View Full Version : The Return of Kylin Rouge

Silence Sei
09-13-10, 12:03 AM
A storm was brewing over the horizon. This was completely metaphorical, of course, as it was quite a sunny day out in Lornius. Sei had come to this arena to pay tribute to one of his friends. Kylin Rouge had been the orange haired Mystic's best friend since before the telepath could remember. In this very arena, surrounded by walls and bleachers aplenty, Kylin Rouge and Edmund Lorisiac had fought with all they had against the duo of Mist and Sorjax.

Sei shuddered as he remembered the pure power of Mist and Sorjax. The mute had faced the warriors himself, alongside his partner Blinke, during the second Lornius Cooperate Championship. It was not strange ground for Sei, as the telepath had engaged Sorjax much earlier before that, after the latter had beaten Kylin in the first LCC. Still, the fact that the warrior had grown in power so fast was an insane notion in Sei's mind.

As the mute looked through the rubble that had been caused by both time and a hard fought battle, he thought about his own coming war. The Mystic had a prophecy practically thrown at him, telling him he was destined to save Radasanth from some sort of coming danger. Whatever this danger was, it would make every other country declare war on Corone and leave only nine specific warriors to take care of defending the mute's beloved city.

The mute looked down as he thought about this. So many times, expectations were made of him that he had no idea how to see through. Though he had been told on multiple occasions that he had the sway, and the power, to change the very land of Althanas, Sei could just never see himself being that important. He was a strategist, deigned to lead armies and win wars. Nothing more, and nothing less.

So, after the wars were done, who was Sei Orlouge?

With his eyes still upon the ground, Sei caught a glimmer of something the rays of the sun. Kneeling down, the mute eyed the shimmering item before deciding to pick it up. Upon clasping the thing in his palm, however, the purple crystal shard started to burn the mute. Sei quickly dropped the item, and with it, the burning sensation in his hand. IT did not take the mute long at all to realize what this fragment was.

Miasma. There were rumors that the Miasma Crystal was the source of all shadow and light magic for Mystics. The original crystal had shattered into fragments eons ago, soon after the War of the Tap. The tainted pieces, colored a dark purple, were like acid upon touch to any Mystic who had underwent and completed their trials. Sei had heard talks of Kylin Rouge being in search of such pieces before he had vanished off the face of Althanas.

Sei picked up the crystal again, the sensation of the three inch shard burning him returning rather quickly. Sei gripped the piece with all of his might, concentrating his light magic upon the piece. It felt as if a hole was tearing through his palm, but still he pressed on, attempting to transfer his light magic into the piece. A white light began to surround the telepath, a stronger glow coming from his left hand. Soon, a giant ray of white light shot into the sky, its point of origin being Sei himself. The force of light was powerful enough to knock Sei away from the crystal fragment, now turned a sky blue.

Sei was on his bottom, the sudden release of power almost knocking his body out. Shaking his head, the mute stood and looked back to where he had previously been. Now, just in front of the blue Miasma piece, was a man of crimson hair and crimson eyes. The body had not seemed to age at all, and Sei's own Light magic could sense just who this person was, as if the initial appearance had not given it away immediately.

"This....this has to be a dream," Sei said, the confidence in his tone wavering, "Kylin....you're dead..."

Kylin Rouge
09-16-10, 01:48 PM
His bones in his legs were cracked as he pulled his body up against every fiber of his good judgment. His left leg was drenched in blood, a wetness covered his entire left side. A bone stuck out of his left arm. His face had various streams of crimson running down it; the same color as his hair, the same color as his eyes. He couldn't give up, he couldn't stop now. He slowly raised his right hand, which was shaking violently as it ascended. He curled every finger but the index and thumb, extending each as far as he could and pointing at his target with the index. A weak grin was on his face, his eyes half-closed from the exhaustion and his vision blurry from the pain. He had to at least try to make it. He aimed as best he could at the hooded, pale figure, and a black beam burst out from his index finger, flying at his opponent with sharpness and intensity. Kylin Rouge fell back onto the ground and started dreaming of better days.

It was the finals of the Lornius Corporate Championship, many years ago. After barely defeating Mist, Kylin could not contribute to his partner's fight against the formidable Sorjax. With Edmund Lorisiac, the duo had made it all the way to this point with Kylin, despite being adverse to unnecessary conflict, unable to abandon his friend in this perilous tournament. In the grassy stadium surrounded by cheering masses on the bleachers, the black-clad Mystic lay on his back bleeding out, his consciousness fading. He could still feel the urge of wanting to help his friend, but his body would no longer listen to him.

