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08-21-06, 10:12 PM
Mark Twain: maybe I should go back to my grave, the authors suck nowadays.

08-21-06, 10:15 PM
Vorin: "So I was out iceskating with Soren Kierkegaard when all of a sudden Sir Francis Drake started doing a jig that he learned in Vichy France with Otto von Bismarck and Stalin was LOL GUYZ SRSLY I've been doing that since the War of Jenkin's Ear!!!"

08-21-06, 10:56 PM
(Ignore this post, do a Famous Last Words for Ashiakin instead.)

Saxon....that was just hilarious. Mostly because you actually took the time to type that all out. XD You're awesome.

08-21-06, 11:03 PM
What, you really think Holy Water is your ace card? I'd love to see how you'd keep it from free- OH!! OWW!! OWOWOWOWOW!! ARGH, IT BURNS!!! IT BURNS!!! WHY DA HECK IT DIDN'T FREEZE ON CONTACT?!?! AAAAAGGGGHHH!!!

08-21-06, 11:14 PM
Yami: *In Bed with Rael* Oh hi Jasmine...

08-22-06, 01:32 PM
*Facing off against a pair of Draves*

Umm... Nice doggies?

08-22-06, 01:47 PM
*turns around after just killing Jasmine so she can have Rael all to herself*

"What the fuck!? Who the hell are you?"

*gets the spear tip of Zerith's halberd in the face*

08-22-06, 08:43 PM
*after killing Yami for who knows what reason.*

"What are you doing harry man!"

Letho: You Killed her and she was Hot.

08-23-06, 08:40 AM
After a month of wasting money from her last sea voyage, Eris walks back onto the ship and then proceeds to lose her footing and fall over the rail into killer shark infested waters. On the way to her doom, she is reported to have said:

Eris: Of all the times to lose my sea legs

08-23-06, 09:39 AM
Kai: When i am in charge of althanas! THAT DAY all female roleplayers will be reqired to wear ... TINY MINI SKIRTS!!!

Nenal: it will never catch on

Kai: Blasphamy unbeleiver

Nenal: ...OH MY GOD ... what are your going to do with that paperclip?!?!?! *Shadow looms over nenal*

08-23-06, 09:49 AM
*Dodges monster paper clip*

Nenal: HA!

*Runs around the back of Kai*

Kai: Hey hey! Not the tail!

Lavinian Pride
08-24-06, 12:27 AM
Nenal: I deny that a god created me!

Roscar Palidyne
08-24-06, 01:01 AM
*A man with an long, compensating sword approaches her*

Sarah: "What? I definetely do NOT look like Tifa. No sir."

08-24-06, 08:02 AM
"You want a piece of me, pal? Come back in three years and we'll see about that."

Roscar only had to wait three seconds before a knife went through his throat.

08-24-06, 08:28 AM
Yami: Raelyse! You have what VD?

08-24-06, 10:25 AM
Eris: Now i don't like to brag and all ... But my tail is a lot cooler than yours!!!

Kai: what? no its not ... prove it

Eris: it's a certified weapon

Kai: mine is fluffy and huggable now back off or the cuteness will kill you

Eris: KAWAIII!!! *is impaled by cuteness, and fluffy things*

((sorry ... i hear that kind of stuff too much))

08-24-06, 05:35 PM
Kai: This labyrinth isn't very scary.

Several large blades pop out of the walls and begin waving around in a random pattern while disco music plays.

Kai: ...shit.

08-24-06, 05:53 PM
Ebivoulya: So what if I overextend with my sword? It's not like I can't pull it back out-

Devil May Care
08-24-06, 10:19 PM
"I wonder if those soul-stealin` demons will ever find out I stole their most precious posession. Hahaha...oh shit."

Death's Nephew
08-25-06, 11:15 AM
Random Soul Stealing Demon: Die thief!!!

Shard: Wait! You can't kill me yet!

RSSD: ....? Why?

Shard: I haven't hit puberty yet!

08-25-06, 11:17 AM
Tommy: Damnit uncle, you're such a !%$@$#^^@#^$@

Death's Nephew
08-25-06, 11:23 AM
Eris: Now watch me pick this lock with all the skill of a master locksmith! Aiiieeee!!!

*Tommy opens the unlocked door.*

Tommy: Let's go.

Eris: ....asshole.

08-26-06, 02:15 AM
"I'm above death!"

Lavinian Pride
08-26-06, 02:33 AM
"Hey Larry watch Aneb do THIS!"

Damion Shargath
08-26-06, 06:41 AM
"Keep looking, I do tricks."

Sarah's last words at an anti-cheater convention.

08-26-06, 08:26 AM
Damion: Who cares if you're a lightning mage, for I have Osmium armor!

08-26-06, 07:58 PM
*clashes swords with Zerith in their citadel battle*

Eris: "Okay, now seriously. Why can't we be friends?"

Artifex Felicis
08-26-06, 08:00 PM


Or a more accurate one that osn't a direct rip off of a famous movie

"GODDAMNIT! Why the hell won't you die!?"

08-26-06, 08:02 PM
Yarn tastes good!^^

Damion Shargath
08-26-06, 08:03 PM
"Werewolves, Lycanthropes...they're all somewhat like us Nekos - simply not permanent - but like us. Furry and all, they're not going to be attacking something that looks like them!"

EDIT: Fuck you Daggertail :p

"Pft...doors with magical traps that explode when you work on the lock...that's nerdy fantasy bullshit!"

08-27-06, 01:29 PM
(This is kind've a long one but I think it fits you :p. Keep in mind I've checked the tier codes and this is in good humor. Thanks!)

