View Full Version : The City of the Dead (Tal'Mort) (Recruitment and Chat)

10-07-10, 10:08 AM
Talen pulled his cloak around him tighter against the night’s cold. The youth was moving through the night air towards the tavern where he was due to meet one of his many informants. This particular man though was not the shady character that the youth normally dealt with; instead he was a retired archaeologist who worked with a number of his profession to organise trips and document their findings. The men and occasional women he worked with tended to spend weeks in the far off jungles searching for treasure and often not finding a thing.

The youth was on his way to meet the man after receiving word that he had found the information that Talen had requested, information on Tal'Mort. The youth turned the corner and reached the tavern. As he entered the smell of smoke and spilt beer stuck Talen and the boy paused for a second in revulsion. Pushing through, Talen made his way to one of the tables and an older man dressed in thick woollen cloths and smoking a pipe.

“Arthur, good to see you again.” Said Talen sitting down.

“Oh, Talen! Good to see you my boy!” Arthur paused, “Uh, bit short of coin at the moment.

Talen smiled at the man, despite his hatred of being called ‘boy’, he knew Arthur was a good source of information. Talen singled one of the serving girls and was shortly brought two pints of beer. Arthur grinned took his eagerly.

“So what have you found out?” Asked Talen.

“Oh, I found out more about that City of the Dead. It seems that an Explorer by the name of… that’s right, Sir Reginald found a city made from black stone deep in the heart of the jungle.” Arthur took another swig of his beer, “It seems the old chap went in with twenty men and came back with three and those died coming back through the jungle. He described the city as a treasure trove of… well treasure.”

“And the reason he lost so many men?” prompted Talen.

“Oh yes, he said the inhabitants were still there, twisted by some sort of magic and extremely hostile. They entered the city, but were soon attacked and had to fight their way out.”

“I see. Did you bring the maps?”

“Oh yes.” Arthur reached into his coat and pulled out a roll of parchment, “Do you have my money?”

Talen pulled a small bag of gold and placed it on the table as Arthur placed the maps down. The two then took the others and slid it back into their coats. Talen lifted his hand and ordered another beer.

“One for the road friend.” Said Talen as he stood and walked past Arthur.


So I want to take some peeps on a quest into the jungle (maybe Outlands? if anyone could help me with the correct geography it would be appreciated) and then into Tal'Mort (que scary music).

Talen will secure a team to go along with a few notable and a lot not notable NPCs to carry supplies. We leave and reach the jungle and enter it and brave its dangers to reach the city. Once there we fight whatever won't let us pass and plunder the spoils. We then fight out way out of the jungle, rejoice, find some cheap wenches and get drunk.

I am looking for anyone who would come jungle hiking for treasure, preferably within two or so levels of myself so the combat is balance for fights. I think i'd like maybe four people all together, but am leinient. Talen will advertise for people to come along for money, so that, or just adventure can be your characters reason for joining.

1. MetalDrago
2. Jennifer Oakley
3. Sybilla
4. Melancor

I wrote out four rewards that I am going to put into the story (not really for myself, but anyone who comes along), but am willing to shift it around to get people something cool. Of course it hinges on the approving mod rather than myself, but eh, they sound cool anyway.

Ta’Kra Tersh: (http://archive.liveauctioneers.com/archive4/heritageauctionsinc/17493/61209_1_md.jpg) The Ghoul’s Skin
A thick hide that once belong to the Ghoul of Sha’Mori (City of the Dead). The skin looks like a fine leather and is as strong as steel but light and flexible. The item also grants the wearer higher toughness (ability to take wounds/damage) equal to another person.

Vos’ara: (http://www.cavendishbridgefarm.co.uk/shopcrt/images/Shires/AshfordLeatherGloves.jpg) Venom Grip
A pair of gloves made from the hands of the Ghoul of Sha’Mori (City of the Dead). The gloves secret two types of poisons, both of which anyone wearing the gloves are immune too. The gloves can produce one of the poisons up to 20ml (10ml is enough for the full effect to take place) four times a day.

Joker’s Vision:
This is a clear and slightly sticky liquid that can cause massive hallucinations if it enters someone’s blood stream via a cut, ingestion or skin contact. The hallucinations can be across all five senses, but the specific effects are dependent on the inflicted person.

