View Full Version : Burning desire (ooc)

09-25-10, 09:58 PM
Burning Desire

Requirements: Battle, so you will require an opponent.

Synopsis: In the dead of night a loud bang and the sound of a crowd gathering on one of the houses on the main square wake you up. As you approach, you see that a house-front is smothered in roaring flames and people are screaming and crying in a semi-circle around it. Suddenly, a figure leaps from the flames and darts off through the crowd; the arsonist is hoping to escape…make chase, and confront him through the dark streets before he gets away!

Reward: Traditional battle xp and gold. Not all battles are about direct action, so this should introduce you to the mechanics of the Rubric’s ‘Action’ score, and a reward will be given by the villagers should whomsoever is the pursuer manage to take down the criminal. If you manage to escape Mr Criminal, you may claim a small trinket, stolen from the house.

Since I'm neither an arsonist, nor a heroic figure to catch one... my idea for this thread is to have Garwocket trying to take something before the arsonist starts the fire. The trinket he wants the arsonist takes with him, and Garwocket is actually seen fleeing the building, but only because the crash was the real culprit, and by the time the eyes of the people turned towards the noise the imp was starting to give chase.

Just need someone to be the "heroic" figure.

A Kind Word
09-26-10, 09:11 AM
I'm in like Sven.