View Full Version : The Nine

Enigmatic Immortal
09-16-10, 05:45 PM
Okay everyone involved in the Ixian Knights and potential newcomers, this thread is designed to help people wade through the group and learn who’s In charge of what, how everything is coming along, and other things of such values like who’s got what Zodiac weapon and if they still need to get it, so forth blah blah blah. This compilation of activity, archives, and members was compiled very, very tiredly by Revenant and myself.

For hopefuls to join the cause, please go to post three for the registration form and then reply here, we will review your application and have Catbert shit on your dreams. :D

The Prophecy
The First of the Nine shall have a sound intelligence. He shall hide a mark of beauty within his back. The first shall also inherit this Tomb, along with all of it's possessions. He shall be the one to unite the Nine, and from them save Corone.

The Second is a man of the blade. His heart is tainted, but shall be cleansed by the virtues he performs. He shall be the most ruthless of the Nine. He is a masterless wanderer whose eyes bear the mark of a thousand restless nights.

The Third is two that have become one. Neither a commoner, nor a demon, he is a new being entirely. Finding his place will be a difficult journey. His hands are like that of an animal, and the scent of char is always upon his form. The Nine shall help him realize how to be a new person when once there were two.

The Fourth is a smith by trade. Forging weapons with the sweat of his brow, he provides the Nine with the armor they will need to win. He shall seem aloof and oblivious to the more sinister appeals of the world, and talk to the air, which is anything but when he is around.

The Fifth is a human with the ferocity of a beast. He seeks justice and virtue, if only to seek validation in the eyes of his family. He will be a foreigner, and loyal to his king, but that will simply prove just how honor bound he truly is.

The Sixth will have the shadows to confide in. He will join as an adult, but will soon be less. He will have fought one of the generals, and has a very care-free attitude. Wherever this warrior goes, he can blend into.

The Seventh is withdrawn normally. She will have a fame of notoriety, and an air of dread that follows her wherever she treads. Her eyes will be as cold as the fallen leaves itself in color. Her intelligence will be what leads the Nine to victory.

The Eighth is a performer. He sings the tales of others with amazing accuracy. He will entertain the group with his stories. Despite his soft persona, he will be just as deadly with real fighting as he is with simply acting a fight out.

The Ninth is family. She will be of three families before her journey brings her to whom she truly is. Though reluctant to fight at first, she will find things worth fighting for in her journey.

"When the Nine are united, Corone shall be saved and a new era of prosperity shall begin.

The Nine

The current Nine Generals are: (Subject to Change)

Main Team: Leader- Sei Orlouge (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=159886#post159886) (Silence Sei (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21669)) Zodiac Weapon: Gemeni
The main group, compromised of only the nine original members. If an Althanas-centric emergency comes up, this is the first team to respond. The public is unaware that these nine members have anything to do with one another other than occasionally interacting to help one another out. They hold meetings at least once a month, if not more, to report on each teams progress and to receive the next set of missions from Sei. Think of it like the Scara Brae job board, only Sei assigns the jobs for the teams.

Mercenary Team: Benjiro Taka (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20698) (Tainted Bushido (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=18677)) Zodiac Weapon: Sagittarius (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20698)
Another group that takes missions from the public. The mercenary team charges a fee to do whatever job it is they are hired to do. Team should be made up of people who enjoy money, and who are good at a variety of abilities.

Monster Hunting Team: William Arcus (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=159886#post159886) (Revenant (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21666)) Zodiac Weapon: Libra (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21160)
Whenever there's a beast to slay, they are there. Whenever a dragon is terrorizing a neighborhood, they are there. This team slays monsters, and brings back the spoils of its skin, teeth, or whatever other things they get that they don't need. Team should have strong characters that can help slay giant monsters and well as medium sized, powerful ones.

Labor Team: Dorian Sesthal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21785) (Paragon (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20772)) Zodiac Weapon:
This team is made for the labors of the group. When the monster team returns spoils to the Nine, this team gets them enchanted or turns them into items. Whenever some excess money spills over, it goes directly to this team for their hard work. They enchant and make items, go collect materials for the forging of weapons, recruit people to the teams and most importantly, help raise a standing army of capable generals. Team should be made up of characters who can do this and that of various natures.

Public Face Team: Zerith Dracosius (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21767) (Zerith (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10936))Zodiac Weapon: Capricorn
The Public Face team is the Althanas version of The Justice League or The Avengers. They stand in the limelight doing noble deeds for all to see. They are supposed to let the world know that no matter what evil comes, they will be there to stop it. Members should be people with a lot of sway, and can get the public on their side.

Information Team: Talen Shadowalker (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21030) (Hysteria (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21147)) Zodiac Weapon: Ophiuchus (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21030)
This is a spy team. They do missions that are supposed to involve no conflict whatsoever. The team should be made up of characters that are good at hiding and getting jobs done quickly. Their missions will mostly comprise of sneaking into well known buildings without being seen and attaining information (IE The Citadel, or Dajas Pagoda)

Wetworks Team: Leader- Cassandra Remi (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21006)(Requiem of Insanity (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19938)) Zodiac Weapon: Cancer
This is an assassination team, that answers only to their leader, and Sei Orlouge himself. Created because there are some things a noble hero can't do to a truly corrupt individual, especially those that cover their tracks well. Team members should be stealthy and efficient in deaths that look like 'accidents' to the public eye, or the work of another corrupt and evil person.

Entertainment Team: Duffy Bracken (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21570) (Duffy Bracken (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21492)) Zodiac Weapon: Ares
This team entertains the masses. They travel wherever they are assigned to put on whatever show is needed. They do this to collect gold for the group, as well as hear tail of what is going on around the world. Members should be able to keep people happy and be trained in some variety of entertainment.

Investigations Team: Leader- Kyla Orlouge (Amber Eyes (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20410)) Zodiac Weapon: Leo (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20969&highlight=janie)
Lead by Kyla, this team can be hired by the public to complete missions as well. They thoroughly investigate situations publicly and try to solve some of Althanas biggest riddles. Team should be made up of smart people with a knack for detail.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-16-10, 06:26 PM

These are the characters who have entered into the ranks of the Ixian Knights, but do not hold a title of one of the nine. Nevertheless their role in the group is still needed, as they perform functions that are necessary or perform duties that are of dire importance.

Jensen Ambrose (Enigmatic Immortal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=172470#post172470)) - The suave and charismatic immortal had at one point thought he would rather die than serve the Faggot Fairy King, Sei, but over the months he has been finding himself more committed to Sei’s plan. He is the Chief Personal Bodyguard of Sei and his family, a duty he upholds with a lack of grace, and a usual ‘yeah yeah, let Sei handle it’ attitude. Though when the time comes, he is a vicious fighter.

Azza Ambrose (Orphans (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=170107#post170107)) - The adopted daughter of Jensen Ambrose and Stephanie Odara, she is mostly found in the fields picking flowers, running around, and doing general kid stuff. She acts as ambassador to Underwood for her Uncle Sei, and she has the cutest smile. She even made a flower crown for William Arcus.

Aislinn Orlouge (TwinCast (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21191)) - Sei’s Niece, she is a somber, even tempered individual who runs the medical facilities of Sei’s army. She has several people under her command, and all of them are ready for an emergency situation at a moments notice. Trained by the doctor Pierce Hawkeye, she had been given permission from her estranged uncle to leave the knights, but has started finding a home in the caves.

