View Full Version : Cry Baby

Enigmatic Immortal
09-11-10, 09:39 PM
Jensen and Stephanie moved back and forth from the closet as Azza sat on their bed, a content look on her face as she watched her parents pack. They didn’t have much to do, but they had been busy finishing up loose ends as of late before their scheduled vacation. It took Jensen two weeks to get the time off, and Stephanie had been planning it out for three with the rest of the Ixian Knights.

It was all worth it though, as they planned a trip with Ta’gaz for a week, then made plans to head out to Benzer for the remainder of their week to spend as a family. The legendary warrior had spoken to both of them about starting the next phase of their training, and it was clear the man wanted to take them outwards into the world. He spoke highly of a friend who he claimed was an Oracle of Wind, the highest accolade one could be given in his circle of fighting friends.

Jensen and Stephanie pondered who this man was, as Ta’gaz rarely spoke of his friends at all, but he assured them that it would make sense in due time. So with a goal to look forward to they mapped out the route, got some boat tickets, convinced Sei to let them go, (although it didn’t really take much to convince the mute to let them go) and now they were packing. In twenty minutes time they would be off on their journey and then their family vacation. Overall it shouldn’t be a bad trip.

Of course shouldn’t is a bad word to use around the Ambrose family, for they had a nasty habit of taking ordinary activities like packing and make it a monumental mess of a time.

Azza watched as a pair of Jensen’s underwear flew high in the air behind him, onto her face where it sat for a moment. Stephanie walked by her, picked up the offending garment, ruffled her hair, and neatly folded it placing it gently into a bag. Jensen turned from the closet, dumped a whole stack of clothing onto the bed, lifted up his shirts and started stuffing them.

“Ugh, Jensen! I just folded everything in there! Can you please just fold the damn shirts?” She pleaded. Jensen grumbled about why woman take to long and then with a parental look he gazed towards Azza and smiled.

“Hunny, when packing you need to remember the three keys to success. Clean underwear, a large duffel bag, and a strong determination to make everything fit into a space that it wasn’t meant to be put into. Like a large, fat woman and a mini skirt.” Azza looked to Jensen with a kind smile, and she giggled as Stephanie slapped him in the back of the head. Jensen winked to Azza as he began to go back to shoving everything into his duffel bag.

“Everything packed, sweetheart?” Stephanie asked her daughter. Azza nodded twice as she pointed to her backpack and a small little knapsack. Stephanie opened the two bags and checked to make sure she had everything and while Stephanie’s back was turned Jensen began shoving the clothing that didn’t fit into his bag into Stephanie’s. Azza giggled and the female knight quickly turned, catching Jensen in the act red handed. The immortal looked to his love and gave her a wide smile, looking down at his fingers as if they betrayed them.

“NO WAY!” Jensen said astonished. “How did that get there?” Jensen asked Azza, and she giggled more as Stephanie sighed deeply rummaging her hand through Azza’s bags. At last she pulled out a handful of tiny peppermint sweets and a few candies. “Uh oh, Kiddo, busted!” Jensen whispered to her loudly. Azza nodded, her smile starting to falter. Stephanie tossed the candy onto the table near the door and gently put her bag down looking to Jensen.

“I told her not to pack her candy. It would attract ants and her clothes would get all messy. So why, my dearest love, does she have candy at the bottom of her bags, cleverly hidden in a spot that only you would have thought of, Jensen?” The immortal shrugged.

“Kids just grow up so darn fast these days!” She didn’t look convinced. “Well, maybe she had a guiding hand in the form of a loving father. Who’s only wanting what’s best for his daughter and seriously Steph you shouldn’t give me such dirty looks in front of our daughter and really there’s no need to start walking towards me!” Jensen began slowly moving away as Stephanie walked towards him in a trance. Azza merely watched, amused as she smiled watching her parents. Jensen turned and ran, Stephanie right at his heels.

“It’s not like I told her to go killing people! Think of Cassandra and her daughter! Happy families don’t kill together! The values I teach are happy and about candy! Steph, seriously, stop it!” Jensen was over the bed and running in circles around their daughter. Stephanie kept her hands reaching out, trying to grab hold of the slick immortal.

