View Full Version : The Rules of Reincarnation (Level 11)

08-05-06, 10:53 AM
(All links in signature)

Water drizzled down my face, but it really wasn’t water. Not that I should have known what water was, or what these words meant. I didn’t know anything, other than the fact that I was cold and alone, confused as I had just appeared in the middle of a busy bazaar district. All around me, people were talking, saying absolutely nothing. I opened my mouth, but I had absolutely nothing to say. The Truth was at the tip of my tongue, the entire world made sense for a few seconds, but then it dissipated, far before I could think of the words in mortal speak that would make sense of such ephemeral concepts. The Truth was too delicate for such a blunt language.

It was gone soon enough. I started to feel cold. I stammered, ashamed that I was naked. My mind was slowly slipping away from me, and that’s when I wrote all the thoughts down that I could muster. There in the dirt, I scribbled furiously, trying to remember everything that I knew… who I was, where I’d come from, everything that I once knew…

All that I could salvage between the ignoble steps of people that were cluttering the bazaar was nothing more than a name Kaosi and a symbol with a B. Somehow, I’m not sure about the rest, but something about holding a stake in my hand feels very very familiar.

His soliloquy completed, the boy now sat in the tavern, cradling a glass of cider with a melancholy look on his face. The bartender nodded sympathetically, not completely sure what to say. He’d heard many tales of woe from his customers, but oddly enough this boy didn’t seem to want to get out of paying his tab. The bartender smiled. There was something earnest about the young man that seemed familiar.

“Drink up kid,” the bartender said, pouring another glass of cider and sliding it over towards the confused child. “Take it from the beginning, and we’ll figure everything else from there.” The bartender held up his glass as if to toast. “To…” He paused. “What’s your name again kid?”

With a tired smile, the boy shook his head. “I honestly don’t remember…”

“We’ll call you Damon then…” the bartender said with a smirk. “If you remembered Kaosi then there must be a reason.”

Newly christened, the boy’s eyes lit up. He didn’t know why, but the name seemed to fit very well. Like an used glove that had worn to fit the contours of his body.

“Damon Kaosi…” the bartender said, with a slightly sardonic chuckle. “Lets see you register in the tournament with that.”

“Maybe I will,” the kid mused, blissfully unaware of the irony.

Background Info, etc.

Basic Statistics

Name- Damon Kaosi
Age- Unknown
Race- Humanoid.
Sex- Male
Height- 5’9”
Weight- 155lbs
Hair- Black
Eyes- Black


Damon is completely unremarkable, save for the fact that his eyes are monochromatic black. He generally looks unimpressive, though perhaps sympathetic with clothes that are slightly frayed and look stolen. However, Damon is clean, and despite the lack of emotion that appears in his eyes, he generally looks quite pleased.

Personality and Alignment Details

While Damon is pleasant and idealistic, he is also willing to do a great deal for friends. He holds the legacy of his namesake as if it was almost holy, and is often willing to risk bodily harm so as to see it maintained. Generous to a fault, Damon is a bit naïve as to the idiosyncrasies of the world and can often suffer from misinformation.


Damon Kaosi born in Surat, an island very close to the north pole of Althanas. Due to its unfortunate geographic location, the area experienced a night that would last for six months, and a six month day. The time of the six month day was quite merry, the elves and humans that lived there in harmony would brave the cold together in order to grow what food they could given the harsh climate.

The six months of winter were a different story, however. These were the tough months for the people of Surat, as they were constantly raided by vampires and other undead creatures, who were more than eager to feast on the defenseless humans once the sun went down. Still, the brave humans and elves of Surat stayed true to their homeland, of which a lot was sacred ground. Numerous skirmishes occurred with the vampires, many of which caused incredible damage for the people of Surat. Damon’s father was killed in one of these vampiric raids, in fact, one of the harshest raids ever to hit Surat. It was a bloody affair; the vampires had surprised the people of Surat suddenly with a surprise attack. A great deal of the men able to fight were killed in that battle, and Damon, only nine at the time, vowed that he wouldn’t hesitate till his father’s killer was found and destroyed.

The elves and humans continued loosing their battles throughout Damon’s life in Surat, and at sixteen he joined the Surat army, knowing that it was his best way of revenging his father’s death. It was at this point he received his first weapon, a sleek iron axe, with an oak stake at the back end of it. While this might seem an odd weapon for most, it was a perfect weapon for life in Surat, each side held a weapon deadly to vampires. One end held an axe for decapitation, the other a wooden stake to drive straight into the heart of a vile creature.

