View Full Version : Exirgo Chal'den

Savage Hoax
08-29-10, 08:14 AM
Name: Exirgo Chal'den
Age: 80ish (young adult)
Race: Dragon
Eye Color: Glowing Yellow
Height: 2m
Length: 5.5m
Weight: Approx 200kg
Occupation: Terrorizing country side

Personality: Exirgo would be considered slightly arrogant by human standards. He likes to be in charge, dominant and resents those who he feels are preventing or keeping him from being so. He is also selfish, and may be willing to withhold something from someone for no other reason than they want it and he has it. While it might not be immediately apparent to anyone who was to meet him or see his living space Exirgo is also obsessive compulsive. He craves order, or at least his order and regards those who disrupt his belongings with at best, mild contempt.

Appearance: (Dragon) - Exirgo is a long, black, serpentine dragon. His tail makes up the majority of his length, ending in a long whip-like shape. His hind legs are thick powerful constructs and can he can easily stand up on if he wants to, extending his total height to about 3 - 4 meters. His wings are vast, leathery and rather form fitting. Exirgo usually keeps them folded up neatly against his main body when not in use. His neck is long, almost a full meter in length. Exirgo's head is wide, almost crocadilian, though his bite is much deeper than a crocodiles. His eyes are set forwards in his skull and glow a bright yellow. His head is crowned by a pair of horns that sweep back from just behind his forehead. Exirgo's horns are about 45cm in length.

Appearance: (Human) - To call Exirgo's alternate form "human" would probably be an insult to most. It is human in shape only, and even a cursory glance could tell one that. His feet are more like fat eagle claws and his hands (and body) are scaly and clawed. He lacks a true nose and instead has two small holes where his nose should be. His teeth are decidedly reptilian and he has a pair of horns that arch backwards above his head. His wings while useless for flight in human form are kept around his neck like a leathery cape.
If truth be known Exirgo could chose a much more human form if he wanted to, but has never had to spend time or blend in with humans, and thus likes to keep his appearance as startling as possible to humans.

I suppose I had an average up-bringing really. My father was never around, he'd taken off long before I hatched. It's the way of a male dragon you know, your gruuiuk's* gotta swing free in the breeze. I was the middle child of 8 other hatch-lings. Not that this meant mother was any less attentive to me. Her hatchery was a fine place, she had dug it out of the mountain herself. She brought us a fresh carcass every week and me and my siblings had plenty of bones to play with too. My personal favorite was a long bone, about as long as your human thigh bone... Come to think of it I believe that's exactly what it was. The marrow was long gone from it, probably sucked out by a brood long before I was born. It was still fun to play with thou, made a nice clackity sound when dropped or thrown.
Mother was a Nafldask, or brood mother as a human might say. An ancient dragon more than several hundred years old. We were not her first brood and we were definitely not her last. She had several consorts who visited her every 10 years or so. As a whelp I never really met any of them though, a good brood mother knows not to trust a male dragon with her clutch. I was never really what you would call a "good child" thou and frequently sneaked out to the front of the cave. I only ever saw 1 of her consorts, he was a Naflopsola, literally translated that's a grandfather. An ancient dragon, probably older even than my mother. Watching him soar away into the moon light, I was awed, and from that moment on, I knew exactly who I wanted to be when I grew up.
Let me tell you though, it's been no easy feat getting this far even. 7 brothers and sisters? having to share food with them all? It was unreasonably I tell you! A rotting cow's corpse only feeds so many! So I did what any reasonable whelp would do. I killed off a few of them. Oh now Don't give me that look. I've heard what its like for you humans and the likes. Brotherly and sisterly bonds for life. Undur* the lot of it. It's the way of the dragon! the strongest survive, the weakest die out. That's how it works. Now, in my defense - and not that I need one in this matter - I didn't act alone in this. Indeed, we didn't even intend to kill some of my brothers and sisters. Growing up is hard, that goes triple for dragons. We play hard as whelps and accidents happen, if your not tough enough to walk it off, then maybe you shouldn't have been playing to begin with. All's said I am however particularly proud of being able to claim the kill of one of my sisters. Danurah was a particularly greedy little aesthyrsth*, whenever mother brought a fresh corpse home she would always claim the head. By the time we were 20 she had a neat little bed of skulls to sleep on and was claiming she was the strongest and the smartest and the worst part was, she was right. Obviously something had to be done about her, so one night I crept over, and bit her throat out. She might have been stronger, and smarter, but she was arrogant and I was the most cunning. I am the most cunning.
Out of all my brothers and sisters I was the only one to reach full maturity. But Im getting ahead of myself. The years past and mother started taking us out on hunts. At first she just showed us the basic stuff. Flying, pouncing, aerial tracking, that sort of thing. We hunted out in the dark marshes, wonderful place that. It was cursed many years ago, all who die in the marsh are doomed to walk the swampy ground for all eternity. As I said, lovely place, especially during the autumn.
(Note from the editor: Exirgo is being completely serious here, most dragons of his flight love the dark marshes and do indeed frequently spend a month or two holidaying there.)
We spent our days circling the swamps, practicing pouncing on unsuspecting zombies and the evenings lightly toasting our kills. Have you ever had zombie-cow? Mmmhumm! cow is good eating, zombie is good eating, zombie-cow is beyond delicious. Unfortunately most animals seem to instinctively stay away from the dark marshes so zombie-cow was a rare find.

