View Full Version : Sister Sister

Silence Sei
09-30-10, 01:43 AM
((Closed to Amber Eyes and orphans))

"You want us to WHAT?!" Anita Orlouge's rage echoed within the halls of Ixian Castle. The frustration from Sei's daughter was anticipated by the mute. After all, this particular request would be hard on both of his little girls, Anita especially.

"I want the two of you to take Azza back to Mother Holly's Orphanage, and select another girl for adoption. While I know it seems odd that I would bring another child back to the Tomb so close on the verge of war, if anything is to happen to me, I want to make sure I can take care of as many people as I possibly can. Anita, the inheritance you and Kyla will gain from my death will be more than enough to split with a third person, and then some."

"But....but....but.... that's -our- inheritance!" Anita's fist slammed down on the oak table. The anger of the girl meant nothing to her father, who merely turned his back to the two of them. How could he be so callous? Anita was always Sei's baby, and now he was seeking to replace her with some stranger? What had she done so wrong to not be the apple of his eye any longer?

"Dismissed." Sei spoke as if he were addressing soldiers. He could hear the footsteps of Kyla shuffle out of the room without so much as an argument out of her. After a few moments, Anita's own footsteps followed, though they were accompanied by grumbles.


"I just don't get it," Anita spoke out loud beside her 'sister', Azza dragging behind the two. "Papa has always thought with such reasoning, there's nothing he wouldn't do for us. All of a sudden, he now wants to adopt another girl, one who will probably fit into my clothes, and then steal em from me!" Anita stomped her foot in anger, before pausing for a moment.

"Kyla....you've been pretty quiet about this whole thing. What do you think?"

Amber Eyes
11-03-10, 08:24 PM
Kyla walked silently, letting Anita vent her frustrations. She watched little Azza with a grin, the younger girl always seemed so happy. Kyla wished she could go back to that innocent time again, and a smile played at her lips at the thought. Kyla was brought back to the moment at hand at the sound of her name, "Wait, what?" The moment Kyla looked up, she realized Anita was more upset than she had realized.

"It's really not that big of a deal, so we have one more person hanging about. What's the difference in this and bringing in another soldier?" Kyla grabbed her sisters hand in an attempt to show support. "Besides, it might be fun to dress her up and take her shopping."

"Why does it have to be a girl though?" Anita shouted. "I could deal with a boy, he wouldn't take my clothes or spend my money!"

"Anita!" Kyla shouted back, "Just shut it! Don't you get it? This isn't about you or me! There was a time that you were just some random kid to him too! I was just some ragged teenager who hadn't had a bath in almost a month."

"You were a bit stinky," Anita admitted.

"He took both of us in with no questions, so why are you going to take that away from someone else who needs it? And he wouldn't pick a boy for the exact reasons he said, he thinks he's going to die. Or did you miss that integral part of his speech? What the hell am I supposed to know about a little boy if something happens to him? No, a girl would be fine with us. Sei's smarter than your giving him credit for right now. So suck it up and get over it." Kyla stormed off in the direction of town, reaching her hand out for Azza to take, leaving Anita with her mouth gaping.

11-08-10, 08:29 PM
Azza was quick to take her cue and took hold of Kyla’s hand. She knew well enough not to get caught between two arguing adults. Slowly, the distance between Anita and the pair grew wider. When Anita finally realized it, she screamed out, “Hey come on, wait up!” and had to run and catch the pair.

To Azza, what they argued about seemed absolutely silly. Then again, Azza was used to sharing everything with those around her in the orphanage. It was actually harder for the girl to understand the concept of not sharing her food with whichever soldier decided to sit next to her during meal times.

Kyla lead the small group with Azza holding onto her hand. Behind them, Anita mumbled something now and then while dragging her feet. Above them, the sun was shining brightly through the canopy of branches. Before them was a path that Azza was familiar with, as the forest of Underwood and its pathways were her playground.

