View Full Version : Rum+fun=brawl

08-04-06, 03:00 PM
Eris grinned as she threw and caught her new bag of coins, courtesy of some rich drunk who thought that the demoness was a cut catch until he found a tail rubbing against him and giving him a small cut. Freaked the man out so much he ran off while forgetting his purse and his belt and his pants. But Eris wasn’t interested in dirty yet rich clothes but the bag of gold.

Well Eris’ lowering herself to being a pickpocket was very successful.

“I’m going to have some fun with this!” Eris said to herself, trying to forget about the way she got it, made her blush to think that she was being a cutpurse, something too lowly for a demon pirate. But one must eat and it’s above stealing food from the venders like a waif.

Have to find something better, but that can wait. Eris smiled as she skipped to the nearest bar, the heavy purse was such an easy target. A lesson learned, don’t get drunk when you’re loaded.

Eris found a nice tavern called the Goblin Wife, not a shabby place with a whole roof and only slightly cracked windows, the wood was old yet sturdy with no sign of the rot or wood eating insects. Not a bad place to have some fun.

Eris made sure she would only have one drink, a little rum to warm her pirate soul that was growing cold with the petty theft. The place was bustling with al kinds of people, mostly tough guys being in a rather shady part of town where you had to be tough to get drunk and not end up like Eris’ victim.

Now there were the usual conversations that wouldn’t interest a demon girl like Eris.

“Hey Baby, you want a drink?”

Eris smiled sweetly as she shook her head and held up her own. Getting drunk was not something the girl wanted to end up today. Just a day that it felt like a bad idea too. “Thanks but no thanks. I have enough.”

Of coarse the man’s smile disappeared as he went about ignoring the imp/succubus. That was perfectly fine since Eris went to a dart game. “Wow that looks fun!” Eris sounded extremely chipper, it did look fun but this was a little act to get them on the wrong foot. They’ll underestimate her.

“Haha, you want to try little lady. You know this aint a game for girls, we’re playing for money.”

Eris wagged her dangerous tail as she nodded and placed a few gold coins on the table. Her smile was filled with mischief. “I like that idea, keep things from getting boring.” Eris smiled as she took three darts. “Ladies first.” She smirked before aiming at the painted target board. Three times she took her time, normally she just threw these kinds of thing and hoped they hit someone that was trying to kill her. But now she had time to aim and think. She did all right by hitting the target all three times, one on the third, sixth and seventh ring. Not bad. But it looked like she wouldn’t be too hard to beat.

“Good thro little girl, I’ll meet your wager.” The man went up and started to aim at the targets, but Eris was next to him and moved her tail to his leg. Slowly and carefully she moved it to wrap around his leg, then when he was ready to throw the dart she would pull her tail away and the dart would miss the bored. “Hey Nick, quit knocking me off! You’re sabotaging my game.”

“I aint doing it.”

“Then who is?”

Eris shrugged as she tried to hide her smile. Humans were such easy prey once they got to drinking rum, beer, wine, mead or whatever stuff that warms the heart.

08-04-06, 06:25 PM
Another couple hours of sleep could never hurt.

If only he could drift off into the realm of fantasy.. where all of his dreams could come true. What were the images he longed for? The same old thing every other human being dreamt of. Wealth. Power. Love..

Impossible. What he wanted, he could never grasp, even if was for one glorious moment.

Now what could’ve made the nap all the more treasured was a comfy mattress to rest upon. However.. due to the fact that Lisean had come to be broke after spending too many nights indoors, he had used the last of his money to give him his own quarters in the Goblin’s Wife tavern. Unlike other inns and bars, this room was downstairs, underground. Here there was no sunlight creeping through an open window. No faint chit-chatter of local pedestrians upstairs. Not even so much as a closet to store his possessions. Just a small pile of hay in the far corner of an 8 foot by 5 foot chamber. Empty potato sacks served their purpose as makeshift pillows, stuff by Lisean with his own coat to hopefully provide at least some comfort. No avail.

Rising to sit up on the bed, Lisean was left in a half dazed state. He looked like a victim of insomnia. The nights without rest made him regret ever dedicating his eyes to the pages within the Book of Lemot for such long periods of time. It wasn’t like the night went to waste completely. It gave him time to cast Lesser Aura ahead of time. He was actually quite surprised to see that violet aura faintly linger around his hands. Before he could bring himself to open the book that rested innocently at bedside, something non-existent caught his throat, and forced him to cough twice. He required a drink from upstairs.

