View Full Version : Silence is Murder

09-02-10, 04:17 AM
The night sky shone bright with clusters of stars, and the moon raining down upon it, like torches held by the gods. It illuminated the soft-grassed hills and the occasional flower of weed, and eventually, fell upon the tavern, that a man, a freakishly large man, was about to enter. The man did not notice the moon or the stars, in their infinite beauty. He didn't notice anything, as, sadly, this particular man, was not blessed with the gift of sight. The man's name, was Warren. Warren, as always, was here for buissness, and a drink. Probably alchoholic, some sort of Elfish wine. It changed, frequently, as his mood did. The only problem was, this door. The door itself was fine; perfect design, wood choice. It was sturdy but easy and brown, like doors should be. It was the size. The door was made for an average sized person, and whilst Warren looked down dumbly at the top of the door, he realised that he, obviously, was not an average sized person. Recently, Warren had done his back some harm with some light buissness involving a dwarf, may Nocturna rest his soul, which meant he had to stoop, everywhere. And now it meant he couldn't get through this door. Warren sighed. "Med." He whispered, in his thin, reedy voice, which he was told many a time it was ideal to his build. Warren is around 7" tall, which, in some races smaller then him, and larger then him, was either grotesquely tall, or horribley small. Either way, he wasn't really liked. But Warren was fine with that. Varimes were taught to ignore insults, as they were thrown all over the place in his homeland.

Med, however, is his complete opposite. Standing at a height of around 3", and with the strength of around 3 humans, Med completed Warren. Brains and Brawn, thick and thin, tall and small. Med was his constant companion, wherever he went, and the only person Warren has ever met who was as silent as him. Med shambled forward, from the call of his master. He looked up at Warren obeidiently. Warren looked down into those green, soul sucking eyes, like huge psychadelic saucers in the middle of his head. Those still crept Warren out. He smiled, and pointed at the door. Med nodded slowly, and leapt up onto Warren's shoulders with surprising speed, for someone of his height. He had quickly arrived on top of his master's head, his feet buried within the long black hair, before leaping onto the top ridge of the door frame. He swiftly punched a hole throuhg the flimsy wood above the door, creating enough head space for Warren. "Thanks Med." Warren said, and Med nodded. Warren still had to duck to get in, but less then he would of had to. All the people who had been staring at this mysterious customer stopped, when they saw his eyes. Pure black and cold, Warren's eyes portrayed his entire image, bar one emotion. Warren clicked silently, using his sonar to get a look of the room, and chose a table in a corner to sit down in, relinquishing boredom by flicking a coin.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-18-10, 12:35 PM
An errand lead Sabatykos Maelstrom to The Peaceful Promenade that night. He had to deliver a clockwork device to one of the frequent patrons of The Peaceful Promenade. Employment was not easy to come by ever since the war between The Corone Rangers and The Corone Empire. On the surface, The Empire had won. But Sabatykos knew, not all wars were so simple as who was the victor and the loser. Generally, Sabatykos hated discussing politics, but it was his lot that night. It was on the hearts and mind of all of the Underwood residents. Propaganda that spouted anti-government nonsense was sprawled on every wall, on every building.

Propagandists and anarchists preached on the corner their wares with the guards of Underwood keeping a dangerously close eye, weapons at the ready for any sudden coup attempts. This was the post Empire era now. Was it all worth it? Sabatykos oft wondered. All the strife, the loss of life at the hands of Corone's Military. Sudden rise in taxes, and the fall of Xem'Zund, Althanas's enemy in Raiaera. However, Sabatykos knew that things lurked in the darkness. Terrible things. Things that no man's eyes should see.

As he quietly ate his dinner, Sabatykos had his eye closed. His mind silently cooked up various schematics for new inventions and ideas. He knew his destiny was for Althanas to usher into a new industrial age. Sabatykos ate the sirloin steak of a local oxen breed native to Concordia Forest. His dish was accompanied with rice shipped from Akashima. His drink, a non-alcoholic beverage, was a juice called Berry-Berry Juice, popular with the youth of Underwood and many places of Corone. As Sabatykos ate, something happened. Something that he wasn't quite expecting for that night.