In the end, Azza didn’t feel that she fit in well in her new home yet, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t trying. However, the news of going to the orphanage to help adopt another greatly surprised Azza, but she was more than happy to help.

By the time the three arrived it was still early morning. Most of the younger children were still sitting upon a blanket outside, finishing up their breakfast while a few chased each other about.

Silence Sei
11-11-10, 12:57 AM
Anita quickly caught up to the other two girls, smiling a bit when she saw how interactive the children were at Mother Holly's orphanage. The girl grinned a bit and turned her back to the scene before them, hoping that Kyla would agree and come along.

"Well, I didn't see one, time to go!"

Anita was stopped from walking away when her sister grabbed the strap to her bookbag, forcing her to be pulled along. Sei had spoken to Mother Holly in advance, and the girls had the fredom to walk around the orphanage as they pleased. While Kyla seemed to be having a good time making use of that luxury, Anita wanted nothing to do with these kids.

Whereas Kyla saw sweet little angels, Anita saw snotty nosed brats in need of a tissue. She kept her distance from each child, wishing she had some form of diinfectant around her. All of these children seemed so gross. Why anybody would want to have children was beyond the girl's comprehension.

And then something pierced Anita's ears. Coming from inside the house, the sounds of a violin bing played. The music wasn't the best, but it had feeling in it, it had a soul all its own. Entranced by the melody, Anita brushed Kyla's hand off of her backpack strap and walked into the house, disappearing into the shadows in search for the tune.

Amber Eyes
11-15-10, 02:09 AM
Kyla took in her surroundings. Kids of all ages played happily in the small yard. Azza's face seemed to light up at the sight and Kyla tried to imagine the feeling of coming back to a place you once considered home. Azza had taken to life in the knights perfectly, she was their own little mascot of sorts and Kyla especially loved having the young girl around. It was strange to think that at one point Azza had been just one of those children running a muck.

Kyla watched one group of girls intently, wondering exactly what qualities she should be searching for in an ideal little sister. Should she look like us? Anita and I favor each other, perhaps we should at least make sure she has brown hair. A good singing voice wouldn't hurt either, I can't stand another off key shower singer. Anita is about to drive me batty with that.

Kyla furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down at Azza, "Not quite as simple as picking out a puppy is it?" Kyla laughed as Azza shook her head. Kyla patted the younger girl on the back, "I suppose we should find Miss dramatic."

The two walked into the building and up the stairs once they heard the music. It wasn't necessarily awful, but it was definatly a beginner student. As they reached the landing the two spotted Anita standing in a doorway mesmerized. As Kyla touched her shoulder Anita turned and whispered, "I want that one."

Within moments the girl stopped playing and looked up at the three standing in the doorway. She nodded her head at Azza, a certain familiarity in her gaze. She then looked to Kyla and smiled. "Is there anything I can help you with miss?"

Kyla fell in love with the girl. She appeared about fourteen, and wore a dress that had at one time been quite beautiful. Her brown hair was tied back halfway with a red ribbon and extended nearly to her waist. She sat with her back straight and her chest pushed forward like a perfect lady. She seemed to have a finishing school charm and it didn't hurt that she was holding a violin. Kyla smiled as she approached the girl.

"You're music is beautiful." Kyla offered as she held out her hand.

"Thank you. It's really not though, I try, but I just don't have much talent. It passes the time well enough though." The girl smiled as she stared out the window as though searching for something.

"My name is Kyla Orlouge." Kyla held out her hand. The girl brought her focus back and returned the handshake.

"Emma, just Emma."

"This is my sister Anita, and our friend Azza."

"It's a pleasure Anita, How are you doing Azza?" The girl nodded at the two and then looked back at Kyla without waiting for a response. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Perhaps," Kyla couldn't quite find the words. "We're hoping to adopt a girl. Our father would like to bring another into our home. Anita and I are both adopted, well sort of. We would like to help take care of someone else. I know this is strange, but you'd have your own room and plenty of pocket money. We have cooks and maids, it's really a good life. I guess what I'm asking is,"

Anita stepped forward and smiled, "Would you be our new little sister?"

