View Full Version : Villeneuve vs. Ravenheart

The International
09-09-10, 12:18 AM
Reserved for Letho
The grand opening of the Nauplez Assembly was a joyous occasion indeed. The towering factory represented the latest in Aleraran technology, style, and… stubbornness. Once in operation, it would produce more than fourteen hundred state of the art caplock rifles. Its tall windows, feminine architecture, and crimson brick frame gave it a look more akin to a noble’s mansion than an industrial work pit. Tonight it sat under a particularly luminous sky of milky nebulae and sparkling stars. However, despite deadly attacks on several factories in the last few months, Graf Delyan Xara insisted on throwing a celebration for the opening of the nation’s newest arms factory. How stubborn of him, but the Villeneuves knew what he was doing. The Graf wanted to lure them into attacking yet another precious new factory, and he was daring them to do it in the midst of at least two hundred of the nation’s elite.

The wrought iron gates of the front entrance stood to welcome two lines with clear prejudice. The longer line to the left was made of commoners hoping to rub elbows with their blue blooded superiors. The line to the right was made of the movers and shakers of not only Alerar, but the entire world. One of those movers and shakers, a Human woman from Corone, stepped forward and curtsied before the guards.

“I am Mira Vallico, representative of Corone’s High Baron, Sivien Arundiel.” Maelle Villeneuve said as she raised her head and sent the bouncer a smile of serenity. “I’ve been sent in the Viceroy’s place. I believe you were notified in his RSPV.”

“We were.” The Dark Elf bouncer said with a thick accent as he looked the young woman up and down. “But what happened to Corbin. I thought he was the Sivien’s representative to Alerar.”

“Ah, my predecessor. I won’t presume to know the man but I believe I’m here because…” Maelle paused, dropped her hazel eyes, and then looked back up with a newfound confidence. “"Ussta xanalress equidai zhah alur ulu ukt. My name should be on the list anyways."

The bouncer took a moment to scan his clipboard, and then stepped aside as Maelle picked up her silken skirt and entered the vast and densely populated courtyard. She weaved through the idle groups and dodged the dancers until she stood on the edge of the torch lit parameter. Her slim hand traced along her emerald green corset and up to her bare crème collar, where she pinched a tiny violet diamond that hung by a silver thread.

“I’m in.” She whispered as she gazed into the darkness beyond the party boundary. Somewhere in that deep abyss was a friend. “I hope the rest of you have as easy a time as I did.”

“You had to intercept an invitation and hire a forger to get in.” Ludivine Villeneuve said with a sly smile as she walked in darkness on the other side of the two acre property. “All I had to do was wait until the sun went down.” She calmly plastered herself against one of the giant walls as a guard making his rounds turned a corner. She decided to whisper this time as the placed a sheet of papyrus next to an area of the building that protruded out in a cylindrical shape. “Did I mention how much I love these diamonds?”

“Yes you did. More than your own mother.” Alix Villeneuve spoke from inside a dark vacant building across the street from the event. She had to admit to herself that she loved the diamonds of the late Queen Valsharess as well. She could hear her middle daughter sigh in exasperation no matter how far she was. “Just let me know when it’s time to let this yelping dog loose. Are you in place, Honey?”

“I’ve been in place for three hours now. I had a nice nap and a whiskey.” Esme’s baritone voice was as laid back as he was. He slumped in a rocking chair with an oaken classical guitar in his lap. He had just watched his oldest daughter enter the event. “Now I think I’ll play a little music.”

“Well then I guess it’s all down to me now.” Vespasian said from deep within the cavalcade of festivities. The youngest of the Villeneuve had been posing as an aspiring alchemist in the Graf’s local academy for the last few months now. Through some clever tactics and a large amount of cheating; he had earned himself an invitation and a handshake, which was to be rewarded later. It was a batch of political brownie points for Delyan Xera, and a ripe opportunity for Vespasian.

“Yes it is.” Alix said as she paced back and forth in the pitch black room. “Delyan knows we’ve been attacking these establishments for months now. He must have an ace up his sleeve, so we need you to find out what that is.”

“Will do.” Vespasian’s amber eyes scanned the room as he tossed the pitch black hair off of his mocha forehead. He had taken the form of a Dark Elf in recent months to help speed along the progress. In fact, this was the first time the majority of the family had taken their original Human forms in quite some time.

He had to find the highest point in the party. Luckily for him it was the open bar, which stood a short flight of stairs up from the sea of shiny heads and oversized hats. He meandered his way up and settled himself beside a young Human woman. This was not necessarily to hit on her, but why not practice? He extended his hand beyond the marble countertop and summoned an empty martini glass to his hand. “These drinks are already paid for, correct?”

Maelle: My language skills are superior to his.