Guests and patrons of all sizes and builds trickled into The Peaceful Promenade. Representatives of all races native to Althanas were present, and Sabatykos guessed it was feasible that some off-worlders were there too. As Sabatykos ate and minutes turned into hours, there was a loud crashing sound as a new patron arrived and caused some structural damage to The Peaceful Promenade. Guards shifted uncomfortably in their positions as they saw the huge man. Sabatykos' eyes suddenly opened and he saw a tall man that was as tall as the humans of Salvar. The man had a brutish physique and reminded Sabatykos of the berserkers of legend. The Highlanders of Yarborough District oft reached those heights. Surrounding Sabatykos at the same table he ate at were several individuals. Three men and one woman, the table seated five. One of the men was Sabatykos' current patron. Sabatykos had received a job in Underwood's locale farming districts as a technician repairing various farm-land machines. Sabatykos stared at the tall man for a long time, as did the rest of his companions. But it was Peotrir Shamaradin that spoke first. Peotrir was Sabatykos' patron.

"Damn he's tall. Must be a Salvarn." Peotrir commented out loud. "What say you Master Sabatykos?" Sabatykos was addressed as a Master of a craft, though he was none.

"I can't quite tell yet. But I think he might not be native to Althanas..." Sabatykos commented. It seemed a logical impulse to him.

A guard approached the tall man...

((Feel free to bunny any of the NPC's))

11-19-10, 10:24 AM
((Thanks. Both for joining and permission :) ))
Warren looked scanned the room, very carefully. Cheerful punters were strewn all over like dead flies on glue. There were a few buissness types. including one particularly intresting man, would only seemed to have one eye, or one was damaged at the least. He had glanced at him, and Warren gave a cold and creepy smile. His eyes scanned the rest of the room. Numerous mismatch tables and chairs were around, and there was a long bar for the drinkers to refill their life-blood. It seemed the perfect place to drink, and only better by the tension outside. He loved tension. Anger. Fustration. He fed on it. As is why Warren had chosen the path of the assassin.

As Warren's eyes had strayed all over the room, they instictivley moved up to a shape moving towards him. By the look of the armour, and rather intimidating sword, this was quite obviously a guard.
"I shouldn't of knocked... the god damn.... door down." Med murmered, or rather, thought. There was nervousness, a sort of shake in them floating words in Warren's head.
"It's not your fault Med. Chill out." Warren murmered back, and stood up to meet the guard.
Or as the case was, stood up to look down at the guard.
"Problem, officer... guard...?"
"You have no need to speak my title." The guard said in a rather authoritive manner, even if there was a twinge of nervousness. Everyone got nervous around Warren, and if they didn't they acknowledged him. And if they didn't do that, they were usually retarded, or dead. "But you do need to tell me why your little friend here damaged public property."
Warren smiled. The same creepy smile he had given the one-eyed man. His sharp teeth glinted in the dim light of the corner of the room.
"Med? Med only did that because of a... poorly designed door. He is rather... violent when things don't seem right to him. In fact, they don't even need to be right. Sometimes, he just plain doesn't like things. And then, things break."
Warren's voice hit on certain syllables, and he watched as the man flinched once or twice. Warren concluded he was probably a rookie.
"I'll... I'll be keeping an eye on you, sir!" The man squeaked bravely.
"As you should... Officer." Warren's face was emotionless, as he sat down calmly, and shoved the coin back into his pocket. He took out a knife, and began to sharpen it quietley.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-19-10, 12:50 PM
By then, much of the tavern was staring at the big man. Sabatykos and his group included in the lot. Though honestly, it wasn't the sheer mass and size that interested Sabatykos the most. It was the strange energy that the fellow gave off. It radiated from his person and did not sit well with the inventor. He couldn't quite place where he had sensed something like that before. As he sat at the table and ate his dinner quietly, he noticed that the man pulled a knife out and started to sharpen it. This could get interesting. There was a nervous sort of tension in the air at that point, and the guards were watching the tall man quite carefully. Sabatykos took a deep interest in the subject before him.

