View Full Version : Mike Milton Making Millions

Fat Mike
08-29-10, 05:26 PM
Name: Mike Milton
Age: 26
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180
Occupation: Promoter

Personality: Serious, yet friendly, Mike considers himself a philanthropist. While he wants to improve things around him, he is often driven by a fear of poverty in himself. He tries to live by a moral code, but greed often gets int he way. He suffers from a mild obsessive compulsion to keep his body hair short, an orderly environment and general cleanliness.

Appearance: Unlike his nickname says, Mike is a slightly thin, tall black man of average looks. He keeps his hair shaved down and trims his beard. He wears a white button down shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks and black boots.

History: Mike grew up poor in the mean streets of Radasanth. The youngest of five children, two of his brothers lives were claimed at once in a robbery gone wrong at the Bazaar. His older sister died of an overdose of the latest "tonic" in a lonely tent outside of Concordia. His younger brother joined the Army, lying about his age, when he was only 16. When Joe, his little brother left, so did their father. It left Mike in between a boy and a man, fending for what was left of the family. When illness too his mother, and months passed between letters from his brother, Mike struck out. He worked a few odd jobs that paid a pittance. The life he led on his money was honest, but dirty. Upset, he'd go days without sleeping, cleaning and organizing, trying to fix an apartment that was falling apart. Meanwhile, he listened. He heard things about gambling, investing, bits and pieces about the business world in Radasanth. At a package running job, he saw the houses of the wealthy, who invested in the export business. They were clean, comfortable, alive.

Mike saved up some money - 200 gold, but enough to make a start. Then he decided he was done with being poor.

Stamina: Mike can stay awake three days on sheer willpower alone.

Steel shaving razor

Kira: A female calico cat, three years old. Mike likes her because she's clean, and unlike many cats he's had in the past, she doesn't bring in evidence of her hunting to put on his pillow.

08-29-10, 05:35 PM
But he's not fat. I can't approve a character that contradicts the username. You're going to have to make him fat.


Kidding, of course. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.