At the fields of Khu'fein during the afternoon when the sky is filled with smog and the smell of hickory fills the air. Damion fights for his life against the most hideous of beasts-- a zombie warlord. Normally joining the forces of such wicked things, the warrior found it odd that he was at arms with a former ally. Again and again his halbard fended off the attacks of a sword twice the size of a man and black as night.

"Balr, we'll be fighting all day like this if your going to keep swinging like that!", Damion bellowed after parrying another deadly blow. Feeling the meadow sway against him as a zephyr blows his way, the man-o-war struggled to keep his weapon gripped tight be twixt his hands.

Swinging its sword down with the might only those of the undead could muster, the long-dead Balr's broken neck wheezed with laughter as air escaped his cracked windpipe. The creature hadn't spoken for hours and every time it did it sent chills down the warrior's spine," I need not rest for I am undead, Shargath. But, I can see the curse of exhaustion is upon you!"

Swinging his halberd horizontally the self-proclaimed juggernaught cut into the blacken leather that covered the zombie giant from head to toe. Damion was angry, not because he was losing but because Balr was right. It wouldn't be too long before the warrior's legs would give out and his life would end," All this for a baroness, Balr? I figured you of all people would know I can't be trusted!".

Catching the legendary halberd with its giant strength, the warlord struggled to wrench it free from his opponent's grip while stabbing his sword into the ground for better footing. Oily black eyes bored holes into the warrior as an unholy howl left Balr's rotten neck," You were suppose to end her life, so we could divide the fortune between us! But instead you killed me and bed her that same very night!"

Letting go of the halberd and causing his former employer to tumble backwards Damion laughed," What did you expect? You took the risk of hiring a man like me to kill a woman like her! Curvacous body, slender hips.. what a night!"

Falling on his backside Balr felt for the scabbard safely tucked away behind his cloak. The warlord wasn't about to lose a second time to the whims of such a vagabond. He was pissed. Watching Damion attempt to wield his blade, the zombie felt ire and cold satisfaction when he felt the silvery hilt tight in his grip.

Struggling to keep himself balanced with the uncanny weight of the blade, Damion would've fallen if it hadn't been the first time he had wielded such a gigantic weapon. Unable to notice that his employer had found another weapon, the warrior approached with sword in hand," This is the second time it ends like this, Balr. Not from the fate divined by some God. Not because I am lucky. Because, I, Damion Shargath am the bes-- AGH!"

Crimson blood ran down the osmium plate as the brackish taste filled Damion's mouth. Saliva dripped down his chin as he saw the wrathful face of his opponent and growled," I dodged it!".

Wrenching the blade free and standing Balr roared," What do you mean you dodged it?!"

Feeling the wound close inside of him Damion repeated himself," I dodged it. You can't pierce Osmium with that little frogsticker of yours!"

Standing only a breath away from each other, the two warriors screamed in unison," JUUUDDDGGGEE!"

Appearing from no where a man heavy in armor with a pointy beard appeared from the lone tree only a few paces away and sighed in an unbiased manner. It had been the third time he had to consult these two on the matters of fighting, and frankly he had stood somewhere close this time," Alright you two. What is the problem this time?!"

Balr pointed accusingly at Damion and roared," Hes cheating! Hes using his armor as a focal point for invulnerbility! I stabbed him and he says I can't pierce his stupid osmium!"

Looking into the worn, tired eyes of the judge the warrior shrugged," I'm just stating facts, Letho. And I'll be damned if I'm going to be gipped by some dead lord!"

" Dami--", the arbitor said calmly before he was cut off by the shouts of the undead warlord.

" Some dead lord? Some dead lord?! I'll have you know that I've had Balr since the third crash of Althanas! You and your petty warrior came only a few months ago," The warlord proested.

" Guys," Letho said calmly, closing his eyes as they began to twitch.

" A few months ago?! I'm level four and your what? Two?! What makes you think your mangy dagger can pierce my armor?! LUCK?!", Damion bellowed at the top of his lungs.

" Guys..", the judge repeated himself, his voice now filling with ire only to be cut off once more.

" This is Althanas, Damion, not Shargath-Land! You follow the same rules as I do! You mangy no-good pigfuck!", Balr wheezed angrily through his broken windpipe.

Witnessing the two wrestle each other to the ground, shouting obscene things, Letho sighed and checked his watch as he felt his time slowly waste away," GUYS! Stop it! Its been two weeks! I've had to cancel a doctor's appointment because you two can't settle this yourselves!".

Staring into the judge's eyes, both characters tangled in each other gaped in awe as the judge finally took rein of the situation," Heres how its going to work. Osmium is a level below adamantite, and isn't technically recognized by our tier code. Because of that Balr's adamantite dagger.. which I am still having trouble understanding how you even got a hold of it.. pierces Damion's armor. This is the last time I'm coming out here and if you want another mod to come and sort things out I'll end this myself."

Seperating the two, the judge helps Balr stand up and hands him the strange dagger and points to Damion," As you were."

Standing up on his own, the warrior known as Damion Shargath was dumbfounded by the results. He felt cheated from victory and cheated from the experience he needed. Watching the judge walk off into the distance and not noticing Balr took Letho's judgment to heart he shouted after him," What do you mean Osmium is not technically recognized by the tier cod-- AGH!"

08-27-06, 05:05 PM

08-28-06, 02:38 AM
W00t! Saxon, yours rocks!

"AUG-! Damn, this was not how it was supposed to end..." Catherine cursed as blood spewed forth from between her crimson lips, "I SAID I ALREADY CASTED "HEAL" ON MYSELF, DANG IT! DIDN'T ANYONE SEE WHAT I WROTE IN MY POSTS?!?"