The girl sat with her mouth slightly agape for a moment before regaining her composure. "I can't." The girl's words were flat, emotionless.

"Maybe you'd like to come, see if you like it, just for a night?" Kyla pleaded, sure this would be the one.

"It's not that, I'm sure it's wonderful. I just can't." The girl's eyes filled with tears, "If you don't mind I'd like to get back to my music, I'm sorry."

Kyla stood and walked out of the room with her mind reeling. "Was it something I said?" Kyla looked at Azza quizzically.

11-24-10, 08:09 PM
Azza didn’t exactly know what Kyla was expecting when Kyla looked to her. So, Azza did what she normally did when a grown up looked at her, expecting something profound.

Azza shrugged.

It wasn’t a careless one though. It was more out of a natural reaction to Kyla’s gaze. Afterwards, Azza began making a slight murmur as she thought of as the reasons Emma might refuse the Orlouges’ offer.

However, there was a problem as Azza began to recall her memories. She never really talked to Emma much. In fact, Azza didn’t know many of the children that were in her own age group. All of those that Azza spoke to were either younger than her or older. Perhaps it was because Azza was mentally younger than those her own age. Or maybe it was because Azza preferred to run amuck in the fields where Emma usually stayed inside.

Whatever the reason, it only made Azza shrug again.

Even so, Azza knew enough to give a quick background on Emma as they walked outside into the sun. “Emma has a younger sister, and maybe she doesn’t want to be separated from her?”

With a slightly sheepish grin, Azza mumbled out softly so that only Kyla could hear, “I miss it here sometimes too.” The laughter of children caught Azza’s attention, making her turn to see a few of the toddlers feeding a turtle their leftover carrots.

Among them, Azza could see a girl who was familiar to her. She possessed the same robust brown locks as Emma, and although her face was different, there was enough family resemblance that Azza could tell who the girl was instantly. That, and Azza did know the younger children much better.

“That one there is Ella. She likes candy and playing in the water.” After a moment of thinking as the two watched, Azza amended, “She plays the violin too.”

Silence Sei
11-25-10, 07:54 PM
Anita watched the girl for a minute. She seemed to be very young, just the kind of child she was hoping to avoid adopting. The girl stood there looking back and forth between Azza and Kyla. On one hand, Emma seemed like a girl Anita could actually go to when she had troubles with Kyla, and vice versca. The brown haired girl seemed to be very down to Althanas. Furthermore, the way she was playing her instrument while the others were out playing and having fun just proved that she was very dedicated and loyal. She was everything a perfect sister should be.

This other girl, Ella, however, seemed to be just the opposite. Currently, the child had found a mud puddle, and was quickly stomping around in the substance. The speckles of brown covered the girls pants, and Mother Holly began chasing her in order to try and get her changed into a new set of clothes. A girl like that would cause so much chaos in the Ixian Knights, to ruining TSN's favored soups, to using Anita's clothes as makeshift ropes for tug-of-war. Emma was everything Anita wanted, Ella was not.

As the girl pondered about it, she heard Emma start up her violin once more. The girl closed her eyes and sighed. It seemed as though the Orlouges would be coming home with two children instead of one this evening. "I don't care," Anita said, trying to justify her actions to herself, "I want her."

"Kyla, go talk to the other girl, tell her she's coming with us. Sei wanted us to bring one girl back, but whats say we bring him two instead?" Anita's desire for another relatable sister seemed to overpower her urge to resist cleaning up messes cause by a disasterous one.

Amber Eyes
11-29-10, 05:44 PM
Kyla watched as the girl played in the large mud puddle. A few spots of mud mixed with her freckles and her brown hair looked like it had been brushed only halfway. Her clothes were muddy and a bit too big, and the entire picture was perfect. This was the sister Kyla wanted, a free spirit. Anita was always doing exactly what Sei asked of her and to be honest it was totally boring. When Anita stated she wanted the girl Kyla's heart leapt. This little girl covered in mud was going to be her new sister. It took Kyla a moment to realize that Anita had actually wanted the elder girl.

