View Full Version : Death Stalked Somebody Else to Avoid Him

09-06-10, 03:58 PM
(Lvl. 0 Profile.)

Name: Liam Duigenan (Lee-AM Doo-GAN-An)
Age: 51
Race: Human
Hair Color: Graying
Eye Color: Pale Green
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 159 lbs.
Occupation: Mystic

Personality: Having lived a very long and dark life, Liam has developed an especial taste for violence. And it hasn't been one that has diminished with age like one might expect, either. Like much of his strength, Liam's mind hasn't eroded with senility, making him sharper while also cold and calculating. While he finds great pleasure in punishing those who've crossed him, Liam is deeply religious and will find some sort of good in the breaking of your arm or crushing your bones so long as he has kept your soul from jeopardy. Make no mistake, Liam is not a man of the cloth, but someone of a bygone era whose fervor and faith have kept him alive and well over the years, even as his curse racks his body and leaves his life and everyone in it in ruins.

Speaking of which, as a man cursed with lycanthropy or the 'touch of the wolf', Liam and the dark, hungry monster that lurks beneath the cage that is his flesh share a special bond. Over the years, Liam has grown to accept what he is and has learned a profound amount of control over "The Wolf", having reached a level of understanding of his plight that borders on some kind of dark enlightenment. While there are many things Liam is, he is not a sociopath. He has always taken great care and responsibility of holding the reins of the beast and has made especially sure that during a full moon when he is able to turn, that no innocents are ravaged or murdered while the Wolf is free. It is this kind of fanatical control and devotion to his curse that has shaped Liam's personality and often times it seems as if it has become a blend of both man and beast where both seem to have bled into one another, for better or worse.

Appearance: Liam is a short and lanky man who has seemed to have handled the ravages of age remarkably well. His face looks slightly gaunt with high, wind washed cheekbones and an aquiline, high nose that seems to have given him a bit of a beak. His low forehead protrudes enough over his face to give his worn, tired eyes a permanent shadow as dark bags struggle to hold those piercing, youthful green eyes of his aloft. Liam's graying mane still holds streaks of red from his youth and is still thick and soft, even if it is often greased back with his favorite oils. Liam's face is always meticulously clean shaven and bares no scars from his youth, but rather exposure from the elements almost has seemed to cause the flesh that seems akin to granite to begin to crack, but that may simply be a symptom of age.

For a man just over the age of fifty, Liam looks several years younger and remarkably fit. Always dressed in either a suit or in the attire of a dandy, he hides his strange, youthful physique under his clothes and possesses the manner of a thin, older man who is learned and slightly overdressed for the occasion. Aside from that, an old grey or faded blue Stetson seems to be perched upon his scalp outdoors. Many of his trinkets or tools of his craft are tucked away precariously in the capacious pockets of his jacket, and Liam possesses an old, polished black cane that he leans upon but rumors tell to be that of a sword that is craftily concealed.


(Looking to give this section of Liam's profile as an archive for his quests, rather then a detailed history of his nature. Not that anyone would read it besides the RoG mod anyway.)



Youth is Better Left To Liam - As a part of his lycanthropy, Liam's body doesn't respond to age like everyone else. While he still ages and is mortal, the old man has taken a different path in his fight for youth. Liam appears a few years younger then those of his age. But, what is most remarkable about Liam is that while he possesses the experience of age, he has the mind and libido of a man still in his youth who doesn't know nor care of the dangers of senility or death. Even at the age of fifty, Liam still possesses the physique and physical fitness of a man half of his age, allowing him to be 1.5x faster and stronger then an average man.

The Nose Knows - One of the dark gifts endowed upon him by the Wolf, Liam possesses a mastery of scent rivaling that of most dogs or wolves. His nose is hundreds of times stronger then that of a human's, like that of a typical dog, and this allows Liam to have many advantages over most people. He is able to mark people by their scent and track them for up to three miles while also possessing a keen memory for scents that is far greater then his visual or auditory memory. For this reason, once Liam has smelled someone, he is able to remember them and their scent for life.

