View Full Version : Archibald Butler

09-08-10, 04:34 AM
Name: Archibald Butler
Alias: The Jester
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Origin: Oakenbrim, Salvar
Current Residence: Oakenbrim, Salvar
Occupation: Wizard of the Oakenbrim Order
Alignment: Generally Good

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Type: Thin
Additional Info: Archibald Butler, or more simply Jester, is a thin man of average height. As is tradition to wizards of his order he is often seen garnished in a brown mage’s hood that is stitched with a series of runes that symbolize the Code of Oakenbrim law and conduct. However, the runes only show during a full moon or lunar eclipse. Over his lower face, just below the nose, he wears a brown scarf that matches the color of his mage’s hood. The core of his body is decorated with a brown tunic and a form fitting pair of brown pants. The brown pants he tucks into his black boots.

Information Regarding Personality: Jester is a rather funny young man, hell he didn’t get his nickname for nothing. He is also very curious by nature. Most of his problems and mishaps can be accredited directly to his curiosity.

History: (This will serve as a database for completed quests. Sorry Task, I know you hate that)

Flight: Being an aeromancer, and a member of the Oakenbrim Order at that, Archibald has been taught the ability to manipulate the very air around him. At any given time, only three times a day, he can take flight for no more than a minute. At his current level he can only travel at mediocre speeds and heights, but in time he will master this ability and also his ability to take to the skies.

Wind Whip: From his hands he can create an almost transparent wind whip. It has the strength of iron and can cause small amounts of stinging damage to its victims. Currently it can only be up too 5 feet in length and will disappear within a minute after summoning. He can make the whip explode at any given time, which creates a small force of that has a chance to push back lower level opponents, or even knock them off balance.

General Aeromancy Projectile: This covers Archibald’s grasp over air projectiles. He currently can create or harvest small amounts of air and throw them at his opponents. Also, he can’t create a projectile any larger than an average sized mans fist. These projectiles currently cause damage equal to a strong punch. Air that he harvests for this purpose changes color from transparent, to sky blue.

Wizards Intuition: Archibald Butler, like most wizards, has an almost unrivaled intuition. He can often predict things before they happen, or predict cataclysmic events before they surface. If anything, this ability is a minor version of foresight.

Aeromancy: Archibald has an average grasp of Aeromancy. He is not well versed enough to create his own spells yet, but he can pick up on most Aeromancy spells fairly quickly.

Linguist: Naturally, as a wizard, Archibald can fluently use languages new and old alike. If ever he comes across some ancient dialect he doesn’t understand, he will put all his time into finding a way to translate it.

Swordsmanship: Being part of the Oakenbrim Order, a society constructed of mostly battle-mages, he was trained throughout his teenage years in the art of swordplay. He is merely an average sword-handler currently, but this ability will surely grow in time.

Standard Issue Oakenbrim Long Sword: An average quality steel long sword. The hilt of this weapon is garnished by the mark of Oakenbrim, which is two owls devouring a cloud.


Miscellaneous Possessions:
Jester’s Grimoire: A flesh bound book that is enchanted to never run out of pages. One half of this book serves as a journal, while the other half serves a spell book. Currently the spell portion of the book is lacking, but with time comes greatness.

09-09-10, 05:31 AM
Seems balanced enough. You are approved. Once again, welcome to Althanas.