View Full Version : Ravan

10-01-10, 05:25 PM
Name: Ravan Adani
Age: 22
Race: Hell Touched
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: Glowing Blue
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 160 lbs
Occupation: Wondering Monk

Personality: Ravan is for the most part calm and soft spoken, though he is quick to speak up in the face of what he perceives as injustice. He is well aware that his appearance is alarming among normal people, and does not fault people for being alarmed by the way he looks. Still, he will never make apologies for what he is.

Appearance: Ravan’s skin is as white as ivory, and crisscrossed with light blue tattooed lines which create angelic symbols and verses. His hair is a slightly darker blue than his tattoos and is cut short and shaggy, his bangs not quite covering the two small onyx horns protruding from his forehead. He has a slight, athletic build and favors wearing sleeveless monk robes with chains wrapping around his forearms.

History: The Adani family has a long history of consorting with the hells. A matriarchal family, the Adani women never marry but rather continue their line by coupling with devils, kyton, and asura. These couplings are made at the center of complex wards and summoning circles, perfected by the Adani women and purposed to the goal of producing offspring with the sorcerous powers of hell while maintaining the appearance of a human being. Every few generations however, a mistake is made in the protective wards and when this happens the effects are disastrous. The bound and subservient outsiders can become violent, the woman may be swept back to hell with her mate, the protective wards could work too well and the child could be born powerless, or not work enough and the child could look like a hell born monster.

Such a mistake was made by Ravan’s mother. Sachi was a child born from her mother coupling with an asura, a martial and disciplined species in hell. Unfortunately, while her “father’s” hellish powers were passed down to her Sachi was without the discipline his kind were famous for. When the time came for her to continue the family Sachi she was excited, and nervous and when she drew the protective seals for her coupling with a kyton, a chain devil, she made several mistakes, these mistakes would not make themselves evident until 9 months later.

When her son, for whom she had chosen the name Ravan, was born it was immediately apparent there had been an error in the coupling. The babe’s skin was white as the pure driven snow, his eyes glowed blue as the summer sky, while his hair held the blue of the deepest sea. Topping off the boys hellish appearance were a pair of tiny horns protruding from his brow. Sachi’s mother immediately made Ravan’s mother the ultimatum that if she did not destroy the child she would be thrown out of the family.

The very night after he was born Ravan’s mother bundled him up, and took him outside the city limits to destroy him. Making sure she wasn’t followed Sachi set the crying babe atop a large boulder and lifted a smaller rock above her head, intending to crush the child. Sachi held the rock aloft for minutes which felt like hours, as hard as the mother tried she could not murder her own child. The woman dropped the rock to the ground, and with tears in her eyes ran back to town, leaving the local wild life to finish what she could not bring herself to do.

The child’s cries eventually drew the attention of a wandering monk of the light, who after discouraging a few curious scavengers was alarmed by the appearance of the babe in front of him. Conflicted by the evil appearance and helpless crying of the infant in front of him the monk considered destroying the child himself, however he soon decided against it and took the child home with him to the monastery to raise as his own.

The next ten years of Ravan’s life were filled with hard work and repentance for the crimes committed by his mother. The monk who raised Ravan, Guru Gagan, took no chances with Ravan inheriting the destructive behavior written into his blood. The young boy’s days were filled with study, meditation, and chores, along with weekly sessions with the monastery’s tattoo artist to guard his soul with holy text etched into his skin. Ravan was forbidden from joining combat training, though he would often sneak out to watch Gagan’s training of the other orphans in secret when he should have been meditating. The grueling choirs he was forced to do also kept his body as honed as martial training would have. One of the more regular chores being the drawing of water from the monastery’s very deep well with a chain and bucket.

Guru Gagan’s attitude towards Ravan’s training changed however when a band of barbarians invaded the monastery. The battle was close, but the monks were slowly losing ground to the barbarians and being driven further into the monastery. Eventually Gagan became injured, and as his savage raised his blade for the killing blow Ravan sprang into action. Using the chain and bucket from the well Ravan knocked the offending barbarian unconscious and then turned his attention to the rest of the invaders. The chain seemed to have a life of its own as Ravan twirled it about, tripping, disarming, and tying up all the savages who crossed his path. And finally, with Ravan’s help, the monks were able to drive the invading barbarians from their home.
After the invasion Gagan allowed Ravan to join the other children in training, which he excelled at. And as was custom, when Ravan completed his training he set out into the world to learn the lessons he could not learn at the monastery.


Martial Arts: Above average – Ravan has spent the last twelve years practicing the martial arts, and the ten years before that watching other practice them. (Style is a mix of Wing Chun and Muay Thai)

Chain Control: Average – Ravan can telekinetically control metal chains, but only if he has physical contact with them, and only if he has become familiar with them. Becoming familiar with a set of chains requires either several hours of meditation while concentrating on them, or several days or weeks of use (such as the chain and bucket in his history). Ravan is already familiar with the chains in his inventory.

Chi Control: Average – Ravan can use his spirit energy to gain quick bursts of strength, speed, or agility, doubling his ablility. Repeated uses of this ability can leave Ravan tired and drained of energy.

Chains- A pair of normal iron chains which Ravan keeps wrapped around his forearms.
Monk’s Robes – A sleeveless, hooded tunic over an undershirt, comfortable pants, and kung fu slippers
Holy symbol of the light – A small silver angelic icon, Ravan’s one item with any real monetary value.
Cloak – Heavy cloak for bad weather
Mask – A featureless mask sometimes worn by Ravan when he doesn’t want to deal with the reactions to his appearance. Often used in conjunction with his cloak.
Cloth Sack – Ravan’s means of conveyance for most of his possessions
Rice Pot – A pot designed to steam rice
Dried Rice – Small bag of rice
Bowl and chopsticks – Mainly for eating above mentioned rice, also functions as poor impromptu drum set.

10-02-10, 04:55 AM
Just for clarity sakes, let's say Chi Control doubles his strength or speed or agility during the burst, OK?

10-02-10, 11:55 AM
Fair enough. Done.

10-02-10, 12:12 PM
You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.