Death’s Whisper:
This liquid is slightly purple in colour causes intense pain and fatigue. The poison earned its namesake because it seems to call death down on the person. The poison enters the blood stream and causes blood vessels to constrict and limit circulation. The result is a very pale and weak person.

Ra’el Slaha: (http://www.bombaymuseum.org/powm/arms/46.jpg) Jade Talon
A fine green dagger made from Cillu and is extremely strong and sharp.

Ta’Sol Unu: (http://www.tribalsunjewelry.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sunjewelry1.jpg) The Rising Sun
The Rising Sun is an amber pendant which grants the user an increase to their light spell abilities, increasing their use per-day by 2.


[quest only]
The Rising Sun is an amber pendant which causes the wearer to regenerate any and all injuries they sustained the day before, allowing the wearer to even come back to life.

10-07-10, 12:26 PM
I might toss Rehtul or MD in this. The Jade Talon looks cool

Jennifer Oakley
10-07-10, 01:27 PM
I'm game, you can even pick which character! :)

10-07-10, 02:33 PM
A chance to study(or acquire) dangerous magic objects in a forgotten city? And I get an excuse to hum the Indy theme while writing?

Sign me up for some hysteria.

10-07-10, 03:36 PM
This sounds interesting, and that Vemon Grip looks sexy. Yes

10-07-10, 11:27 PM
Alright everyone, I am a little surprised that four people jumped on this so quickly, but am greatly enthused by it.

Maybe Jen Oakley, I don't mind really. I think Jen is a really interesting character, so it'd be fun RPing with her.

Who ever you want ;) This thread is taking place after Talen has met Lorenor and become aligned with N'Jal if that helps. Also, I think we RPed together ages ago on GUA... I may have been called Darklight at the time.

So just a note because I haven't led a quest on here yet, when I lead a quest I tend to throw challanges that require team or individual effort based upon the characters, but try and leave enough room for characters to interact in different ways to affect the course of the thread. So for example if we were attacked and take a long time to defeat the enemy and lose a lot of our troop, then it is harder for us later.

I also try and offer a few different solutions to challanges, and will encourage you all to respond however you want, regardless of how the characters might react. (like running and hiding against a powerful enemy if that is how your character would act).

Does that sound alright, or does anyone have questions/comments?

I am going to post up the thread very soon too and will post a link when I do.

10-08-10, 12:08 AM
What, you're trying to tailor the quest to make it enjoyable to the people questing in it? I hate it. Start over and put less fun in it nao. :3

Jennifer Oakley
10-08-10, 01:49 AM
So let us go, child, into the heart of darkness and the twilight of the night!

(Which means HELL YEAH!)

10-08-10, 06:58 AM
Here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=173709#post173709) is the link to the thread.

There are 12 crew of the ship including the Captain. Two are notable:

Captain William Buckley
Captain of the Emerald Lady (the ship we are on)

A tall tanned man; he has a sharp face, adventurous eyes and the sway in his step of someone who has spent a life at sea.

Expert Navigator
Above Average Sword, Agility and Strength

Harry Buckley (Williams Brother)
First Mate of the Emerald Lady (the ship we are on)

Tall and tanned like his brother, his face is slightly younger and more easy-going.

Above Average Navigator, Sword and Agility.

Our shore party has 12 people (not including us), with five notable NPCs.

Mathews (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/141/9/c/Steampunk_Druid___Dhart_by_rhamizael.jpg)

Mathews is a human with a large solid build and serious expression. He remains silent most of the time, but is quite friendly during conversation. The man joined the expedition for unknown reasons. He is a Hunter.

Expert Swordsmanship, Knowledge (Plants and Animals)
Above Average strength, speed, healing and bow.

Rebecca Red ( http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/002/e/3/Ty_Lee_by_KUNGPOW333.jpg)

Rebecca is a human and is easy going, playful and very attractive. She moves with upmost gracefully at all times like she is floating on air. She joined the group in search of treasure and adventure and won’t steal from the others in the team, at least not if they will miss it. She is a thief.

Expert Agility, Flexibility and Speed
Above Average Lock picking, Pick pocketing, Dagger Wielding

Drake ( http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/235/a/d/Ice_Druid_by_tgconceptart.jpg

Drake is a human and is cold, even being around him sends a chill down your spine. He is serious, but sometimes lets a cruel grin spread across his face. He doesn’t show even the slightest like for anything. He is a Frost Mage.

