View Full Version : Strange quest idea

08-29-10, 01:21 PM
Alright, so somehow I came up with this strange idea the other day, and now I have decided to actually try and act on it. Anyways, this thread would take place immediately following ‘Fortress of Delusion’. For those of you who haven’t read it, here’s a summary of what will probably happen next.

The experimental method of hosting battles in the Citadel was tested by Polly and Zerith, and for the most part was a huge success. However, somehow the halberdier has found himself stuck in a nightmare of his own creation and unable to wake up. In it, he’s confronted by his own personal version of who he perceives to be Raelyse Salidan, who’s pissed since the Z-Man basically stole Jasmine from him. Obviously, Z probably doesn’t stand a chance against the prince. So he’s kind of busy being electrocuted (Yeah, you can compare it to Star Wars if you want to.) But due to what the monks did to Zerith, they're not exactly sure what would happen if he were to die in the dream.

What I’m looking for, is for a few characters (probably no more than 3) who have preferably encountered Z in the past to sort of appear in the dream and either give the warder a pep talk, or try to jump into the fray and help out. Hell, if there were characters who knew both Zerith and Raelyse. That would be ever better!

I know this may sound crazy and stupid, especially since Colin isn’t here to write Raelyse himself. But I would like to make it clear that the egotistical prince in the thread isn’t exactly Raelyse, just a manifestation of what Zerith thinks of him. But if this goes against anything, I'll scrap the idea immediately.

But yeah, please feel free to let me know what you guys think, or if you’re interested in any of this.

09-18-10, 03:36 AM
as we've discussed, i'll join in on this. it sounds interesting

09-18-10, 01:41 PM
Law hasn't met you're boy Zerith before, but given that he is embroiled in a battle whose field may or may not be reality in the Citadel, I've got no qualms with playing a role, you willing of course.

It might even be a good introduction.