View Full Version : An Apprentice's Fight

10-05-10, 12:17 AM
I'm hereby resurrecting this battered character once more. I'm hoping that since my writing's matured a little I can finally establish him as a stable character from now on, but first I need to get warmed up and learn a few things.

I'm looking for someone to fight.

ICC I'm looking for somewhat of a mentor figure that could help Sylvan learn how to fight since Melancor is dead already. The story could start off casually or have some background to it, Sylvan's temper could get the best of him and get him carried away, or perhaps the other way around, which, actually, would be pretty entertaining. Especially if his mentor is, which I am expecting, a few levels higher than him. It would be nice to go up against someone that uses elemental magic; I'd like to see how Sylvan's water affinity would play out in this situation. However I'm not picky any kind of combat should do; it will be my first battle- second one if you coun't the Imperial - NWO war :p

OCC I'd appreciate it if I could have some mentoring too as we go along. Doesn't have to be in-depth, pointers here and there will be much appreciated.

If anyone's interested, please let me know!

10-05-10, 06:55 AM
Hey dude! Welcome back. Glad to see people returning to their old characters. I can mentor you with this character (Almost at level 1) or my character Lorenor (Almost at level 11 hahahaha) which ever one you prefer. I am on all the time and I can post daily in whatever amount of project(s) you need. You have my AIM I believe, do hit me up my friend.

Zook Murnig
10-05-10, 10:51 AM
I would be willing to mentor you as well. Plus, Caduceus has the elemental magic you're looking for.

Silence Sei
10-05-10, 03:59 PM
Sei has a bit of elemental magic under his belt, and is also a number of levels higher. So if you wanna throw down, I'm game too.