It was in the Surat Army that Damon first learned the beginning of magic as well. It was a requirement that the army spent the entire summer training before they were allowed into battle, and while Damon learned a bit of proficiency with the vampire axe he named Respite, he also learned the beginnings of spectral magic. This magic manipulated light, and Damon hoped, that if he learned it well enough, he’d be able to destroy the vampires by shining sunlight towards them. While he never got good enough to replicate sunlight (as few ever have), he had learned how to disguise his appearance so well that he could look like a completely different person. Unfortunately, this skill had very little use in battle.

He fought alongside his fellow comrades until he reached the age of twenty one, when it was clear that they would not be able to hold out that much longer against the tactically superior and physically stronger vampire army. Still, hoping he could be the savior expected by his people, Damon diligently practiced his spectral magic night and day, hoping to be able to create sunlight.

He never succeeded, and when the winter of his twenty first year came, it was time for the people of Surat to leave. The vampires were coming and there was no hope left for any of the people. As much as he wished he was, Damon was not the chosen one and with eyes filled with tears of frustration, he entered a boat with his mother to sail for refuge, in any land where they might be safe.

The people of Surat landed in Salvar, but they all split from there. Though he was twenty one at a time, the entire trauma of the experience made it so that Damon remembered very little of it. Only a few vignettes of people leaving and him struggling to help his mother through the unforgiving snow stuck in his mind, the rest remained buried in his subconscious.

He spent the next two years trying to find whatever work he could in Dagger’s End, but there were very few jobs out there that were offered to men with only battle experience. The armies didn’t trust half-elves from strange lands and the industry was closed. Thus, Damon, forced to support a mother who had not taken well to the move, turned to stealing.

Finally, he had a use for his spectral magic, and his fighting skills came in handy as well. For a year and a half, he sustained himself on stealing, supporting his mother and organizing a gang with fellow Suratians who were in the same predicament he was in. However, despite everything he did for her, Damon’s mother died one night silently in her sleep, sick of pneumonia and heart broken for pining for her native land.

With his mother dead, Damon had no desire to spend any more of his time in Salvar, and began a long trek towards warmth, hoping to reach somewhere warmer, where hopefully there were a few jobs. Over the course of the next year, he lived hand and mouth, finding work where he could, as he made his way to Corone, where he heard was the best place for a man to make a name for himself. Tired and weary, he finally decided to settle in Concordia, finding no happiness, but enough peace that he could live life again, surrounded by majestic and beautiful trees that could sustain him for a life time.

Still, finding no real work, he once again turned to crime. True he had food now, but he felt that there was just something missing in his life, which he though hopefully stealing would fulfill. As much as he didn’t want to admit it to himself, he still blamed himself for the fact his people had to flee, and secretly he hoped to one day raise an army powerful enough to reclaim what he considered his birthright.

[color=red]Level One History Update

Adventures with vampires and the mindless led him to joining the Bandit Brotherhood, but Damon is not sure what he’s going to do from there. He is fiercely well intentioned, and in the back of his mind he fears that the new rules of the Bandit Brotherhood may get in the way of his vampire slaying.

Level Two History Update

This has been a troubling time for the young half elf, whose activities have lead to the kid’s life being complicated with more than just vampire slaying. First of all, after an abduction by a man named Marin Faith, Damon found himself becoming a volunteer minuteman in the service of the Nashai’Binh, an interstellar order dedicated to protecting planets of lower technology levels from greedy alien planets that would raid them. Also, Damon has been very involved in activities for the Bandit Brotherhood, and while he knows very little about the politics of the organization, he’s under the impression there is a power struggle going on, though the actual players involved are yet to be unveiled to him. He also went to Haidia on another mission, where surprisingly enough, he found friendship with a captain of the Demon army, as well as his son. On a lighter note, the half elf gained an opportunity to participate in the Lornius Corporate Challenge along with Jack Spencer, though he won nothing there other than a 50GP consolation prize.

Level Three History Update

Upon the half elf’s return to Concordia, he found himself engaged in a few more minor adventures, meeting all kinds of people through battles at the Citadel and at the Peaceful Promenade. The half elf also returned to Haidia, albeit grudgingly, knowing that his distaste for demons was going to come out at some point, and despite the friendships he had made, the kid felt that any sort of tie with a demon could only be casual. Lastly, due to a freak encounter with an alien by the name of Texil, Damon found himself lost in Raiaera, though he did manage to obtain a lost Turlin spellbook known as the Slayer’s Songbook.

