View Full Version : Warren Sentara Cain

08-30-10, 12:25 PM
Name: Warren Sentara Cain
Age: 19
Race: Varimes. The Varimes are a race of humanoids, with 6 arms instead of the usual two. They also have blackened eyes, no white or iris, and a purplish tint to any reddish skin, such as the lips, on a normal human. They all have a generic opening to Necromancy, and are usually quite acrobatic. However, they have a higher metabolism, and are completely blind, relying on sonar to get around.
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Black
Height: 6”9
Weight: 9st
*Occupation: Mercenary and Cut-Throat

*Personality: Warren is not the sort of person who has many friends, if any at all. He is not socially educated, and does not know how to react other then deceitfully, unless he is taught how. He sees himself as a good person, but the Varimes all see deceitful people as good people, so he cannot really see the true meaning of good.
Appearance: Warren, to an average sized person, would loom in an intimidating manner over almost anything he can find to loom over. His skinny self can only be described as beanpole. He often wears a variety of long coats, all leather, and all either brown or black. Underneath, he wears his armour; a hard leather chestplate, vambraces, shin pads, and huge boots, for his huge feet. His arms are covered by six, identical sleeves, only revealing his hands, which are bony, almost spidery, ending with gnarled fingernails. He has pale skin, with deep, soul-searching eyes, a small, thin nose, and a mouth set into a deep, confused, almost childlike frown. His black hair goes down to his shoulder blades, and is usually hidden under a large rimmed hat.

History: Warren’s story is a terribly sad one. His mother and father, both thieves within the slums of the Corone Region. From birth, Warren was used as a smaller version of his evil, or in his confused mind, good, parents, hiding in places they couldn’t, and stealing things that they could never reach. As Warren grew up, he began to see his conscience, and the difference between right and wrong. Sadly, so did his parents. They left him behind, after several sessions of ‘persuasion’ which involved large knives, whips, and rope, and his own harm. He began to pick himself up through light thievery, until he is at the state now, working for the people in the shadows, wanting death to other people. Even though Warren is blind, as only he could wish to be, his sonar only reveals the truth in what he is doing. And for that, he feels guilty for everything he has done.

Knife Expertise
Warren knows how to handle a knife, and has done since a very young age, putting him above average. He knows the part of the body for most humanoid creatures he should stab to bring a quick death, and the parts which he should hit for a slow one. As long as it is a knife he has seen and known for a long time, Warren knows how to use it.
Projectile Accuracy
Warren is quite accurate, although not as well educated as he is with his knives. He can throw a knife a good, average distance, and still hit a target, although it’s not guaranteed it will hit where he wants it to. He is not so good with a bow and arrow, and tends to keep his distance from them, but things similar to his throwing knife, such as a shuriken, he can easily adapt to.
Warren is extremely acrobatic, able to do handsprings and back flips with ease. He can traverse great distances through complex routines, without losing too much breath. However, he can overheat himself, and when he does, he tends to slow down everywhere, and become tired.
Warren is capable of commanding the shadows at his will, and can do a variety of things with them, as well as making a single humanoid figure, or darkening small rooms. However, there needs to be a shadow in the area for him to use it, so being in a light room will not work.

An art book.
His knives (2 Hunter knives, and 5 throwing ones)
A few reading books.
A lyre.

*Familiars: He has a simple demon, known as Med. Med is a demon who looks much like a small, hunchbacked human, except with grey skin, and huge, green eyes, with no white or iris. His mouth is also stitched together; however he is capable of performing telepathy, so he can still, technically, speak. Med is a species of demon known as a Little Person, often known for their great strength, in comparison to their small bodies. He is capable of carrying, and efficiently using, at least 5 times his own body weight. Med himself is around 2”7, and wears a simple one piece hooded cloak, which covers his whole body.

08-31-10, 01:04 AM
He can't be way above average with his knives. Just above average will do for now.

Also, please make it so he can manipulate shadows in relatively small amounts for now. Like, for example, he should be able to form one humanoid shape and darken smaller rooms.

08-31-10, 05:24 AM
Knife Expertise
Warren knows how to handle a knife, and has done since a very young age, putting him above average. He knows the part of the body for most humanoid creatures he should stab to bring a quick death, and the parts which he should hit for a slow one. As long as it is a knife he has seen and known for a long time, Warren knows how to use it.

Warren is capable of commanding the shadows at his will, and can do a variety of things with them, as well as making a single humanoid figure, or darkening small rooms.However, there needs to be a shadow in the area for him to use it, so being in a light room will not work.

(Is that okay?)

08-31-10, 07:24 AM
That's awesome. Just edit it into your initial post and you'll be set to go.

09-01-10, 02:29 AM
I managed to do the edits, if you were wondering.

09-01-10, 04:34 PM
Excellent. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.