arms: Average
Throwing weapons (small axes/daggers/knifes): Below average
Ranged weapons: Average
Swords: Above average

Jeratsu: A small healing power that for the time being is only able to heal minor wounds such as cuts, bruises and some broken bones.

Endurance: Due to his intense training, he could take TWICE as much damage as a normal person could before succumbing to the pain.

Equipment: One steel long sword. One iron shield. Five packs worth of armor cleaning materials. One full body set of IRON made armor.

08-27-10, 01:52 PM
You need to list your armor in the Equipment section. If it's a full body armor, which it looks like it is, drop the quality to iron.

Hero of the people
08-27-10, 01:55 PM
Okay, changed it. Even put in the Items section as well. Is this better now?

08-27-10, 02:15 PM
Sounds good. Just don't overdo the effects of Endurance.

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.