08-28-06, 11:50 AM
"What do you mean Master Raven's seeing a psychiatrist?"

08-28-06, 11:47 PM
Hey, don't say that! Do you know how scary that is?!?

OK, here's one for you, then.

"Hell, yeah! I can clear this 50-yards-wide canyon without a prob! Watch me!"

08-29-06, 08:47 AM
"I can definately dash across this gorge no problem!"

08-29-06, 12:47 PM
"ph3ar teh boomeranginess of my boomerang" *Thows*

Kai ducks once

Banda: ha the fool has no idea he is about to get hit in the back of the head

Kai ducks again


Damion Shargath
08-29-06, 12:57 PM
"Hah, you and your fucking halberd. That's so weak, fight like a man Damion! I'll beat you to a pulp! Behold my Zidane Headbutt!"

*cracks skull open on breastplate*

08-29-06, 03:33 PM
Damion: humph ... if i can't cut it whats the point ... it is after all just a rock

Kai: ... that has eyes *starts pointing*

Damion: Exactly ... huh?

Kai: and teeth too

Damion: Kai ... you lost it haven't you *gets eaten by the rock*

Kai: ohh silly me .... it was a dragon after all

08-29-06, 03:35 PM
Kai: What do you mean Chuck Norris is dead!? He can't be, he just can't be! *suicide*

08-29-06, 03:40 PM
Kai: ... god ... i need food

Vorin: its peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelleh time, peanut butter jelleh *is mutilated by a rabid monkey boy*

08-31-06, 04:40 PM
is killed by a rabid bunny...

just like in the holy grail!!

Roscar Palidyne
08-31-06, 07:01 PM
*While in a room full of rusty nails*

"Who needs lightswitches?!"

09-01-06, 05:52 AM
*Trash-talking a disgruntled Corone Ranger wielding a dehlar gunblade*

"Look here, sonny! I may be old, but I ain't gonna go easy on you! Time to meet your maker!"

09-01-06, 12:35 PM
Raven: don't call me cat boy ... monkey boy!

Kai: least i am not named after my last meal! ... cat boy

Raven: oh thats it your officially my new scratching pole

*Kai tossess a ball of yarn with catnip over a cliff .... cat boy follows*

((sorry its easy to stereotype a cat boy))

09-04-06, 03:42 AM
Kai: mmmmm Opiate.

09-04-06, 06:28 AM
*Banda bragging to a bunch of farmgirls*

Yeah, y'all see that? That thing I just threw is called a "boomerang" and the good thing about it is I don't have to pick it up. I just wait for it to-

*Banda gets smacked in his neck by the returning boomerang - instant KO*

09-06-06, 09:06 PM
(Sorry if this isn't up to par. :( )

Staring listlessly into the skies in the middle of a field near the edge of Corone. The notorious sisters listen to their master bumble onward with misprenounciations of their new home. Unaware the trees were thick with bandits and brigands sitting in wait, Yamihara's sisters split up to continue their own personal conversations with the notorious Raven.

Yamihara: "For the last time, Master Raven! Its Akashiman! Not Akimishiman!"

09-10-06, 03:35 PM
Go ahead keep killing me with the boomerang just shows how much everyone likes it!lol

Saxon:*Twitches off a cliff*

09-10-06, 03:49 PM
Banda: ha, this will be easy ... i almost feel bad about attacking an unarmed opponent ... but ... SLY STRIKER

*Banda charges*

Kai: ...

* Banda is then grabbed and is powerbombed off the top rope!"

Falcon Darkflight
09-15-06, 04:51 PM

*Kai is mutilated by a rabid group of occult lemmings*

09-16-06, 10:35 PM
*Conjures dark matter energy*

"Have a taste of my Dark Matter Powers, foolish mortals!"

*Is sucked into the point singularity himself.*

09-23-06, 12:06 AM
Raven: My age? Take a guess
Banda: 200 years old?
Raven: *Crumbles to dust*
Banda: Well that was easy...

Jörgen Älvestam
09-23-06, 05:44 AM
"What? My arm?" Banda questioned as he looked to the ground in a knowing manner, "It's just a flesh wound."

Planning to use his healing abilities to still the bleeding at the stump, once his arm, Banda walked to a tree and sat down. Later that evening Banda was found, pale as the whitest snow, by the tree's roots. His lifeless hand tightly grasped a note which read:

"One cannot call dismemberments 'fleshwounds', and one can certainly not still the bleeding with moderate healing abilities."

09-23-06, 06:01 AM
"Now you see me..."


*Fell off a cliff doing one of his "disappearance" tricks*

09-23-06, 10:13 AM
"Ok, Ok You can call me cat boy... I didn't mean to get so out of line."

09-24-06, 01:32 AM
"What? My arm?" Banda questioned as he looked to the ground in a knowing manner, "It's just a flesh wound."

Planning to use his healing abilities to still the bleeding at the stump, once his arm, Banda walked to a tree and sat down. Later that evening Banda was found, pale as the whitest snow, by the tree's roots. His lifeless hand tightly grasped a note which read:

"One cannot call dismemberments 'fleshwounds', and one can certainly not still the bleeding with moderate healing abilities."

your comparing me to monty python? How cute...

Well, lets see Daggertail! Your up next!

Kris: *Bends down and gets ass raped by a level 25.*

09-24-06, 01:40 AM
Banda: I think, therefore...I am...?


09-24-06, 07:39 AM
Lucien: Fuck you Luc, my wind powers are stronger than any of your powers will ever be.

09-24-06, 07:53 AM
Terry: Fuck the dog, I don't need his help!

