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Edward Morosco
08-04-06, 02:23 AM
(Falcon the stiff ass Brit here with another piece of artistic madness)

Edward "Crazy Eight" Morosco
Age: 23
Race: Human
Class: Mage / Alchemist
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Alignment: Dark


Edward Morosco is, and looks, a ragtag scoundrel of a man. He wears a white, half buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, a pair of black cotton trousers over his steel toecapped shoes and always carries a pack of "Eight of Diamonds" cigerettes in his breast pocket without fail. His black hair is clean and short but loose, just falling over the furrow of his brow, and his hazel eyes have a perculiar shine to them. It was noted by one of his associates that peering into his eyes was like looking through a gateway into the realm beyond reach: the place where all of Edward's innermost feelings and emotions are kept, suppressed by an overhwhelming determination to be strong in the wake of his wife's death. Edward refers to it as "an outer animal protecting a smooth centre. Just how the ladies like it..."

Weapon: Faustus and Mephistopheles

A pair of hand sickles crafted from steel and linked with two metres of steel, forged chain. Each sickle has a curved blade not unlike a scythe, about twelve inches in length each and curved to the tip with a sharp cutting edge on both sides of the metal. The handles of both sickles are fine steel tubes that are linked at the base by a strong belchor-style chain to ensure durability whilst attacking. The sickles can reach any target up to the length of two metres, and the steel contained in the chain and blades can also be manipulated by Edward's alchemy, as long as he has enough time to draw or cast a transmutation circle.

Magic: (Level, range)

Transmutation Circle (0, 2ft radius): Edward can only perform alchemy of this level with a specially drawn area called a 'transmutation circle'. Usually, this can be done with only a stick of chalk but sometimes quick and accurate markings are needed in tight situations, and hand drawn circles can take up to three minutes each. In such cases he can cast one onto the ground using magic, taking a mere three seconds to complete. Once in this circle he can then use alchemy skills equal to his level.

Healing Halo (0, 4ft radius): Edward can cast a healing aura around him and any ally within 4ft of him that will cure minor wounds and relieve pain and aches. Can also be used when fully fit to slightly enhance stamina.

Forbidden flame (0, 14 metres): Edward casts a sphere of embers that can travel over a distance of 14 metres. The sphere consists mostly of white hot ash, and upon impact with an object will shatter and spread burning hot flakes into the air in a small cloud.

Skills (Level, range or effect):


Material Transmutation (0, within Transmutation Circle): Edward can change the shape or properties of elements in the radius of the Transmutation Circle using the powers of alchemy. Materials can be formed from other materials, broken down to base components and stretched based on the principle that the mass of any new or modified object has to be of equal proportion to its last form and due to this it is impossible at this level to create a larger object from a small one. Matter can not be created or destroyed using this technique.

Weapon Transmutation (0, within Transmutation Circle): Using the principles of the above technique, Edward can change the physical appearance and properties of his weapon to a certain degree, adding an extra metre's length to the chain or completely remoulding the weapon and turning it into something of equal mass, such as a sword or spear, although it does not have to be a weapon or any specific item.


"Eight of Diamonds" Cigarettes / Lighter

Edwards most prized possession is his personal lighter, crafted from fine silver with "Crazy Eight" enscribed in platinum on the side. It runs on latern oil, is easily refillable and is kept in pristine order. Coupled with this is his seemingly endless supply of home-grown "Eight of Diamonds" tobacco. It smokes like a cigar, tastes like tar but has all the relieving characteristics of a massage.


Morosco is a dark, forbading character who turned borderline insane after the accidental sacrifice of his pregnant wife Melissa to the forbidden alchemy. He roams the planet with Mephistopheles the demon at his side, looking for ways to gain more power. He is unconcerned with most human life but there is an underlying part of his personality that used to be the Edward Morosco of old, a dormant fragment of his past.


Edward Morosco was the very image of a broken man.

Raised as an apprentice alchemist in a poverty stricken family in the darkest depths of Alerar, it was believed his ancestors dabbled in the cultural and forbidden taboo of turning basic metal into precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum to attempt to attain enough wealth to support their families. Whether or not they eventually succeeded is unknown and irrelevent. Edward "Crazy Eight" Morosco soon excelled in alchemy and was learning how to transmute basic elements at the age of thirteen with little to no professional guidance, sometimes suprising even his veteran grandfather Gerald Morosco with his skill. It was decided, against Edwards wishes, by Gerald and other close family members that Edward would progress down the path of the forbidden legend of alchemy and enter a glittering world where the family could attain riches beyond their wildest dreams, escaping the cold clutches of near starvation and careering at great speed towards the top of the social ladder.

There was a problem in the equation. Edward was a family man, and married a local girl named Melissa. His interest in following his ancestor's footsteps to an almost certain cursed life and rejection from the circle of alchemists died very soon after the marriage and he decided to concentrate more specifically on using his powers to put food on the table and money in their pockets far more honestly than dabbling in the unknown. He knew full well that the principles of his profession would mean that Edward would have to give up something of equal value to the riches he had been asked to create in order to balance the science, without which an unbalance would occur that would destroy him and possibly other people he cared for as well.