The Tantalum - A group of actors and other sorts, they are all found hanging around Duffy Bracken. Their members are extensive and they are the ones called upon to perform plays, put on shows, and keep the morale of the Ixian Knights high. These members include:

Ruby La Roux (Ruby La Roux (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=167726#post167726)) -

Arden Janelle (Blank (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=166969#post166969)) -

Lillith Kazumi (Lillith Kazumi (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=169177#post169177)) -

Calbrenna (Aiko) - Heir to Corruption and family member of the Seven Deadly Sins, she has recently been joined to the Ixian Knights as part of the monster hunter team under William Arcus. Her demeanor is hostile, but open as she wanders around the tomb to learn and train herself for her rise.

Seth Dahlios (Dissinger (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=16306)) - The fabled legendary Hex Magi, Seth has been seen around the caverns much more as of late, but what he is doing and his role is unclear to the general public and even most of the Nine generals.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-16-10, 06:40 PM

NPC’s of the Ixian Knights: You may use these people at your discretion, but however, the owners have the final say in actions and words the characters perform.

Anita Orlouge - Sei's mischievous daughter, she has been the one to translate the texts of the tablets that proclaimed the prophecy of the nine. She is determined to aid her father in whatever means she is able, and even goes so far as to spend time with the other generals to keep things together. NOTE: SHE REQUIRES SEI'S APPROVAL TO USE.

Ta’gaz Noshiba - a LEGENDARY fighter of hand to hand combat mastery, he is a muscular, giant of a man. Each movement he does has purpose and he exudes power from his bulky frame. He has an open door policy, but after the first few training sessions most people drop out. He trains the Ixian Knights newest recruits as well as training William Arcus and Jensen Ambrose.

Hotouri - A Sensai to the Ixian Knights, he is the calm, soft spoken individual who trains his warriors to learn how to balance themselves and find their inner calmness in battle. He has trained the likes of William Arcus, Benjiro Taka, and always has his door open.

Tobias Greenleaf - A happy go lucky elf, Tobias Greenleaf was a former thief and current kleptomaniac. Not the best of combinations considering the green haired girl is one of the primary instructors on speed and agility for Sei's Ixian Knights.

Tracer the Sniper - A long time ally of Sei, Tracer is the resident professional archer of the Ixian Knights. He can often be seen carrying around the crossbow strapped to his right arm. Rumors were that Tracer had temporarily joined the Knights of Dawn before signing up with the Ixian Knights. His loyalty to Sei is without parallel. He trains the troops in how to properly use low-tech projectile weaponry.

Stephanie Odara - Jensen’s best friend and current girlfriend, she is mother to Azza Ambrose and she is a fiery, if not emotional, warrior. She usually is found in good spirits and is always near Jensen apologizing for his antics as she grins, not meaning a single one of them. She is a front line warrior of her own order, the Knights of Apocalypse and one of Sei’s personal Bodyguards.

Adolph Gretzel - Adolph is a stoic, handsome knight with with medium length black hair and wields a maul by the name Crozius. Adolph is the leader of the Chaplains, a group of warriors dedicated to the moral and well being of the army and being shining examples for the men to find strength in. Adolph was once open and polite, but has become more secluded and dour as of late. His primary role outside of administering to his newly formed unit is Sei's bodyguard.

Harold Andres - A young man who had lost his family and friends to the enemies of the Ixian Knights, all Harold wants now is the deaths of the enemy who stole his life away. He is comrades with Adolph and Artemis, and is an above average swordsman. Adolph's second in command of the Chaplain's, Harold's fiery oratory is second only to the warrior priest Adolph.

Jaime Grundge - A tall skinny individual who always seems tanned despite the fact that he's rarely seen outdoors. He sports a wistful look and a lazy eye, eager to do anything he can to get out of work. He, along with Pell Duyo, are stationed together as the night watchmen keeping guard over the Unknown Territory leading into Sei's Tomb. Constantly spends on shift and off shift comparing woman's assets within the knights to Pell.

Pell Duyo - Fairly short and fat, Pell seems to be more at home in the dining hall than standing watch at his guard post. He, along with Jaime Grundge, is stationed as a night watchman keeping guard over the Unknown Territory leading into Sei's Tomb. Constantly spends on shift and off shift comparing woman's assets within the knights with Jaimie.

Jerrick Vancaserkin - Solidly built with barely an ounce to his scarred, muscular frame, Jerrick is the no nonsense sergeant of William Arcus' monster hunting squad. Formerly a mercenary, Jerrick has lived by the motto that devotion to duty is what keeps him alive.

Heigei Yoshino - The sole Akashiman member of William Arcus' monster hunting squad, Heigei keeps his mustache trimmed short and his jet black hair long. Muscular and lithe, Heigei is reported to be one of the fastest soldiers in the Ixian Knights.

Lorelai Pernissus - Lorelai keeps her hair short and her wit long to fit in better with her peers/ She is a Coronian native who became a heavy infantyman during the Corone Civil War. Despite the horrors that she saw there, she always kept her sense of humor up. Lorelai is currently a member of William Arcus' monster hunting squad.

Rawls Delgado - A native of Salvar, Rawls and his twin brother Kyron had enough of the moral decay of their homeland and took up the sword as a means of escaping it. Rawls is stern and quiet, preferring to let Kyron do the talking, but is steadfast in his loyalty once earned. Rawls is a member of William Arcus' monster hunting squad.

Kyron Delgado - A native of Salvar, Kyron and his twin brother Rawls had enough of the moral decay of their homeland and took up the sword as a means of escaping it. Kyron is fair haired and easy-going, a whimsical man who makes friends easily. Kyron is a member of William Arcus' monster hunting squad.

Sergei Uffabjorno - Hailing from Scara Brae, Sergei is the fourth son of a wealthy merchant baron. Sergei grew up spending most of his time getting into fights on the mean streets of Scara Brae. Without much in the way of inheratence, this mean, angry man took what little he could and left to make his own way in the world. Sergei is a member of William Arcus' monster hunting squad.

Oreo Jones - The black blind gunslinger is attached to Taka's Mercenary forces, and he is seen as a sort of hero to the other mercenaries.He's mild mannered and always gives respect to those who are his superiors, but his shot is deadly, very deadly.

Aerith Remi - Cassandra Remi’s daughter, though most people are left in the dark as to this information. She is a poison expert and is a serial killer much like her mother. She has long, red hair that reaches past his shoulder blades and bright blue eyes. Unlike her mother, when in public Aerith is actually very sociable and polite. She is a member of the Wetworks team.

Felicity Orlouge - The cat of the cave, Felicity is a black cat that is usually found following Aislinn Orlouge around the place. She is noted as having a hand in the Noodle Incident, which has caused severe mental trauma to Sei and much anguish for Jensen Ambrose, who assures you, it’s the cats fault.

The Soup Nazi (TSN) - NO SOUP FOR YOU is a common shout in the mess halls, as TSN has been known to deny everyone his famous soups. Several young aspirants have tried to steal some of the man's soup, and failed. Some others have managed to be successful in just getting the man to give it to him. Cassandra Remi, Seth Dahlios, Tobias Greenleaf, and of course Sei are amongst these hollowed victors. Jensen however, has been unable to get his hands on a bowl just as Pell and Jamie told him would happen. However it is common to see TSN trying to get William Arcus to eat his soup, as the heated man detests the food.