*walks straight into a canyon and falls to his death*

09-24-06, 08:38 AM
JOSH: Well at least it was worth it ... i pinned ya ... heh

Kai: great .... now stop bleeding on me

09-24-06, 09:21 AM
Kai: I think I'll bring a psion blade to what was supposed to be a hand-to-hand battle. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee.

09-24-06, 10:40 AM
Joshua: *Grabs Banda and holds a knife to his neck* say my code name bitch.

Banda:Maybe if I give him mom's birthdate... er...016573?

Joshua: How did y- *Is sniped from 50 yards away*

09-24-06, 10:44 AM
Banda: I'm done with boomerangs, it's now time for a really really big sword.

09-24-06, 11:15 AM
Eris: aww come on, i don't think he is going to be so pissed off, just because i dyed his hair and gave him a hair cut do ya

Kai: ... you obviously don't know Canen

*The sky grows dark and a shadow appears across the ground sending everything into darkness. yet this is just a warning of what is about to happen*

Eris: ooh muffins and cookies!

Kai: Hey, no mine!!!

Chidori Draconid
09-24-06, 07:18 PM
Kai: Shit Shit Shit Fuck Damn Ass...

Get it? He's dying in his native tongue.

09-24-06, 07:25 PM
Wow I have a lot of goddess girlfriends, one more can't hurt^^

09-26-06, 10:01 PM
Eris: I'm glad were not fighting anymore.

Banda: Yeah but alot of my friends sure can hold a grudge...

Gadgeteer Mikami
10-26-06, 09:46 AM
Banda: Don't you know you can't kill me? I'm the hero of this game, therefore, I will never DIE!!! Hahahaha!!!

*Player turns off the console and throws away the game*

10-26-06, 10:40 AM
Mikami: So what if I have a few screws loose... Oh you mean in the flying machine that we're testing, that's ok!

10-27-06, 07:00 AM
...And, so, the duel ended with an ambush. The brigand's troops had been lying in waiting and struck at the ronin when she became distracted. The leader strode up and kicked her in the face. Three grunts picked her up and arrested the warrior while the villianous woodland thief relieved her of The Eagle Feather Katana.

"So... Now that I have the Ultimate Weapon to bring about my reign... What should I do with you, eh?" The boss snickered, nicking Kit's throbbing cheek with the tip of her own blade.

"So what if you've got the ultimate weapon... ugh- ...Its spirit cries out in pain at your hands... You.. You will never be accepted as the master of the Eagle Feather Katana... ...NEVER!"

After those words, the proud kitsune ronin was cut down where she stood by the very blade that served her for many years. The revered sword, now tainted by its true master's blood, railed against its new master and dissolved into the wind...

...Never to be seen again until the kitsune's daughter would come to reclaim what was rightfully hers.

[[To Be Continued... :D]]

03-17-07, 01:06 AM
"It's not that far of a fall"

Rajani Aishwara
03-17-07, 01:29 AM
"Oh look! Chocolate!"

03-17-07, 02:12 AM
"It's getting a little breezy. Good day to set sail."

5 hours and some nauts later...

"They didn't tell me it was supposed to be a hurricane!"

Mage Hunter
03-17-07, 04:47 AM
"A treasure chest in the bottom of a pit trap full of shit? No way it could be that hard!"

True story, my character drowned in that pit trap....

Slayer of the Rot
03-17-07, 05:08 AM
Dan: "Oh please, a harpoon in my stomach? Are you retarded?

...Oh, it's chained to three kegs of lit black powder. Well, fuck."

03-17-07, 11:16 AM
"I thought you said you loved me?"


"Honey, why do you have a knife?"

Artifex Felicis
03-17-07, 11:47 AM
"Don't worry, it's the full moon and I'll be fine."

"Pah, your pathetic magics can't hurt me!"

"Goddamn beast I got you now!"

"Was it Jara or Ing that came next in these runes?"

"Excellent, I finally secured the ship."


"Goddamnit I hate Akashima."

Going from the post above mine and upwards.

03-17-07, 11:53 AM
"Mmmm...ground near volcanoes is nice and warm."



03-17-07, 08:19 PM
"That cloud of dust is moving awfully fast towards us..."

04-03-07, 05:41 PM
"This mushroom's safe. I promise. Here, I'll show you. . ."

Antigonus the One-Eyed
04-03-07, 06:52 PM
Tiberius: "et tu brutae...."

04-03-07, 08:40 PM
I'm not sure what that means...but....


Artifex Felicis
04-03-07, 09:02 PM
Insgita Ieso tu quidem es!

Nec sapis pueri instari bimuli tremula patris dormentis in ulna. Non tu tibi istam praetruncari lingum largoquam iubes.

Witchblade = "I so totally owned you!"

04-03-07, 09:20 PM
Artifex: "Hey, Karu, I'm bored. Lets go down this tunnel where you only have one spell that will work."

Je ne parle pas le latin, mais je pense que Artifex est si bien parce qu'il peut.

04-03-07, 09:33 PM
Translated Karu: ohh a new hidden rune, lets try it out!

04-04-07, 01:16 AM
Tiberius: "et tu brutae...."

I'm not sure what that means...but....Supposedly, those are the last words of Julius Caesar, who was attacked by a group of senators or something, and amongst them was Caesar's good friend Brutus. Translated, it means: "You too, Brutus?". And then Julius Caesar kicked the bucket.

04-04-07, 01:52 AM
Letho: I don't really care how many ways you can kill me. You see, I only die once.

Let's see you use this in a quest, Mister. :p

Oh, yeah~ Here's one for my sweet Miyu-chan.

Anila: S-Sonna... atashino... shi... desu... ka... ((Translation: That's my blood?))


04-04-07, 02:07 AM
And for Yamihara...

