View Full Version : The Festival: Chapter 2

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 02:25 AM
(( Sequel to ~Chapter 1~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19360) thank you very much!!!))

((Note: I am assuming that my Spoils from the previous thread got approved if they require altering, or do-not get approved I will adjust references to the previous Chapter))


Time passed...
November 1st C.P. 1812
9:30 A.M. Standard Althanas Time (S.A.T.)

Sabatykos Maelstrom pondered the downfall of society. He was a scientist first and foremost and scientists had analytical minds. Problem solving was key to the process of scientific inquiry always. With many months since that previous incident involving The Elder: Zenthum Prisido of the Prisido clan, Sabatykos had time to really think after it all. He'd blacked out during the situation involving his hostage experience. The events after that event were a mystery to him and his family seemed to have all but blocked him off. Everyone was ignoring the youth. In that frame of mind, Sabatykos Maelstrom had a lot of time to ponder his place in the world. Months passed with that dead weight on his shoulder. Nothing moved him. nothing seemed to stir in his heart. With motivation lacking, Sabatykos locked himself in his room and took to studying his research.

Plans. Notes. Journals. All of it, a lifetime's worth of accumulated research was at his disposal. Sabatykos searched for something that would take his troubled mind off his situation. When his family started to ignore him, Sabsatykos felt a weight fall upon his shoulders. This weight was as heavy a lead ball. Without his family, Sabatykos was cut-off from the world until the feeling fell in his heart that he was finally abandoned. Tossed aside like so much trash, Sabatykos did not understand what had happened. He was a son of Maelstrom Clan! Sabatykos one day found himself unable to take the depression any longer and prepared to leave his home village to travel abroad. That was the plan he had developed for himself during the events of the last few weeks. Sabatykos barely ate, he barely spoke, he only researched in silence shunning his family as completely as they had shunned him.

Then, miraculously, at about ten A.M. that morning there was a knock against the closed door of Sabatykos' room. Sabatykos turned to the door
with a feeling of longing. For a moment, he thought that he had imagined the sound until it repeated itself several times with increased agitation. He found himself sighing and then walked over towards the door, opening it.

"What is it!?" Sabatykos snapped. It was his Father.

Malus Maelstrom, the patron of Clan Maelstrom.

"Sabatykos! Are you here!?" The man asked.

Sabatykos stood directly in front of his Father, that was a matter that shocked the youth.

"I am right here Father, don't act so stupid, you're not ignorant." Sabatykos growled, and that seemed to have gotten Malus' attention.

Sabatykos was shocked to see that his Father was adjusting his sight for a moment or two and then stared directly at Sabatykos himself.

"It is no longer safe for you here Sabatykos." Malus began. "We let you stay because we felt guilty over what happened." Malus said carefully, agitation in his voice. He was staring at Sabatykos with a far away, worried expression. "There are people in the town Sabatykos, they want to do us great harm after what happened!"

Sabatykos could not believe what he was hearing.

"They are all family, how could another of our people want to cause us harm!? Father, what is the matter!?" Sabatykos was starting panic.

"Sabatykos, hear me now. You were allowed to stay because I implored our leaders to allow you to. But now the situation has become politically dangerous. People are saying that you are not welcome here, that you must be banished from the city. MY SON, banished!?" At that point, Malus started to shake with the obvious emotions he was attempting to contain. "Sabatykos, I implore you, take your things and be away from here. There are those who are attempting to assemble against us--"

There was a crash in one of the other rooms. Glass shattered and someone screamed, a woman. Sabatykos and Malus both panicked at the sudden sound.

"They are here! Damn, I was told there would be time!" Malus yelled and looked at his son desperately. "Sabatykos, listen to me. I believe in you and what you will become. You must believe in the teachings of our people and stay true to our code of conduct no matter what you become!" Malus suddenly reached out to his son and grabbed Sabatykos' arms. "Swear to me you will hold stand by our code!"

Unsure of what to do, Sabatykos simply obeyed his Father, it was the logical thing to do.

"I swear, my Father." Sabatykos said.

"There will be those who will fear you for what you will become. Do-not let ignorance snuff out our people, we must..." Then there were more loud crashes against their house.

"Malus!" Came a yell from from deeper in the house, it was a woman. Sabatykos knew that yell was from his Mother. "We need you to fight them off!" She called.

"Sabatykos! Heed what I've told you, you must away from here! Go!" Malus yelled and suddenly shot a blast of energy from his hand towards the wall behind Sabatykos, where the window was. "Gather your things and run!"

Knowing that it was unwise to ignore a direct order from his Father, Sabatykos jumped out the window after grabbing what he could. He had a backpack prepared with his belongings from the night before, so he snatched that up and prepared to make a hasty escape. The sounds of battle were coming from deeper in the building, and Sabatykos deeply wanted to join his family in defending their good name. Running now, Sabatykos made his way towards Concordia Forest where he hypothesized he would be safe from his pursuers. Everything became a blur as Concordia Forest began to surround him on all sounds. Sabatykos heard several loud screams and turned only once to see what was going on.

He quickly regretted that decision...

^Enter here.