Janie - Little is known about Janie other than she's the former leader of the bandits that primarily make up the Investigations Team. Kyla seriously injured her in battle, and she has been in a comatose state ever since the altercation. The residents of the Castle kind of go to Janie to confide in her, as at this point nobody believes she will wake from her slumber. Sei's belief in the human spirit, however, refuses to believe that Janie won't one day pull through.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-16-10, 06:46 PM

Application to join
Desired Position:
Why You Want In: (Give us a reason IC'ly to join. If you can't think of one don't worry, we can help.)
Availability to Post: (This won’t disqualify you if you can’t post often, but it let’s people who make and start quests know what’s up.)

To make the team, pending availability, we will do a start up quest with you and the general in question of the team you wish to be part of. To become one of the Nine Generals we ask you have at least medium to high activity on the site.

The following people are waiting to join their team, or in progress:

(In progress…What? There‘s a lot of you freaking people!)

Also, for convenience in a one stop shop, I’ll place down current Ixian Knight threads in progress. For the sake of making this easy, can all people involved in the nine PLEASE PM me ALL threads you are doing for the nine, and the status they are at. If they are done, please PM me them anyway. Thanks everyone.

Currently Completed or ongoing threads of the Ixian Knight Exploits:

The Nine Gather:
The Beginning (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=159886#post159886)
The Dark Blade (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20698)
Initiating Insanity (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21006)
The Sound of Madness (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21030)
Maudlin for Memories (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21570)
Everything That We Fear (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21571)
Extended Family (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21767)
The Ninth Prophecy (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21785)

The Blessings of the Thaynes:
Jomil - Jungle Fever (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20907)
Yedda - Songs About Rain (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20906)
Draconus - Dynamite Rave (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21037)
N'Jal - The Shadow of the Day (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20892)
Hromagh - The Crow and the Butterfly (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21557&highlight=Crow)
Khal-Jaren - The Collection of Khal-Jaren (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20893)
V'dralla - Green Grass And High Tides (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21565)

The Search for the Zodiac Weapons:
Libra- A House Is Not A Home (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21160)
Sagittarius- The Dark Blade (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20698)
Ophiucus - The Sound of Madness (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21030)

The Enemy Fights Back:
What's In A Name (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21294)
All For One (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21578)
My Dearest Cassandra, I Will Always Love You (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21823)

Deeds of Valor:
The Oni of Wakusaka (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21639)
The Beast With A Thousand Backs (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21657)
What's In A Name (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21294)
All For One (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21578)
A Sticky Situation (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21544)

The Slice of Life:
Lunchroom Issues (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21641)
No More Tears (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21122)
Highway Robbery...ish (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20998)
Lions and Tigers and...Monkey's? Oh My! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20973)
Papa Don't Preach (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21206)
It All Folds Into Itself (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20924)
Forever Young (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21242showthread.php?t=21242)
Deals In the Dark
(http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21507)Cry Baby (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21702)
Two Becoming One (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21154)
When We Fall, We Must Learn to Stand (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21058)
Way of the Warrior - Ta'gaz (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21416)
Way of the Warrior - Hotouri (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21309)
Way of the Warrior - Steppenwolf (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21696)
Keep it Classy (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21024)
Broken (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21083)
Journal of the Outcast (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21099)
The God Bites His Lip in Chargin (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21287)
Inside the Fire (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20918)
And So It Is Said (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21726)
An Evening Out (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21758)
I Will Not Be Moved (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21842)
The Return of Kylin Rouge (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21710)
Cold as Ice (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21267)
Sister Sister (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21760)

Battles Amongst Comrades
Volcano's, Althanas' Oven (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20810)
Dancing With Laughter (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20872)
Unbreakable (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=20875)
The Monster and the Immortal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21719)
Dark Messenger (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21689)
Bridge Over the River... (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21521)
To Fight the Juggernaut (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21761)
Challenge of the Ixian Captains - William vs. Cassandra (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21838)
Challenge of the Ixian Captains - William vs. Zerith (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21839)
Show Me How To Live (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21766)

Enigmatic Immortal
09-16-10, 06:51 PM
OPEN FOR BUISNESS, please PM me if you have a thread that didn't get on there.

Also, let’s not get this thread out of control, please. I’d like to keep it somewhat professional, so if you have no interest in joining the nine or have something to post that has no impact on this thread other than to say “Der de der I wrote a sentence or two to make fun of Patrick and post Captain Picard face palm pictures, lol” (What? I know, I know I have done it to!) Then let’s keep it out. THANKS!

Seriously, this was a pain in the fucking ass, so remember the hard work of Myself and Revenant, please? We spent hours on this to make it shiny.

09-16-10, 08:17 PM
Indeed. Thank you again for everyone participating.

09-16-10, 08:17 PM
Application to join

Name: Artemis Eburi

Desired Position: Interested in joining, though I'm willing to take the remaining General role.

Availability to Post: Always available

Reason For Joining: After participating in a thread with both Jensen as well as Sei, I have found that I really enjoy writing with the two of them. I'd like to write more with them and I also feel like it fits my character to aid in a cause like Sei Orlouge's. The theme of Artemis is virtue, and it appears that Sei's desires are virtuous, allowing Artemis to participate freely. If things turn evil, Artemis may find himself detaching from the organization. (Though I don't anticipate such a thing).

Furthermore, during the thread All For One, Artemis is introduced to Adolph Gretzel, who he teams up with in order to protect a small town. During the thread, the two characters begin to get to know one another and Adolph finds himself impressed with Artemis' dedication to complete strangers for the greater good.

09-16-10, 08:39 PM
Name: Dr. Xos Xilanthese, Valanthe Xilanthese (They come as a pair).
Desired Position: Research/Labor
Why You Want In: Just as Xos desires to save his hometown, he also desires to keep safe the world he intends on transplanting it too. He's heard of the Ixian Knights, but has not yet heard of any wizards joining them to lend their magics to the Ixian Knight's cause. As such, he has put forth his and his wife's name for consideration for such a position, to research all that the Ixian Knights come across, unlock its secrets, and enchant/make new items for them.
Availability to Post: Fairly regularly.

Requiem of Insanity
09-16-10, 09:09 PM
@ Knave: As leader of the wetworks I'll be looking over your application. Please send me a PM if you got free time of ideas you want to use to get this party started.

@ XOS: I am not the leader of the labor team, Paragon is, so you would be wise to PM him about getting things started.

09-17-10, 12:00 AM
I'm going to keep this short and too the point.

Name: Zerith Dracosius

Desired Position: General if available. Though a position on the Public Face or Labor Teams would be cool too. Not to mention they would be the best fits for Zerith.

Why You Want In: After the events of Dynamite Rave, Sei could one day find himself in need of someone to either lead, or train/create a division of polearm users in his growing army. So thinking back, he could easily remember Zerith and find him suitable.

Availability to Post: Regularly. Given that my internet is now all set up at my place, I should have no problem getting back to writing.