Upon entering the main level of the tavern, his attention was set before the first three people infront of him. It appeared two men were teaching a young woman how to play some sort of game. No matter. What business was it of his? The necromancer walked around the three, and treaded through the numbers of men that were on their feet, bothering not to use the empty table set around them. Although shirtless, no authorities asked of Lisean to vacate the premises. He was only revealing his slender, yet somehow fit body. His charisma captivated the average intoxicated woman, and every once in a while a sober one that he could throw over the same level of attraction to. A faint smile occupied his lips upon being given a wink by one woman who was accompanied by two tall males that stunk of rum.

Taking a seat at the bar, the young wizard brushed his palms down his loose fitting pants around his legs that were fastened by a number of leather belts wrapped around his thighs. Brushing his incompetent bangs aside for a couple seconds to reveal his identity to the barkeep before they fell back over his salmon eyes, Lisean felt prepared to make his order. He was given the luxury of two free drinks of his choice that tagged along with the low deal he got for the animal pen downstairs.

“White wine, please..” he spoke rather softly, closing his eyes as the constant shouts of rejoice haunted his ears. He could never hear himself talk in the tavern which was why it was his priority to get to a room where he can have his privacy. The price of having to wait for his drink to arrive was just enough to have him wary of his surroundings. He could almost predict a fight starting with every shot of alcohol he watched being downed by a faithful customer. Had they no idea they were only accepting their fate, in the consumption of more liquor than their bodies bargained for?

08-05-06, 10:39 PM
( OOC Just so the judges know. Lisean has given me permission to bunny his character.)

Upon entering The Goblins Wife , Arabella surveyed her surroundings. The Tavern was loud and full of activity. The nauseating smell of body odor, rum and smoke filled the air. In short, it was pretty much like every other tavern she had been to.

She took note of a trio, two men and a small woman, in the corner playing some kind of game. It was no surprise though, there were numerous groups going about their business. Yet when her golden eyes rested upon a familiar face sitting at the bar, things suddenly became a little more unique then they usually were.

“Lisean Lemot. Well that’s interesting, ” she mused calmly as she made her way slowly in his general direction, keeping to the shadows as she did so. She let her cloak fall back from her face in order to see better.

Ignoring the lewd comments and cat calls form the drunkards as she past by, she stood just behind him staring intently just long enough for him to become aware of her presence.

“Lisean! Now what would my mother say, about you hanging around in a place like this?” she teased, as he spun around to look at her.

His eyes widened as he realized who she was, “Bella!”

She laughed at his surprise, no doubt he was just as surprised as she had been when she had seen him.

“No doubt she’d have a fit, but not one so great as if she knew you were here” He smiled shyly .

“No doubt,” she smiled as she ordered a wine for herself .

08-08-06, 04:05 AM
Burn it all.

A loud smack of sturdy glass against sanded oak echoed slightly in the rowdy tavern. Most of the noise dissapeared into the raucous laughters and merriment, further annoying the young swordmaiden by the lack of attention she was supposed to get.

"Why do I even bother anymore..." Asuka muttered to the half-empty glass o f Lavinian Ale in front of her, her head wearily propped sideways on her left hand. The swordmaiden had high hopes in getting far in the past three tournaments held for all of Althanas to see but never got further than the semi-finals.

The Serenti Invitational - a prestigious one-on-one battle where legends square off agaisnt each other for a fight to the end - saw her farthest advancement, though failing misearbly to grasp any title for herself. Even though that dastartdly knight Letho had relinquished his involvement in the Finals, she doubted the officials would care to give her even the lowly Third Place Winner. She had fought eye-to-eye with the big dogs and legends, nearly meeting the wits of Letho himself in one instance, but was left without a single thing to remember by but a gaping hole in her gut.

The LCC and the chaotic Cell fared even worse, losing BOTH times to members of Team Blank - the first was against that ice demon Ashiakin who was so hell-bent on being the sole ruler of Lornius. Then, in the Cell, it was that kid Damon who thwarted her revenge. Even though the actions were indirect, she still held grudges against these two no matter how long it had been since then.

The angry and less-than-sober Asuka stared blankly at the amber liquid rippling lightly in the mug before downing the entire content in a single gulp, slamming the glass mug against the table followed by a handful of gold coins piled on the bar. "Wait'r, gimme 'noter glass o' Lavinian."