“Wholesome values like listening to your mother and not going to your father when you want something is another good value, dear,” Stephanie seethed. “I’m sick of you contradicting everything I say to her! You make me feel like my opinion doesn’t matter!” Jensen just barely avoided her hands.

“Well how do you think I feel when you are bossing her around all the time! I don’t get to teach her anything cause you hog it all! It’s only natural for me to want to teach my daughter too!” Jensen had to duck and rush past her to avoid tripping on Azza. Stephanie turned and chased him.

“Out the door kiddo!” Jensen ordered. Azza nodded once as she giggled, thinking her mom and dad were playing a game as she slowly stood up and walked to her bags. Jensen made one last lap over his bed and stooped down grabbing his bags as he ran out the door, urging Azza on as he chuckled. Stephanie sighed as she gave up, grabbing her bag and slowing her steps to a saunter as she walked behind them. The three walked to the front room and with a loud knock the door careened open, the huge muscular frame of Ta’gaz walking into their home.

He looked funny fitting in the door, his body to massive for the small frame it seemed. He had to duck his head to fit in and when he was inside he looked overly built for the room. He carried a large knapsack that was hung over his back, the white denim canvas nearly half his size. It made everyone else seem small, and Azza gulped standing next to his leg, which was nearly as tall as she was. It was her first face to face encounter with the man, though she had been in his presence before. He put on a happy smile as he lowered his hand to Azza’s hair, ruffling it, which made her wrinkle her nose in annoyance as she moved her hands to adjust her hair. Jensen waved to his mentor and Stephanie did a polite bow as they all checked their bags one last time.

“Are we all in accord?” Ta’gaz asked lightly. Jensen nodded and Stephanie wrapped her arms around his leaning on him as she gripped both hands in his.

“Think so,” She said. Jensen kissed the top of her head and kicked Azza gently with the side of his foot. She shook her head staring at the enormity of Ta’gaz and picked up her bags.

“Then let’s get this show on the road,” Jensen said pointing outwards to the open world.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-12-10, 02:13 AM
The location of Ta’gaz’s friend wasn’t far away from where they were in Sei’s tomb. Walking would have taken forever but Jensen managed to purchase the use of a cart and four horses to pull them until they reached port. The trip to the mountain ranges where the immortal first met the legendary warrior was only a two day ride, a pit stop in Underwood for Azza so she could play with her friends. Jensen and Ta’gaz had left so she could have fun and Stephanie kept an eye on their daughter, waving goodbye and kissing Jensen on the cheek as he and his mentor walked away.

The trip up the mountain was a relatively easy going time, the path they used had been well guarded by the Corone Guard as well as a few good will soldiers of the Ixian Knights. Everything seemed to be going smoothly as Ta’gaz led the horses down the pass towards his friends home, which made Jensen feel both comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

“My friend, his name is Nathanial,” Ta’gaz said off handedly as they approached a large manor built near a nook of the mountain range. The spacious yard was easily the size of a royal garden, and the grass billowed in the breeze, reaching upwards to touch the cart as it trotted down its merry path. A few farm animals walked along the land grazing, and Jensen would be sure Azza could get excited to look at a few sheep that were talking amongst themselves in sheep speak. He imagined she would talk to them too, which made the immortal smile.

Ta’gaz halted the cart at the base of the welcoming gate, where the land was better tended to with cut grass and a few rose shrubs as well as other bushes all neatly trimmed. Ta’gaz moved towards the house while Jensen grabbed their bags, looking at the sheep as they begant o slowly, longingly, move forwards to each other. His eyes went wide as one of them spoke rather huskily and the other sheep turned to run, but it was all a stage act. Then, the sheep started to-

“Nathanial!” Ta’gaz shouted excitedly.