While it would have been likely that he would have naturally stayed in Raiaera, the needs of a friend and fellow clansmate by the name of Torin Reahkari caused him to head to Alerar, in order to aid his friend in a full scale assault against a group known as the Rangir. After the threat was mitigated, proper celebrations were had, the kid found himself in Rangira for a second battle, in which he fought on the side of his friend, Torin Reahkari, once more. Battle weary, he returned to Corone and back to the BB, instead of going to Turlin, only to find no respite due to rumours circulating of an oncoming war between the Order Within Chaos and Façade Inc, which, in the process sucked in the Bandit Brotherhood. With the rumor of war, the kid decided he’d have to prepare himself any way possible, though instead of going to Raiaera, he headed for the Citadel Leagues, in which he figuring through battles in an artificial setting, he might be able to gain information he could gain would give him a tactical advantage in battle should he face any of Althanas’ famous warriors. However, Damon, who had never been comfortable with the deaths of the living, be it in the Citadel or otherwise, was far too weary to cope mentally with battles against the living (especially after the LCC) and he fell into a state of schizophrenia.

Level Four History Update

At the behest of Marin Faith, Damon is now balancing the Theatre of War with adventures in Raiaera. He has volunteered to join the Tel Aglarim and was inducted with the rank of a lancer. Additionally, he has enrolled at the school of Turlin. Still his mental problems continue, and Damon attempts to cope with them without outside help as he fears ridicule and is a bit ashamed of his mental weaknesses. He has also been reunited with Holliston, a literal ghost from the past, who in turn for Damon’s activities in life, is serving as an occasional protector and a mentor now, despite the fact that during Holliston’s life and undead existence, Damon had managed to kill him twice.

Also, at the Theatre, Damon has experienced some interesting battles, including one against a machine who he now seeks to kill for stealing his appearance.

The biggest change for the half elf has nothing to do with his current adventures as much as a side note to a small adventure that completely changed the half elf’s life. While battling the Ashiguri along side Marin, Damon learned that he was a guardian soul, one who reincarnates upon the planet repeatedly, with the same latent magical abilities, in order to serve others. This has caused severe changes in his personalities. This also brought a substantial change in the way he studied Magic. As he learned, there are three eternal guardians currently taking the bodies of Marin Faith, Damon Kaosi and one unknown. Their magic, thusly, covers different realms, Marin specializes in the threads of existence, and in his spirit state, literally brings meaning to the world. Damon, controls the physicality, and thus his magical potential (most of which is largely locked in his mortal status) extends not merely to what he termed as spectral, or light magic, but to a higher control of elements of nature, specifically, light, grass, flesh and water. Currently, Damon has yet to gain control of any water or flesh abilities, though he has learned his first grass spell.

Level Five History Update

For Damon, a great deal of his time has been spent in Raiaera, where he trains as a member of the Tel Agralim, and has also enrolled at the school of Turlin, learning his first spell, the Song of Sanctuary. In a battle in the Theatre of War against Neosaim Hyakureiki, the half elf also underwent a significant character change. No longer was he schizophrenic, but his two personalities joined together, realizing the pressure that would be placed on him now that he promised Neosaim that he would be a hero.

Level Six History Update

Damon’s adventures with the spell scribe Taliel and the young prodigy Hazar have continued, only now there is an interesting twist. Damon has met Hazar’s considerably older sister, Alisse and has developed an attraction for her. However, despite what she may feel for the half elf, being a high elf she can not taint her race by reciprocating. Also, Damon’s studies at the schools of Magic have continued during this time. He has met a few interesting people, and his duties for the Tel Aglarim have continued to the point where Damon feels a loyalty, albeit one not as great as his to the Bandit Brotherhood, to the elven army. However, he remains standoffish of those who consider him an impure breed, especially after he heard about what happened to Ulrondir

Perhaps the most consequential event, even though he doesn’t understand it yet, is that he had witnessed the unlocking of a sinister primordial energy by the Ashiguri. This red energy is capable of harnessing a person’s natural fears and greed, which can turn a normal person to his/her darkest self, but can turn an already evil creature into something ten times more powerful. While Damon is unsure what he witnessed, he believes it to be connected somehow to the rise of the Forgotten ones, though he is mistaken. However, the Forgotten ones lust after it, and a sword imbued with the sinister red energy known as the Malebolge, which is currently in Damon’s possession.

