View Full Version : Promethius Xavier Montague

09-04-10, 01:41 AM
It has been so long since I roleplayed this character that I might as well start from scratch.

Name: Promethius Xavier Montague
Age: 29
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Sky blue
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 170lbs
Occupation: Former Knight of Montague, now wandering

Personality: Above all else, Promethius values honor and loyalty. He strongly dislikes black magic and unnatural forces and is quick to judge anything that falls into those two categories. Since the destruction of the Ice Reavers, his confidence has sunken into bouts of depression.

Appearance: Promethius has long, silver hair that flows freely. He has above average height and a medium build, although that is difficult to tell with his armor on. He tends to ride his horse, Midvalley, everywhere he goes and considers the creature a true friend in a world gone mad. Promethius has also been known to have tobacco leafs in his mouth during times of leisure.

History: Promethius used to be a prominent knight in Althanas, the last true beacon of honor and loyalty in a land wrought with evil. He was known to challenge titans, demons, even assassins for the greater good and he did so with head held high. Success came as second nature to the young knight who left home in search of a new life away from the complexities of royalty and riches. In time, he even took control and became leader of the Ice Reavers, a clan of considerable strength. However, the Ice Reavers were defeated in battle by a rival clan and Promethius, along with the Ice Reavers, were stripped of their stronghold and their pride. Promethius lost his home, his clan, and his life.

After his clan's defeat, Promethius disappeared for many years. Some figured he went back home to the Kingdom of Montague to wallow where he could be fed for free and pampered for less. But Promethius' mind never thought of such a shallow solution; his mind thought of nothing but revenge and hate. The once noble Knight of Montague had changed...

Skills: Protection of Montague: A protection spell used to temporarily strengthen the integrity of his armor.

Deliverance of Montague: A spell used to increase the speed of Midvalley.

Equipment: Steel longsword, steel shield, steel set of armor (gauntlets, chestplate, bracers, boots).

Familiars: Midvalley the Horsefreak. A stunning black stallion with an attitude that only Promethius can control occassionally. The steed was a gift to Promethius for placing third in a duelling tournament five years back.

09-04-10, 01:36 PM
You need to clarify the effects of your skills a bit.

For Protection of Montague, I would suggest that it strengthens his armor for about a minute, making it one tier stronger than usual. Usable twice per battle. I reckon you could use it a bit more in quests.

For Deliverance of Montague I need just how much of an increase Midvalley gets. I would suggest 1.5 times the normal speed. I'm not going to ask you to limit it by time, but it would be nice to add a caveat that he can't use it too frequently or he'll risk serious injury to the horse.

Also, might I suggest giving him some skill with the blade? Above average swordsmanship would be acceptable.