Rehtul Orlouge
09-17-10, 05:14 AM
Name: Rehtul Orlouge
Desired Position: Not sure yet
Why You Want In: Rehtul made a promise to his cousin Anita that he would help her and his Uncle Sei in whatever ways possible. He's still new to pretty much everything, especially fighting, but he gave his word, and to him, his word is his bond.
Availability to Post: Medium to High (though school might screw with my schedule, depending on how much I procrastinate on my schoolwork)

Tainted Bushido
09-17-10, 06:04 PM
Just so people know, I didn't step out or down, I'm merely in a rather crappy situation. I have limited access to the site for now, so, please PM me if you intend to join my unit and tell me so. I don't have alot of time online when I do get some so I prioritize, and if I don't get a PM I may miss it.

The Guile Family
09-18-10, 12:56 PM
(Well I have four characters on this account, all of which have reasons to join so...)
Name: Lucien Guile
Desired Position: Assassin for the wet works team.
Why You Want In: Luciens brother has been muted for some strange reason, he figures that Sei might be able to help. Plus his twin sister found out her favorite serial killer works for the Ixian knights...
Availability to Post: Pretty often.

Name: Lucia Guile
Desired Position: Assistant to Cassandra Remi
Why You Want In: Lucia found out her seriel killer idol was part of the Ixian knights and begged her brother to join
Availability to Post: These will all be the same of course....

Name: Venn Guile
Desired Position: Member of the investigation team.
Why You Want In: Venn is kinda being dragged into this by his older siblings. Of course What Lucien says goes, he can be scary when mad...
Availability to Post: Same as above

Then Drana will join as well, but she won't really be a major member, more like a sideline character...

Requiem of Insanity
09-20-10, 05:31 AM
@ Rethul: Uh...I'd think Sei would know better than me...

@ Zerith: Initiation threads must be set up with Sei, as the prophecy is dealt with mostly him, unless you have a reason not to be. Either way, talk it over with him.

@ Guile Family: Wow, most popular sect in the league. I do think you are currently working on your initiation, so at this point we shall see how your solo ends and then go from there. I may not welcome every member into my ranks, however, and thus split them onto another team.

Enigmatic Immortal
09-20-10, 05:34 AM
@Paragon: Your initiation was approved by Sei to go through with me. So that idea for a quest you had looks like a rejoining of Jensen and Dorien. Good times. Let's set up either another thread to discuss that, or whatnot. I would like to finish proof reading a story however before starting this one, as I am currently under intense scrutinization by a friend. That will take about the until saturday. If this doesn't work with you we can work something out.

Silence Sei
09-25-10, 11:58 AM
Update: Due to Corvus not meeting the deadline with even just one post, he's kicked out of the Nine. Out of the current Apllicants, Zerith is more fitting to take head of the Public Face team. So he's in.

Amber and Duffy, you're both on a probationary period. You each have one week for at least one post in your respective threads, if you miss that deadline, you're out. Duffy, due to your writers block I'm cutting you some slack initially, and you get 2 weeks.

That is all.

Amber Eyes
09-25-10, 05:45 PM
my thread is waiting on you....so get to posting...you can't kick me out because your lazy! lol :)

09-25-10, 06:37 PM
I'm on it Fairy Boy :)

Silence Sei
09-25-10, 07:32 PM
I realize after re-reading it that my previous post can be taken the wrong way. So lemme rephrase.

Amber, Duffy, and even Paragon. I would like a post per week in your recruitment thread. EI, I'd appreciate it if you could start Paragon's thread ASAP so he can get his recruitment on. I in no way meant to give it out as a giant ultimatum of doom or anything like that.

Sorry if I sounded like I was bein an asshat folks. Wasn't trying to.

The gospel speaks
09-26-10, 01:00 AM
I kinda got put on a bus, any idea on how I can get back into the swing of things?

Requiem of Insanity
10-02-10, 06:07 PM
I suggest, Gospel, that you can either do a solo, or team up with another member of the nine like Aislinn or an NPC, and do some sort of semi initiation thread where you work towards joining the team of the people you want to be with.

If you need more help, we can do that. :D

Tainted Bushido
10-02-10, 08:51 PM
I'm just wondering, because I know the prophecy is out of date as far as the one in the initial thread, can we get an up to date version of it on the front of this thread?

Silence Sei
10-03-10, 12:15 AM
I'll get my people on it.

My people being you, me, Rev and EI.

10-03-10, 02:45 AM
Name: Sybilla Coterel

Desired Position: Labor group

Why You Want In: For an IC reason, Sybilla is mainly looking to just gain experience enchanting, which which would be expensive unless you somehow have a monster hunting team to search for rare materials. Oh wait. Any experimenting she gets to do would be a bonus.

Availability to Post: At least every other day.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-04-10, 08:57 PM
Sybilla, we are currently working on getting your team leaders position filled in, which will be Paragon. If you'd like to shoot him a PM abut ideas to get in, that'll be super, but for the time being He's not currently on board yet. I'm working on it. :D

10-05-10, 04:01 AM
My character is a blacksmith, so I could make it and you would enchant it.

My initiation quest with EI actually will involve picking up an enchanter, but she could be a high-level NPC sort of deal for people with legendary equipment or looking for really powerful enchantments, while you would supply as much as your current skill/level allows for The Nine's everyday needs. I would like Dorian to eventually be able to craft legendary equipment, for example.

So, yeah, I'm hoping The Nine will make use of us. While we could start our own enterprises, I would really prefer more goal-oriented work from the rest of The Nine. Need some new stuff? Too expensive from The Bazaar? Want to have some equipment that really stands out? We should be the ones to make and enchant it. Rather than a random find or reward from a quest, it could be something that's truly player-crafted. That's what I'm hoping, anyway.

10-05-10, 09:54 PM
Considering how crafting oriented my character is, working for/sponsored by a PG/some type of organization would be nice. Hopefully it won't just be weapons/armor too, enchanting can be used for other things too.

I need to go ask which side the level limits are on my enchanting, but I'd be glad to post in the initiation quest. Two things that aren't birds with one large asteroid.

10-05-10, 10:56 PM

There are a lot of limits on your enhancing skill. Maybe you should have made it less broad, like being able to bond two items together to share traits. Then you could link regents with items. As long as you managed to source the right regent and explained it well in a thread you could have made a lot of different things.

I am going to start a new thread soon, do you have any ideas for things you might like to craft with? Anything I could hunt down for you somehow?

Amber Eyes
10-05-10, 11:12 PM
Just throwing this out there for everyone, there are teams other than wetworks...:) We'd like to see more than one PC on each team. Keep in mind that the number of teams you can be on is only limited by your activity! And Guile Familly, I'd be happy to set up a recruitment for Venn whenever you get a chance.

Enigmatic Immortal
10-06-10, 02:18 AM
Let's get started, Paragon (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=173567#post173567)

10-06-10, 06:43 AM
Go ahead and sign Rehtul up for the Investigations Team for now.

10-07-10, 10:09 AM
Hey all, I just thought i'd link to a thread I am starting, its semi-nine related. Talen is searching for items to be used for the Nine, but not limiting anyone entering. It is here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=173651#post173651).

Silence Sei
10-08-10, 07:49 PM
Okay guys, Duffy's team is getting an overhault, since I doubt many people outisde the Tantalum would join it anyways, so here's what we got in its stead.

Reformation Team Leader: Duffy Bracken

The Reformation Team is a group of baddies avoiding jail time from the guard by doing good deeds for the world. They are controlled by a mental queue Sei Orlouge has implanted in each of them upon initiation, that Duffy Bracken can activate at any time. While there are only about 2 slots for 'good' characters (Probation officers, if you will), we will take as many 'bad' characters as they come along. Initiation involves either fighting and ICly losing to a member of the Knights (Or being ambushed by the rest of them after the duel, etc etc), or a quest in which your character gets incarcerated.