Jensen turned to look at Nathanial, seeing a man who was a bit slimmer than Ta’gaz, but no less muscular. It seemed he was far more athletically inclined, each part of his body seemingly chiseled like those bronze gods people speak of. He had a few tattoos upon his right arm of some tribal markings, his left arm was covered in a feather like sash that sprayed out the sides. He wore torn denim pants that were shredded just at his knees, and a rock hard chin covered with a stylish mustache and goatee. His chest was bare and he slapped his hands on Ta’gaz’s back like brothers who haven’t seen each other in a long time. They threw a few probing punches at each other before they laughed again hugging each other tightly.

“I want you to meet one of my promising students. The third sadly couldn’t come,” Ta’gaz said as he motioned to the immortal and the knight. “Poor William had to go to Akashima to handle some monster problems, but maybe one day I can scare him up into coming to meet you, Nate!” They walked forwards and Jensen shook the man’s hand, a big grin on his face as he clutched Jensen’s hand tightly.

“This is the student you’ll be working with. He is a good guy once you get over his more eccentric nature. Harmless really. Which is why I brought him to you, to toughen him up.” Ta’gaz joked as Jensen gave a crass look to his mentor and attempted to release his grip from Nate.

“Pleasure to meet you. So, you’re the new student of the wind path, huh?” Nathanial looked Jensen up and down releasing his hand and the immortal did a twirl for him as he modeled for the so called Oracle of Wind. “Looks like trash to me. Common putrid garbage you had to dig out of the junk heap just to find an excuse to see me.” Ta’gaz shrugged and Jensen gave him a wry smile.

“Hey pal, I may not look like a bronze god of meatheads and beef necks, but I know which end my fist should land on your face!” Nathanial looked to Jensen with a curious eye, an approving grin on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“I like you, buddy, you smell and look like something I crapped up this morning, but you got a mouth that I can get behind.” Nathanial patted Ta’gaz on the shoulder and the two turned to walk back towards the house as Jensen followed in their wake. Nathanial gave Jensen another look and then narrowed his eyes before leaning into Ta’gaz and whispering. Solemnly the man looked back to Jensen, and then back to the oracle of wind before nodded.

The look Nathanial gave Jensen made his skin crawl as the immortal stepped into his home.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-12-10, 02:39 AM
The fighting room was easily the size of the cavern that Ta’gaz used back at home, a long, open plain with a wood floor and several holes in the ground where poles could be added. The ceiling was fifteen feet high and the Oracle of Wind was pulling out mats over the floor. Jensen looked to the dojo with an appreciative eye, kicking his boots off as he ran to help the man set up the floor. Nathanial ordered the immortal around, telling him where to put each piece like he were a small child, and the more he talked the more Jensen felt his blood going to take this guy down.

At last the dojo was set up and Ta’gaz walked in, looking at Nathanial with a worried glance. The man shrugged, and that seemed to be enough for the legendary fighter. He stood in the center of the back walk, watching with keen interest as Jensen felt his body grow limber. He made a few cautionary sweeps with his feet and started to feel the rhythm of his soul beat in his mind. When he got hooked in the dance his body became a moving engine of destruction, and with a final test flip he felt ready to go.

To his annoyance the Oracle merely stood where he was, hands resting over his chest. Lazily his tattooed arm fell to the side, swinging back and forth as he leaned forward. It wasn’t a fighting style he had ever seen, but then again, most people had no idea what to expect from his Caeipoeria. The two were on even terms as far as the immortal was concerned.

“Got a name, boy?” Nate shouted to him. Jensen lifted his head, but Ta’gaz lowered his hand, shouting for them to begin. The immortal was confused as to why the legendary warrior kept interrupting his introductions, but that was something he would have to ask the man later. It was go time.

With a whoop of laughter Jensen was on the move, his feet moving in a slow beat as he advanced keeping his body moving left to right in a swaying motion. Nathanial merely watched as he took a few steps forward, no, more like taking a few strides towards Jensen. He was arrogant in his assured victory, and even if he would lose the immortal would wipe that grin off his face and make him understand he isn’t someone to trifle with.

