View Full Version : Just Sayin' - An Exercise in Dialogue

Chromanon Rockskin
09-12-10, 08:10 PM
closed to stumbleduck

"An so then, I went and I thought that he needed a home 'cause everybody needs a home. You know?" The kender was sitting in a chair that seemed oversize for her small frame. Firelight tossed warm hues along her face, her large eyes shining with mirth. In her lap, a puppy squirmed. It was all angles and joints, underfed and short of hair. She patted it, feeding it pieces of beef and bread from off her plate and it gobbled them down. At one point the pup nicked her fingers with his sharp, undeveloped teeth and she drew her hand back quickly.

"So," she said, her high piping voice just as enthusiastic despite the assault on her digits, "I think I'mma head off to the bazaar this afternoon 'cause there will be a lot of people there. Do you think that there will be a family with a mom and dad and kids that would want to take this guy in? I wouldn't want any money for him. I'd just want him to be happy."

One hand caressed the hoopak at her side: lovingly gripping the item that seemed to be both staff and sling. She was wearing her bright blue tights and brown tunic, pouches and pockets hung and sewn all over her countenance. The kender had been called a gnome twice now today, though it was more suited to her newest acquaintance.

"What brings you to the city, stranger?" she asked, curious about the new friend who had come to sit across from her in The Bridge and Head.

09-12-10, 08:26 PM
Zook had been listening intently to the young lady's tale for the last half hour, if only because missing even one syllable of her rapidfire monologue would spell disaster for his sanity. Still, she seemed an endearing sort, and a kindred spirit in the world of Big People.

"Work," he said simply. "I'd heard of a few jobs for an image-worker of my skill, and I'd always wanted to see the famed city of Radasanth with my own eyes." He took a sip from his frothy mug of coffee. "Fine roast," he remarked. "Where was I? Oh, yes, I grew up in Kachuk, among my own kind and our kindred, the dwarves. There are so few of us left, you know, and we are not much liked by the ebons of Alerar proper."

He shook his head. "Here I go, prattling on about the affairs of dwarves and elves. What about you? Where are you from, my dear...what did you say you were again?"

Chromanon Rockskin
09-12-10, 08:33 PM
"Oh! I know where Alerar is!" she exclaimed, sitting up in her seat. "I'm from Raiaera, but I go all over. I used to live with my husband, and Hans. Hans is a big blobby thingy, and I like him alright but my husband liked him better than me. So then I went to Salvar with a bunch of people and we had to get this magic shield, and then I went to the ocean. I think I like it where it's hot better than where it's cold because I don't think I'll ever be going back to Salvar again."

She paused for a moment taking a breath and staring suspiciously at his coffee. "I've never had coffee before. What does it taste like?" His question about her race forgotten, instead now she leaned forward, shifting the puppy to the side of the table. She sniffed at his mug, before sitting back and taking a long gulp of her own fruit juice and wiped her face with a baggy tunic sleeve. The puppy lunged at her plate, taking the rest of the beef, and Chroma gave him an encouraging pat to the head.

"If it's not sweet, it's not for me!"

09-12-10, 08:47 PM
"Oh no," he replied between gulps of the frothy, aromatic brew. "Not sweet at all. It's incredibly bitter, to be completely honest, and I detest the stuff." He took another long draught, slamming the mug down and waving the serving wench over for a third refill.

"What can I say, though? I'm addicted. Supposedly, there's some sort of invigorating chemical in the beans, and when sheep eat them they hop around like mad for hours." With a twitch and a shiver that made the tools in his coat jingle, he continued, "But all I know is if I don't get enough of it, I get these awful headaches."

"You said something about a husband?" the gnome inquired, genuinely curious to hear about any man who could put up with such a wild personality for more than a few hours.

Chromanon Rockskin
09-12-10, 08:56 PM
Her expression melted to one of concern for the gnome. What terrible disease could he possibly have that would require him to drink such a foul concoction. However, the reminder of her husband brought her out of her compassionate worry and into the realm of her mind where Ter-Thok reigned supreme.

"Oh yes, well, see...." she stumbled with her words, rolling them over while she thought for a moment. "We are the bestest friends in the entire world! And we were camping and I cooked for him and did his bidding and thought that we should get married. We won Lornius together and all. So we made a really good team!"

As her memory moved through time, dancing around visions of her husband, it came to the point where he drove her away. Their fighting and the following loneliness were still painful to her, so she pulled back her memories, retreating to happier times.