The barkeep was still thankful this drunk warrior still remembered the name of the drink she had been ordering for the third time, casually sweeping the coins into his coin box and filling the maiden's glass with another round. The barkeep could only shake his head in despair after seeing someone so young with so many haunting memories. Thirty pieces worth of alcohol wasn't good at solving problems, after all. They just make you forget things you would rather not remember.

"Hey, Nick! Quit knocking me off! You're sabotaging my game!"

Oh, great. Fun, fun.

Asuka turned her head idly towards the apparently hearty bunch of goons, playing some sort of saloon game with a dart board and pointed sticks. Amidst the crowd appeared to be a smallish girl of sort with a shock of fiery hair cascading down her back in a ponytail - a very odd sight compared to the rest of the unimpressive locals. Heh. 'Nother outa-towner... what luck... Wanderers and travellers were beginning to become a more frequent sight to her, being a wandering soul herself. Perhaps it was the age for adventure, or merely because no one cared to stay home anymore.

But the game of "Dart" was nonetheless an amusing sight, so the battle-weary fighter continued to gaze idly at the group, chuckling to herself while the impish antics unfolded.

"Dun't look like you'd be in much luck, bugster." The redhead maiden took a swig of the extremely bitter drink, letting its soothing texture warm her inside. "'Specially not wid that tail 'round yer leg, hehe."

Ahh, the ale, the big guys and the brawls. Nothing like your local run-of-the-mill tavern to lighten the day. Even if it was at the expense of other people's fun.

08-08-06, 10:36 PM
Eris felt like today was her lucky day, three saps in a row and she barely had to work at all. Still not nearly as fun as fighting over a ship at sea and proving a captain wrong on his judgment of the little demon girl. This was low but even then She couldn’t not be thankful for her luck…

…Until it ended

There were three people other than Eris’ dupe dart partners that caught her interest. Two were a boy and girl who seemed to be old friends and the male stood out with his odd style, normally large muscular men were the ones who would show there bodies by going about without a shirt and not skinny lads. The girl was cute and friendly though Eris wasn’t sure why she was attracted to her. Then there was the red haired human. Despite sharing similarities of sex and color, she must have had something against Eris to speak such. Her words promised the hybrid trouble.

“Why is you tail around my leg?” Asked the large man with a scowl and his friend nick joined the angry looks.

“Um I wrap my tail around things when I get nervous!” Eris made a fake laugh, as she couldn’t shake the idea that she was toast. And she was right as a muscular hand grabbed her tail and she was pulled backwards.

“Cheating whore!” He yelled and moved to slap the demon girl but Eris was faster than that and ducked, pulling her tail free, cutting the grasping hands as it wiggled away. “Nick Help me!” He ordered.

Eris ran and ducked before the two could get over the fact that her tail had cut them. She needed to hide or something, otherwise get hurt or hurt them and get in more trouble. None were good options. But Eris had an idea as she kept low and crawled towards the woman that ratted her out.

She was going to reveal her position but she would have vengeance. “Miss! You told me to trick them! Why did you ruin it? I wasn’t going to run away with your cut!” Eris mocked pleaded as she pulled at the other woman’s shirt

“There she is!” Nick called out and tried to nab the half imp who jumped on the counter to avoid the grabbing hands. Eris smiled wide, that other girl isn’t going to get away for making mischief to counter the young demoness’ mischief.

08-09-06, 04:57 AM
Asuka laughed much like a drunk that she was, seeing the surprised looks on the men's faces at the realization they've been out-witted by a little girl. Men were all like that to her - they're either Oh-So-High-and-Mighty or just plain old stupid. Apparently, these two fell into the latter category.

But fate must have its mind set on dragging this maiden a bit deeper into its weave than she would like. Almost immediately after the fight broke out with the little devilish lass in the midst of it all, that red-hair lass bounded towards Asuka, tugging at her fraying jacket and saying something about "her cut" of the cheated stash.

"Wha? Whaddaya talkin' about?" Was all that Asuka could say before the impish girl bounced away, leaving Asuka to deal with two angry men. Wai...

"So, lassie said you're behind this. I'll show you not to mess with us!" One of the brutes cracked a knuckle in a threatening manner while Asuka eyed his scruffy face with nonchalance, saved for the small crooked smirk at the tip of her lips. "Play time, kiddies. But you don't wanna mess with me..."