A Terrible Mind - Liam is a werewolf. Decades of wrestling and fighting with this curse haven't changed that fact. What has has Liam's personality. Whether it was the curse or Liam himself, he has seemed to have developed an alter ego he refers to as "The Wolf" or by a number of other aliases. This alter personality shares the mind with Liam and often wrestles with him over control of it, though Liam until the present has remained dominant. The Wolf possesses no emotion or guilt in what it does, and only takes joy in the destruction and murder of anyone and everyone other then itself. This personality will remain dormant while Liam shares the same mind, and only comes into control when one of two things happens. When Liam transforms into a werewolf or if for some reason Liam's consciousness is removed from his body. In either of these events, The Wolf will resume control.


Lycanthropy - Curse - Make no mistake, as terrible and wrathful as old Liam Duigenan is as a man, he is still also a werewolf. Having been ravaged by one of his kind early in his youth, he still possesses the scar along his side that bears his curse. While he has wrestled and fought with the monster inside of him for decades, Liam cannot escape who he is. Every month, during a night of the full moon, Liam will cease to be a man and will change into that of a werewolf. He will take on the characteristics of that of a wolf, and after so many years, the size and strength of the Wolf has grown from that of a wolfman into a full-fledged monster, which will allow him to also grow several feet in height and several hundred pounds heavier.

During the affects of this curse and as a monster, Liam will grow fangs and claws that can puncture or tear through metal equivalent to steel. He will become 2x stronger and faster then a normal man while possessing all the benefits of a beast such as mastery of scent and an uncanny bloodthirst. It is also to be understood that while a wolf, Liam as a man will cease to be as his higher brain will become dormant and the alter ego, The Wolf, or the primitive part of the mind will hold reign. During this period, Liam will not be able to think or feel what is going on after the transformation, having absolutely no control of his actions, and will shake it off as nothing more then a bad dream the very next day.

While a monster, Liam still suffers from most of the normal superstitions of that of a werewolf. He has a strong distaste for garlic, and has a strong aversion to other strange herbs, some of which are lethal like that of Wolfsbane. Although, herbs like mistletoe seem to have some affect in warding him off for a time. Though it is true that Liam and the beast inside of him have a deep, unnatural fear of silver, it isn't the only thing that may kill him, as beheading and the destruction of his heart may prove to be just as lethal as that of a weapon imbued with silver. Remarkably, however, the werewolf's greatest weakness is himself as exhaustion will cause the transformation to cease and put the wolf back to sleep. Though, tiring a werewolf and expending its mighty reserves of endurance would be quite the feat. Still, as a werewolf, Liam possesses an unnatural and higher tolerance to pain, able to take blows and suffer from wounds that might cripple or prove mortal for other creatures. He may not also die from blood loss.

NOTE: Liam will only be able to change into a werewolf once every month during a full moon. His curse follows the lunar cycle, NOT a calendar. Only when he has changed into a werewolf can Liam impart the curse to another PC/NPC by blood, saliva or wounds inflicted by him to that person. If someone is bitten by or shares bodily fluids with the werewolf during this time, they will gain a version of this ability in their profile permanently. As well, this ability will impart Liam with several abilities in his profile that will remain locked during any other time except when this curse is in affect, but he will be able to use them during the night of his transformation. These abilities will be monikered with a "W".

Lunge - W - As a werewolf, Liam's grace and control of movement is incredible. In a burst of speed, Liam is able to cover the gap between him and his victim, allowing him to move 50 feet in one direction over the course of one post. This ability, however, is exhausting and while as a monster Liam possesses a ferocity that rivals on the imagination, he cannot keep using this ability without suffering from the effects of exhaustion and falling to sleep. Liam can use this ability three times in a thread.

Devour - W - Liam's bloodthirst may only be rivaled by his hunger as a werewolf. While under the affects of this transformation, Liam's ability to stomach human or animal flesh will grow significantly. His stomach will grow, allowing Liam able to fully consume the equivalent of two people in a single night before becoming full. When eating, Liam will be able to heal some of the wounds inflicted upon him, though it will only really be effective on minor wounds. The process of healing is determined on the severity of the wound, and Liam's body will only be able to heal one wound at a time, starting with the direst of wounds.

Fanatic - Liam's deeper understanding of religion and faith has allowed him a sizeable amount of piety. Because of this, Liam's will and ability to ignore temptation is ironclad. This makes it significantly more difficult for the mystic to suffer from possessions, hypnosis or powers of suggestion. However, this ability becomes locked when Liam transforms into a werewolf.

