View Full Version : Man, you think you know things...

Enigmatic Immortal
09-13-10, 04:16 AM
And then you go and lose a battle. And learn you suck. Suck not just a little, but suck hard.

But after that major suckage you learn, you learn you shouldn't suck this much, and decide to get better.

Open invitation to ya'all! Bring it! I want battles, I want action, I want to get Jensen roaring again! Something within him is dying and his immortality ain't going to save him.

2 on ones, team battles, one on one, quests, I don't give a shit. Throw me your best shot althanas! I'll take you all on!

09-13-10, 05:45 AM
You want to go a second round?

There's plenty of verbose flange-eaters in the Tantalum!

Silence Sei
09-13-10, 08:29 AM
Wow, Sei, Rev, and Duffy are the three who have beaten Jensen.

Myabe you just shouldn't face commanding officers? :P

If you're still so sure about this, Sei will throw another beat down on you :P

09-13-10, 10:04 AM
I could actually go for a battle to get myself back into the swing of things.

09-13-10, 10:14 AM
There's an NPC I have, that I could use in a quest with you. I know, I wouldn't get much XP for only using an NPC, but its the story that matters, not the rewards for telling it.

This NPC, I can use it to give Jenson a deep introspective of his own mind, show him what he truly thinks and fears, demonstrate that there is more to fear than just death, fates worse than dying.

In short, I can confront Jenson with everything his is, and return everything he gives me back in equal measure. You interested?

09-13-10, 11:04 AM
You know what, Sei, Rev, Jensen...how about, once you have initiative all 9 commanders, we do a battle royale?

Just for fun, 'y'all?'

Enigmatic Immortal
09-13-10, 02:41 PM
I will address this in the order received.

@Duffy: Damn right I want round 2.

@ Christoph: When you open the thread, they will come.

@ Sei: YOUR GOD DAMN RIGHT I want round 2.

@ The flower ninja: as interesting as that sounds, This idea was already nabbed by another person far before you. While not in the same sense as to how to go about doing it, the idea is the practicably the same. I shall decline you at this time, but let's keep open communications. I may end up taking you on that offer.

@ Duffy: Battle royals are fun until someone doesn't post for two weeks.

09-13-10, 03:11 PM
Given it's you, me, Sei and Rev (the activity heart of Althanas) I doubt that'll happen.

09-13-10, 04:02 PM
Given it's you, me, Sei and Rev (the activity heart of Althanas) I doubt that'll happen.

Oi... eff yo couch.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-13-10, 04:51 PM
You mean just the four of us, Duff man? Cause that I could get behind.

09-13-10, 08:36 PM
@ The flower ninja: as interesting as that sounds, This idea was already nabbed by another person far before you. While not in the same sense as to how to go about doing it, the idea is the practicably the same. I shall decline you at this time, but let's keep open communications. I may end up taking you on that offer.

I'll be here.

09-15-10, 07:09 PM
Looks like you've already got quite a few possible threads, but if you want to have a battle with a new face I'd be more than happy to. Let me know if you want to do something.

The Soulforged
09-17-10, 01:00 AM
You're starting MORE quests? With that stupid wannabe emo character who just insults people?

Doh ho ho ho ho! You're making this too easy! You. Me. We fight. The only way Seed and Jensen ever could...


Take that! (http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/9757/dan1n.jpg)

And that! (http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/6840/motivationalposter1.jpg)

Some of this! (http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/5102/comic1o.jpg)

Coup de grĂ¢ce! (http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/8261/ravefinalpart1.jpg)

Eheh heh heh. I joke, I joke.

FATALITY!!!! (http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/673/ravefinalpart2.jpg)

Enigmatic Immortal
09-17-10, 02:27 AM
I just got owned...