Level Seven History

Damon has finally obtained victory in the Theatre of War’s first season, after leading in the points standing for the entire season, after his victory in the first battle of the Theatre against Ziggy Bandit. Additionally, while he’s received a great amount of plaudits for his work in Raiaera, recently obtaining a promotion to cavalry commander, he has also been named Captain of the Sword in the reformed Brotherhood. This is a powerful position in which he is answerable to none other than Gild, and the young slayer certainly feels the pressure. However, he has already gained some substantial allies outside of the Bandit Brotherhood, as well as kept some firm allies within, that will help make the sword successful.

Level Eight History

The most substantial change for Damon has been the revelation about the truth of his mother, and the knowledge of a deadly secret regarding the queen of Alerar, one that if he felt people would believe him, he’d espouse publicly in both of the two continents. However, the slayer has found out that he truly is not a half elf, but that his mother was a member of a secretive order of shape shifting elves known as the benjezzrins, dedicated to subversive behavior, with the expressed goal of world domination. Though Damon has been offered to join this group, he has refused on principle. However, his refusal indirectly lead to Alisse T’Lorelime being sucked into a hell dimension, and Damon has no idea how to save her. However, thanks to the slayer’s new promotion to General of Raieara and a revitalization of his ideals from Brock Rundgren, Damon Kaosi has declared war upon the undead of Raiaera, hiring every single willing fighter to destroy the undead.

Level Nine History

Consolidation of the Brotherhood has become Damon’s new focus, due to recent events in Althanas that have led to him becoming Aegis. As such, he has been unable to do much other than kill vampires and other undead around Sanctuary. For the vast majority this has been a rather dull time, save for a few isolated incidents, such as when he learned how to fly.

Level Ten History

Eluriand’s final liberation from the undead couldn’t have come at a more important time for Damon, especially after the heart breaking loss he suffered because of Ghauntyrr’stra Do’afin. However, thanks to help of three members of the Adventurer’s Crown team Wicked Things (consisting of Rainee Miyami, Poe and Skie dan Sabriel) he managed to experience a bit of victory. However, despite how great of a joy this was, Damon was equally pleased that he finally reunited with an old ally he had been estranged from for over a few years. Torin Reahkari and Damon Kaosi settled their differences in the Silver Pub. That was especially pleasant given the escalation of their feud in Valshas d’Isto.

However, despite all these new developments (and a certain affinity for Skie) a trip to Turlin brought about a new revelation. Damon confessed as to what happened in the Obsidian Spire to Hazar T’Lorelime, and the young boy promised Damon that he would find a way to rescue Alisse. In addition, Hazaar sent the general on a mission in order to get started in the process of rescuing his sister from the hell dimension which contained her.

Interim History

Damon grew very sick after his adventures with the Wicked Things, and never made it into hell to rescue Alisse. Eventually he died heartbroken in Velice Arta and was given a hero’s funeral. He was the first non high elf to be awarded in such a manner. Rumor has it he has returned and that he has enrolled in the LCC, but those rumors were quickly squashed. It appears that the person who now bears the name of Damon Kaosi is not the one time elven high general.

Level 11 History

Damon’s LCC fight was ended in the semifinals. He fought alongside the famous Ashiakin, but their team of Blank was ultimately bested by a talented group known as Circus. An elephant named Chumley left a particularly good impression for being a man of honor. Damon has also rediscovered some links to his past, such as the former Brotherhood secretary Sevviel Lan’Tiros. He has also recovered the Slayer Songbook

Abilities Set


Seconds Sooner- Damon allows chromoton (time) particles to enter into his mind, allowing him to see one minute into the future so that he can predict the next minute, thus allowing him to prepare for attacks that have yet to be performed. This is a difficult spell to perform, and the half elf is only able to use it five times a day before it would cause him to dissipate into nothingness. However, with time, Damon has reached a point where his brain has adjusted to living within two points in time. Now he can use it as if it were a passive ability. On the off chance that it would backfire, it would send him backwards in time now instead of killing him.

In Storms- This spell creates a relatively large cylindrical tornado around the slayer, leaving the slayer as the eye of the storm. The total length of the tornado is 6 feet in diameter, equal all the way around. This storm is made up of a combination of water vapor, plant debris and lasers. Additionally, this process toughens Damon’s skin for the duration of the tornado, so that he can not be hurt by his own ability. This process can at most last 30 seconds.