Of The Sword - Liam is above average with his skill in using a blade. This allows him to parry, riposte and fight with most swordsmen with an incredible amount of zeal. This allows him to move with 1.5x faster then your average swordsman. Liam's mastery of the blade extends to ones that require him to cut or thrust, and his knowledge extends only to steel.

- Spells -

Of My Flesh - Ritual - As a mystic, Liam is able to heal those who are ill or suffering from grievous wounds. This ritual is a carnal one and requires Liam to sew pieces of his own flesh onto that of the victim in the area of his wounds. As Liam's flesh is already blessed, when put upon a victim's wound, it will begin to grow and tailor itself to it, stopping bleeding and even healing what otherwise might be a grievous wound. This ability does not only extend to flesh wounds, but whatever Liam is willing to give up from himself and unto the victim. This would allow him to restore organs, heal disease and other such things but at an enormous cost to himself and the loss of his bodily tissues is permanent unless they can somehow regenerate.

This practice is especially brutal and barbaric, but can be used up to how many times in a thread that Liam is willing to impart pieces of his own body on the victim and tolerate the excruciating amount of pain. This practice does NOT spread the curse of lycanthropy.

Confound - Thought - Liam has the uncanny ability to force people to forget him, which is invaluable for those bad first impressions. This spell takes a considerable amount of willpower and is taxing on Liam's body as there are only so many times he can cause someone to forget him before he faints from exhaustion. This ability allows Liam to wipe one post containing his actions with a character or a group of them from their memory. These actions or content must have been directly involved with Liam and can only remove his involvement and nobody else’s, causing the memory to be confounded rather then forgotten as the mind will automatically substitute Liam's presence in that memory with somebody else's of that person's choice.

Meditation - Ritual - Liam's understanding of dreams and sleep is powerful, and while there really is no substitute for a good night's rest, the ability to meditate is a close second. With this ritual, Liam can force himself into a trance that will allow him to become rested, his body and mind to heal and eliminate exhaustion completely in the matter of a couple hours. However, this ritual is incredibly dangerous, as the removal of sleep can only have ill effects on his mind and body in the long term. While his body will intervene and throw him into a slumber by fainting or loss of consciousness after a matter of days, meditation cannot provide what sleep can. If forcing himself to stay awake for an extenuous amount of time, Liam can cause permanent brain damage as well as the potential for brain death or his organs to shut down. It is imperative that his ability be used with the utmost care. At the moment, Liam can restore himself within 3 hours of a trance, which is the equivalent to 7 hours of sleep.



Stetson - A faded blue hat bordering on that of grey. It fits Liam's hat well and is a favorite that he attempts to work into whatever attire he might have. However, there seems to be something unnatural about the old Stetson, but nobody can really put their finger on it.

Chameleon Coat - A suit jacket that has the ability to change the color and pattern of its threads at will, Liam can use it to blend into a crowd or cover up a stain if necessary. This jacket contains numerous pockets both hidden and not, allowing Liam to conceal all matter of items inside without worry of it being found. Specially tailored to fit only Liam.


Swordcane - Giving the appearance of a normal cane in which Liam feigns a bad knee upon, it conceals a deadly secret. A long and slender blade lies hidden in the scabbard of the obsidian stick and is made of a kind of tempered steel that makes it very hard to break by most conventional means. The blade resembles that of a katana, but has Spanish influences in its craftsmanship. A real gentlemen's sword. Inscribed upon the steel is the inscription, "No me saques sin razon, no me evaines sin honor." which roughly translates to, "Draw me not without reason, and sheath me not without honor."


Pocketwatch - A beautifully crafted pocket watch that is cast in silver with designs of roses that looked to have been pressed into the mold before it was cast. It keeps perfect time. Opening it up, on the cover there is a picture of his deceased wife and his missing daughter, and beneath it is the engraving, "Only with Love and Wisdom eternal may our ties may not break unto Death."

09-06-10, 04:19 PM
In Lycantrophy, drop the strength and speed to 2x.

Drop the distance of the Lunge from 50 meters to 50 feet.

And keep in mind that the effects of Confound can vary depending on the person om which you use it.

That's about it.

09-06-10, 04:23 PM

09-06-10, 04:55 PM
And done. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.