View Full Version : Ixian Devilry

09-08-10, 05:19 AM
closed to Silence Sei, Amber Eyes, and other members of the Ixian Knights. Sei gets first response and I reserve the post immediatly after that though.

It was a dark day in Concordia, clouds overcast the sky casting the world in a gray pallor of unrest. A chill wind blew, and the trees bent in the wind, away from the lone figure in a dark purple hooded robe traveling through the undergrowth. It was as though they could feel a certain maleficent presence about this entity.

“We wonder why this Sei Orlouge lives in this thrice cursed woodland. Would it not be easier if he lived in a town?” A disembodied chorus of horrifying malevolent voices asked in unison around the figure.

“It depends on what his purpose is. Besides, he beat my family.” A female voice said from the robes, equal in feel to the chorus of voices that had spoken before.

The figure moved on, ducking under branch, and skirting around bush, to reach her destination. She didn't know exactly where she was going, besides to be with Sei Orlouge, but everytime she got lost and went astray, the world would bend and twist about her to guide her back in the right direction.

It had only been a month, since she had returned to Althanas, for this lone woman had previously spent the previous year on a quest that took her across all the planes of Althanas, forced her to carry to term and give birth to a child, which was all for one single acquisition, an ancient power that changed her entire body, burned away her soul and empowered her in every way. Its sole price was the life of the child she had just borne, which was the entire reason she conceived her son.

As for why she sought out Sei Orlouge, today was the one year anniversery of an important event. Exactly 365 days ago, Kyla Orlouge had been rescued from the woman's clutches, but only after Sei Orlouge defeated The Seven Deadly Sins. In the end, Sei struck a deal with the Dark Gods, he'd be allowed to go home, but only if this lone robed figure could join the Ixian knights.

And now that it was the anniversery of her freedom, it was time for the source of so much terror to enter into her life once more. Today was the day the Ixian Knights were going to meet a new an improved Eighth Deadly Sin of Corruption, who had added a new title to her name, The Devil. She had transcended demonhood and became something more, something new. It was during the time after her new power acquisition that her brothers, sisters, and father came to understand and realize this. That was when the gods reminded her of the deal.

At long last, as noon approached, she reached the western gates of Ixian Castle. The woman kept her head down, and did not allow the guards to identify her, though they tried. She waited just outside the gates, her dark presence easily detected by magic.

“Halt! Identify yourself, state your business here.” a guard demanded.

“I am The Devil, come to devour your souls, for they are chewy and sweet. I demand an audience with Lord Sei Orlouge, and I will have it quickly or else.” The woman now known as The Devil said.

“Uh, Rodney, something tells me this isn't a joke. Go get Lord Orlouge, on the double.” the first gate guard said.

The second guard ran off without a second warning, leaving behind the first guard and The Devil. Onlookers stopped to look at what was going on, wondering who could be causing a scene on a dreary day like this.