View Full Version : Greed and Treasure

08-03-06, 11:01 PM

Scrubbing the deck again. Eris growled as she got on her hands and knees to scrub the damn deck once again and all by herself. Eris thought that serving a pirate of this world would be a good way to get her foot in the door to the life of sea hijacking. Getting a ship wasn’t too hard back home since there were some connections thanks to her mother. Being part Succubus had its perks and Eris enjoyed them quite a bit with her own ship and crew.

Now she was serving Bento, captain of the Sea Raven and one major jerk. He knew that it was his word that kept the crew from swarming the demon girl like a pack of starved vultures. Men with ravenous libidos was the last thing the poor half demon needed, though if any man came at her alone would be missing a few parts. But still the Captain didn’t have to take advantage of her need for generosity. If it was a demon crew she’d be fine, they could control themselves unlike these human animals.

The ship slightly rocked as a cool breeze picked up and giving Eris a nice respite, why couldn’t Kozo help her, he was her friend but Bento needed him as a bodyguard. She was the one that needed a bodyguard with a crew that’s been sex starved and she being the only woman, though thankfully her claw and tail were fine warning. No one was willing to yet even try to woo her.

Eris sighed as she took a break and looked over the plain horizon. This world’s sky could get pretty dull being nothing but a blue sheet, at least back home it changed colors and there were always clouds to change shape and one could get lost in their dreams, here it was monotonous.

“It won’t be so bad with my own ship, I’ll have a crew to lead and have things to do other than worry about the sky.”

“Hey li’l bitch, get back ta work ya lazy freak or I’ll tell Cap’n!”

“Hold your horses before they drag you overboard.” Eris shook her head and lashed her tail against the air, though she tried to make sure she didn’t do any damage, last time her tail scratched the deck she had to sleep while being hung over the port bow of the ship, can’t sleep while worrying about falling into the wake.

There had to be a better way to make money than this. Shouldn’t it be easier if you stay away from the law. Eris thought maybe she should have taken that barmaid job instead.