"What are you doing with your fans...? Yeah, we're best friends. Oh, you're just polishing them." ^_^

Love you too, darling.

04-06-07, 05:55 PM
"Oh come on, if I use my fans, the fire will go out. Sheesh."

04-06-07, 06:01 PM
"Why Zook Murnig, what are you doing at my house and why do you look like Ralph Macchio? (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087538/)"

04-09-07, 01:38 AM
"Oh, God..."

...Yep, those were Lucien's last words...

04-09-07, 09:21 AM
Murakama: I don't care if you have children, there's no way a furry girl is going to have the title of greatest swordswoman!

Artifex Felicis
04-09-07, 09:36 AM
Doji Ki: "You'll never take the kits away from me!"

((Enter storyline about how Ryo and Chiyo work to avenge their mother, who died for their safety from evil kami))

04-09-07, 11:40 AM
Leon to Seth (Ad'huast), while looking evil/pissed: "And she died...why?"

04-09-07, 03:27 PM
"Hey, how do you read this little squiggly line?"

Corvus MacCallum
04-09-07, 06:17 PM
Azza: "Oooh I've never seen this type of plant, I'll call it the Drooling Snapper"

04-10-07, 10:14 AM
Corvus: "Come on, chaps, it's just a Blazen!"

04-10-07, 10:24 AM
"That... That is one really, really, big... Really angry lizard... Uh, what's it called again...? An elder dragon? ...OK..."


Corvus MacCallum
04-10-07, 12:31 PM
Asuka: "Pfft well if theres no men with enough balls to try this then I'll show you how its done!"

04-10-07, 12:51 PM
Corvus: "I will squish that agile little ninja with my big sword that's too heavy to swing quickly."

Corvus MacCallum
04-10-07, 12:57 PM
Seraphima: "Whys the leash gone slack?"

04-10-07, 12:58 PM
Chris: "Damn... I HATE irony!"

Or... at least, I'm sure those will be his last words some day.

04-10-07, 02:16 PM
Christoph: "All right, who's the jerk shit that edited my book?!"

Artifex Felicis
04-10-07, 07:37 PM
Koran - "Don't be stupid. I can't be harmed now. I'm finished upgrading."

04-10-07, 07:45 PM
"You know just because the... hey look a mouse!"

04-10-07, 09:57 PM
"Of course I know where I'm going!" Points randomly. "THAT WAY!"

04-10-07, 10:06 PM
"Hey what a cute little thingy!"

The Archer
04-10-07, 10:09 PM
"I'll go in first. I'm the better fighter."

04-11-07, 12:21 AM
"I'm sure she's gotten over that prank..."

04-11-07, 04:33 PM
"Gimmiegimmiegimmiegimme! I saw it first!"

Rajani Aishwara
04-11-07, 06:03 PM
"No! I didn't mean to say that in Elvish!"

04-11-07, 06:33 PM
"Mohana, this tastes kind of bland..."

04-11-07, 09:15 PM
"Oh...Modadhae doesn't translate exactly into Gaelic...no! I did NOT call you that!"

Artifex Felicis
04-11-07, 09:20 PM
"What's this slimy thing under my fee" *CHOMP*

Zook Murnig
04-11-07, 10:23 PM
"You'll never pierce my fuzzy fur!"

04-11-07, 10:27 PM
Your Pagan god's witchcraft is no match for the power of the true God!

04-11-07, 10:35 PM
"Well, because you couldn't possibly be the real Grim Reaper. My age is irrelevant. Says so in the profile."

04-11-07, 10:40 PM
Don't worry, I'm a phoenix. I rise from the ashes. Oh bottom of the sea, that's a problem.

04-11-07, 10:42 PM

"You may be the invincible, omnipotent, unbeatable and very bloodthirsty god of war, but YOU JUST PICKED THE WRONG KITS TO MESS WITH, BUSTER!"

04-11-07, 10:44 PM
Hahaha. That just so fits Doji Ki. :p

"Even if I don't stand a chance against you, demon, remember this: I'm... the Glassmaker."

04-11-07, 10:51 PM

good last words for Raven.


Translation: "Eat laser!"

Artifex Felicis
04-11-07, 10:56 PM
Seraphima : "The light, it's so beautiful."

Bit more dramatic XD

Rajani Aishwara
04-11-07, 11:08 PM
"Damn! I've seen the cat nip trick a million times. How the hell is it that I still fall victim to it?... Oh! Catnip!!!"

04-12-07, 05:27 AM
"Abandon ship? Never!" BOOM *flies through the air and lands in the water* "Hey!! That's not funny!!" :P

04-12-07, 10:07 AM
Hamnat/Shenjara: "All right, you brogue-talking foreigner, there can only be ONE adorable red-headed mage on Althanas. I'm the favorite, so I'm going to kill you!"

*Entire forum starts beating on Hamnat*

"Ow! OW! Didn't you guys hear me?! I'm the favorite! And the cutest!"

04-12-07, 10:38 AM
Karu Translation: I didn't know that you sold spell books. How much for the big black one radiating that neat purple smoke?

The Mime
04-12-07, 10:52 AM
Ginx: So what we have is three blackened logs, something fluffy I found in my pocket and a large bottle of wine.... sooo, wanna help a kitty in distress out?

04-12-07, 11:40 AM


04-13-07, 04:38 AM
Hamnat/Shenjara: "All right, you brogue-talking foreigner, there can only be ONE adorable red-headed mage on Althanas. I'm the favorite, so I'm going to kill you!"

*Entire forum starts beating on Hamnat*

"Ow! OW! Didn't you guys hear me?! I'm the favorite! And the cutest!"

