View Full Version : Sybilla

09-27-10, 03:02 AM
Name: Sybilla Coterel
Age: 23
Race: Human
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130 lbs.
Occupation: Enchanter, former shop owner


Having run a shop by herself for two years Sybilla is personable, listens well, and appears to show a deal of empathy to the average person. This is a falsehood. Sybilla hates small talk, cannot stand explaining things, and deplores anything to do with theater, arts, and religion. Spending the latter half of her life studying full time has left her with few hobbies that aren't related to magic.


Sybilla is of average height and a, while not athletic, fit build. She has a slight pallor due to time spent indoors and has well kept, shoulder length brown hair usually seen in a simple bun. Her clothing worn during travels are simple tunics and decent traveling cloak. Sybilla's pupil less eyes, when she opens them, are immediately striking to most people.


Orphaned due to a freak accident, Sybilla was forced to move in with a distant relative at the age of ten. While not unkind, Eustace was a wizard of no small means and spent most of his time running an enchantment shop. She was left to normal studies and trying to find friends in a new city.

After a few months he found that Sybilla had some magical aptitude and began apprenticing her, teaching her simple enchantments like rotating objects and small illusions. She proved gifted with enchanting and had taken over customer orders for cosmetic and other non-combat enchantments in just a few years of study.

Luck however was not something Sybilla was gifted with, and she almost totally blinded herself after a customer's order backfired during the final casting. The local cleric declared her eyes too damaged to repair and Eustace had no way he was willing to do to restore her vision. Sybilla didn't take his' no for answer, and tried restoring her vision herself. Crafting a new pair of eyes was beyond her understanding, but taking the working vision of another being she could do. The only willing subject she had however was the Eustace's lesser elemental, named Etotia, which served as shop labor.

Waiting until he had to leave the shop for a at least a few days, Sybilla took the opportunity and put together a ritual to duplicate the elemental's vision. The ritual was a success... somewhat. Instead of granting Sybilla a copy of the elemental's vision, it gave her access to its vision. A marked improvement, but still not what she was aiming for. Eager to share the news with Eustace. He never came back.

Three years later and Sybilla has yet to have word from either him or about him from his clients. While she had kept the store running well enough without Eustace, several of the store's more profitable clients have moved on to other enchanters. Faced with losing the store in a few years if things continued the way they're going Sybilla has set out, if not to find Eustace, then to at least broaden her skills enough to keep the store alive.


An Expert at Enchantment and Ritual Magic:

Given enough time and components, Sybilla can empower your weapon with any number of effects(up to moderate damage?), significantly strengthen your armor(the effect should equate to a material tier upgrade), craft multi-layered bags of holding(you're not fitting a hammer into your pocket), handling the imbuing of sentience into golems, make mass portals between cities, bond elementals to you, or make you look ten years younger.

Truly wondrous feats are still out of her scope, such as floating extreme masses, enthralling primal elementals, making dial able portals, or creating networked autonomous defenses. Sybilla is also less efficient then a master enchantress, taking more time and resources then they would to do the same job. The effects she can do take at least a day to prepare for and execute and the stronger effect may have a large material/monetary/time requirement to complete.

Supernatural sight:

While Sybilla has completely lost vision from her own eyes, she can see everything the Etotia can see. Etotia has a 180 degree field of vision, can see in light-less( but not magically induced darkness) conditions, and can tell if metal has been enchanted (unless hidden by a character higher level then it).

The elemental's sight is devoid of color however, necessitating meticulous organization of her own supplies to ensure she never misuses an ingredient or tries to drink a clear solvent.


Having never studied any martial skills and being limited to a 3rd person perspective that she may not be in view of makes Sybilla at best a liability in combat and at worst dead.


One fine traveling cloak, enchanted: Sybilla first enchanting lesson, a simple water resist enchantment, was tried on this cloak back then a moldy, hole ridden dirt brown that a rat would have trouble wanting to use. Now it's plum purple, with simple silver embroidery running along the edges and burnished claw clasp.

It has the following properties: Water-proof (good to several dozen feet below the surface), fire-proof(camp fire), self-warming if clasped (starts getting cold around ~0 degrees F), and self-cleaning.

Its major enchantment is a space of holding. If laid out flat, a flap will appear that when opened reveals a four-foot tri-tiered rough oak component shelf. (Haggle with mods here)

She also food, simple trinkets(spinning coins, music boxes, small light generators) that she's made over the years, and several pairs of clothing.


Familiars(not really a Familar but..):
Name: Etotia
Age: Several decades
Race: Elemental
Height: 6'4
Weight: 130 lbs.