A voice, seemingly from every direction, asked him, 'Do you wish you could be stronger?'

"I... I just want to help my friend... no, I want to help everyone..."

'How much are you willing to sacrifice to accomplish your goals?'

Without hesitation, Kylin answered, "Everything."

Before him, all turned dark. The roars of the crowd had turned quiet, the feel of the grass beneath him became cold nothingness.

'If you would give it all, then I would take it.'

The purple Miasma shard shattered the special Damascus casing it was in, engulfing the young Mystic and taking him to a place where no man could go, leaving only the shard in his place. There he stayed for what seemed hours, while on the outside years had passed.

The next thing he knew, the darkness was replaced by the radiance of sunlight. He felt relaxed, his mind filled with a sense of dull serenity. His wounds were gone, but his clothes were still ripped. He looked at Sei with bewilderment, but then his attention was focused on the empty bleachers and vacant seats. He spun around, his eyes darting about and then returning to his old friend.

"Sei? W, what are you doing here? What happened to... and... I..."

His heart grew heavy and a chill ran down his spine. He had not seen Sei in months, but he looked so different. Did Edmund win the tournament? Did Sorjax, god forbid, kill him? His relaxed state was shattered, replaced by endless worry. He looked into Sei's eyes, and then felt a surge of blood rush to his head and passed out.

Silence Sei
09-17-10, 12:02 AM
It had all happened so quickly. Once minute Sei had been holding a miasma shard, the next he was standing in front of a man he thought had been dead for years. Before the mute could get any reasonable explanation out of Kylin, the red haired Mystic began to collapse. To stop his friend from falling to the ground, Sei got off of his rear and rushed to him. Grabbing him with one arm, the telepath carefully set the shadow warrior down to prevent any brain injuries.

Where had Kylin come from? What happened to the miasma shard? So many questions were swirling through Sei's brain at the moment. As Sei thought about these questions, the Mystic heard several footsteps rustling in the distance. Judging by where the two Mystic warriors were at, there was no reason anybody should have trailed behind Sei. Furthermore, it seemed as though there were too many feet around to be just a couple of the telepath's knights.

Little did Sei and Kylin know that they were indeed being surrounded by knights. However, these were not the Ixian Knights that Althanas was quickly coming to love. No, these were knights with a far different agenda, a completely different motif. These were the Knights of the Dawn. These were people who had caught wind of the dwindling Mystic race, and had decided to try and eradicate the rest of them one by one, starting with Sei Orlouge.

The doors all around Sei began to fill with the insignia of a hand in front of a radiant sun. The Mystic stood up and reached for his Gemini Blades. He had just gotten Kylin back, and he was not about to lose him before he could get some questions answered.

Kylin Rouge
09-17-10, 12:04 PM
The knights flooded the arena, covering every exit. Their iron sabatons stomped the grass flat and caused the ground beneath them to rumble with their march. Some were even up on the bleachers with ranged weapons in case Sei tried to make an airborne exit. In their varied armor they had one article of clothing in common: A white tabard with their insignia on it. They were armed to the teeth, with almost no part of their bodies unguarded. Most had swords, but there were some axes and hammers thrown in for good measure. The symbols on the doors represented a hastily-formed enchantment of unknown purpose.

One of the knights took off his helmet, revealing a middle-aged face of gray eyes. His short, trimmed blond hair blew in the wind, and his short beard and mustache were graying. He narrowed his eyes, looking upon the Mystic Sei with contempt.

"Mystic!" he yelled, his ferocious voice echoing throughout the stadium. "It has been ages since I have last seen one. We have heard of you for some time, and studying our most ancient texts has lead us to believe that your abilities of a certain breed. When we found out about the blue blood, our suspicions were confirmed." The knights with polearms slammed the bottoms of the weapons on the ground in unison. "Although our more contemporary functions are more diverse, our original purpose remains unchanged: To eradicate every Mystic off the face of the planet!"

Kylin's consciousness returned, but he could only form thoughts in his mind, 'What's going on? I... I hear voices.'

'They are the voices of your enemies. They seek to destroy your friend.'

'What?! Why? I c, can't move! My injuries are gone, but I still feel exhausted from my last battle. I want to help him! I need to help him!'