All too soon though we were kicked out of the nest. Quite literally in a dragons case. I remember that day well. Me and my two remaining siblings bid each other farewell (which mostly consisted of thinly veiled threats and sincere wishes that we never see each other again) and took off to the four winds. I personally flew out west, across the dark marshes and far away. It took me a few months before I found a suitable patch that had not already been claimed. I took up residence in a small limestone cave and for a year or two terrorized the local village of humans. Or were they elves? I cant remember, you all look alike to me anyway. After a few good years terrorizing villagers, snatching cows away in the night, the towns folk caught on to my ways and hired some adventure types to hunt me down. Such a pity, the feeding there was good, and their cows were fat and stupid. No fight in them at all, Not like a zombie-cow that will continue to kick and fight even after its head has been severed.
I again flew west, this time over a vast bay. I had to scout the bloody thing a few times, before I set off I couldn't see the other side. It wasn't until a traveling merchant gave me a map (among other things) in exchange for me not eating his horse. I learned that there was a whole other land over there, and I got the impression that dragons like me were a rare thing over there. I spent a few weeks bulking up, a few cows and one sheep (I don't like sheep. too much fiber, gets stuck in your teeth) latter and I felt I was ready. I waited until the sun was high and the air was warm and took off from a sea-side cliff. I'm not exactly sure HOW far I flew but I know it must have been a very long way. Now, I'm sure us dragons make it look effortless to you humans but let me tell you, flying is a big deal. Especially long distance flights. By the time I spotted land the sun had long since set and I was having to beat my wings constantly to stay air born. That's not easy when you weigh as much as I do. As you can imagine by the time I reached land I was exhausted. I found a nice quiet sea-cave and fell fast asleep.

...and THAT my dear fellow is how I got here.

((Editers notes: translations are as followed
Gruuiuk: draconic slag for "cock". Can also be used as a derogatory term for a male dragon.
Undur: roughly translates to "bull crap" or "rubbish"
Aesthyrsth: a derogatory draconic term for a female. closest translation would be "whore" or "bitch" ))


Chameleon - While standing still or slithering Exirgo's scales can mimic his surroundings allowing him to blend in with forested areas, shadows and relatively flat colored backgrounds. While he can attempt to blend in with complex patterns (such as a brick wall or tiled mosaic) his attempts to do so are quite easy to spot, even from a distance, and are quite laughable.

Flight Bladder - A large internal organ that is usually filled with a lighter than air, highly flammable gas. By either inflating or exhaling gas, this bladder can either provide Exirgo with a potent breath attack or counter his weight and enabling him to fly. His bladder has a limited capacity and if he expends too much gas he will need to eat and rest before he will be able to fly or use his breath attack.

Flight (Dependent on Flight Bladder) - The primary purpose of his flight bladder is to counter enough of his weight that lift-off becomes possible with his wings. With a fully inflated flight bladder Exirgo is capable of a vertical take off and can travel vast distances. However if he has expended gas from his flight bladder then he will either need a good run-up or a suitable height from which to launch himself.

Flame Breath (Dependent on Flight Bladder) - When the gas from Exirgo's flight bladder is combined with his saliva the two chemicals combine to form a sticky, combustible, rapidly oxidation mist - which is a complicated way to say Exirgo can breath fire. Doing so obviously expends gas from his flight bladder and Exirgo must be careful not to burn too much of his precious gas or he will be unable to fly or breath fire and will need to eat and rest for about a day.
For reference, Exirgo would be able to sustain a 10 - 15 meter flame for about 20 seconds his flight bladder would be completely empty. A short burst of flame can cause moderate burn to those caught in the flames while a longer burst can set the blast radius alight, inflicting more serious burns to those who stay in the effected zone over 10 to 12 seconds.

Polymorph (Human form) - When needed Exirgo may assume a vaguely humanoid form. While in Human form Exirgo loses the ability to blend in via his chameleon effect, use his breath attack and the ability to fly (but still retains his wings, although much smaller).

Equipment -

Scales (armor) - Exirgo's is still a young dragon and his scales have not yet harded. One day they will be as hard and as strong as tempered steel, but right now they are more like cool rubber.

Teeth and Claws (weapon) - Exirgos teeth are currently his 4th set of about 8 that his flight can grow in a life time. While sharp, they are also a bit short, only about 10cm long on average with his fangs being about 15cm long. His claws are longer, about 15cm on average, but also much duller. He relies mostly on brute strength in a stand-up fight with either weapon.

08-29-10, 01:39 PM
Only one thing, more of a clarification really. I need the strength of the Flame Breath. You should be able to cause moderate burns for now, or serious burns if the target remains in the blast area for over 15 seconds. Everything else looks fine.

Savage Hoax
08-29-10, 10:08 PM
Added in some clarification for Exirgo's flame breath as requested.

A short burst of flame can cause moderate burn to those caught in the flames while a longer burst can set the blast radius alight, inflicting more serious burns to those who stay in the effected zone over 10 to 12 seconds.

:) Is this more acceptable?

08-30-10, 01:00 AM
Good enough. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.