As he studied the man, he turned to look at one of his fellows and then quietly spoke to him. Peotrir looked at Sabatykos and smiled. Sabatykos smiled back, but he kept his enthusiasm in check. There was a glimmer of interest in his eyes that could not be denied. He rarely saw individuals with the physique and mass that the man before them possessed. He had questions, for sure, and wondered if the man would take kindly to an invitation. Sabatykos finally decided that he would approach the man in the name of scientific inquiry. Taking another bite of his steak, he munched on that calmly and then took a pull of the Berry-Berry Juice. After that, he stood up and walked over to Warren.

There it was again! The feeling in his gut. As he walked closer to the big man, an intense sensation, almost like a panic aura, caused his skin to tingle over. Sabatykos felt a shiver. He looked up at the tall man and chose his next set of words quite carefully, as he did not want to offend him in anyway what so ever.

"E,excuse me. I was wondering if you had a table to sit at, or if you wanted some company for tonight? I could offer you a bite to eat as well. Perhaps an ale or two?"

11-20-10, 09:51 AM
Warren's eyes scanned the room, feeling the tension, relishing from it. He smiled, lightly, and let the crowds stare. This is an excellent evening. He looked around, and noticed the man he had looked at before, and a few others, talking, and he saw a glance at himself. Warren frowned, and when the man ate and rank his last, he began to walk over to Warren.
"He isn't a guard." Med mumbled into Warren's head.
"I realise." Warren hissed back, sheathing the knife into his pocket. He observed the man as he came closer, his pitch black eyes scanning the man, small in comparison to Warren, and glancing back at his crowd.
Warren listened to the man carefully. He had enver been invited into a social.... anything, really. Unless you counted the numerous payments he recieved, usually over alchohol, or a specific kill that involved him getting to know his victim. So the question that this man asked him was particularly hard for Warren to awnser. Should he just kill him? His hand twitched, as if the nerves in his body agreed with the idea. He ignored that, and replied.
"I would love to... your name?" Warren questioned, trying to genuinely smile, and coming out with a shark-toothed quivering grin.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-23-10, 10:01 AM
Sabatykos nodded carefully. The way of The Saenorakym Prime was one of manners and etiquette. His people had long ago learned the ways of politics on Althanas, implementing those facets of society into their own. Sabatykos was raised with the belief systems of The Saenoarkym Prime and thus believed, with some degree of naivety, that everyone was basically good at heart. However untrue that belief was, Sabatykos clung to that belief because it kept him sane in an insane world. Sabatykos looked at the massive man.

"My name is Sabatykos son of Malus Maelstrom." Sabatykos said. "My table is over there. You can come sit with us for a while." Sabatykos smiled at the man for a moment or two. Then he started to walk towards the table, assuming that Warren would follow. Pending any other interruptions, Sabatykos would sit down and offer Warren a chair.

11-23-10, 02:53 PM
Warren took note of the name with a nod. Sabatykos. Strange name, really. Warren didn't expect a human, or elf, whatever the thing was, to have such a name. Religon, maybe. Or possibly, the thing wasn't even human? It didn't matter. As long as he was trying to relate to the denizens of this realm, then he was making progress through relating to this creature.
He tried another smile as the man offered him a chair. Warren had never been offered anything, apart from ice with his drinks, or a chance to leave without being killed when his job 'didn't go too well' as Med so understatedly put it. Med followed Warren across the room, and sat on the back of his chair, as the giant sat down. He looked over as Sabatykos' companions, who were staring at him. He tried to smile, and one of them winced. Warren just frowned, and waited for the man to introduce them. He wasn't used to introducing himself. Usually introducing himself meant he was being tortured for his name. He remembered back to one of his missions, also involving a bar. Also involving a man with a strange man, in fact.
Warren didn't feel too comfortable.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-25-10, 02:40 PM
Sabatykos decided that he immediately liked Warren. There was something about the stranger that reminded him of his own situation. He took a long pull of his goblet. After that, he set his goblet on the table. There was a small group of about four others with Sabatykos, including Peotrir. Peotrir was the first that spoke to Warren. Clearly, they were all interested in the big man that graced their company. Sabatykos adjusted his glasses for a moment.

"Offer the man some food, Sabatykos." Peotrir said carefully. "Where are my manners? My name is Peotrir. Most people just call me Peter in the common-tongue however." Peotrir was looking at Warren. "Tell me do you do much freelance work around here?" Peotrir asked.