'Do you desire the power to protect your friends?'

'Yes! I'm not letting someone I care about get hurt right in front of me again!'

"You should understand," the knight continued. "The kind of power your people possess are a threat to us all. We have held an ancient prophecy... that one day a Mystic will bring ruin upon this world. It is up to us to stop that. This is your last warning: Surrender your life quietly and we will promise a painless death."

Unbeknownst to Sei, The Knights of the Dawn were prepared. Their ancient enchantments allowed them to tip their spears, blades, and arrows with the properties of Shadow. Their armor carried the properties of light, and their training prepared them for Sei's various abilities and weaponry. It was fortunate for them that The Hero of Radasanth chose such a remote location to visit, and then trap himself in an enclosed area.

With his eyes still closed, Kylin got up. The knight was confused, because he was sure that Sei entered this place alone. The young Shadow Warrior stood still, but a dark aura formed around him. Trails of dark mist crept from the bottom of his eyelids. Suddenly, shadowy clones of the teenager burst forth from his body, each of them armed with their own shadow-blade that made it look like their entire arms were one big shadowy sword. They had no discernible features, and even their figures were shifting and changing and could barely be called humanoid. They multiplied until there were over a dozen of them, and then they all sprang into action. The knights were caught off guard, attempting to defend against them but being unable to stop the wraith-blades. Their armor, after all, was weak to shadow. Their shadow-property weapons were ineffective as well.

"It can't be... !" the knight exclaimed. "A sh, shadow user!"

Kylin's dark clones went on a rampage, felling foe after foe. Some of them jumped straight up to the bleachers and took out the ranged infantry as well. One of the knights charged straight at the two Mystics and swung his sword at Kylin's head, but it never reached its target. It stopped in mid-air, with glass cracking around the sword. His eyes widened for a moment as he recognized the ability, and then the Mystic Protection shattered and sent countless shards flying in all directions away from the two Mystics. The shadow-clones moved from knight to knight, and their strange weapons had the ability to immediately rust the weapons and armor they came into contact with. The level of decay they inflicted upon what they hit was as though the equipment had been victims to centuries' worth of erosion, all in the span of seconds. This was the power of death and decay, the anti-thesis to Light. This was Shadow.

Two more knights charged from either side of Kylin, knowing that there was a small delay between Mystic Protection spells. Two wells of shadow bubbled from the Shadow Warrior's back, each behind a shoulder blade, and from them burst force a cylinder of hot, bubbling shadow magic. They each slammed into the knights and flung them into the walls of the inner stadium, immediately turning their light-enchanted armor into rusted scraps of hot metal. They retracted to Kylin's back, only hovering slightly above his head. The ends of them transformed into the heads of dragons, and with mighty roars they both shot out waves of dark energy into the bleachers, causing the knights there to flee and destroying part of the stadium. All the while, Kylin stood perfectly still, with shadow magic seeping out from every little opening on his face.

It was over in minutes. After countless screams and shoats, there was only left a groaning myriad of fallen knights. Oddly enough, all of them were injured, but alive. He had spared every single one of them. The shadowy clones disappeared and Kylin fell to his knees, and then to his side on the grass. The shadows had left his body for the time being.

Silence Sei
09-25-10, 02:02 PM
The display was enough to leave Sei in total awe. Kylin had just single handedly taken out a battalion of knights in a matter of seconds. Furthermore, not a single one of them had actually been killed by the seemingly possessed Kylin Rouge. Sei looked over to one of the knights, a bearded man who seemed a little overweight to be in the group, and ran towards him.

Picking up the pudgy soldier, Sei gazed into his brown eyes, rage seeping out from every point in his body. "Why did you follow me?! I am through with N'Jal! I no longer have any business with you guys!" The telepath's anger only made the knight laugh as if he had not just been beaten to a pulp.

"Don't you get it? You're not human. None of you Mystic scum are. You're just a magical version of a blood borne disease. We will eradicate your whole race! Well, what's left to eradicate, thanks to 'Daddy's Little Girl' anyways." The last words resulted in the knight having a fist slammed heavily into his jaw. The pain from the blow caused the warrior to pass out on contact.

Sei threw the body to the ground, turning back to who we hoped was still Kylin Rouge. Taking a few frightened steps forwards, Sei reached a trembling hand out to his downed friend. "Kylin,"Sei said calmly, despite the fact he was as scared as a little kid, "I think we need to take you home..."