The only thing he had of equal value to riches beyond his wildest dreams was Melissa. He would not make the mistake of getting her sacrificed for his family.

Gerald became furious when Edward explained this to him and cast him out of the family. Edward was only too happy to leave, cursing and swearing at the misjudgements his family had made. How could they shun him for doing the honest thing? Did being rich mean that much to them? So much, they would abandon him?

It appeared so, and Edward lost interest in associating with his greed driven family. But it didn't come without a price.

Gerald and the others came to Edwards house, where the unknowing Melissa opened their door to them and welcomed them in. She had been waiting to tell Edward that she was pregnant and made the mistake of telling Gerald first, making her a perfect hostage to use against his talented grandson. Edward came home, and hesitated when he saw the dull blade of a knife pressed to Melissa's throat by his own grandfather, and was demanded to draw a transmutation circle to start the legendary base to precious metal rituals.

He did as he was told, fearing for Melissa's life and just as he predicted, the resulting alchemy failed.

He watched as the flames of inbalance consumed Melissa's pregnant body and seared it into little more than particles, along with his grandfather and gluttonous relatives. The lives of those closest to him could not trigger the equation that most only dreamed of balancing, and as his teary eyes fell upon the charred remains of his family, his sanity and his life, the demon Mephistopheles ascended from the depths of hell.

"Now, Edward, what wouldst thou have me do?"

Explaining that the inbalance of his magic had left the demon in Edward's debt until the end of his mortal life, Mephistopheles offered his knowledge and services to Morosco. He passed on the Drow language, gave him the power to cast magicks and amplified his alchemic abilities to beyond a human level.

He also told him about Lucifer's Chariot, a stone that could allow him magicks not usually available to a human being.

Edward, now borderline insane with the passing of transpired events, burned down his home and set off to find Lucifer's Chariot with Mephistopheles by his side.

08-05-06, 07:21 AM
I must say I'm very nervous about the sheer number of powers you have listed. It seems that even your weapon has a skill listed with it, namely the ability to use it. I know where you're going with it, which is cool, but you really need to either lock or drop some of these powers.

Falcon Darkflight
08-05-06, 08:44 AM
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with any of the skills above. I have seen level 0 characters approved with the same amount of spells and more at times.

How many are you asking me to drop?

Edit: I count one offensive spell, one healing spell and a spell which allows Edward to perform his alchemy. After that, he can THEN perform his alchemy via transmutation. That's not really a lot.

08-05-06, 03:05 PM
I'm asking you to make it clear that you aren't good with something, and I figure that the weapon is good enough. The way you listed the weapon was like a skill, which pushes it over the thin line.

Falcon Darkflight
08-07-06, 02:28 AM
How so? All I mentioned in the actual weapon description was that the steel could be manipulated by Edward's alchemy, which is the whole basis of his character. Doesn't make the weapon a skill.

I'll remove one or two skills but I want a second opinion.

08-07-06, 07:30 AM
The way it is written implies skill. If he doesn't have it, then why are you arguing about adding a sentence confirming it?

08-07-06, 07:54 AM
Here's a second opinion...

Personally I was looking over the thread, mainly the powers in question, and I believe that Abbie's correct. The powers you have listed, the three major ones, are okay. My only qualm is Forbidden Flame: 14 meters of burning ash? That's a little harsh, especially for a level 0 character. I wouldn't have approved that at the way it is right now.

Next is your Transmutation Circles. From what I read, and I've been looking at the validation of both sides of the argument along with the spells for an hour now, once the transmutation circle is cast (3 seconds) he can manipulate the steel in his weapon any way he likes. He can also take the base components of anything and create it.

The first... ehh, I'd wonder about it. I'd probably approve it if you didn't already have such... I'm wanting to say powerful but that's not the word. I'd say it could stay if you toned it down, say couldn't switch weapons halfway through a fight or something.

The second: too strong. The potential for all the trouble you could create with that at this level is far too high. You don't set any restrictions, you don't give any examples, and you expect people to just assume that you won't find a block of steel and change that into a weapon and then go sell it? You could potentially do that with mythril ore, make the weapon(s) and then just sell them over and over...

That's just the example that came to mind. There are others, like guns... I'll continue watching this and input if you have more questions or want me to continue. But this is your second opinion:

I stand by and agree with what Abbie has commented and personally think she is being lenient saying that you just need to get rid of one. I see two, possibly three, overly strong spells at level 0 that you have.

Falcon Darkflight
08-07-06, 09:25 AM

Consider Eddie Morosco on my "to be severely edited" list.

Apologies if I came over harsh as well. I'll have a go over during the week and make sure he ain't doing anything too badass.

Once again, sorry.