When Peotrir was done speaking, Sabatykos offered Warren a menu.

"Feel free to pick what you like, we'll pay for your dinner tonight." Sabatykos said plainly.

11-26-10, 09:55 AM
Warren was almost shocked when the first one spoke. He hadn't expected speech, really. Warren suddednly felt a warmth running through him. That was worrying. What the hell was it? What if the man had given him some sort of poision? Warren glanced at the man. He didn't look suspicous. Was this a victim's husband? Or perhaps another hitman. Warren's fingers tapped. He began to get severely paranoid.
"It's called... companionship... Warren. It's an... emotion." Med explained.
"My names Warren, um, Peter." Warren tried smiling again, and momenterily succeeded. He was getting good at this. "And yes I do freelance work, in fact, I kill people for a living."
"No! Killing isn't normal" Killing. Isn't. Normal!" Med's thoughts screamed. Oops.
Warren took the menu nervously.
"Thanks." He said, ice drenching the warm feeling inside him with anxiety.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
11-28-10, 11:55 AM
A moment or two passed before anybody reacted to what Warren said. Peter was a professional agent and he smiled first, then laughed briefly, in a friendly way. After that business was complete, Peter looked at Warren quite casually, in an almost inviting sort of way. He spoke quickly.

"Well I have use for a man of your particular...talents. The young fellow there that invited you to our table, Sabatykos, could use some training from one of your apparent skill level. But let me cut right to the chase." Peter said calmly. "I can hire you right now, there is some bad business going on in Underwood." Peter looked at Sabatykos for a moment. Then, he returned his attention to Warren. "We can discuss business after you are well fed my lad." Peter said carefully. "When you are ready we'll talk about getting you a permanent spot here in Underwood."

Sabatykos liked what he was hearing. Peter was a good negotiator, and Sabatykos was trying to learn that craft as well. He'd taken Sabatykos on as an apprentice freelancer not more than about five months ago. Sabatykos decided that Warren would make a good addition to the business venture that Peter was starting. Perhaps it would help off-set all the recent corruption that took place in Underwood. He kept his eyes on Warren as he ate quietly. There would be more of a chance for Sabatykos to speak to Warren after the business dealings were arranged.

12-14-10, 12:04 PM
Warren smiled, still a little nervous, and ordered pasta as a waiter came around. The waiter nodded, and Warren smiled nervously again, turning back to the table. He looked at the wooden table, tracing his fingers over the grooves of the natural wood. He thought philisophically many a time, and this was a such.
"Something can be cut into the shape that the maker wants it." He thought. His face was curtained by the black veil of his hair, so none of the table could see him mouthing his thoughts.
"In fact, anything can be shaped to a maker's desire." He raised an eyebrow thoughtfully, and as the blood began to make his forhead go red, he looked up as his plate of pasta came. He took a deep inhale, breathing in the aromatic smell of cheese, tomato, and chicken. Wonderful. He picked up a fork delicatley in one of his huge hands, and stabbed a peice of the heavenly food. He twirled it on his fork as he stared at Peter thoughtfully.
"And yet, parts of the object still remain, in that shape." Warren placed the peice in his mouth, and chewed slowly. After savouring, he pushed it with his tounge to one side, and asked Peter.
"Will money be involved in this... buissness? Or is this charity? Because, Peter, Mr Maelstrom, I am not a fan of... charity." He said the word with disgust, and stabbed another peice of pasta, with added violence, and placed it in his mouth.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
12-19-10, 11:40 PM
Sorry for the delay my friend. I'm trying to play catch up in everything i owe.

Sabatykos decided that there was something about Warren that he liked. He knew that Peter could work out an adequate paying job for the fellow, because Peter was a well-connected man. Back in his younger days, Peter ran with The Corone Rangers. To this day, even with the current regime in place, Peter has contacts on the inside giving him a close eye on the movements of the viceroys. Sabatykos had only begun to gather just how far reaching his current employer's claws were. As he ate silently he listened to the men talk. It was not in his place to say anything when business was being discussed, and potential contracts forged.

"Well now. I understand that this business is not a charity. You work for me, do a good job, I pay you. Simple as that. Some of these jobs can be quite messy. I will need professional help. You seem like a talented enough lad." Peter said calmly, the man was never nervous. "When you are done eating, and you have let my offer sit with you enough, we will discuss an official contract. I still bear a lord's mark." Peter said hinting at his mysterious origin.