Kylin Rouge
09-25-10, 10:13 PM
'The Miasma...

It was when Renneau Aequitas and I were on a Purifier mission to protect a town from a roving gang of pillagers. We stopped by his friend's house. She was a beautiful woman, her long red hair and deep brown eyes enchanting us at every glance. Around her neck she wore a necklace, and the purple jewel on it sparked in me a sense of morbid familiarity.'

The Purifiers were a group of people that banded together in the name of ending war and strife. Founded by the peace-loving elf Findelfin ap Fingolfin, it joined creatures of many races and creeds in their common goal for peace. It was not afraid to do what was right, and that often earned them the ire of oppressive regimes such as the one in Alerar when The Purifiers assisted in a rebellion. The consequences were fatal: With a contingent lead by Thoracis Rakarth, a rare human general in an Aleran force, a battle ensued and the result was the destruction of the Purifier home base, The Dome of Purity, and the dissolution of the organization as a whole.

'I had... seen it before.

She had left it on the kitchen counter that night. I snuck out of bed and snuck up to it. Pressing two fingers onto the surface, a horrible burning sensation entered through my fingers and filled my entire body, causing me to wretch away in pain. I could not understand how this stone would cause such an adverse effect to me and not the others.

I tried to extend my reach with shadow magic, and creating a dark ethereal hand that attempted to grasp the stone. However, something even more amazing happened: The stone greedily absorbed the magic, leaving me petrified and bewildered.

It must have been because I was a Mystic, I figured. Then, I finally remembered where I saw this type of stone last: The Trial of Shadow.'

The Trial of Shadow, in the village of Minas Drantrak, and the Trial of Light in Chateau Drantrak, are the two Mystic rites of passage. While not everyone is required to undergo them for adulthood, certain families traditionally have their sons go through it. While the warriors are prepared for the trial itself, no one is actually told what happens at the end of it. The result is the ability for Mystics to wield Light or Shadow magic, depending on the trial.

'It was the last object in my mind before my memory was lost. I asked about the origins of the stone the next morning. She said that it was the only memento of her family before the pillagers got to them. Although I protested, she decided to give it to me as a good luck charm. Renneau and I did not fail her in our mission, but the ordeal left me with more problems than resolutions.

Despite it being so poisonous, I was drawn to it like a moth to flame.'

Kylin awoke with a start, sweat dripping down his face. Between quick breaths, he gauged his surroundings: stone walls, lit candles, and the bed he was in. There were no windows. Was he underground? The eerie feeling of deja vu washed over him. However, he was given a hint in the form of what he saw the last time he was conscious: His childhood friend Sei Orlouge. This was the tomb of Sei, the hero for which his friend was named after. Taking his legs off the bed, he sat up and got to his feet. His breaths were a bit more normal now, but his memories were fuzzy. A lot had happened to him in what seemed like a short amount of time. He felt out of place.

His clothes were torn before, but now most of them were missing. He was wearing a worn pair of brown pants that seemed a bit big for him and not much else. He walked for the door and turned the handle.

Silence Sei
09-28-10, 06:59 PM
Kylin would open the door to find that he was almost immediate in the small dining room that Sei typically had family dinners at. Though the halls of the Tomb were bustling with activity. Several conversations echoed in the halls, as well as some fight or another Jensen Ambrose was getting himself into. The sound of the door opening caused Sei to look up from the book he was reading. At the large round table sat Rehtul Orlouge, Aislinn Orlouge, Kyla Orlouge and Anita Orlouge. Atop the table was a black cat who, unbeknownst to Kylin, was Felicity Orlouge, and the dark presence felt in the room that sent chills down ones spines was Vat'Clefor Orlouge making himself known.

Sei put the book on the table, which caused Felicity to lift her head to look at the tome. The cover of the book had the insignia of the KotD upon it. There was no text written on the front of the book, just the symbol. Sei had spent the time Kylin had been passed out to investigate the Knights. Sei looked to the Kyla Orlouge, the brown haired girl was scarfing down some food. The mute looked back to his friend.

"Kylin, are you feeling well? I want to make sure that you are okay before you start walking around again. I've been looking into the Knights of the Dawn for a little while now. It seems that they've just recently been targeting Mystics. It seems that Kyla's little mistake has caused them to rouse and try to take care of what is left of us."