"Ter-Thok was so great!" she sighed dreamily, "with pretty red skin and huge gigantic horns!" Her hands lifted above her head, trying to give the gnome an idea of just how towering the alien's headpiece had been. "And he had this crazy thing that went 'pew-pew!' and really sharp little teeth that were just too cute!" Chromanon sighed once more, her arms wrapping around the front of her torso to hug herself.

"I really wish I knew where he was..."

09-12-10, 09:24 PM
Uncomfortable at his part in the despondency of the little halfling, Zook quickly took a turn in the conversation. "Back home, in the lower hills of Kachuk, I've a wife of my own, and three little badgers," he said, thinking of his children. It had been several months since his last visit, and almost time for another.

"Seebo's such a wonderful wife, I don't know why she puts up with my trips," he continued after thanking the barmaid for his fresh mug. "I do all of this for them, though. I would never be able to support them with the little work I could pick up in the borough..."

As he trailed off, his eyes fell once more on the scrawny, scraggly pup that had started the whole conversation. "You know...you were looking for a home for that little guy, right?" He reached out, over the small table, and scratched the dog's head for a moment. "My little ones would love a puppy like him to play with, and they could do with a little responsibility," he suggested "Does he have a name?"

Chromanon Rockskin
09-12-10, 09:29 PM
Whatever sadness she'd felt upon thinking of her long lost love was gone, melted away like the last snows of the springtime. She rather liked this Zook Murnig fellow, and could tell immediately that he was of honorable character and excellent stock - just as her husband was.

"Well, I hadn't really thought about it very much at all!" she squeaked, looking down into the large brown eyes of the puppy. She didn't know much about him aside from the fact that his fur was soft and the brown spots that dotted his cream complexion looked a lot like a cow.

"I think Moo is a good name for him," she said, her grin spreading as her pride swelled at picking such a perfect name. The pup licked her chin as she giggled and called, low and keening, "MooooooooooooooooOooooo!" Holding out the puppy she cocked her head to the side and asked, "How is it to be a daddy? I always wanted children of my own, but it hasn't happened yet."

09-12-10, 09:54 PM
A chill rolled up his spine, likely the effects of massive caffeine consumption. He twisted his shoulders for a second, regaining his composure before going on about his children. "Let's see," he began, "the twins, Alvyn and Puck, are always pulling tricks, such model gnomes they are, and they've begun an apprenticeship with one of our songmasters that studied with the elves in Raiaera. They take after their mother, mostly, with her fiery hair and dark eyes." His eyes glazed over with the image of Seebo, his wife. "Oh, you should have seen her as a lass. Such a sharp wit, almost matched by her skill with the blade. You know, she almost skewered me when first we met..." He trailed off once more, remembering those early years of terrifying romance.

"Oh, yes," he picked up once more, remembering himself, "then there's Roswyn, the baby. Such a sweetheart, she is. Last I saw her, she still hadn't said her first word, though. Worries me a tick, seeing as she's almost seven herself." He got a sad look in his eye for just a moment before brightening up. "She's smart as a whip, though. Got her mother running circles, even without words."

"Ah, I just wish I could be around more," he confessed. "After this job, I say it's high time I came home again, even if it's only a short visit. Who knows? Maybe Ros has been pulling the biggest trick of all, and she really can talk. And I'd love to see how the boys are doing with their music."

Chromanon Rockskin
09-12-10, 10:05 PM
Downing the rest of her juice, Chromanon slid down from the chair. She set some gold on the table and puffed out her chest.

"Well now, we need to get you a big job then!" Motioning for him to follow, she checked her pouches, making sure that none had fallen off while the puppy had turned and tossed in her arms. "The more monies you get, the longer you get to stay home, right?"

She had in her head a map of the city, bright areas burned into that map as her mind remembered where the best places to find a job or an adventure were. "Let's get going. I'll help." She was sure she hadn't needed to tell him that, because they were best friends now and helping is just what best friends did.

09-12-10, 10:35 PM
Quickly downing the remainder of his fourth mug of coffee for the day, Zook gathered himself and stood, his head rising no higher than it had been in the chair, but feet touching solid earth once more. He left a few coins of his own, and a meager tip for the waitress' trouble, before jogging to keep up with the excitable young lady.

"I take it you have somewhere or something in mind?" he inquired, glad for her help, and eager to see Seebo and the children once more.

10-05-10, 05:19 PM
Just Sayin’.

I'm just going to post the score here. For commentary, please refer to the Workshop.

STORY - 11






Chromanon Rockskin receives 829 EXP and 62 GP!

Stumbleduck receives 251 EXP and 62 GP!

Silence Sei
10-05-10, 11:06 PM
Exp-GP added.