Sabatykos kept a soft smile on his face. He took a pull of the liquid in his goblet. After that, he set his goblet down. Then he continued to watch Warren with those, quiet, intelligent eyes. Always watching, always learning.

12-23-10, 08:53 AM
Warren looked up, his eyes slowly filling with a spark of curiosity. A lord's mark? Warren tilted his head slightly, glancing up at Peter as he consumed a few more peices of pasta. This man is... or was, a lord. Never the one to quite understand the rules of silence, Warren was intruiged by this new found information. "Lord of where?" He asked, placing yet another morsel into his mouth. His mind was still whirring on the job aswell. He had said the jobs were messy. I wonder what he means by that? He understands that I'm a killer..
"Giving the impression that there would be consequences?" Med thought, and Warren dipped his head. To Underwood, probably. That would make sense...
Warren inhaled more of his food, quietley chewing, still thinking heavily over everything the man had said.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
12-25-10, 02:51 PM
Sabatykos listened to the two speak for a few moments. His eyes were observant. He was attempting to learn all he could about the ways of people who were superior to his own capacity so that he could learn what he could. His eyes narrowed for a moment as he considered the prospect of work, and then they returned to their more or less normal state. He took a sip of his drink for a long moment. And then returned to his observation. From what he knew of Peter, Peter was a well-learned individual with connections in the Corone Rangers, and possibly, the Empire itself. Sabatykos never learned the whole story as Peter was justly so, a mysterious man. Warren asked some questions, and Sabatykos wondered exactly how Peter would reply to them.

A moment or two passed and then Sabatykos felt a bit surprised when Peter spoke.

"My lad. I used to be part of Radasanth's military forces when I was a lot younger. I earned the title of a Lord. My family lived lavishly. But that was before, that was a long time ago. Now, I do what must be done and position to try to profit from what is coming." Peter said humbly, with the slightest hint of a grin. "But for now, that is all we can discuss out in the open. Please enjoy your meal and get to know your new partner." Peter said moving his hand in such a way so as to point in the general direction of Sabatykos. "I expect great things from you both." Peter said quietly.

When he was put on the spot, Sabatykos felt like speaking was probably appropriate but he politely waited until his superior was done.

"Yeah. I do this kind of work from time to time. It pays well." Sabatykos said. "But mostly I just fix things so they don't break." Sabatykos offered. "I am a technician."

12-26-10, 06:40 AM
Warren listened carefully to the man's little introduction to the past, and began to peice together his own theory. "Lord from military, bringing justice, now in Underwood, doing the same thing. Just without the army." He thought. "So he needs me to be an infantry in his little force."
After the speech, Warren turned to Sabastykos. So. The man was a technician. A technician would be another great asset to Peter's little army, if Warren was correct. "How long have you being working for Peter?" Warren asked, half smiling again. Still couldn't perfect that. Warren gulped down the last of his pasta, and pushed it to the side of the table, where Med grabbed it, and started licking the bowl.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
12-26-10, 08:30 AM
"Gentlemen. I shall away from here with my fellows. Sabatykos, be certain you help this fellow learn his way around Underwood." Peter said and waved for a waiter. She came by, and Peter paid handsomely for whatever else Sabatykos and Warren would order. Once the arrangements were in order, Sabatykos, Warren, and Med were left to their own vices. Sabatykos looked at Warren for a few moments just as Peter was getting ready to leave. "I shall be at my residence. Sabatykos, be certain to arrive later on the eve." Peter left.

Sabatykos nodded and continued to eat at a very calculated pace. He was enjoying his meal. When Warren asked the question, he did not answer it until Peter was done speaking. When he did begin, Sabatykos nodded towards Peter very casually.

"I've been working for him for about a year now. Learning the trade well. Like I said, it pays. My Father is a highly skilled Inventor around these parts." Sabatykos said. "I just want to work and eke out a living all of the current affairs of our Nation considered." Sabatykos said slightly mentioning the dark times that were surrounding everyone in Corone. "But that's politics. We can discuss politics as I give you a tour around Underwood."