View Full Version : Shot in the Dark

Blind Justices
08-31-10, 12:35 PM
closed to Wolfman 20; bunnying has been approved.

The moon was locked away behind the clouds, bringing memories back to Melancholy as she stalked the quiet streets of the town. It had been a night like this that she'd been infected, her life falling apart around her. In the distance, lightning was flashing in the clouds, the wind picking up as the storm blew past in the north. On her way to the town of Riverside, she'd walked through light rain, keeping under tree branches to try and stay dry. Now she was surrounded by the silhouettes of a market and church, school and smith; Riverside loomed.

As the wind blew her curls back, rattling the leaves in the trees, Melancholy sighted down the street to the town square. The clock in the bell tower told the time: half past ten. She could barely see the second hand clicking by on the light of the street lamps she'd lit when she arrived. Somewhere there were vampires, stalking empty houses, hidden perhaps in the town hall. Her stakes and silver hung heavy at her side, her fists were clenched as she stepped forward. In the last hour true night had come, pulling the vampires awake. Still, the moon was covered in clouds, keeping it's light from turning Mel to her stronger form.

A curtain moved in the window of a tall house to her left. With her small smile faltering, Mela turned to the house and strode up the oaken steps to the closed blue door. Her hand touched the handle just seconds before the door exploded open, a figure barreling out and taking Melancholy with it. As she hit the packed dirt pathway in front of the house and rolled, her attacker made a savage grab for her hair and neck. The clouds began to thin and in the light she saw fangs flashing out at her.

As she struggled, she cursed both this monster and the man who'd sent her here to die.

Wolfman 20
08-31-10, 01:51 PM
In the distance a storm was apparent. Lighting and thunder were clear as day as the winds blew all around. Leaves, papers and small toys like some kids ball all blowing around as Luscious Bane stood outside the tavern. His black hair waving in the wind as he just steps off the front porch and onto the rough road. The dirt just kicked up as he walked up the street. Walking past buildings, he just lets out a deep breath with a shiver down his spine.

On the ground in front of him was a blue oak door laying on the ground a few feet from where it would have been. Looking around, he saw foot prints all around. "Looks like someone needs help." he says to himself out loud but still quiet so no one hears him. Looking towards the forest, he sees the tracks heading off towards them.

"Oh joy, this is gonna be fun." says the man as he walks towards the forest but drops to his knees as the full moon makes it's debut appearance from behind the clouds. Turning his head to his right towards the moon, he curses it as his clothes start to rip from his body. Shaking violently, his body mass grows as pitch onyx black fur covers his entire body. His mouth growing to a snout with razor sharp teeth that at this point could tear through any normal skin. His claws growing to their full length as a tail escapes from the bottom of his spine.

Letting a howl out, he just stood there as his fur was blowing around with the wind. The white voids on his beastly face as clear as the moon as he just looks into the forest. Sniffing the air, he could tell someone was here, a human but they were not alone. No normal human could do this. Pounding the ground with his right foot, he just lifts off with his left and takes off into the forest. Following the scent of the human, he could not pick it out of a crowd. The storm from earlier was now almost over head as the lightning lights up his path as in the distance he could make out three figures.

Stopping where he is, he's glad to be down wind from them or else they would have known about him before he ever got this close. Standing still, he paces left and right for a few moments then just snarls as he just takes a charge towards the two figures standing over the third. He could see from a distance that they were pale as can be. Just from their skinny frames and pale skin, he knew they were vampires. He knew one day he would meet the species but this was way too soon in his own mind.

The ability to bunny has been APPROVED

Blind Justices
08-31-10, 09:34 PM
Her throat was nothing more than a burning place on her body as a vice grip slowly ground the back of her head into the road. She could see one of her attackers more clearly now, his high cheekbones sunken in, dark hair cropped too close to the scalp and eyes that betrayed nothing but evil and hunger. She knew that feeling well, the need to hunt and tear and eat dancing just below the surface of her skin. His face moved back from hers as the other creature began to caress the side of her cheek with a talon. His head no longer obscuring the vision, she had the perfect view as the moon cast off the dressings of clouds. The swirl of darkness that had threatened to keep her from her beastly form tonight was receding, following the storm as it passed them by.

The change came suddenly, beyond sensations of pain. She felt everything and nothing at the same time, her heart ceasing it's beating to wait as bones shifted and skin stretched. Amber fur grew from the fine hairs on her arm, and her wild eyes focused on her hand. It was no longer the slender, delicate limb of a woman. Now the fingers were grotesquely swollen with muscle, haired and dark. Long nails graced the ends of them and the vampire above her was truly surprised when she grabbed him by his face. Her now long muzzle followed, teeth snapping against his cheek. The undead scourge released her, and Mela rolled to her feet, in a crouch.

Beyond her foes, another werebeast was charging, the wolf-man careening towards the things that had attacked her. Her muscles now filling the empty space her too long tunic had left, she sprang into action as well. Her fist met with empty air; the vampires were quick, almost too quick. Her own growling snarl mixing with Luscious', her anger was rolling over her in waves. Her neck hurt, her back and arms as well. It made no difference. She would either die here tonight, or she would leave pieces of the unnatural bloodsuckers that haunted Riverside for the morning sun to find.

A howl went into the night, cold and promising.

Wolfman 20
09-08-10, 10:41 AM
Tackling the male vampire and knocking him to the ground, Luscious just snarled and bared his teeth as for a quick second out of the corner of his white voids stood another werewolf. It was that woman that he had seen the vampires ganging up on. His eyes then turned back towards the vampire at his feet. In a matter of seconds he felt a punch to his jaw as he was forced up and off of the creature.

Licking his lips as he stepped backwards, he just growled as he just looked to the woman and just closed his eyes and clenched his right hand into a fist and threw it at the male vampire. Hitting him in his chest, he could feel bones cracking as the hit connected. The vampire stood there and took the blow as if it was nothing.

A smile came to his face as he bared his fangs as well. Running towards the wolf, he stuck his arms out towards the beast and bared his claws. Jumping at the wolf, he just let out a hiss as he aims for the wolf's neck. Luscious just snarled and stepped back as the vampire hit the ground hard. Lifting his foot, Lus just stomped down on the vampire's back and pressed it down hard. His paw pressing into the vampire's shirt as his claws start to tear at the shirt, tearing it to shreds.

Watching the shirt rip, Lus just reached down and grabbed the things right arm and then started to dig his claws down the vampire's arm up and down. Looking to the other werewolf, he just licks his chops and just nods his head as if he understood her pain.