EI, I'll have descriptions for both Tracer and Janie sent to you via PM soon.

10-08-10, 09:10 PM
I am going to start a new thread soon, do you have any ideas for things you might like to craft with? Anything I could hunt down for you somehow?

The idea is you get stuff that YOU want, and I'll craft it. Bring me anything rare and I'll try to make some cool stuff. Give it special properties, etc.

10-11-10, 08:39 PM
The idea is you get stuff that YOU want, and I'll craft it. Bring me anything rare and I'll try to make some cool stuff. Give it special properties, etc.

Valid point...

Does anyone else have something they'd like me to aquire to help craft anything? Or just generally aquire for them?

Enigmatic Immortal
10-11-10, 08:55 PM
More guns. No joke.

10-11-10, 09:35 PM
I could work on shanghaing us some guns I suppose. How hard would it be to be approved with some rifles for the Nine?

Enigmatic Immortal
10-11-10, 09:37 PM
Hmm, i suppose rather difficult, depending on how we acquire them. Jensen personally needs two more hand guns just like the one he has, save the models.

Bolverk Lambda 11


Bolverk Mu 12

:D I want's the set.

Silence Sei
10-11-10, 09:46 PM
No guns for Jensen.

Only one gunblade.

So it is said by Sei.

10-17-10, 01:38 AM
Name: Jasmine Dracosius
Desired Position: none really, she's here to be with her husband
Why You Want In: Zerith is one of the generals and her husband. where he goes, she goes (usually)
Availability to Post: 2-3 a week, pending homework load

Enigmatic Immortal
10-17-10, 02:45 AM
Okay, Jasmine your role will be assigned by Sei, so check in with him.

NOTICE TO ALL IXIAN KNIGHTS: It's time to update our exploits and archives! Please PRIVATE MESSAGE ME (PM) links to your threads and the title of them so I can add them to the list of what's going on. ANYTHING pertaining to the Ixian Knights can be archived, and should be!

To all those with NPC's: Please give me a name and what they do/look like/etc. So I can add them to the NPC list. If you do not want them to be used without your permission, just post that at the end of their description.

SEI: It's time to add the prophecy to the Nine page. Let's update, remove the dust, and get it on the board. Also, I'm thinking of adding in another section detailing exactly how big the army is and what troops we have where. But we can talk about that later.

Sei, Aislinn, Kyla: The mystic war is welcome to be added to the archives, I'll add another section for it if you want.

Rev: Your captain battles can link to me via AIM or what not.

Duffy: I need your tantalum troupe members details!

Thanks all!

Tainted Bushido
10-20-10, 09:18 PM
To the other mystics in the Ixian Knights, just drop me a PM. WHile I can't write all the time I do check the site almost daily so feel free to drop me a line. I don't masticate.

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 09:59 PM
Name: Eric Anglekos. Usually just goes by his surname.

Desired Position: Hunting monsters is his best bet. He's not subtle enough to go assassinating people, but he's not outgoing enough to lead the public. So he's looking to join in on the monster team; not as anyone important, however. He's fine just filling in as a common foot soldier.

Why You Want In: What he wants is to not be recognized for what he's done, but help perform duties that will serve two purposes; help fight off the creatures that endanger the innocent, and perhaps stave off the growing rage at not only himself, but his pure inability to get over one, single death. To give his life some purpose. And through the Knights, he feels he can achieve just that; purpose.

Availability to Post: Pretty often. There may be a day's downtime or two, but it shouldn't go much longer than that.

Silence Sei
11-01-10, 10:08 PM
Anglekos, you're in, I just made a Mission Board in the PG section of the forums, perhaps that would be a good spot for you and Rev to meet up and agree to joining his team?

Lord Anglekos
11-01-10, 10:39 PM
Anglekos, you're in, I just made a Mission Board in the PG section of the forums, perhaps that would be a good spot for you and Rev to meet up and agree to joining his team?

And done. Hopefully he gets back from real life long enough to get to me.

11-04-10, 07:49 PM
Name: Arai Kaosu
Desired Position: Merc group (with availability to accompany some Wetwork missions if possible)
Why You Want In: Arai isn't greedy but he knows money makes the world go round. The more he has, the better he feels. As far as being a part of the Wetwork group, a speedy and stealthy approach is a valuable asset to him and he has no problem serving justice to those considered "Untouchables".
Availability to Post: With just work tying up my time for right now I can post fairly regularly.

11-04-10, 10:59 PM
Application to join
Name: Caellach
Desired Position: Monster Hunting Team
Why You Want In: At this point in time Caellach likes to protect innocent people and feel that he is doing something of importance. For instance, just joining a city's guard and being a generic guard would be a waste of time to him, but this order would seem to be more important.
Availability to Post: Pretty much every day if needed, though I sometimes like breaks between threads.

Tainted Bushido
11-05-10, 07:52 PM
Mercenary Training Thread: Endless Despair (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=174598#post174598)

Those who are part of the Mercenary Group or are looking to join. This is the recruitment thread for you! I have limited availability to post, but will be doing so roughly once a week. So, with this in mind, you better have time to post at least once a week, or I will kick your butt!

12-05-10, 08:10 PM
Name: Sir Rahegalhoff Mesquchoku
Desired Position: Public Face team
Why You Want In: Three reasons:

1) Directive of The Omnisource, and Rahegalhoff WON'T refuse a command by his god.

2) He belongs to this team as much as wet belongs to water.

3) The biggest reason is, is he hopes that eventually, if he saves enough people, slays enough evil, then maybe, just maybe, he'll stop hearing the voices of his slain family haunting his dreams at night, begging for mercy that never came.

Availability to Post: Daily, if I can remember to post.

Silence Sei
01-05-11, 12:49 AM
Just so yall know, we're still taking members. I think the thread is buried in so many newer ones because half of Althanas is in the IK anyways, but I figured that I should still mention it :P

01-05-11, 12:55 AM
Name: Sara SixBlades

Desired Position: Information Team

Why You Want In: It's a good opportunity to level up my character. Plus Silence invited me so :p

Availability to Post: Depends on the month and what's going on, but overall ... low-medium to medium sometimes med-high.

Silence Sei
01-05-11, 01:00 AM
Rah, you're in pending Ixian Deviliry, unless you can come up with some reason why Rah would be there before Callbrena.

Sixblades. Welcome aboard. I'm sure Hysteria will be estatic to know he's got someone on his team now.

01-05-11, 01:02 AM
Yeah, and on top of that ... we've been buds since Feb 06 on GUA ... :p

So ... now what?

Silence Sei
01-05-11, 01:21 AM
A couple of things. I can get Hysteria to do a thread with you so you're acquainted with your Team Leader

I can do a thread with you to initiate you, so to speak, into the knights

Or I can just straight up assign you something without Hysteria being around, as you've chosen the team that doesn't nessicarily need it's leader to do its job (Aside from Labor Team, that is)

01-05-11, 01:44 AM
A couple of things. I can get Hysteria to do a thread with you so you're acquainted with your Team Leader

That one.

Silence Sei
01-05-11, 02:20 AM
Sent him a PM

01-05-11, 08:59 AM
Rah, you're in pending Ixian Deviliry, unless you can come up with some reason why Rah would be there before Callbrena.

