View Full Version : Rauko Hindhel

10-06-10, 06:38 AM
Name: Rauko Hinedhel
Alias: Ralph Pinedell
Age: Actual: 47 Apparent: 25
Race: Cross-breed (half elf, half demon)
Hair Color: brown. short and messy with 2 small horns and elongated ears poking out, so he usually covers his hair with a hood
Eye Color: Brown/Green
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 288 lb (mostly muscular)
Occupation: Barman

Personality: Very gruff. short tempered, especially when he has no alcohol in him. Quiet when sober. After a few drinks, he becomes much happier, friendlier, more talkative and somehow more skilled.

Appearance: A short but big man. Although he's hooded, his face is visible. no reason to believe it's to be secretive. Most people assume he's human. His notable width is due to muscle, not fat, and that is easily visible and obvious. Usually grimaces when sober and smiles when drunk. it tends to fade between the 2 depending on how much he's had. the only exception is the grim and slightly malicious smirk when he fights.

History: His elfish mother was born in Salvar and banished at the age of 43 for developing a sheer love of science, especially biology and genealogy. although young, she attempted to set herself up in a small shack at the edge of a forest. she could hunt for small animals in the woods and grow vegetation in the fields. however, this left her no time for her pursuit of science. she tried to find a balance, but couldn't. her experiments and dissections were slowly moving along, but breeding animals took alot more time and care.

one day, when she was in her late 70s, she was approached by a demon. A corruption demon, specialising in making deals. He told her that he would help her learn more about breeding, but in return, she would have to give him a son. She agreed. it turned out that the knowledge he had offered her, was very small and not very beneficial, as 10 months later, she gave birth to a cross-breed son and the demon disappeared. the half elven, half demon son was the knowledge he had offered.

as the boy grew, he realised quickly that his mother not only didn't want him, but even despised him. she had never wanted him and had been tricked and conned into bearing the demonic child. at the age of 12, he left home, and headed for the nearest settlement. It was called Fallien and was full of, as the boy saw them, strange elves with small ears and pink skin. lost, scared and confused he headed towards the nearest warm looking building.

it was an inn called simply 'Ralph's Pub' and run by a man known as 'Old Ralph Pinedell.' he was a lonely old man, that had never married or had a child. He worked behind the bar and had a few other barmen and 2 waitresses. it was a popular pub, so money wasn't short. there is one thing he had always wanted. he wanted someone to follow on his family name. And 1 day before the boy had entered the pub, the old man had been told he would get an heir, as long as he raised the child that would enter the bar the next day.

The child was called Rauko Hinedhel, quite similar to the old man's own name. it was 3 years till he realised the con, the demon had intended the child to be the old man's heir that was offered, however, unlike Rauko's mother he accepted it and kept going and embraced the child as his own. the child exhibited some odd abilities as a result of his heritage, but aside from that he was quite easy to raise.

when rauko was 20, he attempted to get a job on the city guard, but they didn't let him in. he went back to ralphs and trained in the back ally, practising to use a sword and dagger left being by an old adventurer that was killed while staying at ralphs. He reapplied for the guard 4 times over the next 2 years, before the captain finally told him 'NO! no mongrel demon and elf with silly ears and horns will EVER be part of the proud city guard! And I'm SICK of you sullying our reputation by even trying!' it was at that point rauko started wearing a hood at all times, and vowed to be a friend to all, no matter of their race. it was at 23 that his aging slowed to a tenth of it's origonal speed, so he would only physically age 2 years in the 20 years since then.

when he was 25, he went on a short adventure with a man that passed through the inn. it was a campaign to stop a war between 2 races that he had never heard of before, nor did he ever hear of again. the campaign failed and they ended up wiping each other out. rauko came home weary and cynical, like an old war veteran at the age of 28. he did, however, obtain a better sword and a full height shield, that turned out to be taller than him, and a bit too thin.

when rauko was 29, ralph died. rauko inherited the bar and made it a friendly place that especially supported non-humans in the human-heavy town. he's been running it for 18 years now, and still has the same attitude he had when it was founded. for anything not official, he uses the name of the man who raised him. as far as his patrons know, he is Ralph Pindell jr. 25 year old human. nobody seems to have noticed yet that he's worked there on and off for 35 years

Skills: meagre skill with swords and daggers, as well as shields. though he's not fast or accurate, he's strong. he's also a bit out of practice. Enormous alcohol tolerance, and a strong sense of smell. with more alcohol in him his physical skills diminish, but his magical abilities get stronger and easier to use.

he has 2 main classes of magic, as well as a spell that doesn't quite fit into either

Animation - a school of magic dedicated to animating inanimate objects, injecting life into them. it takes alot of energy to do it. he usually uses it on furniture, and has been known to have unruly and drunk customers thrown out by their stools. he can also use it on his shield in order use the image reflected in it to fight back (e.g. as an arrow hits the shield an identical was fly out in the opposite direction.

Pyromancy - basic creation of fire, from small flame to light his cigarettes (if they exist in this world) to an orb to light a tunnel, up to an explosive attack. he normally uses it in small flames, for less energy expenditure, to light flammable objects.

Glare - an intimidation spell. it causes his eyes to turn red and glow, his hair to wave as if in an updraught, and the lights to dim greatly. it also makes him appear larger, and if continued long enough, it would become pitch black except for the light he emits himself, from his glowing eyes and eventually skin. it requires anger to use, and more so to keep it going longer.

Equipment: A basic iron katana, and old and worn iron dagger, a steel shield that's polished to the point where one could use it as a mirror and, usually, a tin mug, a bottle of his own home-brew and a leather pouch to hold his dried tobacco.

Familiars: none.

10-06-10, 07:10 AM
For the reflective aspect of the animation spell, be very careful with it. Other than that, please only animate one thing at a time for now. Glare should also not affect an area too large at it's strongest.

Other than that, you are APPROVED!