It's funny because it's true! (^_^) Except for the second line and half of the third...

"I will cut you to ribbons!!"

04-13-07, 10:47 AM
"They can't hurt me, I'm the cutest one here. Watch, I'll prove it."

04-13-07, 01:02 PM

80040e07--Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Shutting down..."

04-13-07, 02:47 PM

04-13-07, 11:26 PM
"This meat smells kinda funny...but it looks tasty! Witchblade put it here? What's a witchblade?"

04-14-07, 04:08 AM
"Ohhh, it's shiney!"

04-14-07, 10:14 AM
"My purrrfect regenerative powers will keep me alive!" *sploch* "Mrow!!ow! OW!!!"

04-15-07, 12:05 AM
"NO! Not my tongue!"

04-15-07, 08:10 PM
"Between the gold, shapeshift, and the sleeping potion, you just don't want to know..."

04-15-07, 09:29 PM
"Nobody tosses a dwarf."

04-15-07, 09:31 PM
"Dammit, quit pronouncing my name wrong, you over-powered >Bleep<! It's J'hald, not Jehald or Jerald. I'll KILL YOU!"

Gadgeteer Mikami
04-17-07, 12:49 PM
"I will not die here. I believe in the Runes..."

Sometimes, operating with one Rune short is just as dangerous. ;)

04-17-07, 01:30 PM
*Reina fiddles around with a nuclear device (that somehow got teleported into Althanas' dimension), trying to figure out how it works, and accidentally triggers the five-second countdown*

"I guess there is something too complex to figure out."


Zook Murnig
04-17-07, 10:22 PM
"Hold still, motherfucker, so I can defend myself on principle!"

04-17-07, 10:34 PM
"D-don't worry. Just scratch...es..."

04-17-07, 10:44 PM
"At least Cyrus is coming with me!"

Artifex Felicis
04-17-07, 10:45 PM
"Now that's it's cool you could hold the sword in your bare hands."

04-17-07, 10:47 PM
"NO! I broke a nail!"

04-17-07, 10:52 PM
"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox."

Artifex Felicis
04-17-07, 10:55 PM
"Gah- *bubble* grubble *gasp* Not, *breath in* hagall in storm"

04-17-07, 11:06 PM
"Don't go thinking you can escape my yarn trap"

04-17-07, 11:12 PM
"All right, it's a deal." *shakes hands with spirit* "Wait...what are you doing? Devouring whose soul? I didn't agree to that! Ah! AH! Fine print? What fine print???"

04-18-07, 04:50 PM
*sniffs the air*

"There is no one near and this plant smells safe. It must be so."

Corvus MacCallum
04-18-07, 05:49 PM
Koran: "Hah so who cares if yours is bigger, size dosen't matter in a fight"

04-18-07, 06:02 PM

"Sorry, Ciel, but I'm over you now..."

Corvus MacCallum
04-18-07, 08:17 PM
Fihrinn : "Nice teeth golden boy, bet your barks worse than your bite hah"

04-19-07, 05:39 AM
"I'M...too sexy for my tail! Too sexy for my tail!"

04-19-07, 06:01 AM
"Awwwwwwwwww, you're cute!"

*insert sound effect*

04-19-07, 07:05 AM
*strikes a sour note*

" ... "

04-19-07, 07:53 AM

*A scout whispers into his ears*

"Say what?! RETREEEEAAAAT!!!"

04-19-07, 09:10 AM
"Now you've gotta ask yourself one thing. Do I feel lucky?"

*Stares a gigantic fireball in the face*

"...yes, I guess you do." *whimper*


Hamnat, I'd been resisting putting something very similar to that...mine was "I'm too sexy for my pelt!"

04-19-07, 01:49 PM
"I foresee a death in the near future."

04-20-07, 05:30 AM
" I may not look like much... but even I have principles to stand up for... Bring it on, ugly!"

04-20-07, 12:09 PM
"To avenge my father....bring justice to his murderers...restore my family's honor...and to take back the West for the Yamihara family!"

*Raises fists*

04-20-07, 12:26 PM
*calls upon Sigel in the middle of an open field*

04-20-07, 01:23 PM
Lol. ZAP!

"I'm sorry, Zirkan, but since you won't hunt for yourself (you lazy dragon), all I could find for you were some carrots and a tomato. ... Why are you looking at me like that?"

04-21-07, 08:22 PM
"Ur! Wait, no! Nied! I meant Nied!"

04-21-07, 10:45 PM
"Who left this chunk of meat just lying about by the gate? Mmm...delicious."

*Two hours later*

"I...don't feel...so...URK!"

And yeah...Ur instead of Nied would be baaaaad. On the other hand...dude, you know my spells...

Gorath the Strong
04-21-07, 11:17 PM
*flips through small pocket book*

"So many freaking spells..."

04-21-07, 11:31 PM
And yeah...Ur instead of Nied would be baaaaad. On the other hand...dude, you know my spells...

:D Mwaha.

Gorath: "What's that sound? Eh, no matter. It can't possibly be bigger than me..."

04-25-07, 10:50 PM
"Is it hot in here, or is that just me? ... What? My fur's on fire?" *Jumps into a raging river and is dashed on the rocks*

04-25-07, 10:59 PM
"I wonder what happens when I light my boat on fire..."

04-25-07, 11:46 PM
"I'm kinda tired. I want to take a nap."

Alt: "I LOVE fire!"

Response to previous post: "I don't know...let's find out!"

05-28-07, 05:18 PM
"Whaddya mean the red dot on my head is moving?!" - Karuka standing with a companion below the grassy knoll.

05-28-07, 06:01 PM
"Don't be silly, there's no mice or fish around here. Hell, the nearest cat nip is in a home four day's travel from here. Continue the battle."