Sei paused for a minute, realizing that Kylin may have no clue what he was talking about. How long had Kylin been in that Miasma? "Perhaps we should go sit down. I have a lot to tell you..."

Kylin Rouge
09-30-10, 12:33 PM
The door only opened slightly before Kylin tightened his grip on the doorknob and stopped it from opening further. He froze in place, expecting an empty, yet grandiose tomb filled with dust and stone, but instead with a plethora of people. with tight door was almost soundproof, or perhaps the thumping in his head was drowning out the other noises. He didn't know what Sei was talking about, either. Knights of the Dawn? Targeting Mystics? Kyla? He felt so out of the loop. He should have gotten wind of such an organization from The Purifiers.

He motioned with his eyes for Sei to come and closed the door, not really getting a good look at anyone. He was more confused than ever. Trying to get his priorities straight, he looked at a stack of clean clothing on a nearby chair.

It looked like his clothes, but stitched back up skillfully. He put on the shirt, slipping his head through the top and his arms through the sleeves. He touched the shawl, then quickly remembered the Miasma shard he was carrying about. He thumbed through his pockets and displaced the stack of clothes trying to find it, but it was apparently gone. He slouched down and put his hands on the arms of the chair, hanging his head in frustration.

'I wonder if Edmund made it out okay...'

Silence Sei
09-30-10, 09:45 PM
Kylin's reaction to the situation was completely understandable. Sei probably would have done the same if the roles had been reversed. This was probably all too much information to process at one time. When Kylin signaled him into the room, the mute raised a hand to prevent any of the family from following. He quickly entered the chambers and looked to Kylin, who seemed worried about something.

"Everything is alright Kylin. I know that everything must be coming at you really fast right now. Let's just calm down, and I'll try to explain everything a little easier. I forget that not everything I say is common knowledge." Sei walked over to the bed and sat down, closing his eyes with a sigh as he began. How much had Kylin missed of his life? It was probably best to start from the beginning.

"Well, I earned a name for myself in Alerar serving under Thoracis. Perhaps you've heard of him?" The question had been rhetorical, as Sei knew that the red haired Mystic had encountered Thoracis before. "In my adventures, I earned a name for myself as a grand strategist for the Alerar Armed Forces. After the war with Raiaera, I decided to come back here to Corone. It was here I earned my name as Hero of Radasanth, defending those who could not defend themselves."

Sei looked to the clothes, biting his lower lip as he tried to process what parts were not important, and which ones were. "I adopted a little girl, Anita. She's in her teens now, but has been with me for over ten years. I'm assuming it’s been at least that long since you've been gone. Together with her, we continued to strengthen my reputation. Long story short, I am now assembling an army for a disaster destined to strike Corone."

Sei stood up and began pacing, letting all of this take a moment to sink in. "Worse yet, I've come to find out recently that Kyla-- Oh right, you remember Niche? My oldest brother? His baby girl casted a spell on the Mystic Race. It resulted in hundreds of Mystic miscarriages, with not a single child being born since it happened a couple of weeks back. I've been hiding Kyla out here for a while, as I suspect the guard and the Knights are both tracking her down. But I don't think we can keep her here much longer. She needs to go home, Kylin. She needs to go back to Orlouge Drantrak, to be with my family."

Sei took a breath, as if he were truly exhausting his mental prowess. "I know you've only just recently come back into my life Kylin, but I'm asking you as a friend to help me." Sei looked up, tears filling his blue orbs. It was the first time he had made eye contact with his friend the entire conversation. "I'm supposed to be this hero, but I don't know what to do to save my own race! I don't even know how I'm supposed to protect the only pregnant Mystic Mother on Althanas! I don't know, Kylin, and I need someone to help me take her home so I can figure out what to do!"

The mute wiped away his tears, trying to get rid of the empty feeling in his heart. How was he supposed to be a hero when he couldn’t save his friend? When he couldn’t save his race? When he didn’t even know what to do with his niece?

Kylin Rouge
10-08-10, 06:23 PM

Kylin's eyebrows lowered sympathetically, looking down at his feet due to being unable to look at his friend directly into the eyes. Sei had explained that The Purifiers were merely a memory now, and Kylin was all that remained of their numbers. Most of its former members have gone missing, including Edmund. It also seemed that Chateau Drantrak's policy of permanent residence has been lax in recent years. He didn't understand how someone could cast a spell on an entire race, and he felt equally helpless as to what to do about it.