"I think it's a great idea!" Kyla watched as mother Holly lovingly removed the small girl from the puddle and attempted to clean her up a bit. "Let me go talk to her for a moment."

Kyla walked towards the younger sister and squatted down next to her. She held out her hand and smiled. "Hi there! I'm Kyla."

The little girl stared at her as though debating her trustworthiness before she finally looked down at the ground and mumbled, "My name's Ella."

"That's a very pretty name!"

"Thanks, I like yours too!" Ella said loudly, forgetting that Kyla was still in fact a stranger.

"I see you've made a mess of your clothes," Kyla noted, pointing to one of the many dirty spots on the girls blue pants.

"Yeah," the girl looked down and again lowered her voice, "Mother Holly told me not to."

Kyla gently lifted the girls eyes to meet her own. "What if I told you that I could take you to a place where we could play in the mud all day if we wanted?"

"Could you really?" The girl gave Kyla a suspicious look, "And I won't get in trouble?"

"Not even a little."

"Can Emma come too?"

"I plan to ask her."


Kyla smiled at the little girl before again standing. She looked around the play yard and noticed she could no longer see Mother Holly. "Hey Azza! You think you could help me find Mother Holly? Looks like Anita and I may have a couple new sisters."

11-30-10, 09:17 PM
With a look around first, Azza then returned her curious eyes to Kyla. She knew that they were trying to adopt another person, but two? Either way, Azza was glad that there would be a few more familiar faces around and possibly someone else to play with. It wasn’t that she couldn’t amuse herself, but there was only so much she could alone!

“I can do that!” and with that, Azza was rushing off towards the steps of the orphanage. Having spent nearly her entire life here, she knew Mother Holly’s schedule and that she would run like clockwork. Sure, there were slight variations in the day to day, but usually things happen in a neat order for the elder lady.

It didn’t take long for Azza to find Holly preparing lunch in the small kitchen of the orphanage. There was no real set time for when a meal was supposed to happen. Instead, there was usually a timeframe and the children would come in when they felt hungry. Since there was no one else about, Mother Holly spotted Azza quickly as well.

“Azza dear, could you bring that bowl over to me?” With a small motion from her elbow, Holly waved it in the general direction of dried ingredients.

“This one?” Azza had helped once or twice in the kitchen, though she had always covered herself with flour more often than being useful. Still, she knew enough that she could guess correctly as to what Holly wanted.

“Yes, just set it over here.”

After her task was done, Azza stood for a moment and watched Mother Holly mixing dough for something. Most likely bread of some sort. It didn’t take long to mix and once she was done she set the mix into a small oven. Holly then set a hand on her hip and turned an amused look to the young girl.

“I’m guessing the fact that Anita didn’t run off shopping right away and Kyla isn’t looking for new books right now means they’re here for something else, besides just taking you to visit us?” Azza just gave her usual silly grin. “I’ll take that as I’m right.”

“Kyla and Anita wants to adopt two more.”

The blunt words began to etch a small frown upon Mother Holly’s face. It wasn’t that she didn’t want the children adopted. Thayne knows, the Orlouges could provide a better home than she ever could. Yet, it was because they were the Orlouges that Mother Holly worried. They were warriors who were still in their prime.

Eventually, the frown gave way to a hidden smile in the corner of her lips. “I’ll hear them out, come on Azza, let’s go. The loaf's in the oven anyways.”

Silence Sei
12-02-10, 10:00 PM
Anita had returned to Emma, a smile on her face as the 'sister' she wanted continued to play her violin. When the girl finished the sheet of music she had been playing, she put the instrument down and looked towards Anita. "Is there something else I could help you with?"