05-28-07, 06:59 PM
*Later in her life, Maia gains the ability to carry more weight with her as she flies! Say, rescuing a man?*

Man:"Are you sure you can keep flying for this long? We're right over jagged rocks!"

Maia: "Oh psshh! It hasn't even been thiry minutes yet!"

05-28-07, 08:05 PM
"I wonder...if I can use my sword...like I use my boomerang. Swordarang, yo!"

Skie and Avery
05-28-07, 08:12 PM
"I'm planning a family reunion"

05-28-07, 08:15 PM
Avery: "Elena, I was thinking..."

Skie: *To a bunch of her father's (powerful) enemies* "I am the daughter of Devon dan Sabriel, and I shall finish the job for which my father lacked the time." *Brandishes sword*

05-28-07, 08:16 PM
Skie: "Tasty tasty suns, yummy yummy!"

Avery: "Look, Elana.I'm sorry, but a moontae has NEEDS alright?"


None So Blind
05-28-07, 08:21 PM
Maia: Let's try that "Maian" experiment again, only this time with a little more... fizz!

05-29-07, 03:36 PM
While walking in shadows, Do'afin puts a hand in her bag and yanks it out with a howl. Sucking on bloody fingers she growls to her compatriots," Bah, broken glass! Just filled those things with.. oh shit."

06-01-07, 11:00 AM
Famous last words for the beloved assassin:

Lye: "So I was thinking of settling down..."

My ultimate nightmare!

06-01-07, 11:48 AM
"Awesome double pointed needles!"

06-01-07, 11:50 AM
"I have a cooler weapon than sword chucks: Bomber-rang"

06-01-07, 09:21 PM
"WHAT?! Wha?! I will go any where I damn well please. Wait.. what the fuck do you mean by 'foxes are in hunting season'?" - Disgruntled Doji trying to cross the Corone forest.

Artifex Felicis
06-01-07, 09:43 PM
"What do you mean you're the eldritch of Althanas?"

Saxon, to a strange man who found him one day.

06-01-07, 10:02 PM
"Gonna fight a draaaaaagon gonna fight a draaaaaa -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! IT BURNS!!!"

06-01-07, 10:25 PM
"Down the road and not across the street..."

06-01-07, 11:32 PM
"Hi doc, yeah... is it supposed to be that color..?"

06-01-07, 11:35 PM
"Oh, yeah? Well, just GO. I don't NEED your help! I don't need you at all!"

06-02-07, 07:59 AM
"Fo' th' las' fecking time ye mangy blood sucker, I neva robbed his fecking corpse!"

06-02-07, 10:53 AM
"I live!"

Artifex Felicis
06-02-07, 11:33 AM
"What do you mean I have an off switch?"

06-02-07, 11:38 AM
*To someone much tougher than he is* "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

btw: Grim gets bonus points for TRYING the accent. Even though it's not Karu's, lol.

06-02-07, 11:40 AM
*throwing the pendulum away and still speaking in accent though without it phonetically typed*

"Screw you Dharma! I will find my own way through life!"

Corvus MacCallum
06-02-07, 03:59 PM
"No I will NOT turn it down!"

06-02-07, 05:38 PM
"I've squashed bigger dragons with my bare hands."

06-02-07, 05:48 PM

"Oh please, why should I worry? It's just a bunch of sex starved, brutal pirates who would cut their mother's throat if she caught them stealing. It's the only ship in the port, and I need to visit the Raiaeran tailors. Some jerk ripped my clothes and all I've got left to wear is this barely there bikini."

06-02-07, 11:11 PM
"That is NOT what he told me..!"

Artifex Felicis
06-02-07, 11:12 PM
"I wonder if I can make a Helmet too, with spike son the forehead so I can headbutt people!"


"What do you mean my whole body is a malignent tumor?"

06-03-07, 10:34 AM
"Whaddya mean there's more than one way to skin a cat?"

06-03-07, 11:54 AM
Poking a slavering orc square in the nose, Banda growls low and squeaks," Get 'yer' pudgy, green fingers off my sword."

06-10-07, 10:08 PM
"You SUCK"

06-10-07, 10:10 PM
"No way, I'M the best with a boomerang on Althanas!"

06-10-07, 10:19 PM
"No way, I'M the best with a boomerang on Althanas!"

Haha! Now THATS funny!.....but sadly untrue *sob* aaaanways!

*Maia is dancing!*

"Don't fall over the stage, don't fall over the stage..."

06-14-07, 01:26 AM
Here's one for the nerds.


*To a passerby*

"I thought it up myself. Travels at the speed of sound. ... waaaaaaait..."

*Gets head taken off by the return of the boomerang*

Death's Nephew
06-15-07, 12:36 AM
"I dunno...press the button and find out."

06-15-07, 08:26 AM
"What do you mean I'm being summoned to court? Who is Scott Ramoosair (http://www.vgcats.com/)?!"

Death's Nephew
06-15-07, 12:06 PM
"What do you mean I'm being summoned to court? Who is Scott Ramoosair (http://www.vgcats.com/)?!"

Hahaha, nice one.

Good thing I don't make these little avatars for money. XD

Whoever is next, skip me and do Wraith. :cool:

06-15-07, 01:39 PM
"ummm what's this black ball with a string with sparklies coming out do, HQ?"

Artifex Felicis
06-15-07, 04:45 PM
"Don't worry, I have suntan lotion on!"

06-15-07, 04:53 PM
"I am going to save the Bazaar practically on my own!"

06-15-07, 06:23 PM
"Take that!"