Sei was the one with grand ideals of justice in their youth. He was the confident one, always brimming with hope and honor. Kylin was always the quiet one, believing in those same virtues but not as loud about them. To see him break down like this made him feel like his friend had seen a world that he had not. He pushed back his confusion and sadness over his own situation. He looked up, his hands turning into fists. This was no time to feel sorry for himself. He tried to cheer him up.

Putting a hand on his shoulder, he said, "This isn't the Sei I know. The Sei I know is the most confident person in the world. I was supposed to be the nervous one, unsure of who I was or what I was supposed to do, right? Let's figure this thing out together."

Silence Sei
10-12-10, 08:59 AM
Sei was still sobbing when Kylin had tried to console him. The hand on the mute's shoulders made the mute recall just how comforting his friend could be. More often than not, it was Sei who got the two into danger, and decided to push forward, with Kylin being the more reserved one, relying on others to try and help. It was very unlike the telepath to have such a moment of weakness, especially now of all times. Yet, having Kylin here, telling Sei that everything was going to work out seemed to make it all better.

The Mystic mute nodded to his friend with a smile, taking the vlince cloth known as Jomil's Touch and drying his eyes with it. He looked back to Kylin and forced a smile to grace his features. There was too much to do to be wallowing in self-pity for now. Returning the hand on his best friend's shoulder, Sei began to walk out of the room. Kylin took a step back, unsure of what to think of all the people and events going on in the next room. Sei looked back to his friend as he flung the door open.

There would be time to investigate the decimation later. There would be time to look in to the Knights of Dawn eventually. For now, Sei Orlouge and Kylin Rouge had a more pressing matter to attend to.

"Enough hiding Kylin. It's time that you come meet your 'family'." Sei smiled as he offered his hand once more to his friend. Kylin took the orange haired Mystic's hand and allowed Sei to guide him back into the dining room, where a Mystic thought lost could once again find a home.


So Happy Together: When Sei is in the presence of Kylin Rouge, even the impossible tasks seem mundane to the mute. Sei gets a 2 x increase to all of his stats when fighting with Kylin, or against him. Same skill can be awarded to Kylin if he so wishes))

12-02-10, 03:52 PM
STORY – 19/30

Continuity (6) – solid continuity between characters allowed a simplistic rhythm to develop that didn’t jar me whilst reading.

Setting (6) – the art of setting is often simplistic statement with slight flourishes of developed expression, and you both used this well. The descriptors used for the shadow magic and the flexes of magic were appropriate and lent to the score, but perhaps more embellished concrete setting could be used to heighten it further. It’s all well and good being dynamic with your descriptions, but we need to know, see, hear and taste the actual location too.

Pacing (7) – perfect length, perfect statement of intent and easy to understand without going too fast or too drawn out. I did not award a higher score in this regard because of the truncated ending (which sounds hypocritical), but it was a minor flaw to a well-developed pacing.


Dialogue (5) – whilst you captured the personalisation of Sei and Kylin’s relationship well, the dialogue was neither developed enough to drive any impact home (given the magnitude of the events which unfolded in the thread) nor was it helped much by the over use of slang, modern day contractions and elision. Clear, simple dialogue with hammer blow momentum tends to work better in this sort of thread, unless you quite manage to pull off accents or other distinct forms of speech.

Action (6) -

Persona (6) -


Technique (6) -

Mechanics (4) – several clunky sentences, in posts 2 and 8 from Kylin and formatting errors in Sei’s dialogue hampered your score here. They are elementary proof reading errors or things missed easily, but look out for them, and read aloud to ensure what we read is the same tempo and deliverance as what you mentally formulate.

Clarity (6) -

Wild Card (7) – Welcome back, Kylin – I enjoyed this reunion enough to warrant me going into the archives to look at your character and the relationship between our divine lord Orlougne and yourself.

Total Score: 58/100


Cognitive Duality - whenever Kylin and Sei are together, they gain a rivalry and bravado that augments their performance in all physical aspects and talents. This modifier is effective for a single action or 'scene,' to the degree of X1.5%. This spoil is pending approval or renewal at your next level up.


Kylin Rouge receives 387 experience and 200 gold.

Sei Orlougne receives 2110 experience and 350 gold.

Silence Sei
12-10-10, 08:19 AM
GP-EXP added.