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Tour Guide Barbie
09-10-10, 12:56 AM
The Barbara

Name: Barbara Roberts
Age: 23
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135


Cheerful and inquisitive, Barbara lives to meet new people and see new places. Constantly searching to archive her findings, she loves to write but has little patience for reading. A creature of impulse, she always goes with her gut instinct.


Barbie has a meticulously tailored wardrobe for all seasons and occasions, though her favorite combination is a pair of slacks with blouse and a double buttoned coat. She wears well cared-for boots with sensible heels.


Born with her twin brother as the first offspring of a wealthy Scara Brae family, there were certain expectations that Barbara and Wesley had to meet. They grew up with great breeding, both learning and excelling at all the skills needed to one day take over the business of lumber that had grown the family fortune. Barbie always wanted something more, an adventure to be had much like the tales she heard passed in newsprint and gossip. However, a good girl, she cheerfully went about her duties. When the twins were 22, their parents decided to retire in part and it was named that Wesley would be the one to inherit the family business, with one of their younger brothers next in succession.

While her peers consoled her, Barbara began to gleefully map out her future. Free from the bonds of expectation, and backed by the power of a trust fund, she began to make plans to write a book. Scara Brae had been an uneventful place to grow up, having been kept from the mire that was the more common sections of the island. She wanted to see the Elven lands, the desert of Fallien and the deep jungle of Dheathain. She wanted very much to experience the Radasanthian Bazaar.

Pulling out a meager stipend of her trust fund to start out with, she paid her passage to Corone and bid her brothers farewell. Her brother Wesley paid for bodyguard protection as she moved across the land, so that when Barbara Roberts and her manuscript came back to Scara Brae, so would her sweet smile.


Barbara carries on her person several moleskine notebooks, along with a large supply of ink and quills. These, as well as traveling papers and her monetary reserves are kept within the confines of a canvas messenger-style bag.

She is without weapons or armor, relying on bodyguards to keep her safe during her travels. This character is a quest only account and not open for battle.


Barbara is a very charismatic woman, who makes friends quite easily. She is a quick student and adept at recognizing delicate social situations.



Name: Kenneth Clearwater
Age: 27
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 230

Kenneth is the muscle. Built like a tank, and completely devoted to the Roberts family, he loyally does whatever Barbara says. Protective to a fault, his temper is a force to be reckoned with. The winner of many Scara Brae strong man competitions and once working as a logger, his strength is the work of true labor.


Name: Blaine Hafft
Age: 21
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160

Blaine is a mage, who made his living selling protection spells from his home before contracted by the Roberts family for Barbara's protection detail. His spells are minor, his attention split between healing, protection and the elements. Mainly he has been hired for his ability to send lightweight objects through water back and forth, allowing nearly instant communication between Barbara and Wesley.

Neither Kenneth nor Blaine may be used in battle threads. Tour Guide Barbie is intended to be a questing account, but this standard is in place in the event of a battle or tournament thread. This account has nothing to do with the Barbie doll, which is the property of Mattel. ;)

09-10-10, 05:35 AM
Looks good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.