View Full Version : Heroes Reborn

Silence Sei
09-13-10, 08:36 PM
((Closed to Letho Ravenheart))

The Cell was over.

Sei sat in one of the beds in the healing chambers from the massive melee competition. Letho Ravenheart had been declared the winner of the tournament, despite the Red Marshall being felled by several people at the last minute. Sei cursed at himself for not being able to help the General in a greater way. He could not prevent Letho Ravenheart from becoming a monster, and he could not save the life of the famed warrior. If only the mute had not become so obsessed with his duel against Teric Barton...

Sei had originally planned to fight the Red Marshall at the tail end of the tournament, after the two had dispatched every other foe. It seemed as though Letho had become the target of everybody, however, and Sei was only one person, only strong enough to keep one of the most powerful players at bay. Somehow, Letho had still pulled through to win, no thanks to Sei Orlouge.

Yet, all had not been lost, because out of this news sparked a small friendship between the two warriors. Sei had even been given permission to use the Lawmaker during a particular heated instance with Jensen Ambrose. Indeed, after the tournament, the two had found that they shared a lot in common outside of their deeds. The love for Corone, the love for their daughters, the sick obsession each had had with a lost love for a short period in their lives. It was the same story being told from two different perspectives; one from the true 'man of the people', and the other from a 'man of the law'.

But whose resolve was stronger?

Letho saw Sei as a vigilante, breaking the law in order to accomplish the goal of putting the bad people away. Inversely, Sei viewed Letho as a man restricted by what a set of rules and conduct allowed him to do. Though their friendship was strong, there would more than likely come a day where the two would have to exchange blows. Sei was considered a criminal for his actions, after all.

Thus, Sei Orlouge saw it fit to settle who was stronger between the two before it came to that. If Sei had lost all of his items, and Letho all of his, who would win in a knock down, drag out fight? Sei approached Letho with a simple premise: Sei and Letho would bring all of the equipment they owned, and disarm themselves in front of the other. Magic would be restricted by their codes of honor, and it would be Sei against Letho, no holds barred, mano e mano.

News of this spread fast, and before Sei could stop the rushing of rumors, people had already gathered around the Citadel for this fateful event. Fans of both parties cheered and booed as Sei slowly made his way through the crowd and into the building. So deep was the fan base, Sei had called upon his personal bodyguards, the Knights of Apocalypse, to separate the mute from the spectators. They were welcome to watch, but that would be it. Jensen Ambrose would make sure of that.

Sei stepped through the halls of the Citadel, the room already custom built for this epic brawl. Sei passed several monks on his way to the door, all of them with their heads bowed in respect to the telepath. It was not every day that someone straight up challenged the great Letho Ravenheart one-on-one.

Sei stepped through the portal that would guide him to his destiny and closed his eyes. The sounds of rushing water surrounded him. The mist formed by the waterfall below was rising up, cooling the skin of the Mystic. Sei opened his eyes, finding himself on a rather large cliff, about fifteen feet long and ten feet wide. It would be a big enough area for the Marshal and the Hero to do battle. In the dead center of the arena was a single jutted rock, roughly three feet high. Sei approached the rock and closed his eyes once more, preparing to disarm himself for this showdown.

"Hello Lord Ravenheart."