View Full Version : Sweet Child O' Mine

The State Of Maine
09-05-10, 09:49 PM
Rosa and Nine are both PCs, but only one is 'in control' at any given time.

Name: Rosanna Alexia "Rosa" Crowe / Revolution Nine
Age: 37 / ?
Race: Human / Demon
Hair Color: Black / NA
Eye Color: Emerald green / NA
Height: 171 cm / NA
Weight: 64 kgs / NA
Occupation: Traveling Musician

Personality: Rosa is, by upbringing and by profession, a pretty outgoing person. She likes to meet new people and mingle with them, especially fellow musicians. Even though her friendliness allows her to open herself up to others (and vice versa), she does not like long-term commitments. She lives on a day-to-day basis, and has no interest in changing this.

So far, the only thing that actually causes her to become aggressive is a challenge. Rosa sees clear difference between challenges of friendly nature, and those of a competitive nature, and she does not take kindly to the second at all. Once she's been called out, she will stop at virtually nothing to prove her worth.

Despite this, she's still well-mannered. Slow to anger unless challenged, generally kind and extroverted, occasionally a bit too whimsical.

Appearance: In general, Rosa's physical condition borders somewhere on the lower end of 'slender'. While she does have natural curves to her body, her appearance when not hidden under cloaks or heavy clothing shows clear signs of extensive traveling. Not quite malnourished, yet lacking the defined musculature to be well-toned.

Her facial features are not especially remarkable. Black hair frames her face, and occasionally obscures it. Large green eyes observe her surroundings. A small, buttony nose and thin lips rest below. A small birthmark resides just above and to the left of her upper lip. Apart from that, there is really nothing left which is worth noting.

Her clothes are what you would expect from a nomad, or perhaps even a homeless person. The first thing one would notice is the brown, hooded cloak which covers most recognizable features. Below this garment, Rosa's clothing is relatively simple. A black leather jacket over similarly black pants, and a simple brown shirt underneath aforementioned jacket.


Throughout the ages, the Crowes have been a family of musicians. The late Valentina Crowe was a renowned pianist in her days, and her husband Lucas was equally famous for his musical achievements, as their ancestors once were. And the children they raised were, as expected from those born into a wealthy musical family, trained from the very moment they could stand on their own feet. Theo, the eldest, took after his mother and grew up to be an excellent pianist, whereas Rosanna would learn to play the violin like no other (even though he preferred the guitar even in her childhood for 'the freedom it allowed'), and young Alfred followed in his sister's footsteps. Such was life in the Crowe residence: safe, carefree, and filled with the pleasure that can only be provided by music.

So, the children grew into adults, and their parents grew elderly, as is common with the passing of time. Sadly, during an epidemic, the life of Valentina, mother of three, was taken, soon followed by her children Theo and Alfred. Tenacious by nature, or perhaps through destiny, Lucas Crowe and his daughter (and only remaining child) were left in this world, though understandably shaken. Lucas, caught in perpetual mourning, became more and more introverted, whereas Rosa just wanted to get away from the life from which most of her family was taken. The destination did not matter.

Needless to say, within a week she'd packed her belongings and was set to leave. Her father, unexpectedly, did not protest. Partially, he did not care; Rosa believes her act of abandonment hurt him, but he was simply too stubborn to admit. This was the kind of man he was. Sadly, Rosa was equally stubborn, and come hell or high water, she would go out and find her way.

She soon found life as a traveler was not easy, mostly because of the lack of income. However, being in possession of a high-grade, mint-condition violin, work was the least of her troubles. All she needed to do was walk into a tavern, inn or other public meeting place and request a performance.

Time passed, and Rosa played. Wherever she went, she could perform, and her name would linger, however briefly. One evening, a curious merchant approached her. He recognized the skill with which she played her instrument, and its quality. So captivated was this merchant, that he requested to purchase it from her. Along with a decent amount of cash, he would trade her one of his own guitars. And just as the violin has stolen the merchant's heart, so too did the guitar earn a place in Rosa's heart. The transaction was quickly made, and the merchant moved on. Rosa booked a room for the night, and played her guitar again.

Only then did it contact her.

It spoke from silence, and only to her. Or rather, only from her. Within her. Through her. 'It' in this case, would be Revolution Nine, or the demon residing in her guitar. It took control of her and whispered into her mind as it shared its story. This demon had been sealed in the guitar for ages, bound there by powerful magic. It had passed owners many times and would continue to do so long after her death, or... until it was released. It would allow itself to travel with her until such an opportunity revealed itself. And most importantly, it would allow itself to be played. That was its message, and she was left with it when Nine - as she referred to it - exited her.