Does this mean Zerith and I will no longer be doing an initiation thread for Raggy?

Also, I still await your first reply in Ixian Deviliry, thus that thread too must be completed.

Silence Sei
01-05-11, 09:02 AM
ID wil;l come at the end of the Radasanth War, as I said before.

You can do an initiation with Z, though I'm not sure as to whther or not he needs to wait until after the Radasanth War as well.

01-05-11, 09:03 AM
ID wil;l come at the end of the Radasanth War, as I said before.

And as before, I shall continue to wait with utmost patience.

Silence Sei
01-05-11, 09:08 AM
We appreciate it.

01-05-11, 10:30 AM
Sixblades. Welcome aboard. I'm sure Hysteria will be estatic to know he's got someone on his team now.

Are you suggesting my team is unpopular? Well I never. We are just very discriminating.

@Petoux: I'll have something in a day or two, maybe just an introduction for our character rather than an infomation focused one. If you have ideas, feel free to PM :)

01-07-11, 03:34 PM
pm me the link when u have it completed then please.

btw, posted in the test run Hysteria. Pm me on it if u want/need a hint ok?


Silence Sei
02-10-11, 08:30 AM
As I told EI, who still hasn'yt gotten to it, we need to update the 'Entertainment Team' into 'Reformation Team', as well as a list of all ACTIVE members who aren't generals.

Off the top of my head, Arai in Merc Team, Artie in Labor Team, Slayer in Reformation Team, Rehtul in Investigations.....

As more come to me, I'll post em.

02-10-11, 11:00 AM
Name: Cecil Lancaster
Reason for Joining: Searching for a brotherhood and a reason to live.
Team: Either Mercenary or Monster Slaying would best fit Lancaster
Availability: All the time, I'm in University, what more do I need to focus on lol.

02-11-11, 12:05 PM
You are with the Mercenary Team Lancaster. Send me a PM to Tainted and I'll talk about a potential recruitment thread.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-13-11, 02:59 AM
Time for an update...Please PRIVATE MESSAGE ME (PM) links to your threads and the title of them so I can add them to the list of what's going on. ANYTHING pertaining to the Ixian Knights can be archived, and should be!

Also, please post here what group your in so I can update the active board and change things.

Also, Duffy, your team has changed to the Reformation team. You deal with people who break the law and would probably eat you in ten seconds. Expect an update to your team description.

We will be adding a section Titled Mystic War: So any threads taking place during this time, please put a note so i can organize the page to reflect it. Sei, you need to give me a balls on accurate description for the new team, and also an update for some of the not so well thought out descriptions for the teams. Investigations team comes to mind, because it sounds silly to put the moniker "Team must be made of Smart people...." I know you were rushed, but now we aren't so let's spruce up the front page.

And Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is coming out soon, so all you doing quests with Sei and I better start steam rolling them before we disappear.


Mystic War Part 2 and 4: Again, ALMOST DONE. Let's hammer it out.

Belly of the beast: Hysteria, I posted, but I think it got lost in the new post shuffle, so let's move that along.

Knights VS Monsters: Z your up, and we should be nearing the end of that.

Nightmare Fiction: We just started.

Hush little baby: Z and Jasmine...I can't remember, did you have questions for me? Sorry...

Quests involving Orphans: I must get off my lazy ass and help him finish Shades of Gray, but what the hell happened to Sister Sister? Let's not leave that one in the dust.

IF ANYONE HAS AN NPC that they'd like to bring into the Ixian Knights, just leave a name and a description, and I'll add it in. If you don't want people to use your NPC without permission, just leave a note at the end of your paragraph stating so in ALL CAPS.

Are we doing anything with other Power Groups? If so, please give me a heads up so I can add that to the third page.

Sei: I also need you to come up with EXACTLY WHAT OUR ARMY IS COMPRISED OF, location and facilities, and universal army magic items and special units IE our Chaplains.

Me: I need to update the NPC page with the Oracles.

Let's hop to it, Knights!

02-13-11, 12:16 PM
And Marvel Vs Capcom 3 is coming out soon, so all you doing quests with Sei and I better start steam rolling them before we disappear.

Yup, I fully agree with this! But you do know MvC3 has released a few days ago, right? Lol I've gotta start getting ready for EvO -- do you guys participate in tournaments?

02-13-11, 01:28 PM
Thanks for the reminder, but I'm afraid you probably won't be seeing very much of me for the next 3 weeks or so. Damn internet issues...

Silence Sei
02-24-11, 10:16 AM
Yup, I fully agree with this! But you do know MvC3 has released a few days ago, right? Lol I've gotta start getting ready for EvO -- do you guys participate in tournaments?

Amsen, I'm not sure if you live over seas or what, but here in the US, we didn't get an official release til Feb 15th.

And I would if I (a) thought I had the skill to participate in any tournament not Soul Calibur

And (b) Had the money to fly everywhere to become a professional tourney player. Justin Wong that bitch up, as it were.

Tainted Bushido
02-25-11, 11:47 AM
Justin Wong is overhyped. Daigo all the way...

Ryari Ksartharjaa
04-29-11, 06:04 PM
Application to join
Name: Ryari Ksartharjaa
Desired Position: Information Team
Why You Want In: Ryari, growing up on a flower farm, has felt that she was meant for better things. Upon realizing that she has a shot at the Ixian Knights, Ryari feels that she would be a valuable asset to the guild.
Availability to Post: Every 1-2 days

Enigmatic Immortal
04-29-11, 09:40 PM

Okay. Your team leader or sei will start your initiation thread soon

Silence Sei
04-30-11, 12:19 AM
I was actually planning to start it tonight, but circumsances of staying at the in-laws too late prevented that. I'll try to get it up on the Morrow.

Silence Sei
05-12-11, 06:20 PM
OK Peoples, I'm looking for people to help out with Chapter 2 of the Mystic War

This is actually a good jumping on point for new recruits, considering how I'm working it in, if anybody is still interested.

Also, Duffster, I'd like a list of what team each tantalum member is a part of, if you don't mind.

05-12-11, 06:41 PM
All the same, attached to Duffy.

I don't believe we ever did Duffy's Zodiac thread, whilst I'm here. He has the swords, just no magicka in dem.

05-16-11, 10:56 PM
Well that's no good Duffy. I'm over hear yelling "Zodiac Weapon! Engage!" *it transforms into Optimus Prime* and yours does nothing.

@Sei: On a more on topic note, whats the second chapter about? I wouldn't say no if you wanted to also add what actually happened in Chap 1.

Silence Sei
05-17-11, 07:51 PM
Basically, Chapter 2 is moreso where we try to introduce the people who will be on the opposing side. Essentially, Chapter 2 is 'IK runs away while trying to watch their back, and lose a few men to the bad asses hired by the KoD'

I'll have Chapter 1 stuff up soon

Enigmatic Immortal
05-17-11, 08:06 PM
So I need to finish chap 4. I'll have a post up soon

Silence Sei
05-20-11, 09:06 AM
Ok, here's a few things about Chapter 1 that happened.

Knights of the Dawn try to negotiate Sei into giving up Kyla Orlouge and her baby, the first Mystic baby born since Mystics were decimated by Kyla's own spell. Sei refuses to give her up and it sparks a fight. Expecting this, a legion of members in the Knights of Dawn start attacking the castle gates, guarded by Adolph Gretzel. Adolph puts up a valiant fight in fending them off, but eventually, they get through, fighting almost any Ixian Knight they see in the process.

