View Full Version : One step beyond...

The gospel speaks
09-18-10, 06:15 PM
Open to other Ixian knights who would like to make an appearance when he returns to the tomb, or you could liquid time it to where your character us in Concordia forest either way shoot me a Pm and ask so I can plan it out with you.
"you've got to be kidding me" Lucien roared as he neared yet another dead end where the trail he was on faded to nonexistence. About three weeks ago he had traveled to the the city of Radasanth, and met with the mighty mute simply known as Sei Orlouge. There he had asked the wise man to research his predicament, he had been exiled to Althanas from his home world Arkon. He had read up about the world in Sei's libraries and decided to leave for Concordia forest, making a pit stop at Underwood to collect his scythe.

he stopped and took a calming breath, taking in the scent of the forest. He exhaled and turned to his left, where he had hung his canteen on a branch. It was brown, and had a big leather strap. He reached out his right hand and grasped it tightly, freeing it from the branch so he could raise to his lips. He gulped it eagerly, and used this time to take note of his state. His stomach growled like an angry bear, but he would eat later. His skin was starting to get tanner, but was slightly sun burnt. His eyes were still the same shade of platinum they had always been. His silver hair was drenched in sweat, and hung over his eyes in soggy clumps.

He brushed them away with the back of his hand, cringing as he accidentally wiped sweat into his eyes. He was covered in sweat, and would probably shower when he returned to his current home. He turned around, reassured by the weight of his scythe at his back, and strode back in the direction he had came from. Perhaps tomorrow he would find something of note. Then he tripped over something.