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Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 02:36 AM
Chapter 1 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=19360)

~Chapter 2~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=173363#post173363)

After the events of Chapter 1, the fall of Saenorarkym Prime society seemed inevitable. Factions within the city of the aliens began to move against Sabatykos and his Family as a direct consequence of the events of Chapter 1. The City was without an obvious leader and soon fell to chaos. The other Clans made political maneuvers against Clan Maelstrom.

Unknown to Sabatykos and his growing state of depression, a lynch mob has formed outside of The Maelstrom household. An attack was inevitable. With calls for Sabatykos' head, the political dissenters of the Saenorakym Prime society acted. Malus Maelstrom, Sabatykos' Father, ordered Sabatykos to escape S.P.'s city and flee from that location for an indefinite period of time. Sabatykos' family acted as a shield to prevent the lynch mob from getting to Sabatykos and buy him precious time.

Leading the lynch mob was a stranger to Saenorakym Prime society. This stranger was a very powerful individual. (Level 20+ NPC) This man was clearly the reason for the fall of society. (Will be described in my next post) With an enemy in his heart, Sabatykos flees towards Underwood in order to seek sanctuary. The entire time Sabatykos does not realize one crucial element in his situation...

...That's the synopsis for this thread. Basically I am looking for 1 or 2 solid rpers to help me complete this thread. We can either meet ICly in Concordia Forest or in Underwood. Certain situations will rapidly occur in this thread and we will constantly be chased by The Mystery Man. By the end of the thread, a confrontation will be unavoidable. However, we don't have to die in vein. An event will occur which will grant us the power to potentially defeat this enemy in a way that will make sense. I have a big plan for this thread. So come one come all!

Sabatykos Maelstrom
09-30-10, 03:17 AM
I apologize for the double-post. This is an expanded recruitment call. I just opened up ~Chapter 3~ (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21765) and I need any level 0-2 to answer the call to arms! I am looking for ONE solid poster to join me in this thread, thank you very much gang.