Kyla and her Investigations team start escaping with Mystic women and children (as well as a few regular women and children). Covering their retreat is Sei and Kylin, who fend off best they can against the Knights, only for Kylin to become completely drained due to using a shadow magic technique. The duo meet up with Kyla's people, and Sei advises Rehtul to create a ice wall to block the path of any coming knights, effectively sealing off any straggling Ixian's as well.

Laconic, Andrew Octane, and Talen Shadowalker are all strewn about the castle, defeating any KoD they come across. Eventually, Talen meets up with Adolph, and Laconic advises the duo to head into the forest where Sei's escape party will soon end up.

Sei's daughters, Emma and Ella, have been stranded in the castle alone, and soon meet up with their cousin Aislinn, who in turn meets up with Jensen's father. Emma takes the sword from a dead soldier and runs off on her own, in a bid to buy time for her new family to escape. This story is still a work in progress.

Zerith attempted to meet up with the escape party, but was cut off by Rehtul's ice wall. As such, he has to take the long way around the castle to meet up with Sei's crew.

I miss anything, anybody?

Enigmatic Immortal
05-20-11, 09:49 AM
Emma is going to be joined by azza who runs after her, and before they get killed stephanie and jensen go apeshit on the kod and they re group and leave

05-20-11, 10:52 AM
Despite Ruby's massive breasts and sizeable dowry, she doesn't even get a passing mention? How rude!

Silence Sei
05-20-11, 11:50 AM

Ruby and her big boobs participated.


05-20-11, 12:56 PM
I'm a weebit lost on where this is in liquid time standards, but that's the magic of liquid time!

Silence Sei
05-20-11, 01:04 PM
Time frame - after Sei and Jensen have made up, but before Jensen officially comes back to Ixian Castle (So sometime after Hysteria's Belly of the Beast quest).

08-25-11, 10:10 AM
Name: Erissa Tarsul-Caedron

Desired Position: Erissa is currently in training and will emerge with a strong grasp of her current abilities, so she'd prefer a combat-oriented team. Merc, Slayer, or Public. (If you think there is a better place for her, that's fine too. Place me where it will most benefit the group and I'll do my best.)

Why You Want In: Erissa is without a home or means of income. She is also seeking a certain mercenary and hopes her travels might lead her to cross paths with him. The research she's done on the Ixian Knights leads her to believe the cause is a good and worthy one and she hopes to do her part.

Availability to Post: Conservatively, every two to three days, though don't be surprised to see daily posts.

Silence Sei
08-25-11, 10:18 AM
Sagequeen, we'll put you in with the Public Face team, since Zerith needs more people, get with him and discuss a mission, if you don't mind.

08-25-11, 10:32 AM
Sei, I be wantin' a quest.

Rehtul Orlouge
08-26-11, 01:51 PM
Wow, this thread really did die for awhile, didn't it?

02-10-12, 06:02 PM
*blows the dust off*

Alright, isn't it time that this whole Ixian Knights thing gets actually consolidated into a, I'dunno, PG? I seriously spent 20 minutes trying to remember where this goofy thread was.


Silence Sei
02-10-12, 06:32 PM
I am more than willing to put in the time and effort it would require to make this a full fledged PG. Thing is, its not like we're getting our own section for making it an official PG, yet. Not until the Headquarters situation is figured out by the powers that be.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-10-12, 06:37 PM
Cough, cough....

Still open, and time to update the archive. Send a link of your ixian related work to add ro oyr legacy! Thanks

02-10-12, 06:46 PM
I am more than willing to put in the time and effort it would require to make this a full fledged PG. Thing is, its not like we're getting our own section for making it an official PG, yet. Not until the Headquarters situation is figured out by the powers that be.

It would just be nice to be able to go to the PG section of the site and see the Ixian Knights as their own thread with all the info so people wouldn't have to search for dusty old threads like this for info.

Enigmatic Immortal
02-10-12, 06:53 PM
We got our top men working on it....


Rayse Valentino
02-10-12, 09:52 PM

Silence Sei
02-10-12, 10:09 PM
Yeah, thats about right.

Archanex Jotham
02-23-12, 08:45 PM
Application to join

Name: Archanex Jotham

Desired Position: Laborer/Monster Slayer (More Specifically: Archanex will very soon be able to Enchant stuffs. And create magical trinkets of many types. That's the type of direction I am taking him in)

Why You Want In: Archanex is looking for his place to belong. He was a former member of the Hedge Magi Circle in Scara Brae, but after he was involved in a conspiracy he was removed for supposed treason. Left for dead, Archanex went missing and has been hanging seen hanging out with the group of Goblins known for terrorizing Scara Brae. This shift in rationality has turned Archanex into an enemy of Scara Brae. But, he is a sympathizer for the Goblins of Scara Brae, and this may eventually forge a connection in The Scourge. Archanex is very loyal to his allies. But the recent betrayal at the hands of the Hedge Magi has left him shaken to the core. He is currently looking to find his place in the world, and write his own story away from the back-stabbing conspiracy theories of the Hedge Magi Circle.

Availability to Post: I am available to post daily. My current thread with Archanex is Secret Arkanos (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?23897-Secret-Arkanos.-%28Closed%29) and this is my last Update (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?19975-Overmage-0) as an FYI. Let me know where a magey-type like myself can fit.

By the by, as an FYI my main character is Mutant_Lorenor!!!

Enigmatic Immortal
02-23-12, 09:11 PM
The Position was filled...

Just kidding, It's Sei's discretion where to place you, and I'd start thinking up ideas for your Introduction quest. Our people will get in touch with your people. Thanks!

The End
02-27-12, 10:48 PM
Name: Fiz Reed
Desired Position: Information Team
Why You Want In: Fiz is a character who longs for structure and human contact while also being a critical judge of his limits and abilities. He has merely heard rumors of the organization that is The Ixian Knights but everything that he has heard resonates with his soul. While not particularly lustful for adventure, companionship is something he cherishes, bringing him to the conclusion that if his powers may be used for others gain, he would not hesitate to act. This is what brought him to contact the esteemed establishment.
Availability to Post: Most - Six or seven times a week. Least - Twice to three times a week.

03-17-12, 12:55 PM
Name: Uzriel Mishrana
Desired Position: Waterworks/Investigations
Why You Want In: To further his training and abities as a Theif, Metalcrafter, and Assassin. (And gold. He likes gold.)
Availability to Post: I've got internet on my phone, so, basically, all the time.

Silence Sei
03-17-12, 02:02 PM
I'll be getting with you both soon (If The End is even still around) to work something out.

03-20-12, 04:55 AM
Name: Teefa Kalestiya 'o Riviera

Desired Position: OOC'ly: I was wondering if it would be possible to rp my way into making that decision. If not, I am not sure where my character would be useful, other than maybe the public face team (however it would conflict with my character having to keep a low profile).

Why You Want In: Having travelled long and far whilst trying to keep out of the clutches from pursuers from her homeland, Teefa has reached a point in her life in which she is trying to find a purpose. During one of her travels, Teefa met with a simple passerby from whom she learned about the Ixian Knights. After hearing the many intriguing an inspiring stories, she quietly hoped to maybe meet one of those knights; it would be more likely that she'd run into more trouble though.