"There is actually," Anita said, beaming from ear to ear. Emma was not the greatest player in the world, and she didn't stand out all that much. She was so similar to Anita herself, just another nameless face, soon to be destined for greatness. "By chance, do you remember Azza? Teenage girl who acted far younger, stands about yay tall..."

"Stands behind Mother Holly like a loyal pup?" Emma finished Anita's description for her.

"Exactly! So you know her then?"

"She's standing right behind you."

Anita turned around to find Azza looking at the two girls, Mother Holly in front of her making sure that Anita was an appropriate liaison for her father.

"Let me ask you something," Mother Holly said sternly, which caused Anita to take a heavy swallow, "What makes you think that the girls are better suited in your house---"

"Tomb, it's a Tomb," Anita sheepishly corrected the woman, causing her to raise an eyebrow at the Daughter of the Dragon.

"Regardless, what makes them safer with your father and his 'army', than here in the orphanage, where they have no threat of being endangered?"

"Uhhhh....hmmm...ehhh. It's big?" Anita's reasoning was pitiful, and the look of regret painted on Mother Holly's face said it all. She looked down to Azza with a reassuring smile, and shook her head.

"I'm sorry Azza, but I don’t think that Emma and Ella will be going home with you today..." The elder lady said before leaving the room, preparing to check on the children outside.

Anita looked to Emma, slapping herself in the forehead. "I blew it, didn't I?"

"With Mother Holly?" Emma asked, "Big time."

Amber Eyes
12-03-10, 11:59 PM
Kyla stood outside the doorway to the little room and watched as Anita blew their chance at adopting the girl. As Mother Holly exited the room the young mystic cleared her throat and when the elder woman turned around she gestured for her to follow. Kyla entered one of the play rooms and sat in a small chair. She reached down and picked up a small doll, whose eyes closed each time it was laid horizontally. She watched the motion of its eyes a few times as she turned it in all directions before she finally found the words she had been searching for. The teen locked eyes with the woman and opened her mouth.

"When I was a little girl, I dreampt of a mother and a father every night. I used to watch other kids playing and singing and...heck even being punished. I used to pray to the Thaynes to give me a home like all the other kids."

"That must have been very hard on you," Mother Holly sat down in a larger chair accross from the mystic.

"One day, I happened apon a family. It was just a father and his daughter, but I swear to you I have never seen so much love in one room. You see all those days I'd drempt of a perfect family, but that wouldn't have been the perfect family for me. I have a beautiful home, full of wonderful men and women who love me. Even when I'm wrong they support me in every way. Isn't that what a family is all about?" Kyla looked up with tears in her eyes.

Mother Holly cleared her throat, and looked down at the floor for a moment. "I know you would care for them, my question is will they be safe?"

"Ms. Holly, I understand your concern. We are a family tied up in wars, and I know that must be scary for someone who has never seen it. I promise you though, behind those castle walls will be the safest place once the wars do come. While they may be put in danger for bearing the name Orlouge, they will be saved for the same reason."

"And why, may I ask does Sei feel he needs to adopt right now?" Mother Holly furrowed her brow as though deep in thought.

Kyla smiled to herself, "Ya know? I asked myself that same question a hundred times this morning. Why did he adopt Anita ten years ago? Why did he bring me in last year? And why on earth would he adopt another child before a major war? The only answer I can give you is this, Sei Orlouge doesn't know how to stop giving. He wants one more person to live comfortably with him in his home, one more person to have a life they may not have had if he weren't around. I know Sei better than most, and even I can't fathom how his mind works, but I promise you Emma and Ella's best interests will always be in his mind. I know you may need some time, if you don't mind I'd like to go see my sister as I'm sure she's rather upset." Kyla stood and handed the doll to Mother Holly before leaving the room.

"Oh, of course." Mother Holly stared down at the doll, letting Kyla's words resound in her mind.