The Quickening – This ability causes ground of a 5 foot radius to suddenly quicken, absorbing anything living within it, transporting them through Althanas to wherever they desire. However, this process takes five minutes, and a person quickening can not move unless the process is terminated, making them vulnerable to ranged attacks outside of the five foot radius. Basically, it’s rapid intercontinental transport. Additionally, Damon's reincarnation has allowed him to discover a variation of the ability where he can become noncorporeal for a whole minute. Anything that is considered a posession of his becomes noncorporeal if he's touching it, but the spell does not hold for anything else. Also, this variation is useable only once a day (meaning once a battle, or only once between rests in quests) without Damon risking entering back into realms of the dead.[.color]

Innate Skills

Swordsmanship- Damon is definitely not the greatest swordsman to ever live, but he seems to be naturally gifted with the machete and longsword. He relie[color=green]d completely on instincts initially, and has now combined some technique with his natural abilities making him a considerably more talented swordsman than average.

Déjà vu- While Damon looks nothing like he did earlier, people who have drawn blood from him in the past will get a sense of having known him. While this will be nothing tangible, old enemies will naturally remember one attribute about him.

Strength- Damon is wiry and surprisingly strong for his size. His strength is by no means supernatural, but is noteworthy given his physique. Still, the greatest feet of strength the reborn boy can muster is using a bastard sword easily with one hand.

Agility- Damon is particularly quick and agile, with particularly impressive hands.

Hyperathleticism- Damon’s athletic ability seems to border on the impossible. He is capable of nothing that is biologically impossible, though the average person might be surprised by how far the limits of the human body can go.


Steel Machete- Damon stole this from a bazaar. It is by no means a particularly noteworthy weapon, and there are likely fifty others just like it in Radasanth. One can only speculate Damon was particularly attracted to this particular one because it had been polished and was particularly shiny.

Mythril Longsword- This was a gift given to Damon by a stranger that agreed to be his partner in the LCC. Damon had been talking excitedly about making a name for himself, when a stranger had come and sat down beside him. After a bit of discussion, the two had agreed to be partners. The mythril longsword had come as a gift, though Damon was not sure why. He had an eerie feeling about this new partner of his, but it was something that he just couldn’t explain. Anyways, Damon had merely shrugged it off. The new weapon was shiny, perhaps even shinier than the machete.

Three small rocks- Damon keeps some smooth rocks in his pocket. Just in case. He liked how smooth they were, so he figures they might be good to keep around.

Iron Throwing Knife- Bought at the bazaar, there is nothing of particular note about this.

Plynt Kriss Dagger- Dagger signifies membership in the Brotherhood during Damon’s time as Aegis. It likely has little to no meaning with Yari’s reformed Brotherhood.

Titanium Pole- This weapon has been enchanted ( http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=27359#post27359) so that it can block magical spells. In order for Damon to block one, he must make contact with it. This works only with projectile magic, and will be ineffective against spells more than five times his level. With anything above five levels beneath him, it is likely that Damon will manage only a partial block. After every five uses within an hour, the enchantment is dulled to the point of negligable effectiveness. After every 50 uses, Damon must enchant the weapon again (the new enchantment can be done in the middle of a thread and need not be requested as spoils).


The Slayer Songbook- This is a book of sung magic spells that Damon can learn. Some of the spells in this book have been added by Damon’s previous incarnation, though most of them are provided by Turlin bards over the ages.

Cyrus the virus
08-06-06, 02:56 PM
Oof, that Titanium Pole... I'd like a limitation on how many spells it can block in a thread, even though I know you're not the kind of guy who would abuse the thing. Have it be able to block 5 spells in a thread, or something like that. Just to put my mind at ease.

08-06-06, 03:59 PM
After every five uses within an hour, the enchantment is dulled to the point of negligable effectiveness.

Added that in to the titanium pole. I hope that's acceptable.

Also, I'll add this in here for the sake of explanation, just in case there is any confusion. Damon can only block spells that would be blockable somehow. For instance, if someone were to create a giant meteor, Damon's hand would break before he could deflect that kind of a projectile. Also, for other projectiles, they can still hit him even though he has the pole. He has to make contact in order for the enchantment to come into effect.

Cyrus the virus
08-06-06, 04:41 PM
Alright, that's cool ol' bean. I figured a meteor would kind of wink out of existence if the pole got to it first, or something, so that clarification's nice.