Availability to Post: At least once a day (except maybe not always during the weekends). In general, I will usually check up on progression a couple of times a day but I do need some time provide acceptable 'material'.

Note: Since I've been away for a long time, I am not really sure if I 'applied' for this properly. I was directed here by Sei (I believe), so I figured to give things a go. The way I would want to join is by rp'ing the decision to do so... (if that is an okay way to do it). So, if you're willing to go along with this method, and also able to help, I'm ready to follow up on anything you throw my way ^^

To clarify: my character does not have specific goals, other than staying out of harms way and helping people, so having to join the ranks of an organized group would take some rp'ing for her to have a good reason to actually join. OOC I'd be happy to join ofc ;) Just gotta do the IC work. The ooc reason for joining is that I need to get back on the swing of things.

Please let me know if I have provided enough information.

03-20-12, 09:59 AM
Consider this my formal withdrawal and resignation from Ixian Knights.

As far as chronology and departure goes, the formal resignation comes with The Satyricon, and the events their-in.

Duffy's final contribution to the Knights will come in the form of diplomatic aid in A Play on History, and the contribution of the Heidegger Barrier, and the sword of Arden Janelle during the climatic Night of Debauchery.

Duffy and Ruby are departing for Raiaera, and Arden will leave for Scara Brae once Cassandra is...'dealt' with.

It's been a fun ride, but ideology is a bitch.

Silence Sei
03-20-12, 10:20 AM
Sorry to see you go, Duffster. You will be missed.

Squ, thats fine, if you'd like to do a quest with Sei, we can roll out with one, and then you can make your ecision ICly.

Silence Sei
03-21-12, 11:31 AM
Alright, anyone who plans to be involved in the war against Corone, I want you guys to start getting people pepper up. Whether your character is going to be running in the war, fighting, or protecting those they love, lets get some feet on the ground, alliances made, new recruits ushered in. We have to save Corone, and only we can do it!

Note that some of you can take Duffy's route and have a temporary 'leave of absence' to take your characters out of any war related stuff if you'd like.

Squ, our thread should be up toay. Moxen, get back to me via PM when ya can.

03-21-12, 10:02 PM
I will have to see how things are going to be set up before I can commit. If you're pairing people off, then my idea for my involvement might not necessarily work. Otherwise, I will do my best.

03-22-12, 06:44 AM
Alright, anyone who plans to be involved in the war against Corone, I want you guys to start getting people pepper up. Whether your character is going to be running in the war, fighting, or protecting those they love, lets get some feet on the ground, alliances made, new recruits ushered in. We have to save Corone, and only we can do it!

Note that some of you can take Duffy's route and have a temporary 'leave of absence' to take your characters out of any war related stuff if you'd like.

Squ, our thread should be up toay. Moxen, get back to me via PM when ya can.

Alright, I'll be ready when everything is set up.

Silence Sei
03-22-12, 02:52 PM
Here you are, Squ. Also sending you a PM for the thread. A Shot In The Dark (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24176-A-Shot-In-The-Dark&p=195934#post195934).

03-22-12, 05:27 PM
Z will be getting involved with this war, but exactly what he can bring to the table for the IK is still up in the air.

I will have to get in touch with Jasmine to see what these things could be.

Enigmatic Immortal
03-22-12, 05:54 PM
Due to the events following night of debauchery, jensen's priorities are with finding cassandra remi and stopping her asencion to godhood. Any member of the IK can join him as we are still IK.

03-22-12, 06:02 PM
Dorian knows the horrors of war and letting a demi-goddess run loose; He'll be joining Jensen.

03-23-12, 02:47 AM
Seth and Liliana will be part of the War. Aislinn will be focused on repairing the damage to her infirmary and stopping Cassandra Remi. Taka will go where Sei wills on the stipulation that Akashima be left alone. Should that change, there will be words with his leader.

Silence Sei
03-23-12, 04:32 AM
As promised to Blank and Lillith, Akashima will remained unharmed.

Silence Sei
03-24-12, 07:11 AM
Just a quick note to new recruits, you can go ahead and post in the PG war thread if you'd like, since you'll probably already be in a thread with me via recruitment.

Moxen, expect your thread up in a lil bit.

Non-combat people, I want you to be in the war if you wish to be so, so I will try and negotiate with Phoenix Ascention's leader about setting up osme sort of area where you guys can participate for your respective sides.

Silence Sei
03-26-12, 11:54 PM
Last chance to register with the Ixian Knights in the Corone War before deadline expires, guys!

03-27-12, 07:16 PM
So whats this about a war?

07-21-12, 12:55 PM
If it's too late to join I do understand

Application to join

Name: Yiri Viat
Desired Position: Mercenary
Why You Want In: To help bring peace to Althanas, starting with Corone
Availability to Post: Every day, any time you need me to.

Silence Sei
07-24-12, 07:24 PM
Assassin, you're still good for joining up. We've just been tied up in the Corone War that we have not really been able to write with anyone.

Luckily, that has changed, as I have offically pulled the Ixian Knights out of the Corone War. So many factor contributed to this decision, the primary one involving the turnaround time on judgements. However, now that it's done, I can safely go ahead and start roleplaying some recruitment threads with you guys. PM me with any ideas you may have, or just announce them here, as well as the region you'd like to be recruited in.

07-24-12, 07:26 PM
I would look forward to recruitment somewhere in Corone.

07-24-12, 07:36 PM
I could be recruited anywhere on Althanas due to the fact that i am where my employer needs me to be. Corone is Yiri's main objective though, although the war is now over i wish to slowly try and bring peace to it by assassinating those who cause the turmoil and insecurity.

08-10-12, 01:13 AM
Please remove Jasmine and Siela from the lists of PCs and NPCs as Jasmine is no longer going to be affiliated with the IK.

Amber Eyes
08-10-12, 01:46 AM
Taken care of! :)

Mage Hunter
08-11-12, 05:37 AM
Name: Drusilia Liadon
Desired Position: Monster Hunting Team
Why You Want In: Having finally made a full recovery from the injuries she suffered at the hands of Xem'Zund the Necromancer (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?20244-MQ-Dawnbringers), Drusilia has begun to make a public appearance for the first time in several years since the death of the Necromancer. Her first act was to leave the City of Anebrilith, and head straight for Radasanth, and from there to offer her blade to another group seeking to bring the dawn of a new age to Althanas.
Availability to Post: Semi-Frequent

09-19-12, 02:29 AM
Introducing the newest NPC to Ixian Castle...Beatrix Dahlios (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24727-September-3rd-October-3rd&p=201702&viewfull=1#post201702)! I'll get her charrie sheet ready for you Sei when I get a chance tomorrow...

Enigmatic Immortal
09-19-12, 02:55 AM

Rayse Valentino
12-17-12, 07:34 PM
Does anyone have a description of Misery, the.... living... teleportation device thing? I need it for an alternate history thread.

Silence Sei
01-07-13, 07:11 PM
Covered mostly in tree moss and mushrooms, under its soft exterior is a bark like armor that covers his entire body, save the black beady eyes and mouth that looks like a horizontal venus fly trap thats been sewn up. Its touch can paralyze people if he's distrusting of them, and it stands roughly 7 feet tall when not hunched over, as it typically is.

Good enough description, or more details needed?