Expert Ice Magic

Tulma Grey ( http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs48/i/2009/153/b/0/Zeru_by_serushins.jpg): Tulma the Tiefling

Tulma is a Tiefling and is extremely happy-go-lucky but a vicious warrior. His body is marked with old and newer cuts which he has received in all sorts of fights. Despite this he is very friendly, just don’t challenge him. He is a feral fighter.

Above Average Speed, Strength, Toughness, Agility, Blade Use and Hand to Hand

Midnight ( http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/8256/115i.jpg)

Midnight is a Dark Elf and extremely beautiful and she knows it. Every movement is specifically designed to either kill someone or seduce them. She has pale white skin and eyes that will tear a man in two. She is an archer.

Expert Archery
Above Average Speed and Agility

Feel free to RP any of these during the thread, just try and keep in mind the brief descriptions. They won’t fight unless you provoke them and won’t try and harm/steal from/hurt anyone. The other NPCs can be considered to have below average skills. All NPCs will be on the boat and will us from the start, not sure about when we get off the boat and reach the Island.

Quick breakdown of the thread:

Get on boat in Scara Brae
Got to island (Luthmor)
Get to City
Get Treasure.
Get back to Boat.
Get back to Scara Brae

Unless we get sidetracked ;)

10-09-10, 02:53 AM

Yeah... Let me know if anything seems off. I made some guy leave before going on the ship but I guessed it would be okay to say that originally 13 crew-members signed up. Also I'm amsuming our shore party is also riding the Emerald Lady.

Edit: Oh and also I hope my mention of Talen is okay, since you said he was supervising passengers among other stuff. You can choose to disregard it if you want.

10-09-10, 04:03 AM
I'll try to have a post up shortly, and as you've worked with Lorenor in the past, I'll push MD into the mix. It's okay if this happens after Dynamite Rave, isn't it?

10-10-10, 06:40 AM
I don't know what that is, so sure :p

10-11-10, 12:46 AM
Dynamite Rave is the Sei's Draconus quest. I gives me an excuse for MD to be acquainted with the Knights as a whole

10-11-10, 12:49 AM
Cool, that makes sense :)

10-12-10, 09:11 PM
Hmmm, just wondering. How is everyone else coming along with their posts?

10-13-10, 05:43 AM
Working on it. I'm also trying to Judge a thread at the moment. It'll be done by this weekend, I hope.

10-13-10, 06:24 AM
I forgot...:p

I'll add it to my list!

10-19-10, 12:30 AM
Ok, my post should be ready by morning

10-25-10, 12:59 AM
I am going to move on and do my next post, it would be great if MD and Duff could post still, just either skip to being on the ship or RP arriving before the Call or something, I don't mind.

Duff, I really see Duffy awaking under the deck after drinking too much and not remembering signing up for the sea voyage. I don't mind which character you use though, but the image just came to me :p

10-25-10, 02:41 AM
I knew I'd forgotten to post somewhere!

11-02-10, 03:01 PM
Yo. The Drake link doesn't work, so I'm just going to make him up. if you fix it, for the sake of reference, I'll just change it. >: D

11-02-10, 03:04 PM
Sorry. I've been very busy lately. You guys go on ahead. I'll drop out, instead of half-assing the thread, which'd be an insult to you all.

11-07-10, 05:59 PM
To clarify the post order, it now goes:


I think we should put up a 3 day post rule, so post as soon as you can when its your turn and we will move on if you don't post within that time frame (it worked pretty well in another thread I am in). I'll PM Sybilla, if I don't get a response Ill move on :)

Slayer of the Rot
11-12-10, 07:24 AM
Shit, I really wish I had seen this earlier before it filled up. I'm really liking that Ghoul's Skin artifact.

11-12-10, 08:27 AM
Well we had a drop out, if you can post and can think of a way to enter feel free :)

My next post is up, we are being attacked by things similar to this:


As for the Drake link, I realised a </b> was being added to the end for some reason. The link is:


The description was pretty close Melancor :)

11-30-10, 11:36 PM

What happened to the postage, yo? D:

Should I still be waiting? lol

Slayer of the Rot
11-30-10, 11:39 PM
I didn't know if you guys had went ahead yet with this. Since no one's posted again yet, I'll throw in a post.