View Full Version : Uroki Faolan

Lady Uroki
09-04-10, 12:44 PM
Name: Uroki Faolan
Age: 15
Race: human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: violet
Height: 5'0
Weight: 190lbs
*Occupation: Witch/adventurer

*Personality: Uroki is a quick thinking, powerful witch, and has studied the spells she knows until she can call on them at a moments notice. She's usually pleasant, and doesn't start fights, but once challenged, she will do her best to win, and keep casualties to a minimum. She's sort of sweet, and playful, the type who works hard for the love and respect of her peers. She respects her elders and cares for those who are younger. She's quiet and patient, although sometimes shows a lack of common sense.

Appearance: Uroki stands five foot nothing, and is stockily built, and solid. Her brown hair falls to her shoulders, and is usually caught up in pigtails unless a powerful spell knocks it loose. Her eyes are a deep violet, her face round. She has slightly broad shoulders and small breasts, which she mostly ignores. She has a strong, sturdy body, although it's small, and her usual choice of wardrobe includes black leggings, a white tunic with a wide leather belt and a brown hooded cloak, along with a brown satchel on a shoulder strap.

History: Uroki was trained in the path of the Goddess from the time she could walk, by her grandmother. She showed a strong interest and talent for the Craft and would eventually have become a High Priestess in her Grandmother's Coven, had she not received a vision that she must travel, and increase her learning. So she left home, with a few charms to sell to make her way, her grandmother's personal Book of Shadows, and a favored athame.

Skills: Uroki has a myriad collection of spells learned from her grandmother, contained in her Book of Shadows:

A warding spell- for safety and protection of a camp/item/person, sometimes used to hide said camp/item/person from detection by magical means, searchers can still find it if they physically walk into it/them, however, if they just walk by it, it will simply not catch their attention

A light spell- Can be either the brightness of a small candle (can last a few hours), or bright enough to fill a small room with light(lasts one hour), or a single bright flash to blind her enemies (lasts mere seconds and effets only te two or three enemies closest to her)

A wall/shield spell - Creates an invisible, magical barrier against projectiles, or other magic, can handle most midlevel spells, strength of shield in direct relation to how much concentration/power she can put into it at the time (Can take two or three more powerful hits, and can only be used two or three times per thread, as it's very draining to be a wall)

A Guardian Summoning- When faced with danger she can't handle and having no other recourse, or when in need of guidance, she can summon the spirit of her clan's Spirit Guardian, the Wolf Spirit Faolan. However, the Spirit uses her strength to cross the veil, so it's very draining and she only does it as a last resort. This can only be used once per thread.

Healing Spells - One spell to cure minor sickness, poison or infection, and a second to heal small injuries. She cannot revive the dead.

A knowledge of herbs for use as medicine when she does not have the magical energy or knowledge for the proper healing spells, along with herbs to promote fertility etc.

Charms/Cantrips: Minor spells, to magically light a candle, to create wards against fire, promote wealth and fertility, etc, spells she can sell to make her way which require very little energy.

Note: Her magical ability is limited. Although she's talented and powerful, she's still a fifteen year old girl, and while certain spells are more draining than others, aside from cantrips and charms, she can only use two, maybe three spells per day, aside from those otherwise limited.

Equipment: Uroki carries with her, in a brown leather satchel, her Book of Shadows, a small box of writing paper, a quill and bottle of ink, a pouch with a few coins of the realm, a few herbs she uses often (lavender, Sage, vervain, willowbark), and an athame (A knife used strictly for ritual and never to harm anyone). She also wears a sturdy brown hooded cloak that covers her small form completely when she pulls it around her.

*Familiars: The closest thing she has to a familiar is her Spirit Summon, Faolan. her families Spirit guardian. But he does not travel with her constantly, only coming to her aid when she calls to him, or is in dire need. Faolan is a large, male grey wolf, standing approximately to her shoulder at his head. He does speak, but only those he wishes to can hear him, and his voice only sounds within minds. He can manifest physically or simply as a spirit, depending on why he is called. As for it's own abilities, other than speaking, it is a wolf, that's all. It's weapons are claws and teeth, it runs fast and is pretty strong. Aside from that, he's very wise, and watches over Uroki as the youngest member of the Faolan clan.

09-04-10, 01:42 PM
I'm going to have to ask you to separate your skills and describe each and every one of them and their effects. I hate doing this to mages, but a number of these are very vague in regards of what they do and I need to know. I would also suggest dropping "several" warding/healing spells to just one of each.

Lady Uroki
09-04-10, 02:18 PM
There, hopefully that explains them well

09-04-10, 03:02 PM
It's a good start, but I fear we have some more work ahead of us before I can approve it. First, I need you to remove two of your spells since you have too many of them. I'll let you choose which. Also, I need a bit more info on some stuff.

The warding spell - What exactly does it do? Does it work sort of like the Protection from Evil spell in D&D? Does it make the camp/person/item invisible or just harder to notice?

The wall/shield spell - It should block about two moderately strong hits before it goes down, whether it's a spell or a physical attack. Also, you shouldn't be able to use it more then twice per thread.

Guardian Summoning - Limit it to once per thread

Healing Spells - The first one should only be able to cure mild poisons, smaller infections and weak diseases. The second one can only heal small injuries, moderate at best.

Also, I need some more info on her familiar. What does it look like, how strong it is and does it have any abilities of its own, that sort of stuff.

And a general note that you shouldn't be able to cast an indefinite amount of spells. I'm not going to ask you to put a number on each and every one of them, but keep in mind that casting spells shouldn't be much different than swinging a sword in terms of fatigue; they both tire a person after a while.

Lady Uroki
09-04-10, 03:34 PM
*sighs* magic is so complicated. But there, I think I've got everything you've asked for. anything else, just let me know. =)

09-04-10, 04:00 PM
Just keep in mind that stronger attacks will wear out your shield faster.

Otherwise, you are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.