12-04-10, 02:17 PM
A long deep sigh fell from the aging woman as she looked to the doll in her hands. War was coming, and she knew it better than most around her. It was in her tired old bones and she knew well enough that she wouldn’t be able to protect everything and everyone she loved, if worse came to worst. The flecks of grey in her once dark brown hair were a constant reminder that she was no longer young enough for the nonsense that came along with fighting.

Then there was the matter of actually letting more children being adopted into a house that revolved around war. It had already been hard enough to allow Jensen and Stephanie to adopt Azza, but so far, it seemed to have been good for the girl. With a chuckle, Mother Holly set the doll on a cracked and worn table.

It was about this time that Azza poked her head through the doorway to look at her former caretaker. With a smile, Holly stood while brushing herself off, and then made her way over to the young girl. Every time she saw Azza, the girl seemed a little different. Physically, the child was much different, as the small tuffs of fluff on her back had now grown into a small pair of wings. Even then, the wings themselves looked odd as it wasn’t completely feathers.

“Mother Holly?”

Snapping out of her thoughts, Holly looked down and realized that she had been ruffling the child’s hair out of habit and quickly withdrew her hand with a chuckle. After a moment, she asked tentatively, “How do you feel about all this?”

The usual response of a careless shrug that Holly expected never came. Instead, Azza seemed to mull her thoughts over in a consideration she had never seen. It was a surprise, but a pleasant one to know that the girl was at least maturing. “It is safe… and the people are nice. There’s always something to do as well. There are plenty of places to hide too.”

A soft laugh drifted from the woman as she ruffled the girl’s hair again. “Maybe. You’re doing well so far I suppose…” With another sigh, Holly knew that by letting Azza go, she had already weakened her very defenses of letting children away to areas of great danger. Still, Sei Orlouge was an honorable man and a man like him wouldn’t leave children defenseless in a dangerous area. He would also be able to better cultivate the natural gifts of the two sisters if he so chooses.

“What are you thinking about, Mother Holly?”

With another smile, Holly began walking with Azza towards the room where Kyla, Anita, and Emma were. “I’m thinking that I might as well move the whole orphanage at this rate.”

Silence Sei
12-10-10, 08:26 AM
"I'm sorry Kyla," Anita said, still apologizing to her sister even as Mother Holly entered the room with Azza. Emma had been very quiet, patiently reading some sheet music in order to allow the other two girls to talk. Anita looked to Emma with a slight sadness in her eyes. Why did she not have the liaison capabilities of her father? If he were here, he would have surely been able to convince Mother Holly.

"Kyla, Anita, Emma," Mother Holly said, her tone quite serious and stern, "After speaking with each of you, I've decided to let you adopt the girls." The news brought smiles on all three of the girl’s faces, and they all looked to Mother Holly as excitedly as if they had gotten gifts from the elder.

"On two conditions, however. The first, if anything happens to these girls, you tell your father I am holding him responsible, and will be coming after him." The girls nodded in reply, that seemed like a fair trade off. Even Emma was bobbing her head up and down, as if she were part of the Orlouge family already.

"My second condition is that, while I will let the two of you take Emma and Ella home tonight, I must ask that Sei himself come back tomorrow in order to sign the papers. Since he's officially going to be the one adopting them, I need his signatures to make everything legitimate." Anita took a hard swallow at this request, fearing that her father would be far too busy with such things. Yet, she still nodded to Mother Holly, hoping Kyla would convince the mute to make an appearance.

"Well then, if those terms are adequate," Mother Holly looked over to Emma, "Go get Ella and start packing your things, dear. It seems you're going to be an Orlouge..."

02-26-14, 05:46 PM
Thread Title: Sister Sister (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?21760)
Judgment Type: No Judgment
Participants: Silence Sei, Amber Eyes, Orphan

Silence Sei (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?30) Receives:

1,120 EXP!
60 GP!

Amber Eyes (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?14169) Receives:

640 EXP!
48 GP!

Orphans (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?2540) Receives:

350 EXP!
48 GP!

02-26-14, 05:55 PM
EXP & GP Added!

Silence Sei jumps to LEVEL 19!