Of course, it was never truly 'gone'. The guitar was hers, rightfully purchased, and as long as it was near her, Nine would be part of her. It was a pleasurable companion, as well as economic. It talked, shared storied, listened, yet needed no food or water. For a demon, it was remarkably friendly, and Rosa often had to remind herself of the nature of her companion. As time passed, holding on to the knowledge of what he was became more and more difficult, on occasions even finding herself intentionally ignoring its origin. After all, he was such a good friend...


Musical Prowess - For many years, Rosa has made a living off her musical skill, having been trained since she was a mere child. Her expertise lies with string instruments, and she can play these to an exceptional level. Other instruments are played to an average degree.

Self-defense - Being a traveler, there have been occasions in which a peaceful outcome is impossible to achieve. As such, Rosa has seen a decent amount of fights, although none too serious. With her standard physical condition, she has an average level of skill with one-handed weaponry, and below average hand-to-hand skill.

Instinct - Being of a demonic nature, violence comes naturally to Nine. Combined with the ages spent roaming the earth, he's gathered extensive experience in the art of combat. Though he does not adhere to any fighting style, he possesses above average hand-to-hand combat skill.


Possession - From within the guitar that binds his spirit, Nine is fairly useless. Being a demon, however, he does have the capability of possessing a person or animal, allowing him to manifest his powers through them. Possession is - in theory, at least - of unlimited duration, but the target must be in contact with the instrument at all times. Should contact be lost, Nine will lose control of the host, usually within five to fifteen seconds. When involving another Player Character or their familiars/NPCs, express permission must be given to Possess their person.

NOTE: The following skills may only be used when in possession of a host.

Pyromancy - One of Nine's most prominent skills is the power to generate and manipulate fire. Generation can only occur within five metres, whereas manipulation can stretch to a significantly larger twenty metres. The degree of control diminishes greatly over distance. For example, an open flame could be extinguished easily within a few metres of his person, but this would prove more and more difficult as the distance increases. Note that upon physical contact, this fire can and will injure the host if they are not wearing protective clothing (or if they are not naturally fire-retardant).

Supernatural - Being a demon, supernatural strength is another of Nine's inherent features. While generally speaking, his physical prowess is only as good as his host, he may choose to add his own strength and/or speed to that of his host, adding a 2x multiplier to the host's natural level. However, increasing these attributes may prove detrimental to the host, inducing possibly permanent damage, or even leading to death.


- The defining element in Rosa's current life is the guitar she carries. Named Revolution Nine after the inscription along the neck, this steel-string acoustic guitar consists of an ebony top, neck and head, and rosewood sides, back and fingerboard. A thick leather strap hangs from the body, connected just behind the neck and at the absolute bottom of the guitar.
One of its key features are the myriad of engravings covering every available space across its top, which are likely to be the source of the magic protecting the guitar and the demon sealed within. To this date, the runes have not been identified as belonging to any known languages. It has proven very resistant to any kind of physical damage, likely a feature of its protective magic, though only few have ever tried to destroy it; most would prefer not to release what it contains. As it is an essential part of Rosa's life, she is not willing to part with it, even in the unlikely case that a merchant would be willing to purchase it. The Revolution Nine may not be sold under any circumstances.

- Hanging from Rosa's waist is a small steel dagger, measuring twenty centimetres from hilt to tip, with a leather handle.

Lord Anglekos
06-07-11, 10:22 AM
As SandStorm isn't up and about at the current moment, I'll be taking control of this.
I know this is rather unnecessary, but you could please note that since the guitar possesses unique 'capabilities', as you will, that it cannot be sold?
Also note that Possession cannot be used on other player characters (and/or their personal NPC's) without the player's expression permission.
Also, another small factor I'm going to have to make you edit in, as the demon is a Player Character itself (as you stated), is more of a clarification than anything; when you state that the demon "increases the host's strength and speed to twice their natural level", is that a multiplicative increase (I.E. a human with already 4x normal strength being possessed and thus gaining 8x strength) or an additional increase (I.E. the same human adding on 2x to the 4x he already has to get 6x strength)? If it is the former, I'm going to have to ask you to limit the multiplier to one attribute instead of two; however, if it is the latter then it seems all good to me.
Get back to me on that and you'll be all set.

The State Of Maine
06-07-11, 12:43 PM
Right, edits made. I'm familiar with the concept of bunnying, and obviously the Possession ability would fall under that, but it's clearly stated now. The Supernatural ability was indeed meant to be additional. To be honest, I never even considered a multiplicative increase, but that would get a little extreme.

So yeah, I hope we're all good now. Thanks for your time.

Lord Anglekos
06-07-11, 01:09 PM
No problem. Just doin' a job.
And with that, you're all set! Approved!