*Slits wrists, sprays blood everywhere and enemy melts, screaming in pain*

*Turns to companion*

"How do I stop the bleeding?"

06-15-07, 06:34 PM
What should I say to that? He tried rip my fingernail off...

"What do you think you're doing?!"

My dialogue score is gonna suck...

Corvus MacCallum
06-15-07, 06:50 PM
"Useless sword... all you do is complain"

"Well I do have one suggestion, all you need to do is unclasp me"

06-15-07, 07:08 PM
"Oh come on you're just a dragon, a normal dragon at that!"

06-22-07, 01:44 PM
"Sorry I just had a run in with a really nasty bandit, but yes I'm a Nine Tails."

*Morgoth counts tails*

"Err... you sure? I only see three, or does each tail count as three?"

"WTF?!" While wildly looking for lost 6 tails.

06-22-07, 11:43 PM
*Morgoth laughs at blind human girl with scythe*

"You going to spin around and play piñata?"

06-22-07, 11:45 PM
*Patting the ground*

"Where'd my scythe go?"

06-22-07, 11:47 PM
"Okay, Maurz! Somewhere on me I have a doggie treat, just for you! Find it, boy!"

06-22-07, 11:49 PM
*pats a rabid wolf* "that's a good.. wait..* touches the ear*
"You're not Maurz!"
[too late.. ]
Elijah: *steals bread from a random passerby* Yay bread!
Passerby: *wonders why his arsenic bread was taken.. goes to poison rats some other way*

06-23-07, 12:52 AM
*Feels for a wall*

"My, my, what a nice furry wall."

*Bear screams*

06-23-07, 12:58 AM
*Throws a boomerang* Now, I just gotta pay REAL close attention so it doesn't kill me, again...
*has neck snapped by an assassin, who is killed by returning boomerang*

06-23-07, 01:20 AM
Is that all you got? Pssh, try making a joke about me without using my boomerang! Now thats a challenge no?

Nadia: "Regenerate damnit!"

Banda: "Little too late, hya!"

06-23-07, 01:23 AM
"Man, this is a dark cave. But don't worry. I know EXACTLY where I'm going."

*Falls into pit lined with spikes.*

~ There ya go.

06-23-07, 01:34 AM
Oh crap, it was line squiggle squiggle not squiggle line line! *is burnt to a crisp by bad spell*
Anyway, who ever said it was "Joke on other people"? It's all in good fun, kiddo. You don't see me complain about the blind jokes, do you?

06-23-07, 01:37 AM
@_@ No worries about that, lol. I don't recognize either Line Squiggle Squiggle or Squiggle Line Line as far as runes go! I think they're Egyptian Heiratic.


"I KNEW I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque! ... I just couldn't SEE Albuquerque."

06-23-07, 01:38 AM
Naida: "Ankes! Noyo, mo!" ((Comrade! Help me!))

Banda: "What in Hermes's name are you speaking of?"

*Arrow zips into Naida's head*

Banda: "......ooooohhhh!"

EDIT: Gotta do one for KAruka now since she beat me to it >_<

Karuka: "I'm SO wasted!"

06-23-07, 01:41 AM
I KNEW I shoulda used somethin stronger than tape to hold my boomerang together!

[Also, unless Herme is a made-up god, it's HERMES. ]

06-23-07, 01:48 AM
woop my bad! and remember something other than my boomerang! Try finding some other flaw, it's getting boring seeing people make fun of the good old flying stick of mine...DOH!

I can't think of any more last words right now except for Banda

"Hey! Wait Streak! That's not a bridge! GAH!!!!!!"

06-23-07, 01:53 AM
Banda, age 15, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...."

Oddly enough, you've run out of flaws to exploit in my character..

Nadia, while practicing with her scythe "Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust!" *SLICE*

06-23-07, 01:59 AM
no no just too dem tired lol

i'm going to bed

07-19-07, 01:12 PM
Banda's got too many last words. So I'm going with two charas that haven't done much or anything yet, but are still awesome.

Stryfus (Stryful_Blood) to Syneare (Synful_Blood): "Dirty Elf."

Syn's response: "Dirty Drow."

07-19-07, 03:58 PM
(Karuka, railing against the gods atop a steep, steep cliff. With a large oak tree next to her. And it was a dark and stormy day.)

"Odin! You've never done anything for me!"


The Architect
08-04-07, 08:39 AM
Damn it! I knew I should have just stayed at that store with my uncle!

08-04-07, 08:45 AM
"No sweat, good sirs. This building isn't going to fall down into itself anytime soon. Trust me, I'm the Architect. I know my buildings as good as the back of my han-"


Ouch. ;)

08-04-07, 08:45 AM
Ravan: oh please, i saw that coming a mile away ... whats next? a pendulum of doom?

*He never knew how correct he was*

08-04-07, 08:49 AM
Kaiser, raising his fists. "C'mon, you big armored bully! I will POUND you!"

Little did he know that said big armored bully also knew where to put a sword to make loud-mouthed monkies shut up.


08-04-07, 09:36 AM
"Sailors, don't let that fish get away!"

Moonlit Raven
08-04-07, 08:43 PM
“Anyone else need to be convinced I don’t want to go back?”

Twisted Infinitum
08-05-07, 09:33 AM
"Mmm... pastrami."

08-07-07, 05:00 AM
"Ugh... I never knew dying involves so much pain..."

Corvus MacCallum
08-07-07, 09:20 AM
"For point of future reference.... leg armour, its a nice idea"

Artifex Felicis
08-07-07, 05:45 PM
"Since when did speed matter? I can keep up with you!"

08-07-07, 06:06 PM
"Nyah nyah, you can't catch m -- oh...fffffffffffff...ireball..."