View Full Version : The Road is Icy. The Church is Near. The Bar is Far. We Will Walk Carefully.

Move Along Move Along
09-18-10, 09:03 PM
The beams of the sun glared in his eyes, causing Ace to turn around in the bed. The texture of the mattress was far too soft to be Law's own, which caused the man to open his eyes. He orbs met with the features of a ghost, milky and creepy, laying its hot breath upon him. Memories began to flood back of the previous nights events as Law watched this creature intently.

He had partied pretty hard. In fact, he was sure he had drunk his body weight in alcohol that night. His intention was to dance with any girl that would give him the time of day. Eventually, one had, and the two had a blast just drinking, dancing, and being overall merry. The girl could barely walk by the time the bar closed down, so Law helped her to her house. Lips were locked, embraces were had, and the next thing the party-goer remembered, he was here.

Know what would be a fun idea? Slit her throat. Egr’msatchek, the evil God who inhabited Law's mind was always trying to get him to commit some sort of heinous act. Rather than act on these notions, Law would just Egr’msatchek to the back of his head as if he were a distant memory.

"Heck naw, Brah," Law whispered in an attempt to not wake his bedfellow up, "She might be good again to have another great time tonight."

You don't even remember her name, do you?

"Not the point."

Law grabbed his face, finding his cheek covered with his own saliva. Looking to his pillow, Law found that he had left the same souvenir on his temporary partner's pillowcase. He shifted his legs to the side of the bed, reaching down for his denim jeans, which lay sprawled out on the floor. He then located and retrieved his white button-up from the curtain rods (though how it got there, Law had no clue).

The possessed man stumbled around the room for a few minutes, and then carried the same confusion around the hallway of the house. When he finally did make it to the front door, he opened it and was greeted with a newspaper hitting his legs. The shaggy haired man smiled as he picked up the paper. Perhaps he could stay for just a few minutes more, at least long enough to read the funnies.

Strumming through the paper, Law had completely overlooked the headline about Mystics and their sudden miscarriages. He was much too busy attempting to find the comic strips. As he searched, he heard a door open and assumed it was the one to the bedroom he had just left. Law stood up as his companion entered the kitchen, still in her black panties, and wearing Law's white undershirt as if it were hers.

Law could hear the sensual purrs coming from the raven haired girl, who simply walked over to her refrigerator and went through the motions of making two glasses of orange juice. If any other person had walked in at this moment, it would have looked like a newlywed couple enjoying another morning. This was anything but.

As the 'ghost' put down Law's glass of orange juice, the slender man stood up and folded the paper backwards, finally locating his beloved strips. Folding the top portion of the paper backwards, Law grabbed the cold glass of OJ and walked out of the house into the cold biting winds that covered Knife's Edge. The woman stood, stupefied that someone would just walk out of her house without saying a word. "Are you going to at least give me my paper ba---"

But Law was already gone.

Amber Eyes
09-24-10, 01:11 AM
Kyla finally freed herself from the house. Her first stop was a local shop that sold newspapers. Surely the one shown to her earlier was just a cruel joke. She paid her money and glanced at the front page. "Hey, that's you!" The woman called after her, "You killed all those..." The door slammed behind her and Kyla let out a string of vulgar words. She ran down the street as fast as she could, not stopping until she was far from town. She slowed her pace to a walk and looked at the paper again. "Mystics decimated." Kyla lowered herself to her bottom and cried.

Once she regained her composure she set off to the only place she thought she could go.


Weeks later.

Kyla entered the small taven in Salvar, hoping for someone to buy her a drink and maybe even a small meal. She was hungry and just desperate enough to show her face. People had stopped recognizing her miles ago, but you never knew. She sat on a barstool and waved at the barkeep.

"Could I get a coke please?"

Move Along Move Along
09-25-10, 03:01 AM
For Thaynes sake! It's eight in the morning! What kind of bar is open at this hour?!

"The kind that hopefully serves breakfast, Brah."

I hate you so much.

Law walked in to the tavern, newspaper stuck under his arm. As his eyes darted around the room, he noticed a drought in people that occupied the establishment. There was a couple of people passed out at their tables, one passed out in what Law could only assume was his own recycled beer on the floor, and a couple of people looking more zombie than human at the bar. Then there was a girl who was quickly approaching the bar.

"Why hello..." Law said to himself with a wry little grin. His steps echoed in the relatively empty tavern. It did not take long for the man to be beside the girl who had gotten in here just before him. Setting the paper down on the bar, Law looked downwards towards 'The Adolescent Misadventures of Shimmy and The Shanker', a three panel strip that always ended in one of the title characters stabbing the other to death.

The sight of the strip caused Law to burst out into a small fit of laughter. Shimmy and The Shanker was his favorite strip out of all the funnies in the paper. If Egr’msatchek had walls within the young man's head, Law was certain that the dark God would be banging his own 'cranium' against them. Law quickly recovered from his small fit of laughs to look at the girl. He could always depend on the kindness of strangers, after all.

"Ya look like your down on ya luck, Guhl. Let me get you some food." Law twirled his index finger around in a 'whoop-de-doo' fashion. In his experience, he knew that such a gesture would get the couple something, though what gift they were soon to be granted, the possesed man had no idea. "My name's Law. Lets see if we can't make that straight and proper posture of yours loosen up a bit."

Because, you know, that didn't sound perverted or anything.

"I didn't ask you, Brah."