View Full Version : Not Far From Home

09-10-10, 01:21 PM
Name: Karni Ganesh
Age: 12
Race: Kobald
Gender: Male
Height: 4'2"
Weight: 78 lb.
Hair Color and Markings: Karni is a silvered black hooded kobald.
Occupation: Sailor

Kobald History: Kobalds exist as an evolutionary equivalent to humans, arising from rodentia. Of their lesser cousins, they most resemble rats, and many of their behaviors stem from those of rats, such as the grinding of teeth and certain dominance behaviors.

Kobalds are a seafaring people, having long ago abandoned their homes on Dheathain. They have few goods of their own to trade, aside from what they can craft aboard their ships, preferring to deal as merchants of the wares of other peoples.

As a people, the kobalds operate in packs, roughly composed of extended families. These "mischiefs," as they are called, stick closely together and share resources. As well, most mischiefs will comprise a single ship, although larger ones will be spread over small fleets of two or three ships.

Personal History: Karni comes from the relatively small Ganesh mischief, whose sole ship goes by the name of the Deshnoke, after the mythical ruins from which the kobalds arose. Among his kind, he is not particularly noteworthy - yet.

He is young, only freshly of age by kobald standards, and brash. He has yet to experience the world and its beauties and horrors, but eager to set right the poor image his people have - of scavengers and thieves, always looking to cheat hard-working artisans of their labors. For this reason, he often sets out on adventures while his family is at port, trading with the local craftsmen.


Zephyr's Grace
Karni, being of the kobald, is 1.5 times as agile as the average human, and can leap 1.5 times as far with a running start.

Sharp Senses
Kobalds, like their ancient ancestors, have a particularly acute sense of smell and hearing, allowing them a broader range of detection when it comes to concealed foes.


Polearm Proficiency
Every able-bodied kobald is trained in the use of one the family's favored weapons. The Ganesh family has trained him to be above average in the use of spears, glaives, halberds, and various other polearms, compared to the average human militiaman.

Noteworthy Equipment:

Karni carries an oak-hafted two-handed spear with a long, sharp steel head. It is adorned near that head with various trinkets, feathers, and carvings, according to kobald aesthetic sense.

Leather Armor
Karni's hardened leather armor covers his torso and upper legs.

09-11-10, 11:42 AM
You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.