Eustace, not wanting to the more tiresome parts of shop owning and not willing to enchant the entire shop to clean and haul supplies into place, summoned and bound Etotia to the shop several decades before Sybilla was born.

Etotia is a lesser metal elemental reshaped into a human form to be more useful. Etotia is featureless, its entire service is smooth with a dull metal sheen.


Combat wise, Etotia has no martial training and has never had to fight in its current humanoid form. It does have several advantages however.

Below average with all melee combat skills.

Iron skin: Etotia literally is a walking iron person. It is hallow and higher tier/armor piercing weapons can damage it, which would take days to heal from the damage. Absorbing iron can speed up healing, but still takes time and isn't fast enough to help in combat.

Endurance/Strength: Etotia is twice as strong as average person(2x), and has no need to breathe , can take blows that would daze normal men with little trouble, and doesn't fear magic as much as a fleshy would(fire can still melt Etotia, cold can make limbs brittle enough to snap, etc.)


Right, let's have at tearing this character to shreds. :D

09-27-10, 07:38 AM
I’m only noting this because it is potentially a money making ability which is something I look at as closely as offensive/defensive…

Enchanting :: I’d like if you could make a less generalized explanation of what effects can be added to weapons. Such as, fire based and sharpening related magic. Just pick a couple things for now for that. Significantly strengthening armor; I assume that means you can up the “tier” of the metal or hide used, and in that case, would request that you can only up the tier by at no more than 2 at a time and it can potentially wear off over time. I’ll have to ask that the bags of holding grant the person something appropriate to size (just a note not an edit), for example… a coin-purse obviously couldn’t fit a war-hammer in it, but a backpack might be able to fit something as large as a staff. No storing houses, horses, or other large things like that is what I’m referring to. Other affects will be approved like spoils, and misuse of this skill means that a mod will inform myself or another RoG mod to potentially put further limits on the ability if deemed necessary.

Etotia :: I’d like to request that you be careful with the fact that it’s made of metal, and upgrading the metal that it’s made of will have to be approved by a mod as a spoil. Though, I would caution as well as request, that you do not attempt to have a mythril assistant wandering around…

He can have 2x strength at this stage.

Also, edited the title to remove the comma.

09-27-10, 09:40 PM
Sorry, I'm terrible at explaining things in writing.

It'd cost Sybilla, at current skill level, whatever it would cost in the Marketplace + some percentage you determine to do an equal enchant(in terms of gold or materials). So PCs have no reason to currently get enchants from her, mods will stop me from selling t enchants to NPCs, but in a thread gives her a useful skill. As for the effects of weapon enchanting, instead of just simple "it's fire" I was thinking of have variations. You could have dragon fire which isn't as hot but blow from it leave burning pitch/tar/whatever fuels a dragon's flames, elemental fire would actively avoid being put out, and normal fire enchant would just be really really hot. If not I'd rather wait till later levels for temporary weapon enchants and strengthen crafting enchantments at this level.

Changed to one tier higher for armor enchanting and bags of holding aren't bottomless pits unless you're carrying a small pit around.

Thanks for getting rid of that comma. :3

09-27-10, 10:15 PM
No worries. Alright, what I'm going to say for the enchanting is simple enough since you explained it. You can sell enchants, but I'd like if you made sure to put effort into explaining it enough in the thread to understand at least the basics of how to do it. Obviously it's not something you can just look up on wikipedia and explain through creative writing, but just something simple during a thread. None of that "I have enchanted this weapon with the ability to summon fire on command" in the first post, and then have the rest of the story nothing about enchanting. Simple enough and fair. It's up to you if you'd like to sell the enchantments to either PC's or NPC's, now or in the future, just know that for now the gold earned for them will be diminished a bit to suit the level. Granted, before sales to PC's the enchantment should be approved by a moderator judging, or just PM myself or an RoG mod (Letho) to make sure it's level appropriate and we'll give you the go or no-go. For NPC's, sales in the thread can be made, and you can set a price for what you sold it for, but at the end of the thread it's up to the mod if you gained that much or less depending on the score.

Also, for PC's, I'd like if they were temporary enchantments. So, if my character (Einar), asked you to enchant his mace with the ability to cause things struck to be "chilled", so to say, on contact. For now you can do that, gold would be transfered from my account to yours for the purchase, but it would only last say... 3 threads. The character, this being me for the example, would specify that I'm using that enchantment for that thread, which would count against the 3 times I could use it.

Hope that makes sense. If you want to chat more about it feel free to catch me on AIM or on the Althy Chat sometime.

Other than that... you are...