A fist came in a wide arc towards the left side of her head and the fighter nimbly ducked under the swing, te glass of Lavinian Ale still clutched in her right hand. Asuka saw it coming a mile away - obviously these guys were no street-wise thugs despite looking the part. Either they were farmers or just farmhands, judging from the awkward footwork and shaking fists. Another came straight for her head - a straight left from that same dude with faded green shirt - and the lass simply rocked her head left and avoided the punch with ease. Kicking out with her leg, she caught the unfortunate guy in the groin and sent him crouching down on the oak floorboards, mouth gaping in silent pain to the horror of his friend.

Asuka didn't waste anytime and switched the ale to her left hand, the free hand drawing Kazeryu out from its sheath from behind her waist in one fluid stroke just in time to meet the other man's throat before he could swing a fist at her. Nick's fist paused in mid-flight, his throat a mere half-inch from Kazeryu's razor tip. "I s'gest you stop before anyone gets hurt more..." Asuka stared up at the other half of the aggressors, sloshing the glass of ale playfully with her left hand. "'Tis enough fun fer t'day, boys. Now let us be."

"Hrgh... C'mon, Nick. I, I'm OK..." The man in green got up painfully slow, still clutching his family jewels and left the Goblin's Wife without further protest. Asuka snorted nonchalantly and sheathed the double-edged sword, twirling on her barstool once and returned to drinking the bitter ale. Well, not before she made a quick glance at that mischievious kid with a tail.

"Hey, Kiddo. Where's dat cut o' gold ye promised me?"

Double-crossing is so much fun. The Akashiman chuckled and down another gulp of Lavinian Ale. Beer, big guys and brawls. What else would I need to lighten my life?

08-10-06, 01:37 PM
Eris felt a warm feeling in her heart when she tricked the two stooges into going after the woman that ratted her out. There was something nice about a trick working out as planned. But the smile wasn’t to last when that the woman fought back it was gone.

She’s good… Echoed in Eris’ mind like a death knell making her shiver a little. The woman was hammered and yet she wielded the sword like a pro and drew the blade to the man’s throat without hurting anything in the tavern, usually long blades like that end up hitting something unintended in closed corners.

Eris wondered if she should follow the two dart players out the door but before Eris made up her mind the woman put her blade away and playfully spun on her barstool as if it was a game and made her next move by mentioning her cut. Eris decided that she would play.

The demoness smirked impishly as she took a seat right next to the Amazon woman. She giggled as she ordered a “night’s typhoon”, a rather sweet drink with some rum in it. “Your cut’s paying for my drink.” Eris said as she paid the man his gold. Sure that woman was a dangerous type but Eris was confident that she could handle her when this close. Even if she was good with a blade she still couldn’t draw it fast enough before getting stabbed by the demon girls tail.

“I’m Eris.” The young hybrid gave her name with an impish look. Some how this woman was pretty clever even while drunk and something about that made Eris respect her a little and so she gave her name and wondered if she would return it or get angry. This one was unpredictable but then again so was Eris. “Sorry about your cut but I was really thirsty for how nervous I got when they found out and since that was your fault I figured you wouldn’t mind me having a drink on your behalf.” Eris took a sip of the sweet drink. “This is good, you shouldn’t drink nothing but bitter stuff all the time, it makes bitter people. Have to mix it up you know.” Eris took a bigger sip and smiled at the woman. Some how she felt like a sister in mischief and the demoness wasn’t holding any ill will because that was something she might have done herself if in the girl’s shoes.

08-10-06, 11:13 PM
The impish lass looked the part of either a well-trained runaway or was a street-wise punk out looking for fun, judging by the way she carried herself in the short fight before Asuka sent them out the door. Her eyes were an alluring ruby color almost the same shade as her shaggy locks. A strange character indeed, not to mention the rather prehensile tail tipped with a sharp blade. Asuka glared at the lass from the corner of her eyes as the kid plopped down on an empty stool beside her and ordered a drink.

"He-Hey! Whaddaya mean, my cut?!" Asuka blurted out just as the little girl placed her order, handing what would be Asuka's extra pocket change to the nonchalant barkeep who swiped it off the counter without a second thought.

