View Full Version : The angel and the demon

Angelic Demon
09-05-10, 08:02 PM
Name: Hazritabiel

Age: ageless - appears roughly thirty-five

Race: Trimina [humanoids able to shift between angel and demon at will]

Hair Color:

Eye Color: Angel: Blue/ Devil: Neon green

Height:Angel: Seven foot even/Demon: Ten feet tall

Weight: two hundred forty-five

Occupation: Savior/Executioner\

Angel: As an angel, he is a savior of all and the purest of pure. He will risk his own life to save a life. He will befriend anyone and all races and species. Due to his good nature, he tends to have people walk over him. So he tends to be cocky if he feels uneasy about the person.
Demon: While in his demon state, he tends to be more aggressive and more of an egotistical bastard then before. He is power hungry and will do whatever it takes to seek power and strength of every kind.

Angel (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=Spawn#/d1bbzws): During his angel state, his skin turns into a pure white while his eyes turn from green to a baby blue shade. Standing at neigh seven feet tall, his body is built just right in all the right places. He is lean and built but not too taking it too far. Protruding from his back are a pair of angel wings. From wingtip to tip is roughly fourteen feet. Seven from tip to shoulder, and then two feet from shoulder to shoulder. In his hand is gripped a holy blade that shines as bright as a fire in the night yet as clear as ice.The blade itself is thirty-six inches long as the hilt itself is roughly six inches. Around his ankles are shin guards made of iron at this point.

Demon (http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Spawn&order=9&offset=24&offset=24#/df6ttd): In his demon state, his body mass grows to nearly standing roughly ten feet tall and stronger then a mortal man. His skin turns as black as the shadows in the night while his eyes glow a bright neon green. Protruding from his back, just like his angel counterpart are wings. But unlike his angel counterpart, he has demon wings. Scaly and with a bit of a leathery look to them, they're just as long as the angel wings. In his hand gripped with a leather handle lays a double-bladed axe made of steel, till he has the power to make it stronger.

Hazritabiel was born in this world like any other person, except there is a problem. His mother was an angel and his father was a high class demon in an army from Hell. Being born of opposite alignments, he was born as both an angel and demon. Shortly after his birth, his father was exiled from the Surface world to stay in Hell till the end of time. So his mother was left to raise him.
***18 years later***
One day as he was on his way home from school, he heard around the town that his mother and him were to be banished from the town. So without even thinking, he just runs down an alley way. Only with the books at his side and the clothes on his skin, he ran away into the darkness.

Holy aura: As long as he is in his angel form, those of the undead or dark arts feel like they're being pushed back away from him. But those of strong willed don't feel it. Those around him of pure or neutral alignment will feel more vigorous and filled with more stamina. 0.5 x's their current level now.
Unique tongue: Able to understand most common tongue.
Mighty cleave: Up to three times a day in his angel form, he has the power to double his striking power for three hits.

Undead Aura: While in his demon form, those around him will feel the negative energy around him and in a way, feed off of it. Those of the chaotic/evil alignment will feel stronger and more malicious. 0.5 x's their own powers now
Silver tongue: At his current level, he is able to make most people believe his lies. Those who don't know him won't be able to tell fact from opinion. Only they can make a judge of him them self.
Super strength: While in his demon form he is also 1.5 x's stronger then an average human.
Superior force: While in his demon form, he has the power to raise his strength by another 0.5 for up to one minute per battle and two during quest.

Angel: One forty-two inch steel long-sword. One map of Althanas. One small pouch of coins.
Demon: One dual-wielded axe. One sharpening stone.

09-06-10, 05:57 AM
Would you please add that in his demon form, he's about 1.5x strong as a normal human?

In Holy Aura, I think it's a bit too much that nothing demonic or undead can touch him. Make it so they feel pushed away as if by invisible hand or something, but that it's a force that can be overcome with some effort.

You also might want to consider giving him some skill with his weapons and flight if you want him to use those wings. Keep in mind that he should be average with his weapons and fly for very short amounts of time, like a minute at most.

Angelic Demon
09-06-10, 10:59 AM
Okay, I changed it all around. Is this better?

09-06-10, 04:14 PM
It is. Now, I just need you to fix one thing. I can't let you cut through steel like it's butter. Not even adamantine goes through steel without resistance. So just make it that he can deliver those three strikes at about double the strength of an average human and you'll be set to go.

Angelic Demon
09-06-10, 05:44 PM
Okay changed it up. All set now?

09-06-10, 05:48 PM
Indeed. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.