He darted to the left and came up with a wide flash kick, using his back hand for momentum. Nathanail easily pushed the foot aside, moving in a v-step inwards on the immortal. Jensen twirled his hand and rotated his feet to face his foe, coming down to a vertical base with a wide axe kick. Nathanial merely laughed as he lowered one hand out and let Jensen’s foot bounce off his forearm.

Jensen moved to his feet and dashed in, knee held high as he went in for the strike, but his steps were halted when Nathanial gripped him by the shoulder and tossed him over head to the wall. The bastard was a lot stronger than Jensen first thought. He slammed into the wall, creating tiny spider like fractures on the wooden surface, his body aching as he collapsed on the ground. Nathanial merely lowered his body and rose one hand up in a taunting way.

“I’m coming for ya!” He said, running towards Jensen bringing his arm out in a violent rush punch. Jensen had enough ability to sit upon one knee and with all his effort he jumped into an uppercut at the last possible second, screaming his interrupt attack.

“Shoryuken!” He felt his fist connect with flesh, but there wasn’t a grunt or even a sound of displeasure. Instead he heard a dark chuckle and noticed that Nathanial’s fist had gripped his hand forcing him to remain stationary. His other hand came out and his gut exploded in pain as he lost his wind and his footing, collapsing in a heap. He took deep breaths to regain his lost air, but Nathanial kept his attack up, lifting his foot and bringing it down in a violent stomp. It took all Jensen had to avoid the strike, rolling to the side. His fingers gripped Nathanial’s ankle and he rolled again, this time into the warrior to trip him up.

Down Nathanail went, but in his descent he slid one foot outwards and planted his leg like an anchor. His body shifted weight and he rotated until Jensen was no longer rolling in but away. The immortal’s body came to his feet and he turned quickly preparing for a counter assault.

“Got ya!” Nathanail cried as his fist found purchase in Jensen’s stomach again. The immortal bent over and spit and blood came out his lips. A vicious follow up knee struck his jaw and his vision flashed white. Another follow up attack came in the form of a fist that struck his nose staggering the knight as he dumbly stumbled backwards like a drunkard. Nathanial moved forwards and lifted one foot up kicking Jensen away with another thrust boot, and the knight nearly fell to his knees. Still the man came, an unstoppable combo rush that he had no counter for. Nate’s body slammed into his and the Immortal fell to his back and let out a half cough, half grunt of exasperation, trying to regain his bearings.

“Looks like you’re done, boy,” Nate said in satisfaction. “A freaking uppercut? Come on, what the hell was that? Still, you sure got guts to stand up to me like you did. Now get on your feet, boy.” Jensen hated to admit defeat to this guy, but he had no energy to really bother.

Slowly the immortal rose to all fours, and looked up as Nathanial gave him a kind smile. “What’s your name, kid?” Nate asked. Ta’gaz looked to Jensen and then to Nathanial and he shook his head, as if begging Jensen not to answer.

“Jensen…Ambrose…” He wheezed. The smile on Nate’s face faltered quickly, before his hands reached down and gripped the immortal by the hair and pulled him up to his face. He looked Jensen in the eye, and then turned to look at Ta’gaz with a baleful stare.

“You got to be kidding me!” Nathanial shouted as if he was just betrayed. “You brought me this piece of shit? Into my home? You know I hate this kid! Dammit Ta’gaz, what the hell you pulling!”

“Nate, calm down,” Ta’gaz said sternly, but the man angrily turned back to Jensen.

“You are Jensen Armbrose? Where you from, huh? Tell me!” He ordered, all forms of hospitality gone from him raging bellows. Jensen had no idea what the hell was going on, and he looked to the man’s eyes with confusion.

“I don’t have,” Jensen breathed heavily and coughed up more blood. “A home. I was left, in the care-” But he never was able to finish his sentence as Nathanial let out a blood curdling cry of anger, hoisting Jensen up by his hair and slamming his fist into the immortal’s face. Jensen felt his body being tossed to the side where the man pounced him, and without even an explanation as to why he felt the man’s grip on his skull tighten, then twist. The last thing he saw was Ta’gaz running over, and then there was a white flash. Then, there was only darkness as his lifeless body fell to the mat.