The Akashiman narrowed her eyes in surprise, nearly spilling the drink that was about to meet her lips. Is she playing with me? Why, you little brat...

Asuka did find her surprising after getting a good look at this "kid," however, seeing that she was nearly as old as Asuka was. Yet there was something faintly strange about her, something that made the normally irritated swordmaiden feel uncharacteristically awkward and silent. It could be the snug black clothes the girl was wearing, or it could be the mischievious and lively nature that made the fighter find it hard to pry her eyes away from the girl.

"Y- Yeah, whatever." Asuka snorted as a response to her justification, taking a gulp of the Lavinian still left in her glass. The drink sloshed in her stomach and felt a bit warmer than it used to. "...name's Asuka." her voice remained a low mumble as well as trying not to look at the impish Eris as she said her name. Even then, as Asuka leaned forward against the stained wooden counter, she couldn't resist the urge to make a sidelong glance at the red-hair kid.

What in the name of Kazen is wrong with me today? The maiden sighed and absent-mindedly scratched a nonexistent itch on her chin, glancing nonchalantly about the tavern. The dim tavern was lit by the soft candle lights coming from shielded lanterns, hanging idly on the deep-brown wooden walls. The sepia effect giving the jovial nature of the establishment an air of melancholy. Hurgh... Maybe I've had one too many...

"Hey, Eris. Dun't drink yerself silly just yet, ya know? I'd hate to hafta carry you outa here..." Asuka nonchalantly turned to meet her drinking partner, already flushed herself. Things that two drunk girls might do was something Asuka tried not to imagine, so the swordsmaiden thought it proper to warn the missy first.

And as if fate decided to play tricks on the happy patrons of the Goblin's Wife, the creaky oak door flung open with a resounding SLAM! The "noise" caught Asuka's attention, faintly irritated but more genuinely suspicious. Something was about to go down right here, but the red-hair maiden was more curious as to the presence of a small band of men trailing behind the small figure strutting into the tavern.

"Never a dull day at dis joint, eh?" Asuka smirked and muttered bemusely to Eris. She had no idea how bad the situation was going to turn out - Asuka was too drunk to understand.

08-13-06, 10:09 AM
It was odd to Eris that the little game ended in a truce so soon, that one look that Asuka gave almost promised a fight but then nothing happened and it almost seemed like they could be friends, the drinking comment was friendly enough that it killed any need for trickery.

“Don’t worry, you’ll drink yourself silly first. You had a head start.” Eris giggled though she decided to say that this drink would be her last for the night. Not that she was worried about getting drunk but rum, ale and night’s typhoons cost money and Eris wanted to be sure that she would end today richer than it began.

Also fate wanted to help with a large group of people coming in, Eris nodded at Asuka’s comment and her tail tensed around the leg of the chair. These folk weren’t there for fun but business and nasty business.

Still, why should she care, she wasn’t home and they wouldn’t know anything about her life as a pirate. In Althanas she was just a strange mischievous girl. Though they could be with that drunk she stole from earlier in the day but he didn’t notice a thing being too drunk and didn’t respond. “What can those guys be up to?” Eris asked with wonderment though she wasn’t going to ask them.

But it wasn’t long to see the trouble they were making, Eris couldn’t pick up the words that were said with a rather angry patron but fists flew and one of the thugs took a punch and only staggered slightly before returning the favor and the patron was on the ground and not getting up.

Chaos was coming loose as many more patrons attacked since they were friends of the one who went down. The fight was growing as several punches were thrown and men fell down and got up and one person was thrown right at Eris. The girl was thankful she wasn’t drunken silly since she was able to move out of the way, but not her dangerous tail. Eris yelped from her tail being crushed but the man screamed from the cut.

The brawler looked down to see fresh blood on his pants and looked at the demon girl with her tail dripping blood like a murder’s knife.

“Umm I’m sorry.” Eris smiled nervously in apology but it was ineffective sine the man brought out his own short sword and swung it at the hybrid.

Eris grabbed the blade with her claw to prevent the fatal blow, easy enough. “I didn’t mean to do it!” Eris yelled rather irritated with the attack.

“You did mean it! You freaky bitch!” Eris moved away trying to take the sword but couldn’t, the man was too strong and he got the blade free from her grasp.

Damn it, this isn’t the fun I wanted tonight. Eris sighed was she brought out her light sword in her right hand. This man would have been better off to accept her apology.