View Full Version : Did You Hear The One...

Move Along Move Along
09-01-10, 03:51 PM
Name: Lawrence Spades
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Profession: Professional Beer Tatser? Is that a thing?

Appearence: Law stands about 5'11'. His hair is a short cut, scruffydirty blonde. His blue eyes meld with a kind of green to make a nice little hue in his pupils. He is very skinny at 145 lbs, and is often seen wearing simply a t-shirt and jeans. He also sports several pairs of flip flops, a pair of dress shoes, and a pair of work shoes (those never get touched). He has a wide variety of clothing in his closet at home, but that is predominantly what he wears.

History: LAw grew up to an average family, with an average life. That is, until his parents told him on his 21st birthday that he was possessed by an evil God. The Gods name was Egr’msatchek. Apparently, Law's parents, in their younger days, were hearty adventurers who slayed this evil diety. They decided that in order to stop his evil from ever coming out again, they would put his essence into the body of their unborn child. Unfortunately, the baby already had a dominant personality coming out already in utero, making Egr’msatchek more like a whisper in Law's ear to do bad things.

Law never did. He had parents that were actually stern and strict. Not douchebags who went on dragon slaying endeavors and whatnot.

So Law continued onto his uneventful life, no real revelation on anything other than his evil voice having a name now. And so he travels Althanas, bumming money from people with no intent on paying them back, and drinking all day. After all, being so laid back is a really tough job.

Items: None right now, but it is of note that Lawrence collects various labels from liquors. He also collects bottle caps.

Skills: Master Drinker ~ I would think this is self-explainatory.

Quarters King ~ Again, self explainatory, he's awesome at playing Quarters.

Beer Pong Champion ~ Do I really have to stress the simplicity of these skills?

Is He Part Fish?! ~ Okay, I do have to explain this one. He can chug several mugs of liquor without stopping for a breath. There, happy?

Hung Over Recovery ~ Law recovers from hang overs at double the rate of a normal person.

I guess that's about it. He has no armor or weapons. He's that boss.

09-01-10, 04:38 PM
You are approved. Just what we need on Althanas. Another bum.